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While Todays Title May Be Confusing To Some, Here Is What It Means Plain And Simple.

While Todays Title May Be Confusing To Some, Here Is What It Means Plain And Simple.

While today’s title may be confusing to some, here is what it means — plain and simple.

We are all born physically into this world into our Mortal Bodies, but at some point the PHYSICAL body will die. This is the 'First Death'.

However, we are also SPIRITUAL beings and that are an Eternal Spirit (body) that can also die unless — as Jesus said in today’s scripture — that your SPIRIT must be Born Again. If not, your spirit will face the 'Second Death,' and thus the explanation of today’s message title.

We all are SPIRIT, that has a SOUL that lives (for now) inside of a BODY. We have no choice to avoid the 'First Death' but all can avoid the SECOND DEATH.

All you need to do is to decide to check the second box. How do you do that? Just go to: SECOND BIRTH

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

More Posts from Getnotesonlife

3 years ago
Walking Through This Life Isnt Always Easy, Often Challenging, And Sometimes Even Downright Dangerous.

Walking through this life isn’t always easy, often challenging, and sometimes even downright dangerous. The question — especially when times are tough and the answers uncertain — is 'What can keep you going and bring you to your goal?' and the answer from God’s point of view is FAITH.

The manual called “Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth” (B.I.B.L.E.) says that “Without faith, it is impossible to please God. For he that comes to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.” (Hebrews 11:6) The currency of heaven is the application of faith, because in God’s economy no transactions can occur unless faith is involved. The larger the investment of faith, the bigger and better the return on your spiritual investment.

Your results will be directly proportional to the amount of F.A.I.T.H. you invest in it by F-orwarding A-ll I-ssues T-o H-eaven. When you do and place your trust in God, LISTEN carefully to what He is telling you to do, TRUST those instructions and then faithfully FOLLOW His direction and the result will always be successful! God is right 100% of the time, and will always lead you on the perfect faith path.

Regardless of the circumstance or how difficult what lies ahead, do not just “have” faith but PRACTICE Faith. Truly Forward All Issues To Him, place your path in His hands, keep walking towards the cross, and His steps will always guide you upward and onward.

God ONLY honors faith, and your sure reward is at the foot of the cross of Christ. Step out boldly in your faith going forward, and what you invest will manifest “According to your faith (then) it will be brought to you.”

God Bless Your Day, Jesus Loves You

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3 years ago
By Dr. Jeanne Sheffield Estrada

by Dr. Jeanne Sheffield Estrada

Today’s world presents us with so many visual images flashing and enticing us with every blink of our eyes that it is easy to both consciously and unconsciously contaminate our souls with useless trash that has no real purpose or benefit to us.

Just as a home can be contaminated with mold or disease, so have our souls been dirtied with images, stories, and ideas presented in the world that are contrary to God’s nature and pureness. This is why (like a healthy home) it is imperative to guard the windows of our eyes which lead to our soul and to stop looking at anything that keeps our eyes from falling upon things that are not good:

“ Keep your eyes looking straight before you and... don’t turn them looking right or left.” - Proverbs 4:25,27 (paraphrased)

My dear friend, do not start every new year with a worldly resolution but instead 'purpose in your heart' as Daniel did in worldly Babylon as he “...resolved that he would not defile himself with the king’s food” (Daniel 1:8) to not consume things that are harmful to you. This means web sites, pictures, TV or movies that distract and pollute your soul (you KNOW what they are!)

Instead, ask God to help you open your eyes to only see and partake of those things which are clean and wholesome. Cast your eyes as much as possible each day on God’s Word! Open the eyes of your soul to those things which are pure and these will enrich and strengthen the core of your very being.

God Bless Your Day, Jesus Loves You

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3 years ago
There Are A Lot Of Good People That Do Not Follow Belief Systems Like Christianity, Judaism Or Any Other

There are a lot of good people that do not follow belief systems like Christianity, Judaism or any other religions, but when asked about their faith they’ll say something like 'I’m not Religious, but I am SPIRITUAL,' but what exactly does that mean?

Well of course in the United States people are free to believe, practice or follow any type of spiritual path that they feel is right for them, but what does the Bible say about the nature of our spirit?

In Genesis it says that God made Adam a living soul and Zechariah 12:1 adds that “God Has made the spirit of man that is within him,” so yes — everyone is in essence 'spiritual,' but what type of spirit is that?

When we were born, we all come into this world as Body, Soul, and Spirit, but the Bible says all of our spirits are unregenerate because of the sin of Adam passed down to mortal man and have been corrupted and separated from the likeness of God’s spirit. Now by human nature our hearts are “Desperately Wicked” (Jeremiah 17:9) but from our natural viewpoint “...all of our ways are clean in our own eyes...but the LORD evaluates our spirit.” (Proverbs 16:2) So how can we know of what spirit we really are?

As today’s scripture verse tells us, the last ADAM (Jesus) is the key to regenerating us and giving us a LIFE-GIVING SPIRIT, and the only way to have a holy regenerated spirit is by repenting of your sins. When you do, your old spirit will be joined with the Holy Spirit and your true heaven sent spiritual life will begin. (see Acts 2:38)

Friend, do not fall into the trap of defining your own spirituality but instead, “Believe not every spirit, but Try the spirits whether they are of God” (1 John 4:1)

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

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3 years ago
Its So Easy To Allow Ourselves To Look At What 'appears' Before Our Eyes And Become Discouraged By What

It’s so easy to allow ourselves to look at what 'appears' before our eyes and become discouraged by what we see or perceive in our natural human selves, but God sees things differently! Once you put your focus on Him instead of what you perceive, your perception will change for the better. Here’s why!

You see, as today’s scripture says, everything in this world and your life is temporary, but the things which are eternal are not subject to change because in the spiritual realm of God, He is “The same yesterday, today, and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8) and the “HE” here is Jesus - The Word of God.

God’s Word is eternal, alive, and active but ONLY when you when you Believe it, Speak it and APPLY IT. The Bible has 7,000 promises to overcome any temporary situation you’ll ever face, no matter what happens in this volatile world you now live in. God’s promises never change and they will forever be the same.

If in bad health, PROCLAIM! “By His stripes I am Healed!” (1 Peter 2:24). If in lack, PROCLAIM! “My God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus,” (Philippians 4:19). If alone, PROCLAIM! “You are with me and comfort me.” (Psalm 23:4)

So, my friend, don’t let this world or your circumstances bring you down and discourage you, because while they are looming currently, in actuality they are and will be temporary. Lay your eyes in faith on the promises we have guaranteed in the Bible and not get bound up by the temporary troubles we have in this life, and remember this promise by Jesus that leads to victory over temporary trials:

“I have told you these things, so that In me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world!” - John 16:33

God Bless Your Day

Jesus Loves You

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3 years ago
The Memory And Topic Of 911 Is A Continuing Hurt In The Heart Of Americans, So Speaking Anything Controversial

The memory and topic of 911 is a continuing hurt in the heart of Americans, so speaking anything controversial about this poignant moment in history is sure to cause surprise or anger. We at NOTES ON LIFE are not political, so please read this with an open mind, heart, and soul.

An extremely important, timely and relevant spiritual lesson is directly tied to today’s scripture which was ignorantly quoted out-of-context in Congress on Capitol Hill on 9/12/2001 by Senator Tom Daschle, then four years later in commemoration by Senator John Edwards. Likewise President Bush, like the rest of the nation, echoed this theme in defiance to the attack that “We Will Rebuild.”

In carefully re-reading this verse, it speaks of the condition of the hearts of those whose bricks had been toppled, that being one of PRIDE AND ARROGANCE. The backstory here was that the Israelites had been attacked and beaten down by an enemy that worshipped a false god, yet in previous times, Israel always stood strong and was protected and victorious because they were faithful to God’s Word, and upheld righteousness. The exact same could be said for the United States of America.

In ancient times as at 911, the reason why they were attacked and ’the bricks (towers) fell down’ was that our nation had likewise fallen away from righteousness. You may strongly disagree with the following, but here are the facts about where the U.S. is both socially and spiritually in regards to its Lack of Righteousness.

Likewise our Pride and Arrogance has permitted a nation that has no bounds on sexual behavior or responsibility, pornography is consumed by the majority, speaking openly about God and the Bible is Forbidden, ridiculed or outlawed, there is a Disregard for Law and people in authority and Elders are Disrespected, Injustice is Rampant, people are Unapologetic about bad behavior, government and businesses are Fiscally Irresponsible, the most innocent are routinely Murdered and legalization and intoxication with Drugs are Openly Celebrated. Now the question we have to ask ourselves as a nation is Are these behaviors RIGHTEOUS?

The Bible speaks clearly about what happens when we operate outside of righteousness saying:

“Judge us Lord according to our RIGHTEOUSNESS, and do not let those that triumph over us rejoice when we do not.” Psalm 35:24 (paraphrased)

America - this is exactly what happened on 911. We were judged according to our (lack of) righteousness by a godless hateful, lost peoples and then – just exactly as in ancient times - we defiantly rebuilded, and those that attacked us celebrated and rejoiced. HISTORY DOES INDEED REPEAT ITSELF.

Now the GOOD NEWS: It does not have to continue on this way. America can recover and be free of this 20 YEAR CURSE if and when we bring HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS back to our shores - if not as a nation, we can do so as individuals. We need to REPENT Not REBUILD and not rebuild security, towers, or walls, but REBUILD HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS. Then and only then will another 911 not happen for we will have true protection and again become One Nation “Under God.”

May we always reverently Remember and Honor those that died this day, but not Repeat It.

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

Pastor-Teacher Wayne Estrada

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