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We are a world-wide Christian ministry sharing daily messages that God is real and that he cares about YOU and YOUR LIFE.

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The Power OfPerseverance IsPractice

The Power of Perseverance is Practice

by Dr. Jeanne Sheffield Estrada

Character is not inherited or simply obtained by being around outstanding people.  Instead, it is created by persevering through difficult problems - and overcoming them.

The Bible tells the story of people that despite circumstances, opposition, or persecution, persevered through situations that were seemingly impossible. Great characters of faith like Joseph, Moses, David - and most significantly Jesus - worked through difficulties beyond what most of us could not imagine. However, all of them eventually not only overcame but persevered to victory. Despite the challenges and suffering set before them, they persevered in the face of their severe trials and tribulations by putting into practical practice faith with persistence.

Because we live in a fallen world, problems will arise, and the unpredictably in this year of 2020 is a sobering example. The good news is that Isaiah 9:6 says that we have a great “Counselor” on our side to help us work through every obstacle and His Name is Jesus.

Perseverance takes practice performed with persistence. While we are all inundated by problems in this life, as you persist in overcoming problems that you have resolved, the better you will become at resolving them going forward, and by doing so, by default you will inherit CHARACTER.

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

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3 years ago

What Are Those Stupid "Jesus Saves" Signs?

What Are Those Stupid "Jesus Saves" Signs?

Perhaps you’ve seen signs like this, usually in old run-down neighborhoods hanging from buildings that had seen better days. So this begs the question, 'If this 'Jesus Guy' is so good at SAVING, then why is the neighborhood that this sign is hanging in looks like IT hasn’t been “saved” yet?'?'

All that nonsense (of course) is coming from those naive Christians telling people that their 'imaginary friend' will (somehow?) 'save you' from HELL? Well if you feel that way, it certainly appears to be a really FOOLISH message, and if that is the case the Bible says this is exactly how many people will receive it.

The Bible, a book that has been around over 3,000 years that has been printed and read by more people in history, written about, investigated, and vetted by archaeologists, scientists, and used as a basis of law, government and morality for centuries by politicians and nations, and it has also been found by historians consistently to be TRUE. This is the BOOK that teaches “Jesus Saves” but after all that, somehow that phrase hanging on a funky red neon sign is stupid.

Well the Bible describes people that snicker at these signs when God says in HIS BOOK to the world:

“Professing themselves to be WISE, they became FOOLS.” Romans 1:22

Friend, if you feel this way, we have it on good authority that if anyone is foolish here, it is not the Bible or those that believe in it, but those that do NOT believe in it. If this offends you or rubs you the wrong way - perhaps drastically - that is 100% OK!! You see, we all have the right to feel, think or believe anything we want, so if you disagree, so be it. Don’t shoot the messenger (me) here...just reporting what this book says.

The question after reading this is will you change your mind? An interesting deep definition of the word 'repent' means exactly that! To CHANGE YOUR MIND about God!? Would you at least consider doing that today? Because this is more than just a sign - it means the SAVING of your very LIFE.

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You (...and He SAVES too...)

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3 years ago
If A Fish Could Sprout Wings It Could Fly, And If A Bird Could Grow Gills It Could Live Under The Sea,

If a fish could sprout wings it could fly, and if a bird could grow gills it could live under the sea, likewise as impossible as this is to happen, so is it equally impossible for us in our own strength or determination to change our mortal bodies into the immortal bodies needed to live in eternity.

As today’s scripture verse tells us, our mortal bodies WILL DIE and cannot either enter into or survive in eternity because they have to be changed from one form to another, but how is that possible? Well the answer is in the example that Christ set for us in His victory over death when he rose from the grave and was transformed from His mortal body into an immortal body. Likewise:

“Our dying bodies must be transformed into bodies that will never die; our mortal bodies must be transformed into immortal bodies.” 1 Corinthians 15:53

The question is 'How is this possible?' and the answer is that it starts with the “The RENEWING of your MIND” (Romans 12:2) and that the first step of that renewal begins by -Changing Your Mind About Who God Is & Your Relationship To HIM-

You see, that is the exact definition of the word REPENT. When we repent before God, we see ourselves for who we really are – in a sinful, fallen mortal state that as Jesus said “That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit” (John 3:6) We must start our transformation now by being “Born Again” (John 3:3) and in changing our mind and agreeing with God that we need transformation, then that transformation starts in us and:

“If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” 2 Corinthians 5:17

If you are reading this and it does not make sense, that is understandable. In the above verse when Jesus was talking to the top Rabbi of the day about being “Born Again” even He did not understand Jesus’ words! Hopefully this is the day that YOU understand it, and if so your transformation from mortality to immortality will happen!

The Bible says, “Today is the favorable time; behold, TODAY is the day of salvation!” (2 Corinthians 6:2)

Will you be transformed today?

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

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3 years ago
A Letter Written To And Answeredby BILLY GRAHAM

A Letter Written To And Answered by BILLY GRAHAM

DEAR DR. GRAHAM: You probably get asked this question a lot, but do you think we will be reunited with our pets in Heaven? Our dog died recently after almost 15 years, and I just can’t imagine being happy in Heaven unless he is with us. -- Mrs. S.J.

DEAR MRS. S.J.: God will provide us with everything we need to be happy in Heaven -- and if animals are necessary to make us completely happy there, you can be confident He will arrange for them to be with us.

Some Bible scholars have pointed out that the Bible suggests there may be animals in Heaven -- but without the aggressiveness and dangers that are part of their lives now. The prophet Isaiah saw God’s coming Kingdom as a place of absolute peace, where even animals that had once been enemies will be friends. He wrote, (Isaiah 11:6).

Over the years, my wife and I have had many pets, and I understand your grief; we are always sad when they die. I sometimes wonder, however, if God isn’t using them to remind us of a far greater reality -- and that is the reality of our own deaths. Life is brief, and it can end in an instant. The Bible says there is "a time to be born, and a time to die" (Ecclesiastes 3:2).

That is why we must never take life for granted, but see every minute as a gift from God to be used for His glory. And if we aren’t sure of our eternal destiny, now is the time to be sure by making our commitment to Christ.

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

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3 years ago
By Dr. Jeanne Sheffield Estrada

by Dr. Jeanne Sheffield Estrada

Today’s world presents us with so many visual images flashing and enticing us with every blink of our eyes that it is easy to both consciously and unconsciously contaminate our souls with useless trash that has no real purpose or benefit to us.

Just as a home can be contaminated with mold or disease, so have our souls been dirtied with images, stories, and ideas presented in the world that are contrary to God’s nature and pureness. This is why (like a healthy home) it is imperative to guard the windows of our eyes which lead to our soul and to stop looking at anything that keeps our eyes from falling upon things that are not good:

“ Keep your eyes looking straight before you and... don’t turn them looking right or left.” - Proverbs 4:25,27 (paraphrased)

My dear friend, do not start every new year with a worldly resolution but instead 'purpose in your heart' as Daniel did in worldly Babylon as he “...resolved that he would not defile himself with the king’s food” (Daniel 1:8) to not consume things that are harmful to you. This means web sites, pictures, TV or movies that distract and pollute your soul (you KNOW what they are!)

Instead, ask God to help you open your eyes to only see and partake of those things which are clean and wholesome. Cast your eyes as much as possible each day on God’s Word! Open the eyes of your soul to those things which are pure and these will enrich and strengthen the core of your very being.

God Bless Your Day, Jesus Loves You

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3 years ago
Re You Aware That Whatever You Say Or Think Will Not Only Effect Your Mood, But Also Your Health? Its

re you aware that whatever you say or think will not only effect your mood, but also your health? It’s true. This is why you must only say and think what God says about you. You were created by Him and Him alone and in His image and must remember that He says He loves you and will never leave you.

Worry will cause you to fret and bite your nails! Fear looks back at the past and holds you in bondage but Faith looks forward to the future no matter what it may seem like.

Worry is the devil’s way of using your imagination for things you do not want to happen, but my friend, it is a trap for fear to enter so when worry and that ole familiar fear come knocking on your door, turn your eyes upon Jesus as that old wonderful hymn says, “and the things of this world will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.” Trust that He is watching you and guiding you through your situation until it is over.

Have you ever heard someone say, “I believe I am coming down with a cold?” Sure enough, they do come down with a cold! So my point is this - don’t believe and say the negative things the world says. Speak healing and wholeness over yourself and read the promises of what God says about you. If your mind tends to wander to places that make you sad, fearful, angry, or upset, cast it down.

My friend, you have the power of God in your entire being and your words carry great power. Speak only those things that will build you up, not tear you down. If you are sick, say out loud, "I am healed of the Lord. By the stripes of Jesus I am healed.” I did this exact same thing and Jesus healed me! You can have what you say when you learn to control your words, and let them be God’s words.

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

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