19 | Spilt Up?
19 | Spilt Up?
Series: Valentine Addams | Wednesday
Paring: (Xavier Thorpe x OFC Addams! Tyler Galpin x OFC Addams!)
Word Count: 1778
Warnings: tricking, comforting Enid, scared for the first time, Xavier jealous of Tyler
18. Birthday, Yes | 20. A Hyde

The next day Tyler said his dad didn't want him seeing me for awhile because Wednesday always ends up in the center of everything bad. None of us were allowed to leave because the school was on lockdown so I just stayed in my room or hung out with Enid. "Let's go." Wednesday opens my door confusing me.
"Wednesday." I get up rushing after her.
"Ready for our girls night?" Enid pops up.
Outside I realize we were getting in Tyler's car. "Wait, he's our Uber driver?" Enid asks confused.
"Uber driver? I thought you said Valentine needed to see me? You made it sound serious." Tyler asks confused.
"I thought this was a girls' night out." Enid looks at Wednesday.
"If I needed to see you I would have texted or called you." I tell Tyler.
"A change of plans." She tells us.
"What's up with the weird matching hoodie scarf things?" Tyler asks us three.
"Don't ask. Just drive." She tells him.
Enid crosses her arms leaning back upset. "I didn't know." I whisper to her.
"I know." She huffs.
Wednesday had Tyler drive us to the Gate's mansion wanting to go inside making Enid nervous. "Okay, this isn't what I signed on for." Tyler tells Wednesday.
"Ditto." Enid agrees.
"If we get caught you're going to be in more trouble. And I'm going to get dragged into making Tyler's dad not trust me again and make Weems want to keep an eye on me." I speak up.
"I want to do this for my birthday. Not a dinner or surprise party like you did Val." She looks back at us as she unlocks the gate.
"Then you shoulda just said so. You didn't have to trick us." Tyler tells her.
"If you want to go, you can. I'm going to go check out the garage." Wednesday heads in so I look at the two then follow her and they follow me.
Wednesday, Tyler and I couldn't open a door so Enid steps in getting it open. We go into the garage and see the car that hit the mayor. "Okay. This just took a dark turn. We need to call Tyler's dad right freaking now." Enid panics.
"Why? So he can take me back to Nevermore and get me expelled? It's not gonna happen." She walks off again.
"Come on Enid." I link my free arm with hers.
"This is the night I'm gonna die." Tyler makes me laugh so I apologize.
"Enid, it's okay." I tell her as she whimpers as we go inside the house.
As we explore a room something catches my eye. "Kinda like at home." I say pressing a piece on the bookshelf making it open.
"You're right." Wednesday gives me a slight smile.
"Who doesn't have a spooky built in alter in their family library?" Enid asks.
"Ours is in the living room." Wednesday tells her and I nod my head,
"More seating for year-long Dia de los Muertos." I add.
Wednesday finds out the candles are still warm and make us split up. "Why don't we go in twos?" I ask since Tyler was going to be alone.
"He can handle himself." She says making Enid drag me with her.
"Stay safe..." I tell him as we go upstairs.
"You two go left, I'll go right." Wednesday tells us making Enid say splitting up is an bad idea.
"This is when every best friend dies in a horror movie." Enid whines.
"I'm going to be with you, it's okay." I hold her hand as Wednesday leaves us.
"I know what my mom would say. Enid, you're a doormat. You're too needy. Show some teeth. Nobody likes a desperate little furball. Shut up, Mom. Get out of my head!" Enid talks to herself.
"Your mom is rude. My parents would never talk to us like that. Is your dad better?" I ask trying to distract her.
"Oh, he's way better. He doesn't care I haven't wolfed out yet compared to my mom. You know she tried sending me to werewolf conversion camp. I told her no. If I'm going to do it, I'll do it on my own." She tells me.
"Good for you, Enid." I squeeze her hand then a room catches our eyes. "Wednesday, come look at this." I call out to her.
She comes into the room that had no dust or cob webs, the bed was made, and fresh flowers on the nightstand. "Maybe she didn't die. Faked her death and became someone else." I tell Wednesday as she explains it can't be Laura Gates like Enid suggests because she died 25 years ago.
An object shatters making her say it's time to go. "This is officially the worst girls night out ever." Enid says as we rush out of the room and Tyler tells us to get out before screaming.
"Tyler!" I panic making Wednesday shove me back.
The three of us somehow all fit in the dumbwaiter to get away from the monster. Wednesday closes it right on time as it sees us. Enid panics while Wednesday and I stay calm. Well that was until it clawed at the little door. The rope snaps and we fall to the lowest level.
"You okay?" I ask Enid as we get up from the floor.
"Not really? But physically, yes. You?" She coughs. "Both okay." I lie a little getting slightly scared which was not normal.
As I look around I see body parts in jars before footsteps above us boom. I grab Enid's hand leading her to window to get out then she helps me as Wednesday goes to look at the jars closer before we help her out too.
"You okay?" Wednesday asks Enid.
"Since when do you care." Enid rushes off and I remember Tyler running off to find him.
"Valentine, what the hell are you thinking?!" Enid yells at me.
"I have to go back for Tyler!" I shout.
"The monster's back there!" I hear her and Wednesday following.
"I don't care! I have to make sure he's okay!" I run faster ahead of them.
I find Tyler breathing heavily making me rush over to his side to see he had claw marks across his chest. "Shit." My eyes widen and my hands slightly shake as I don't know what to do at the moment because my mind was spinning. "You're going to be okay. Can you walk? We can't stay here too long." I eye his chest and his face.
"Where'd you come from?" Wednesday asks and I turn to see Xavier.
"Here. Take this" He gives me his scarf to press on Tyler's chest. "What happened to him?" He asks.
"What does it look like?" I sigh and help Tyler up.
We all end up going to Tyler's house where I take care of Tyler's wound and catch our breath. "I'll try to be careful." I help Tyler take off his jacket. "Enid, get me a wet washcloth and a blow of water. Xavier, find me scissors. Wednesday, find me the first aid stuff." I tell the three and Tyler tells Wednesday where it was.
"Here." Xavier hands me scissors and I cut Tyler's gray shirt to get to his wound.
I clean up the blood and wound, put medicine on it, then use butterfly closures on each scratch. "Thanks, Doc." Tyler says as I get closer to finishing as the three watch us so I look away from his chest to give him a smile.
"Not to make this about me, but I am having a full-blown panic attack right now. We need to get back before Weems realizes we've been gone." Enid says before the sheriff walks in.
"What the hell happened?" He asks looking at Tyler. "This was you, wasn't it?" He walks closer looking at Wednesday.
"Wait, Dad, please. I'm okay. See Valentine, patched me up." Tyler gets up to stop him.
"Sheriff, I understand you're upset, but I think you need to see something." Wednesday tells him so he agrees to take a look.
"I'll give you three a ride back to school." Tyler grabs his keys.
"No, we can walk. You need to rest up. You got attacked." I try to stop him.
"I'm fine now thanks to you. Let me do this for you guys. I'm sure Enid wants to get back as fast as possible." He looks over at her and she nods her head fast.
"Fine." I say and we get in his car while Wednesday left with his dad.
"Thanks for the ride, Tyler. Hope you heal up quickly." Enid gets out of the car with Xavier who doesn't say a word.
"I'm sorry, Wednesday dragged you into this tonight. If I just stayed with you downstairs." I lean my head back so Tyler grabs my hand.
"No, what if this happened to you? I rather it be me than you. I could never have you get hurt around me. You need to go get some rest too because I can tell tonight was tough on you." He gives my hand a squeeze.
"I've never been scared like that... For myself, Enid, and you. When I found you hurt, when I heard you scream downstairs. I wanted to cry." My voice cracks.
"I'm fine and I know. I saw your hands shaking. Go make sure Enid isn't having a break down right now." I nod my head undoing my seat belt before giving him a kiss,
"Goodnight." I get out smiling as he sat there shocked by my actions.
"Enid..." I walk into the room to see her sitting on her bed crying.
"I was scared tonight. We could've died and Wednesday doesn't care unlike you. I can't do it. I've tried being her friend but I get no where." She cries into her hands so I go sit next to her.
"I'm sorry, Enid." I put an arm around her pulling her closer to me.
"Don't be sorry. You did nothing. You were a great friend tonight being by my side." She wipes her eyes.
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7 | Returned the Favor
Series: Valentine Addams | Wednesday
Paring: (Xavier Thorpe x OFC Addams! Tyler Galpin x OFC Addams!)
Word Count: 1495
Warnings: playful, near death experience, new power
6. Wednesday | 8. Making Enemies

The next day while in fencing Bianca and I weren't allowed to go against each other because last time we refused to stop till the other gave up. "I really hate going against you." Xavier takes off his mask frustrated.
"Because you can't get a single point?" I do the same as him giggling.
"That's exactly why, V." He crosses his arms.
"Maybe you should just get better then you could get a point." I shrug my shoulders.
"Don't get cocky now. Last time you did that you wore pink." He smirks making me glare at him as Wednesday walks in in her black suit like me. "Let me guess, she's good too?" He looks over at me so I nod my head as she walks past us to Bianca and Rowan.
"Coach, Coach, she tripped me." Rowan tells him.
"It was a clean strike, Rowan." He tells him.
"Maybe if you whined less and practiced more, you wouldn't suck. Seriously, Coach, when am I going to get real competition besides from Valentine?" Bianca turns to him. "Anyone else, who's allowed, want to challenge me?" She asks.
"I do." Wednesday speaks up so she turns to face her.
"Oh, you must be the other psychopath family member they let in." She smiles.
"You must be the self appointed Queen Bee. Interesting thing about bees. Pull out their stingers, they drop dead." Wednesday puts her in her place.
"Rowan doesn't need you to come to his defense. He's not helpless, he's lazy." Bianca tells her.
"Are we doing this or not?" Wednesday asks so they get in their places.
"This is gonna be good." I stand closer to Xavier as we watch.
Wednesday gets the first point then Bianca gets the next. For the final point Wednesday suggests military challenge, first to draw blood and they both agree to it. In the end Bianca wins. "She's crazier than you." Xavier leans down some to me.
"Yeah, I've always believed she's the darker twin even though I have more in my record than she does." I look up at him and I notice him glance at my lips for a quick second so I go and over to Wednesday, "Let's go see the nurse to bandage that up. Rowan, I suggest you go as well." I lead Wednesday out to go change.
"She's very cocky." Wednesday says as we head to the infirmary.
"So are we. Bianca and I are always going against each other." I link my arm with hers.
"I have a question? Have you started you visions yet?" She asks.
"Yes, majority of mine though are positive but I have moments for dark ones. It's very rare though." I explain to her so she just nods her head.
While she goes into the infirmary I wait outside the room and something catches my eye so I make my way over to get a water. "Thing." I whisper and he peaks around telling me to shush. "She'll get the feeling you're watching her soon." I shake my head at him walking away waiting for her.
She comes out annoyed then turns to see the water jug gurgling. "Let's go." She turns back around and I follow behind slowly having trouble with my umbrella.
"Wednesday, you're gonna have to get used to Bianca. Trust me, I'm literally on her bad side." I try to catch up to her. I see her look up and see a statue falling down to kill her, "Wednesday!" I shout and Xavier tackles her out of the way.
I ditch my broken umbrella running into the rain over to her to see she passed out. "Did you have to tackle her? I'm mean thanks but." I get down checking her.
"You at least thanked me for saving your sister's life. Let's get her to the infirmary." He helps me get her up and he carries her for me.
I help the nurses lay her down and take her jacket and blazer off then cross her arms like she likes it when she sleep. "She's going to hate you saved her from a imaginative death." I get a chair to sit next to her head and Xavier does the same putting it next to me.
"I'm just returning the favor." He takes off his jackets and I do the same.
"She still won't appreciate it." I chuckle looking over at him, "I promise my mother to keep an eye on her form running away but I told Wednesday I won't stop her... but now she almost dies. Luckily you were there to save her." I sigh.
"Yeah, lucky." He sighs as well.
"You okay? It seems like something is on your mind." I eye him.
"Nothing important." He shakes his head.
"You sure? You can still tell me even though it's not important." I say making him look at me for a few seconds. "You gotta stop doing that, X." I catch him glance at my lips again.
"What?" He asks confused.
"Where you look with your eyes on my face." I give him a look and his cheeks turn slightly pink.
"I don't mean it like..." He shuts up before speaking again, "You tell Tyler what you told me yet?" He looks away from me.
"Not yet. I haven't been into town yet but I'm going with Principal Weems to take Wednesday to her therapy session. I prefer to tell him to his face and not though a text." I watch my sister sleep.
"You have his phone number?!" He gets a little loud so I look at him,
"Xavier." I growl his name.
"Sorry." He rolls his eyes.
"No you're not." I eye him.
"Of course I'm not," I hear his thoughts shocking me. "What?" He looks at me confused.
"How did I do that?" I say surprised with myself.
"Do what?" He asks but Wednesday sits up.
"Sadly you didn't die." I give her a smile.
"The nurse said you don't have a concussion, but probably have a nasty bump." Xavier tells her.
"The last thing I remember I was walking outside feeling a mixture of rage, pity and self disgust while ignoring my sister. I never felt that way before." She tells us.
"Yeah, losing to Bianca has that effect on people, I think." He tells her.
"Then I looked up and saw that gargoyle coming down and I thought, at least I'll have an imaginative death. Then you tackled me out is the way. Why?" She asks him.
"Most people just say thank you." Xavier tells her.
"I didn't want to be rescued. I'm sure my sister told you that." She tells him.
"Oh, she did. So I shoulda just let that thing smash you to mush in front of your sister?" He asks her.
"I would have rather saved myself, and if I didn't she would have a great traumatic experience." She says and I agree with it being a traumatic experience, not great though.
"Good to see you haven't changed." He scoffs, "If it makes you feel any better, let's just say I returned the favor. Xavier Thorpe? You probably don't remember me like Valentine did." He tells her.
"He was about two feet shorter and 40 pounds heavier." I add making him look at me then smile.
"She really remembered me." I hear him think again.
"What happened last time we met?" Wednesday asks still lost not remembering him.
"It was my godmother's funeral. Apparently she was friends with your grandmother, and they spent their twenties together in Europe, swindling the rich and notorious. I don't know, but we were ten, and the three of us were bored, decided to play hide and seek. I had the inspired idea to hide in her casket, even though Valentine told me it was a terrible idea. I got stuck as it was headed to the crematorium."
"I'd heard muffled screams. I just figured your godmother had somehow cheated death and was trying to claw her way out." Wednesday remembers starting to smile.
"Either way, you hit the big red stop button and saved me from being flame-boiled. So... now we're even." He smiles.
"Wait, so if I'm ever about to die... you're not going to save me since I've never saved you?" I joke with Xavier.
"Yes." He plays along.
"Some friend you are." I playfully hit him so he grabs my arm to stop me.
"You've never given me a reason why I should save you. Plus you still let me get in that casket." He says giving me a look so I go to hit him with my other hand but he grabs that arm to.
"Don't you dare blame me for your stupidity." I laugh.
"Well you knew better and didn't try to stop me." He laughs now.
"I told you it was a bad idea! That should've been good enough." I fight with him.
"You make me sick." Wednesday gets up getting her stuff leaving.
6 | Wednesday
Series: Valentine Addams | Wednesday
Paring: (Xavier Thorpe x OFC Addams! Tyler Galpin x OFC Addams!)
Word Count: 1854
Warnings: family reunion, Wednesday being disappointed in her sister
Last: Conflicted | Next: Returned the Favor

I was to meet my parents and Wednesday then take them to Weems. As I see our car pull up I start to get excited to see my family again because it's been so long. "My midnight." My dad rushes over to give me a hug and I hug him back. "Look at you. You're not as dull in the face." He cups my face making me laugh,
"Nope." I give him a smile.
"Valentine, my dear." My mother gives me a hug now.
"Mother." I hug her back. "Has things been still going well for you?" She asks placing her hands in my shoulders.
"Nevermore is still perfect." I let her know. "Pugsley is going to wait in the car while we go to Weems. So you can see him after words." She lets me know.
"Sister." Wednesday says in her cold tone.
"I've missed your cold soul." I give her a smile before leading them to the office.
"Hello, again Morticia." Weems says as we all come in.
"Valentine, you're welcome to stay in here with your family." Weems lets me know so I stand next to my mother as she sits. "Wednesday is certainly a unique name. I'm guessing it was the day of the week you were born?" Weems asks her.
"I was born Friday the 13th. Valentine and I are twins." Wednesday tells her.
"Her name comes from a line from my favorite nursery rhyme, Wednesday's child is full of woe." Our mother explains her name.
"You always had a unique perspective in the world, Morticia. Did your mother tell you we were roommates back in the day?" Weems tells her and I didn't even know that. That really helps with her not like our mother.
"And you graduated with your sanity intact? Impressive."
"You've certainly had a very interesting educational journey. Eight schools in five years. Catching up to your sister I see." Weems looks at her paper.
"Yes. They haven't built one strong enough to hold me. I bet this place won't be any different." Wednesday tells her.
"What our daughter is trying to say is that she greatly appreciates the opportunity. I'm sure she will learn to love Nevermore like her sister." Our father tells Weems.
She goes to say they don't usually accept students mid-term but Wednesday is an exception. "Larissa, and Wednesday's therapy sessions, court orders as well... Will she's see the same person as Valentine?" Mother asks.
"Yes. Two days a week as well." Weems lets her know.
"Did you hear that, my little storm cloud? You're in excellent hands." Father tells her.
"We'll see is she survives the first session."
Weems glances at me before signing, "I've assigned you to your mother's old dorm. Ophelia Hall, just like your sister." Weems tells Wednesday.
"Refresh my memory. Ophelia's the one who kills herself after being driven mad by her family, correct?" Wednesday looks at our mother who nods her head with a smile.
"Should we go meet your new roommate?" Weems smiles and we all follow her.
When we get to the room the three were disgusted by the colors Enid had up. "It's so... vivid." Father eyes the room.
"Howdy, roomie." Enid comes over excited.
"Wednesday, this is Enid Sinclair." Weems introduces her.
"You feeling okay? You look a little pale." Enid says worried.
"She always looks half dead. More than me." I laugh.
"Right, you're sister. Welcome to Ophelia Hall." She tries to hug Wednesday but she backs up, Not a hugger. Got it." She nods her head.
"Please excuse Wednesday. She's allergic to color." Our mother tells her.
"Oh, wow. What happens to you?" Enid asks.
"I break out into hives and then the flesh peels off my bones." Wednesday says making her make a face.
"Luckily. We've special ordered your uniform like your sister." Weems smiles at Wednesday.
"Enid, please take Wednesday to the registrar's office to pick it up along with her schedule. And give her a tour along the way." Weems says so Wednesday turns to leave and Enid skips behind her pulling me to go with them.
"Nevermore was founded in 1791 to educate people like us. Outcast, freaks, monsters, fill in your favorite marginalized group here." Enid says as we walk through the school.
"You can save sanitized sales pitch. I don't plan on staying here for long like my weak sister." Wednesday tells her glancing at me.
"Oh, I'm weak for staying here? I'm not sorry I actually found a place where I feel comfortable for once outside of home." I roll my eyes at her.
"Our parents have been looking for and excuse to send us here. It's all a part of their nefarious, yet completely obvious plan to turn us into a version of themselves. I won't give in like the weaker twin." Wednesday eyes me.
"In that case, perhaps you can clear something up. Rumor's been swirling around that you killed a kid at your old school, and your parents pulled strings to get you off." Enid says as we walk again.
"Actually, it was two kids, but who's counting." Wednesday walks ahead.
"You sisters scare me at times." Enid looks at me because we follow. "Welcome to the quad." Enid smiles.
"It's a pentagon."
Enid just looks at her, "The whole snarky Goth girl thing might have worked at normie school, but here things are different. Let me give you a wiki on Nevermore's social scene." Enid walks and gives her the run down.
"I'm guessing Scales are sirens?" Wednesday looks over at the three.
"You catch on quick. And that girl, Bianca Barclay, is the closest thing Nevermore has to royalty. Although her crown's been slipping lately. Thanks to your sister. She used to date our resident torturer artist, Xavier Thorpe. But they broke up at the beginning of the semester. Reason unknown." Enid says then looks at me.
"I'm still not telling why they broke up." I say making her huff before talking about her vlog is the source for gossip.
"Yo, Enid! You're or not gonna believe the dirt I heard about your new roommate. She eats human flesh. Totally chowed down that kid she murdered. You better watch your back. And you got competition, Valentine to be the most creepiest." Ajax show up so Enid steps out of the way to show Wednesday.
"Quite the contrary. I actually fillet the bodies of my victims, then feed them to my menagerie of pets." She says making him frozen.
"Ajax, this is my new roommate, Wednesday. Valentine's sister." Enid smiles.
"Wow. So you're whole family is black and white like a living Instagram filter." He stares at us.
"I'll give you a second to walk away." I stare him down so he turns to leave. "I'm going to go see our dear bother." I rush off.
"Valentine!" Pugsley rushes over wrapping his arms around me.
"How have you been?" I hug him back.
"Not the best. Still picked on. That's why Wednesday is here now. She put piranhas in the swimming pool." He lets me know what she did.
"Not a bad idea." I nod my head with her decision.
"Val, dear." Mother motions for me so I go over to her. "Please, keep an eye on your sister. She will try to run away from this school. I'm hoping Nevermore can help her like it did with you. I can tell you've changed finding yourself even more." She take my hand into hers.
"I promise to watch out for her. She's already called me weak for staying here but I really love it here." I say making her smile.
"I love hearing that." She smiles more.
"I love you, mother." We do air kisses before I tell father and Pugsley goodbye.
As I go in I pass Wednesday going out to our family. I go back out to the quad going over to Xavier, "Not bad." I joke with him.
"Now you want to talk to me after walking away from our conversation yesterday?" He continues to work.
"I'm going to keep being just yours and Tyler's friend until l know things and my own feelings." I explain making him stop to look at me, "I'm not good at understanding myself when it comes to feelings. Others it's easier because it's like reading a book but I'm unreadable." I lean against the wall next to where he was working, "I'm not used to them. Especially those kinds so I would appreciate it we keep being friends." I mess with my fingers as I look at him through my eyelashes.
He mimics my stance doing the same next to me, "Whatever makes you comfortable, V." He gives me a smile.
"Thanks." I give him one back.
"I heard your sister is starting today." He goes back to working.
"She's here already. Saying goodbye to our parents right now. Not very happy to be here. I promised to keep an eye on her so she doesn't run away." I watch him work.
"Good luck with that." He chuckles.
"I might not even try." I laugh standing up straight.
"Wanna contribute to this? Might finish it faster." He motions to the tools.
"Are you serious?" I ask surprised.
"Get your ass over here and help me." He chuckles so I join him.
After some time later in the day, I go to check on Wednesday to see how she's settling in. "Enid, gonna be upset." I see her removing the color from her side of the room in the window.
"It's my half so I don't care." She continues to scrap.
"Why are you so against giving Nevermore a try?" I sit on her bed.
"Because I refuse to be someone they want me to become. You fell into the trap, sis. Look at you. You look slightly more alive instead of half dead like you used to. Growing up you've always wanted to give this a place a look from stories while I never cared." She gets up turning to face me.
"I've change, I know that. I've come to realize that over time because of feelings." I admit that.
"See, feelings. You barley used to have any unless it came to family. I refuse to become like you and mother. We have our similarities being twins, but you've always been like mother in some way. It's developing more being here." She crosses her arms at me.
"I don't care if you try running away. I promised to keep an eye on you but I know my own sister, my twin to be exact. I know you don't want to be here. I know you don't want to be like our mother. And I'm not going to force you to change or stay here. I'll do what I can to help you try to get away. I'll do anything for family remember. Especially you, Wednesday." I tell her meaning it all.
"At least you haven't turned into an entirely new person." She smiles some before Enid comes in asking what did she do.
"That's my cue to go. Night Sis, night Enid." I leave their room.
10 | Festival
Series: Valentine Addams | Wednesday
Paring: (Xavier Thorpe x OFC Addams! Tyler Galpin x OFC Addams!)
Word Count: 1514
Warnings: fighting about Tyler, connecting, light flirting
9. Boys... | 11. Know What I Saw

"You making your great escape tonight?" I joke walking into Wednesday and Enid's room.
"Yes. You're friend Tyler is diving me to the train station." She tells me.
"When did you ask him?" I ask confused since he hasn't told me about doing this.
"A day ago or something." She tells me.
"Oh, okay." I nod my head.
"Xavier is looking for you." Enid comes into the room so I roll my eyes.
"Enid, have you seen Valentine?" Xavier knocks on the door.
I glare at her so she won't tell him. "I have to open the door." She goes towards it door so I rush to the window going outside to hide. "No, I haven't seen her. Wednesday?" I hear Enid ask.
"No, I haven't but seeing how she's avoiding you I would advise you to simply give up on trying." Wednesday tells him.
"If you see her can you please tell her to come by or try to find me tonight." I hear Xavier leave.
"Why are you still ignoring him if he wants to make up?" Enid asks as I come back into the room.
"Because he doesn't actually mean it. He'll still bring up Tyler and why am I friends with him." I roll my eyes.
"Then just ignore him when he does. You know Tyler differently so forget what Xavier says about him." Enid shrugs her shoulders.
"I guess you're right." I huff leaving the room.
Outside though Xavier was waiting with his arms crossed, "I knew you were hiding in there because Enid was smiling when she opened the door like she had a secret." He says making me throw my head back. "I'm sorry for making you mad." He sighs as I walk to my room.
"But you'll keep bringing him up as long as I'm friends with him so really you'll never be sorry." I turn to face him.
"What if I promise I'll try my best not to. Even though I hate that you're friends with him... at least he's good to you." He sighs. "Please forgive me." He stares at me.
"Ugh, I forgive you." I tell him making him smile and hug me so I step out of it, "No." I make a face shaking my head.
"Got it, not a hugger. Wanna hangout later at the Harvest Festival?" He asks me.
"I'll think about it if Enid doesn't drag me around." I tell him and continue my way to my room.
When we all get to the festival I stand with Wednesday and Enid looking at Tyler with his dad. "Val I know your good friends with that normie but are you sure you can trust him?" Enid asks Wednesday.
"I trust that I can handle myself. And I doubt he would do anything to Valentine's sister." Wednesday tells her.
"Well good luck and safe travels." Enid tries to hug Wednesday again, "Still not a hugger. Got it. I'm going to find Yoko." Enid leaves us.
"How are you shaking Weems off you?" I ask Wednesday.
"I'm thinking." She walks away so I follow her to a game, "You really trust your friend?" Wednesday starts to throw the darts at the balloons.
"Tyler's never given me a reason not to." I do the same as her, "He was the first person I really opened up to..." I sigh popping every balloon with her.
"Jeez, you two get any better at this, you'll be taking home a whole pack." Xavier shows up on the other side of me.
"Pandas don't travel in packs. They prefer their solitude." Wednesday says not paying attention to him.
"All right. Subtle hint taken." He nods his head.
"She's waiting for someone. I'm just here till then." I tell him.
"Oh, yeah, who's the lucky guy... or girl?" He asks.
"What does it matter to you?" She asks as Tyler shows up so I give him a smile.
"Didn't mean to interrupt." Tyler speaks up. "
You're not. Ready?" Xavier looks at him then me.
"Huh? I'll find you in a minute." I say so he walks off annoyed making me roll my eyes at him.
"This is gonna be trickier than I thought. Dad hit me with a curfew. We need to go if I'm gonna make it back in time." Tyler let's Wednesday know.
"She kinda has dead weight she need to lose first." I let him know as the carny hands me a big panda.
"Meet me behind the parking lot when the fireworks start. Valentine go with him so Weems doesn't think you're helping me right now." Wednesday tells us so I nod my head.
Tyler nods his head as well talking my arm walking us off as I carry my big panda, "Is Xavier going to be mad you aren't going off to find him?" Tyler asks letting go of my arm.
"He'll get over. Not really but who cares." I mess with my panda as we get to the parking lot.
"I went though dads stuff and found this. It's your dad's police file." He hands me a file and I open it and scan over it before closing it.
"What if he goes back to look at this and it's gone?" I look up at him.
"He'll get on me but oh well." He gives me a smile.
"Thank you for this. Wednesday will appreciate it as well." I give him a genuine smile.
"I saw the looks on your faces and I figured you two would like to know more information. Plus you're my only friend and I'd do anything for you." His eyes don't leave mine and my body acts on it own. I drop the panda letting my arms snake around his waist hugging him. He gets tense for a second before for hugging me back, "I didn't take you as a hugger." He chuckles so I get out of the hug,
"This stays between us." I pick the panda back up.
"Got it." He laughs as Wednesday shows up.
"Tyler got this for us. It's dad's police file." I hand the file over to her so she takes it.
"I'm not used to people engaging with me. Especially with Valentine. Most see us coming and cross the street." Wednesday speaks up looking at Tyler so he looks at me.
"You guys aren't scary. Just kinda... kooky." He smiles.
"We prefer spooky." I look offended making him chuckle.
"Now my train leaves in an hour. We're burning moonlight. I know as much as you don't want to... go find Xavier so Weems can see your with him so you can say you have no idea where I am." Wednesday tells me.
"Okay... Good luck, love." I squeeze her hand before jogging off to find Xavier.
"There you are." I pop up next to him which startles him. "What does Tyler want with your sister?" He asks.
"Taking her to the train station. Don't tell Weems." I glare at him before looking away to see Tyler and Wednesday running. She bumps into Rowan and I can tell she has a vision before running after him. "Hold this." I give the panda to Xavier to go over to Tyler. "What happened to leaving?" I ask looking off where she ran.
"Lucas and the boys showed up. Tried to lose them in the crowd now she ran off." He explains to me.
"Ugh!" I run after her. "Wednesday!" I call out running into the woods.
I hear talking so I follow and see Rowan using his powers holding Wednesday up against the tree. "Rowan!" I shout at him but he uses his other hand to fling me away. I hit another tree groaning getting up to see a creature grab him.
Wednesday falls and I rush over to her as we watch Rowan get killed. The creature looks back at us and growling before running off. Wednesday goes over to Rowan while I stare at where the creature ran off to.
"What the hell is going on!" I shout before touching my head to see blood.
"We need to get help." Wednesday grabs my hand dragging me off with her. As soon as we reach everyone I fall to the ground fainting.
The next thing I know I wake up in the infirmary with Wednesday sitting next to me in a different bed. "I fainted after you and after telling Bianca." She looks over at me.
"Why did Rowan attack you?" I sit up.
"Said I was destined to ruin the school. Said it was possible for you too but I was 100 percent since his mother told him." She gets out of the bed.
"Ruin the school? How?" I was super confused so she shows me a drawing that looked like her.
"That's you 100 percent because that's your hair not mine. But I could be possible?" I say making my head hurt getting out of bed too.
"I'm staying here to get to the bottom of everything. That's the only reason." She says as we leave to go to our rooms.
"I believe you."
8 | Making Enemies
Series: Valentine Addams | Wednesday
Paring: (Xavier Thorpe x OFC Addams! Tyler Galpin x OFC Addams!)
Word Count: 1657
Warnings: playful friendship
7. Returned the Favor | 9. Boys...

For Wednesday's session with Dr. Kinbott I go into town with her and Weems. "Dr. Kinbott's office is in the second floor. Other Nevermore students and your sister swear by her." Weems tells her as we pull up.
"You'll be here until I'm done?" Wednesday asks.
"Perhaps afterwards we can visit the Weathervane for hot chocolate." Weems suggests to her.
"Principle Weems, this feeble attempt at binding is beneath you. And chauffeuring your students around is below your pay grade." Wednesday gets out of the car.
"Given your history, I'm sure you're intent on running away. I'm here to prevent that from happening." Weems lets her know.
"I wish you luck." Wednesday shuts the door.
"Can I go to the Weathervane?" I ask Weems.
"Yes, you may." She says so I get out.
When I enter the café I see Tyler working on the espresso machine so I walk up to him. "Since it's the espresso machine that means I still can have my hot chocolate right?" I say with a smile then watch him stare at me, "Can I talk to you?" I get serious.
"The machine is broke. I have to fix it." He waves the manual.
"Tyler, please." I give him a sad look. He walks over to the side so it can be slightly private. "I'm going to keep being just yours and Xavier's friend until l know things and my own feelings." I explain leaning against the wall as he leans on the wall across from me with his arms crossed. "I'm not good at understanding myself when it comes to feelings. Others it's easier because it's like reading a book but I'm unreadable. I'm not used to them. Especially these kinds so I would appreciate it if we can keep being friends." I mess with my fingers again nervously.
He sighs uncrossing his arms, "I don't wanna lose you as a friend, you're the first person to understand me. So I want you to know I'm completely okay with with us just being friends till you understand your feelings. But I do want you to know if you end up not feeling the same way, I still don't want to lose you as a friend. My shitty life got a little better when you showed up." He steps closer to me.
"I don't wanna lose you as a friend either because you seem to be the only person who has gotten me to open up to without a court order." I chuckle some getting off the wall, "And you're also the only one who really wants to get to know all of me." I give him a smile.
"I gotta get back to work, now." He gives me a smile.
"Go try to tame that beast." I play shove him back to the front.
"I can't read Italian though." He looks back at me.
"I can."
"Do you want to help a friend out?" He motions for me to follow him.
"Free drinks for two weeks." I eye him.
"I already give you free drinks." He laughs going to mess with the machine while I make myself a hot chocolate. "Excuse me, you don't work here." He looks back at me for a second.
"Well, you're busy and the only other person working is busy as well." I give him a smile.
"Holy crap! Do you make a habit of scaring the hell out of people?" I hear Tyler so I turn around to see Wednesday.
"It's more of a hobby." She tells him.
"New to Nevermore, I see." He eyes her.
"I need a quad over ice. It's an emergency. It's four shots is espresso." She tells him.
"Somebody snuck out the bathroom window." I walk over to stand by Tyler.
"Of course." She looks over at me so Tyler looks between us.
"Yeah, I...I know what a quad is, but spoiler alert, the espresso machine's having a seizure, so all we have I drip." He tells her.
"But drip is for people who hate themselves and know their lives have no real purpose or meaning." She says so we watch the man put it down and walk away. "What's wrong with your machine?" She asks Tyler.
"It's a temperamental beats with a mind I'd it's own, and it doesn't help that the instructions are in Italian...And you won't help me." Tyler tells her then turns to face me annoyed.
"You never agreed to my request so that's your fault." I tell him as Wednesday comes around to fix it.
"I need a Tri-wing screwdriver and a four millimeter Allen wrench." She reads the manual shocking him. "Here's the deal. I'm going to fix your coffee machine, then you are going to make my coffee and call a taxi." She tells him.
"Uh, no taxis in Jericho. Try Uber?" He suggests to her.
"I don't have a phone. I refuse to be a salve to technology." She tells him as he works in the machine.
"Then you're out of luck. Where are you going anyways?" He watches her.
"That's on a need to know basis. What about trains?" She asks. "Nearest station is Burlington. It's half an hour away." He tells her.
"You have a valve issue. I've seen it before." She tells him as I get myself a snack.
"Where? You have one of these monsters at home?"
"Steam powered guillotine. Built it when she was ten. We wanted to decapitate our dolls more efficiently." I speak up covering my mouth as I ate.
"Wait, this is your sister. I should've known that... it's quite obvious now that I look at you both." Tyler turns to look at me.
"She's the older twin." Wednesday says as she fixes it.
"Wow. Thanks. I'm Tyler, by the way. I didn't catch your name, or is that on a need to know basis too?" Tyler asks her so she eyes him.
"I tell you what, Wednesday. To show my appreciation, and help a friends family out, how about I drive you to Burlington?" He suggests to her.
"Perfect. Put that quad in a to go cup." She tells him so he says he can't until another hour. She ends up trying to bribe him with $40 dollars but he says he can't be bought so she just had to wait. She huffs walking to a booth while he makes her drink and I go around to wait to give it to her.
"You two are similar yet very different." He chuckles.
"Yep, especially with me being here. She knew I've changed. She hates it. Called me weak for falling into the trap. I promised to keep an eye on her but I know my sister so I'm not going to stop her from leaving." I lean on the counter.
I take her drink and my stuff over to the booth she was sitting in. "You really have changed. You have friends and not just one." She eyes me as I sit down.
"Yeah, six to be exact then four acquaintances." I eye her as well.
"What are you going to tell Principal Weems for when I leave?" She changes the topic.
"Well of she doesn't see me with you; say I don't know anything. If she sees me; I tried to stopped you but failed. If you don't get away today and get caught; say you told me the session ended early to day." I tell her so she nods her head.
After some time Tyler's ex friends show up talking about how we're in their booth. "Why as you three dressed like religious fanatics?" Wednesday asks them.
"We're pilgrims." The taller one says.
"Potato, po-tah-to but they work at Pilgrim World." I show her the flyer.
"It takes a special kind of stupid to devote an entire theme park to zealots responsible for mass genocide." She tells them.
"My dad owns Pilgrim World. Who you calling stupid?" Lucas gets pissed.
"If the buckled shoe fits." She tells him.
"Guys, back off." Tyler comes over to us.
"Stay out of this, Galpin." Lucas tells him.
"Yes, stay out of this." Wednesday stand up to stand in front of Lucas.
"So tell me, freak... you ever been with a normie?" He asks her.
"I've never found one that could handle me. Boo!" She scares him making the other two jump in. While Wednesday handles the bigger one I jump in to handle the taller one.
We look at the three laying on the floor in pain, "You still got it." She smiles at me.
"So where'd you learn those kung fu moves?" Tyler asks us.
"Our uncle taught us. He spent five years in Tibetan Monastery." I look at Tyler, who stood next to me.
"Was he a monk?" He asks confused.
"Prisoner." Wednesday adds.
"Dad." Tyler sees him come in so we all turn to look at him.
"Tyler, what the hell's going on in here?" He asks him.
"They were harassing customers, and they put them in their place." Tyler explains so his dad eyes Wednesday and I,
"These little things took down tree boys? Did you help them?" He asks making us eye him.
"Dad, I swear, I wasn't involved." Tyler tells him.
"We told him to stay out of it." I add with a smile.
"Apologizes, sheriff. This one slipped away from me but I see her sister found her. Come on, Miss Addams, both of you, time to go." Weems comes in so we go over to her.
"Wait a minute, hang on." The sheriff stops us, "You're both a Addams? Don't tell me Gomez Addams is your father?" He asks so we nod our head, "That man belongs behind bars for murder. Guessing the apples don't fall far from the tree. I'm gonna keep my eye on you both." He points his finger at us and stares me down.
"Okay." Weems grabs Wednesday as she smiles and I follow out waving bye to Tyler.
9 | Boys...
Series: Valentine Addams | Wednesday
Paring: (Xavier Thorpe x OFC Addams! Tyler Galpin x OFC Addams!)
Word Count: 1989
Warnings: fighting about Tyler, connecting, light flirting
8. Making Enemies | 10. Festival

On the way ride back to a school I could tell Weems wasn't happy just by her facial expressions. "Your first day and you're already on Sheriff's Galpin's radar. Wish I could say I was surprised. Now, Valentine, you have been doing great for months. Why start to act up when your sister arrives?" Weems sighs.
"I was standing up for my sister. And what did he mean about our father?" I ask because I knew he wasn't capable of that.
"I have no idea, but I have a word of advice for you Miss Wednesday. Stop making enemies and start making a few friends. You're gonna need them." She tells Wednesday before we pass an accident and Wednesday says the man broke his neck.
"Miss Valentine." Weems stops me as we arrive at school.
"Yes?" I walk over to her as Wednesday leaves.
"Did you know your sister was going to make a run for it?" She watches me.
"I had a feeling because I know how she is but when she came into the café she told me it ended early and you were busy on the phone." I lie to her.
"And you believed her?" She crosses her arms.
"Well we normally don't lie to each other. This was the first time." I tell the truth but also lie to her.
"Valentine, please don't go getting in trouble with your sister. I understand she is your sister but you've been going so good here. I have big hopes for you." She sighs so I nod my head before going to my room to change out of my uniform into something comfortable.
Bored after some hours of reading in my room, I end up going to Wednesday and Enid's dorm room to see Wednesday talking to Thing, "When did you catch him? I caught him outside the nurses." I laugh walking over to her bed.
"When I was writing I felt him spying on me." She glares at him.
"There's no way father killed someone. If he did it on purpose he would have told us that as a bedtime story." I change the topic.
"I know that's why I want to know what the sheriff meant. I want to know whole story." She sighs.
"Val, Xavier wants you in the quad." Enid pops her head into the room.
"He would've just text or call me? Plus it's dark out." I ask her confused.
"I don't know. Just go to the boy. I gonna go do some homework with Yoko." She leaves in a rush.
"These people kill me." I get up groaning.
"You choose to make friends." Wednesday tells me.
"I know that." I leave her room going down to the quad.
On the way there I bump into Rowan as he was in a hurry and end up getting a vision of him looking for a book in a library I haven't seen. I watch him rushing away confusing me why I would get that vision. Letting out a breath of air I continue my way outside to see Xavier working on his art he hasn't finished yet.
"Enid, said you wanted me." I walk up behind him so he turns to look at me,
"Enid said that?" He ask bringing his brows together.
"Yeah, I was with Wednesday and she piped her head into the room saying you wanted me in the quad." I tell him exactly what she told me.
"I haven't spoken to her today." He laughs still confused and I get what she was trying to do.
"I swear... I'm going to do something when she's sleeping." I huff shaking my head.
"If I needed you I would have text or called you." He turns back to his work.
"That's what I said but she said just go to you." I lean against the wall watching him.
"If you knew that why did you still come?" He glances over smiling at me.
"I don't know..." I shrug my shoulders, "I hear a friend needs me so I go."
"Well I don't need you but you're welcome to stay and watch me paint." He smiles and I can't help but smile. I loved his smile with his dimples. Oh my, did I really just say that to myself? "Has Rowen been acting odd lately? I just bumped into him. He seemed in a rush." I ask curious and I notice his body language.
"Umm, yeah. A little. He won't talk to me about it." He makes sure not to look at me so I focus on him. "Please don't ask me anymore. It's hard not to tell you the whole truth. I hate lying to you." I hear him talk to himself.
"You wouldn't lie to me right?" I cross my arms watching him.
"Why would I lie to you?" He awkwardly chuckles.
"I don't know it just seems like you are with your body language and the way you sound." I say so he turns to face me.
"I'm telling you the truth. He wouldn't talk about it to me when I ask what's up. He starts to get annoyed then raises his voice at me." He sighs and I could tell he was telling some of the truth so I just drop it. He goes back to painting and I sit on the ground leaning against the wall watching.
Soon I start to zone out going into my own thoughts. What did I feel for theses stupid boys? Both are great friends and I connect with both but which one do I connect with the most? Xavier and I have things in common but so do Tyler and I in a different way. If or when I ever choose one how will my relationship be with the other? How will I know if I don't try see with each? How? How? How? How? I let out a groan making Xavier ask what's wrong.
"Huh, just thinking."
"About what?" He keeps painting.
"Me, my thoughts." I close my eyes letting out a sigh.
"Tyler probably." I hear his thoughts.
"Will you shut up about Tyler?" I get annoyed.
"What?" He looks at me confused. "It's been months so get used to it. He's my friend whether you like it or not." I get up off the ground.
"Why are you suddenly being up his name?" He looks at me like I was crazy.
"Because you did first. Tyler probably. Yeah you kinda said that out loud." I lie to him.
"I did? I thought I said that in my head." He looked lost.
"Well you didn't." I kinda gaslight him so he doesn't know my new power.
"Valentine, what do you even see in him? Even as just a friend." He turns to face me annoyed.
"I see a lonely person. Someone people don't understand. Being someone who most don't understand as well, I see someone I can talk to. And besides all that, he's a good friend to me. He's only ever been kind to me." I explain to him and he rolls his eyes. "You know, Xavier... You aren't helping yourself in any way acting like this. We butt heads over something stupid so I can't imagine us a serious situation." I eye him walking off done with him.
As I walk into my dorm Enid was getting ready to leave, "I swear I'm going to do something when you're sleeping you liar." I give her a glare.
"Did you come in angry because of me or did something?" She asks me.
"Both. He brought up Tyler again when I told him to shut up about him." I lay down on my bed.
"He's just jelly." She says leaving the room.
"Boys are complicated. That's why I don't deal with them." Yoko speaks up.
"You and Divina are complicated at times..." I look over at her.
"I said boys! Don't bring up me." She turns to face me causing me to laugh.
For my Wednesday session with Dr. Kinbott she makes me talk about how it is with Wednesday being at Nevermore the entire time. "See you on Sunday, Valentine." She opens the door for me to leave.
"Valentine." I hear the Sheriff's voice as I make it outside the building.
"Sheriff?" I look up at him.
"I'm still going to keep an eye on you and your sister but I kinda know how you are from being here for long so just don't act up again. Especially with the Mayor's son." He gives me a look.
"Again, I jumped in to stand up for my sister but I understand." I give him a head nod.
"Tyler's on his fifteen. Thought you'd liked to know since you two are.. like... friends." He heads off so I head over to the café.
I see him sitting in a booth with his back facing the door, "Shit... no. No...no! Damn it!" I hear him thinking to himself so I walk over sitting across from him.
"I ran into you dad." I startle him taking my seat.
"What did he say?" He groans.
"Just that he's still keeping an eye on me but since he sorta knows me just stay out of trouble. And that I'd might like to know you're on your break." I sum it up.
"He let you know about me?" He gives me a funny confused look.
"Yep, since we're... like... friends." I tell him how his dad said it.
"Like... friends? We are friends." He laughs, "You know, I thought you were mad at me because you haven't answered any of my text since Monday." His eyes scan my face.
"No, no. I'm not mad at you. I muted everyone because of Xavier. He pissed me off and started to try to apologize." I shake my head then rest my chin on my right arm propped up.
"Me?" He sighs so I hum a yes. "He needs to get over it. We've been friends for months." He rolls his eyes.
"Asked what do I see in you? Even as just a friend." I look down at the table.
"And you said?"
"I see a lonely person. Someone people don't understand. Being someone who most don't understand as well, I see someone I can talk to. And besides all that, he's a good friend to me. He's only ever been kind to me." I look up to make eye contact with him.
"You make this so difficult... You're killing me." Tyler thinks to himself as he stares at me making me smile. "What" He chuckles.
"That stupid look in your eyes." I roll mine.
"Why you staring into my eyes?" He starts to smile.
"Where else am I supposed to look when talking to someone?" I tilt my head.
"Why are you smiling so much?" He laughs more so I shake my head. "I thought we can talk to each other?" He leans onto the table.
"You're gonna make fun of me or think something different than what I mean." I whine.
"Tell me." He playfully kicks me under the table.
"I'm saying this as a friend, I love your smile and your eyes. Sometimes they get this like little twinkle." I explain getting embarrassed.
"Saying this as a friend and when I first met you, I love your smile too. I could tell how genuine they are compared to the fake ones. The fake ones are nice too though."
"Are you going to the Harvest Festival this weekend? For us Nevermore students it's mandatory." I changed the topic.
"I wasn't thinking about going but now I might have a reason to go." He says with a smile.
"Well hopefully you make an appearance. Even if it's just for a second." I get up seeing my ride pull up.
"Hey, try not to ignore my texts." He says as I start to walk out.
"Can't make a promise." I send him a wink leaving.