7 | Returned The Favor
7 | Returned the Favor
Series: Valentine Addams | Wednesday
Paring: (Xavier Thorpe x OFC Addams! Tyler Galpin x OFC Addams!)
Word Count: 1495
Warnings: playful, near death experience, new power
6. Wednesday | 8. Making Enemies

The next day while in fencing Bianca and I weren't allowed to go against each other because last time we refused to stop till the other gave up. "I really hate going against you." Xavier takes off his mask frustrated.
"Because you can't get a single point?" I do the same as him giggling.
"That's exactly why, V." He crosses his arms.
"Maybe you should just get better then you could get a point." I shrug my shoulders.
"Don't get cocky now. Last time you did that you wore pink." He smirks making me glare at him as Wednesday walks in in her black suit like me. "Let me guess, she's good too?" He looks over at me so I nod my head as she walks past us to Bianca and Rowan.
"Coach, Coach, she tripped me." Rowan tells him.
"It was a clean strike, Rowan." He tells him.
"Maybe if you whined less and practiced more, you wouldn't suck. Seriously, Coach, when am I going to get real competition besides from Valentine?" Bianca turns to him. "Anyone else, who's allowed, want to challenge me?" She asks.
"I do." Wednesday speaks up so she turns to face her.
"Oh, you must be the other psychopath family member they let in." She smiles.
"You must be the self appointed Queen Bee. Interesting thing about bees. Pull out their stingers, they drop dead." Wednesday puts her in her place.
"Rowan doesn't need you to come to his defense. He's not helpless, he's lazy." Bianca tells her.
"Are we doing this or not?" Wednesday asks so they get in their places.
"This is gonna be good." I stand closer to Xavier as we watch.
Wednesday gets the first point then Bianca gets the next. For the final point Wednesday suggests military challenge, first to draw blood and they both agree to it. In the end Bianca wins. "She's crazier than you." Xavier leans down some to me.
"Yeah, I've always believed she's the darker twin even though I have more in my record than she does." I look up at him and I notice him glance at my lips for a quick second so I go and over to Wednesday, "Let's go see the nurse to bandage that up. Rowan, I suggest you go as well." I lead Wednesday out to go change.
"She's very cocky." Wednesday says as we head to the infirmary.
"So are we. Bianca and I are always going against each other." I link my arm with hers.
"I have a question? Have you started you visions yet?" She asks.
"Yes, majority of mine though are positive but I have moments for dark ones. It's very rare though." I explain to her so she just nods her head.
While she goes into the infirmary I wait outside the room and something catches my eye so I make my way over to get a water. "Thing." I whisper and he peaks around telling me to shush. "She'll get the feeling you're watching her soon." I shake my head at him walking away waiting for her.
She comes out annoyed then turns to see the water jug gurgling. "Let's go." She turns back around and I follow behind slowly having trouble with my umbrella.
"Wednesday, you're gonna have to get used to Bianca. Trust me, I'm literally on her bad side." I try to catch up to her. I see her look up and see a statue falling down to kill her, "Wednesday!" I shout and Xavier tackles her out of the way.
I ditch my broken umbrella running into the rain over to her to see she passed out. "Did you have to tackle her? I'm mean thanks but." I get down checking her.
"You at least thanked me for saving your sister's life. Let's get her to the infirmary." He helps me get her up and he carries her for me.
I help the nurses lay her down and take her jacket and blazer off then cross her arms like she likes it when she sleep. "She's going to hate you saved her from a imaginative death." I get a chair to sit next to her head and Xavier does the same putting it next to me.
"I'm just returning the favor." He takes off his jackets and I do the same.
"She still won't appreciate it." I chuckle looking over at him, "I promise my mother to keep an eye on her form running away but I told Wednesday I won't stop her... but now she almost dies. Luckily you were there to save her." I sigh.
"Yeah, lucky." He sighs as well.
"You okay? It seems like something is on your mind." I eye him.
"Nothing important." He shakes his head.
"You sure? You can still tell me even though it's not important." I say making him look at me for a few seconds. "You gotta stop doing that, X." I catch him glance at my lips again.
"What?" He asks confused.
"Where you look with your eyes on my face." I give him a look and his cheeks turn slightly pink.
"I don't mean it like..." He shuts up before speaking again, "You tell Tyler what you told me yet?" He looks away from me.
"Not yet. I haven't been into town yet but I'm going with Principal Weems to take Wednesday to her therapy session. I prefer to tell him to his face and not though a text." I watch my sister sleep.
"You have his phone number?!" He gets a little loud so I look at him,
"Xavier." I growl his name.
"Sorry." He rolls his eyes.
"No you're not." I eye him.
"Of course I'm not," I hear his thoughts shocking me. "What?" He looks at me confused.
"How did I do that?" I say surprised with myself.
"Do what?" He asks but Wednesday sits up.
"Sadly you didn't die." I give her a smile.
"The nurse said you don't have a concussion, but probably have a nasty bump." Xavier tells her.
"The last thing I remember I was walking outside feeling a mixture of rage, pity and self disgust while ignoring my sister. I never felt that way before." She tells us.
"Yeah, losing to Bianca has that effect on people, I think." He tells her.
"Then I looked up and saw that gargoyle coming down and I thought, at least I'll have an imaginative death. Then you tackled me out is the way. Why?" She asks him.
"Most people just say thank you." Xavier tells her.
"I didn't want to be rescued. I'm sure my sister told you that." She tells him.
"Oh, she did. So I shoulda just let that thing smash you to mush in front of your sister?" He asks her.
"I would have rather saved myself, and if I didn't she would have a great traumatic experience." She says and I agree with it being a traumatic experience, not great though.
"Good to see you haven't changed." He scoffs, "If it makes you feel any better, let's just say I returned the favor. Xavier Thorpe? You probably don't remember me like Valentine did." He tells her.
"He was about two feet shorter and 40 pounds heavier." I add making him look at me then smile.
"She really remembered me." I hear him think again.
"What happened last time we met?" Wednesday asks still lost not remembering him.
"It was my godmother's funeral. Apparently she was friends with your grandmother, and they spent their twenties together in Europe, swindling the rich and notorious. I don't know, but we were ten, and the three of us were bored, decided to play hide and seek. I had the inspired idea to hide in her casket, even though Valentine told me it was a terrible idea. I got stuck as it was headed to the crematorium."
"I'd heard muffled screams. I just figured your godmother had somehow cheated death and was trying to claw her way out." Wednesday remembers starting to smile.
"Either way, you hit the big red stop button and saved me from being flame-boiled. So... now we're even." He smiles.
"Wait, so if I'm ever about to die... you're not going to save me since I've never saved you?" I joke with Xavier.
"Yes." He plays along.
"Some friend you are." I playfully hit him so he grabs my arm to stop me.
"You've never given me a reason why I should save you. Plus you still let me get in that casket." He says giving me a look so I go to hit him with my other hand but he grabs that arm to.
"Don't you dare blame me for your stupidity." I laugh.
"Well you knew better and didn't try to stop me." He laughs now.
"I told you it was a bad idea! That should've been good enough." I fight with him.
"You make me sick." Wednesday gets up getting her stuff leaving.
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10 | Festival
Series: Valentine Addams | Wednesday
Paring: (Xavier Thorpe x OFC Addams! Tyler Galpin x OFC Addams!)
Word Count: 1514
Warnings: fighting about Tyler, connecting, light flirting
9. Boys... | 11. Know What I Saw

"You making your great escape tonight?" I joke walking into Wednesday and Enid's room.
"Yes. You're friend Tyler is diving me to the train station." She tells me.
"When did you ask him?" I ask confused since he hasn't told me about doing this.
"A day ago or something." She tells me.
"Oh, okay." I nod my head.
"Xavier is looking for you." Enid comes into the room so I roll my eyes.
"Enid, have you seen Valentine?" Xavier knocks on the door.
I glare at her so she won't tell him. "I have to open the door." She goes towards it door so I rush to the window going outside to hide. "No, I haven't seen her. Wednesday?" I hear Enid ask.
"No, I haven't but seeing how she's avoiding you I would advise you to simply give up on trying." Wednesday tells him.
"If you see her can you please tell her to come by or try to find me tonight." I hear Xavier leave.
"Why are you still ignoring him if he wants to make up?" Enid asks as I come back into the room.
"Because he doesn't actually mean it. He'll still bring up Tyler and why am I friends with him." I roll my eyes.
"Then just ignore him when he does. You know Tyler differently so forget what Xavier says about him." Enid shrugs her shoulders.
"I guess you're right." I huff leaving the room.
Outside though Xavier was waiting with his arms crossed, "I knew you were hiding in there because Enid was smiling when she opened the door like she had a secret." He says making me throw my head back. "I'm sorry for making you mad." He sighs as I walk to my room.
"But you'll keep bringing him up as long as I'm friends with him so really you'll never be sorry." I turn to face him.
"What if I promise I'll try my best not to. Even though I hate that you're friends with him... at least he's good to you." He sighs. "Please forgive me." He stares at me.
"Ugh, I forgive you." I tell him making him smile and hug me so I step out of it, "No." I make a face shaking my head.
"Got it, not a hugger. Wanna hangout later at the Harvest Festival?" He asks me.
"I'll think about it if Enid doesn't drag me around." I tell him and continue my way to my room.
When we all get to the festival I stand with Wednesday and Enid looking at Tyler with his dad. "Val I know your good friends with that normie but are you sure you can trust him?" Enid asks Wednesday.
"I trust that I can handle myself. And I doubt he would do anything to Valentine's sister." Wednesday tells her.
"Well good luck and safe travels." Enid tries to hug Wednesday again, "Still not a hugger. Got it. I'm going to find Yoko." Enid leaves us.
"How are you shaking Weems off you?" I ask Wednesday.
"I'm thinking." She walks away so I follow her to a game, "You really trust your friend?" Wednesday starts to throw the darts at the balloons.
"Tyler's never given me a reason not to." I do the same as her, "He was the first person I really opened up to..." I sigh popping every balloon with her.
"Jeez, you two get any better at this, you'll be taking home a whole pack." Xavier shows up on the other side of me.
"Pandas don't travel in packs. They prefer their solitude." Wednesday says not paying attention to him.
"All right. Subtle hint taken." He nods his head.
"She's waiting for someone. I'm just here till then." I tell him.
"Oh, yeah, who's the lucky guy... or girl?" He asks.
"What does it matter to you?" She asks as Tyler shows up so I give him a smile.
"Didn't mean to interrupt." Tyler speaks up. "
You're not. Ready?" Xavier looks at him then me.
"Huh? I'll find you in a minute." I say so he walks off annoyed making me roll my eyes at him.
"This is gonna be trickier than I thought. Dad hit me with a curfew. We need to go if I'm gonna make it back in time." Tyler let's Wednesday know.
"She kinda has dead weight she need to lose first." I let him know as the carny hands me a big panda.
"Meet me behind the parking lot when the fireworks start. Valentine go with him so Weems doesn't think you're helping me right now." Wednesday tells us so I nod my head.
Tyler nods his head as well talking my arm walking us off as I carry my big panda, "Is Xavier going to be mad you aren't going off to find him?" Tyler asks letting go of my arm.
"He'll get over. Not really but who cares." I mess with my panda as we get to the parking lot.
"I went though dads stuff and found this. It's your dad's police file." He hands me a file and I open it and scan over it before closing it.
"What if he goes back to look at this and it's gone?" I look up at him.
"He'll get on me but oh well." He gives me a smile.
"Thank you for this. Wednesday will appreciate it as well." I give him a genuine smile.
"I saw the looks on your faces and I figured you two would like to know more information. Plus you're my only friend and I'd do anything for you." His eyes don't leave mine and my body acts on it own. I drop the panda letting my arms snake around his waist hugging him. He gets tense for a second before for hugging me back, "I didn't take you as a hugger." He chuckles so I get out of the hug,
"This stays between us." I pick the panda back up.
"Got it." He laughs as Wednesday shows up.
"Tyler got this for us. It's dad's police file." I hand the file over to her so she takes it.
"I'm not used to people engaging with me. Especially with Valentine. Most see us coming and cross the street." Wednesday speaks up looking at Tyler so he looks at me.
"You guys aren't scary. Just kinda... kooky." He smiles.
"We prefer spooky." I look offended making him chuckle.
"Now my train leaves in an hour. We're burning moonlight. I know as much as you don't want to... go find Xavier so Weems can see your with him so you can say you have no idea where I am." Wednesday tells me.
"Okay... Good luck, love." I squeeze her hand before jogging off to find Xavier.
"There you are." I pop up next to him which startles him. "What does Tyler want with your sister?" He asks.
"Taking her to the train station. Don't tell Weems." I glare at him before looking away to see Tyler and Wednesday running. She bumps into Rowan and I can tell she has a vision before running after him. "Hold this." I give the panda to Xavier to go over to Tyler. "What happened to leaving?" I ask looking off where she ran.
"Lucas and the boys showed up. Tried to lose them in the crowd now she ran off." He explains to me.
"Ugh!" I run after her. "Wednesday!" I call out running into the woods.
I hear talking so I follow and see Rowan using his powers holding Wednesday up against the tree. "Rowan!" I shout at him but he uses his other hand to fling me away. I hit another tree groaning getting up to see a creature grab him.
Wednesday falls and I rush over to her as we watch Rowan get killed. The creature looks back at us and growling before running off. Wednesday goes over to Rowan while I stare at where the creature ran off to.
"What the hell is going on!" I shout before touching my head to see blood.
"We need to get help." Wednesday grabs my hand dragging me off with her. As soon as we reach everyone I fall to the ground fainting.
The next thing I know I wake up in the infirmary with Wednesday sitting next to me in a different bed. "I fainted after you and after telling Bianca." She looks over at me.
"Why did Rowan attack you?" I sit up.
"Said I was destined to ruin the school. Said it was possible for you too but I was 100 percent since his mother told him." She gets out of the bed.
"Ruin the school? How?" I was super confused so she shows me a drawing that looked like her.
"That's you 100 percent because that's your hair not mine. But I could be possible?" I say making my head hurt getting out of bed too.
"I'm staying here to get to the bottom of everything. That's the only reason." She says as we leave to go to our rooms.
"I believe you."
17 | Under Arrest
Series: Valentine Addams | Wednesday
Paring: (Xavier Thorpe x OFC Addams! Tyler Galpin x OFC Addams!)
Word Count: 2283
Warnings: none
16. Rave'N | 18. Birthday, Yes

All week I've been considered about Eugene in the hospital but I knew he would be okay. I saw it so I had to keep reminding myself and his moms about my powers. This weekend was parent's weekend so I was kinda looking forward to seeing everyone. "There they are." Our father tries hugging Wednesday as we walk over to them.
"Hi, Father." I give him a hug then our mother then Pugsley. Wednesday goes on to tell them about Thing then they ask her how's it been.
"Since you've abandoned me here with Valentine, I've been hunted, haunted, and a target of an attempted murder." She tells them. "
Ah, Nevermore. I love you so." Our father smiles.
Weems ends up taking Wednesday and our parents to her office to talk so I spend time with Pugsley outside. "How has it been here for you?" He asks as we sit at a table.
"Good, until Wednesday showed up dragging me into finding a monster with her." I laugh, "I think you would like it here honestly. You'd make friends easily. I'm surprised I have friends." I tell him.
"You have actual friends? You?"
"Yep. Enid over there is a werewolf. Yoko my roommate is a vampire. Eugene is in the hospital recovering from an attack. Ajax is a gorgon so his hair is snakes. Kent and Divina are sirens. Xavier is up there watching us, he still haven't apologized for being a jerk last weekend. And Tyler is in town working at the Weathervane right now."
"I can't believe you have friends. What happened to people suck and you will never have friends again since you can't trust anyone?" He tilts his head.
"As you can tell I've changed some being here. Which still sorta scares me because I'm not used to it."
"Well hearing what mom says about you and what you tell her... I like this new Valentine as well. I mean you're still the same person deep down just with new updates." He laughs.
"I've missed you." I lean across the table to mess up his hair.
When the three come back we're told we have to do family therapy while their here. I was not looking forward to that the entire drive into town. In Dr. Kinbott office it was awkward as we all just sat there in silence. "So, who wants to start?" She asks us.
After some few words from our parents and brother Wednesday stands up with the police file Tyler gave us. "Who was Garrett Gates, and why are you accused of murdering him?" She gets straight to to point.
"Those charges were dropped. Your father is an innocent man." Our mother tells her. "Local sheriff doesn't seem too convinced." She tells her.
"Wednesday, stop." I give her a look because I felt like family therapy wasn't the best place to bring it up because it wasn't Kinbott's business to know all of this to me.
"Your sister is right. This is neither the time nor the place." Our mother stands up. "Actually, this is exactly the place. These sessions are-,"
Our mother cuts her off, "Doctor. This does not concern you. And I refuse to debate a decades old witch hunt with you right now." They end up glaring at each other making Wednesday tell her she will find out on her own.
"What did happen that night?" I ask my father as mother walks back to us as Wednesday walked away.
"We will not discuss it right now. It was in the past and your father did nothing wrong." My mother tells me.
"We have a right to know still. The sheriff doesn't like us because of whatever happened and won't listen to us when we talk about the monster." I tell her.
"Someday but not now." She tells me.
"I'm going to see Tyler. I'll see you at school." I walk away from them wishing they would just tell us to get this over with.
"Family therapy?" Tyler sits across from me giving me a drink.
"Didn't go well, of course. Wednesday showed them the police report and demanded to know why our father was accused of murder. Our mother wanted no talk of it whatsoever." I rest my chin in my hand.
"At least they still went in a therapy session with you two. My father just isn't comfortable talking family stuff to a complete stranger." He huffs.
"Does he think it's easy for us to sit there and talk about our crap?" I scoff.
"That's exactly what I told him." He looks up at the ceiling signing.
"I like it here at Nevermore but lately I use want to escape from everything and everyone. Go somewhere where I don't have to deal with people, feelings, anything..." I sigh doing the same and close my eyes.
"I know exactly what you mean."
"Let's just drive until we can't drive anymore." I joke making him chuckle.
"I'm all in but I still don't get off for a few more hours." He plays along.
"Damn, just ditch. I mean we're running away."
"Well, we need money to run away. You don't have a job so I have to provide for us to do so." He makes me laugh more.
"I can rob a bank and get away with it. I've done it before." I tell him and he didn't know if I was lying or telling the truth.
"Really or?" He looks at me.
"Shh." I put my finger over my mouth.
"Sadly, we're stuck here. Well, I am. You get to leave when school is over." He looks out the window.
"You could always come visit me. I could have Lurch come get you." I suggest.
"You want me to come visit during the summer?" He looks at me.
"Why not?" I smile.
"I'll think about it. I gotta get back to work." He gets up.
"I should head back to school anyways." I get up as well.
Back at school when we were all eating except Wednesday because she was still annoyed with our parents. "Can I ask what this is about, Sheriff?" I hear Weems and look over to see him and other officers.
"Mom..." I look at her as Galpin walks towards us.
"Gomez Addams." He calls out dad's name.
"How can I help you, Sheriff?" Father stands up.
"You're under arrest for the murder of Garrett Gates." He tells him making us all stand up.
"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law." He hands cuffs him walking him off.
While Wednesday goes to visit our father I stay with our mother. "Wednesday told me she saw you laying a rose on Garrett Gates grave earlier today. Who was he? And what happened?" I ask her hoping she would be honest with me.
"Garrett was infatuated with me. Took my kindness for interest. His infatuation turned into obsession and he started stalking me. The police didn't believe us because his family were the oldest and richest here. His grandfather was an outcast hater. He was furious that I had accused his only son." She explains to me looking at the floor. "What happened?" I ask her. "It was the night of the Rave'N Dance. Your father and I stepped out. Garrett had broken into the school. You could see in his eyes he had murderous intent. I told your father to run away but Garrett wouldn't stop chasing him. They had a sword fight out in the rain were construction was being done. It was all self defense, he was unstoppable but the thing is... your father didn't kill him, I jumped in to save your father." She explains to me.
"He took to blame to protect you because he loved you..." I say and she had tears in her eyes.
"Of course he did. I always knew this would come back and haunt us." She sighs.
"I can't believe Sheriff Galpin arrested father. I know as soon as Tyler says something about it his father will just give him shit for being my friend." I sigh as well.
"Do you like this boy?" She changes the topic.
"I still don't fully know feelings... and I've developed new ones I've never felt before until I met him. He makes me feel so many things and it makes me feel like I'm losing my mind." I explain to her making her smile.
"That means you really like this boy, dear."
"I know but... I'm not supposed to feel things like this. Since I started here at Nevermore, I've changed mother. I care more about some people, I've opened up to others, I sorta care about how others see me, and like being around friends." I make her chuckle.
"You're not changing that much dear. You just feel comfortable here and that's what I was hoping for." She pets the top of my head.
I was spending time with Pugsley when Wednesday told us she needed to borrow me for a bit. She tells me we're going to dig up Garrett Gates then adds the other details to why we needed to dig him up.
"This reminds me of when you two got your first grave-digging kit. Wednesday, you were so happy you nearly smiled. And Valentine it was the first time you ever smiled." Our mother tells us as we dig.
"Are you sure don't want to join?" Wednesday stops to look at her.
"Uh...mmm... No, that's okay, darling. I don't want to spoil your fun." Our mother looks at her nails before we reach the box.
"Moment of truth." I move for Wednesday to open the coffin.
"Well, well, what do we have here?" An officer walks over to us. "Guess there's gonna be an Addams family reunion in lockup tonight. You're all under arrest." She tells us so we put our hands up.
In lockup our parents wouldn't get off each other. "I've seen jackals with more self-control than you two. Neither one of you are strong enough to serve hard time. And thanks to me, you won't have to." Wednesday tells them and I go take a seat.
We learned Garrett Gates was dying from Nightshade poisoning before our mother stabbed him. As Wednesday goes to get the finger from our mother as she was kissing father she has a vision.
"What did you see?" I ask her.
"The night Garrett died, he had a bail of nightshade poison that broke in his pocket. He wasn't just trying to kill father. He was going to use the nightshade poison to murder the entire school." She tells us.
The next morning we go see the mayor to get him to clear the charges and tell him we know he covered up the truth about how Garrett died. After we got our deal Wednesday and our mother talk about her visions so I just listen standing to the side.
"Our psychic ability resides on the spectrum of who we are. Given my disposition, my visions tend to be positive. That makes me a Dove." She explains to her.
"And for someone like me? Who sees the world through a darker lens?"
"You're a Raven. Your visions are more potent, more powerful. But without the proper training, they can lead to madness. If I could help you, I would, Wednesday. But we're not trained by the living. Somebody from our bloodline reaches out from the beyond to help us when we're ready." Our mother lets her know.
"Goody has. I've seen her before." Wednesday tells her.
"Be careful, Wednesday. Goody was a witch of great strength, but her vengeance pushed her too far, and even she couldn't save herself." Mother adds.
"How are yours?" She turns to me.
"Mixed, good ones and bad ones." I let her know making her seem slightly worried since I was between two.
I leave the two and go wait for father to be released. "My little fallen angel." He smiles as he comes out with Sheriff Galpin.
"Sorry about all of this." He tells my father.
"I don't hold grudges, only blood debts." Father tells him.
"He's not lying. I did the same thing from the age six to ten." I nudge my father with my elbow.
"Your daughter and my son have become... close." He tells my father looking at me.
"I pity any boy who gets caught in her viper's gaze, but he must be a good egg. She wouldn't tolerate anything less." My father smiles at me.
"He has his mom to thank for that." Sheriff sighs.
"Tyler's great... He's the first person I opened up to and felt comfortable around." I smile at both of them.
"You have a great daughter..." They shake hands before the sheriff walks off.
"Dad. I've missed you so much!" Pugsley hugs him as we join the rest of the family and have a group hug but Wednesday just stands there with her arms to her side.
Back at school parents weekend comes to an end and we say our goodbyes. "Don't be scared of changing because you're still you, darling. And don't be afraid of your feelings. I understand some are very new for you but you'll get them. Don't be afraid to act on them... especially romantic ones." My mother kisses the top of my head going to talk to Wednesday.
"Look at this." Wednesday comes over to me when our parents left.
20 | A Hyde
Series: Valentine Addams | Wednesday
Paring: (Xavier Thorpe x OFC Addams! Tyler Galpin x OFC Addams!)
Word Count: 1780
Warnings: hurt from a vision
19. Split Up? | 21. More Than...

News got out the the mayor passed away and we all went to the funeral. As the funeral ends someone catches Wednesday and mine eyes so she runs off to chase them making me groan following her. We end up catching up to the person and see it was a uncle Fester making us happy to see him.
"How long have you been stalking us?" I ask him was the three of us walk together.
"Just blew into town this morning and was hit by a wave of nostalgia." He tells us.
"I thought you didn't go to Nevermore." Wednesday looks at him.
"I didn't. Your dad got all the brains. But I used to drop in on him. Usually from the ceiling with a dagger clutched between my teeth. Just to keep him in his toes." He tells and we say of course. "He filled me in on what's been going on. Monsters, murder, mayhem. What fun! I told him I had a job in Boston, but I'd be checking up in your two."
"What kind of job?" Wednesday asks.
"The kind that means I need somewhere to lay low for a couple of days." He tells us so they both smile. Wednesday ends up talking him to the beekeeping shed.
"It belongs to a our friend." She tells him as we go in.
"You two actually made a friend. That poor kid will be going home in a body bag." He says and I see Wednesday look slightly sad. "I like a hideout that comes with snacks." He looks at the bees.
"Those bees are hibernating." I tell him.
"They're practically Eugene's children. That means do not eat them!" Wednesday tells him as he tries.
"You know when you give me that death stare of disapproval, you remind me of your mother. Speaking of scary things, you know what kind of monster you're dealing with?" He asks.
"We haven't been able to identify it." I tell him so Wednesday shows him the drawing.
"Ooh. It's called a Hyde." He tell us.
"As in Jekyll and Hyde?" I ask and he nods his head making me think back to when I randomly felt two feeling from it. It was a person who was split. "Excuse me. I gotta go. See you later Uncle Fester." I leave going to Xavier art shed.
"Surprised to see you here." He says as I walk in.
"I'm kinda hoping to have a vision or something from your art of the monster." I walk around looking at the art work.
"About the painting"
I cut him off, "Xavier, it's fine. I just felt vulnerable because you've seen me with my walls down slightly when go out to draw." I tell him.
"How would you get a vision for my art work?" He goes back to why I was here.
"I don't know but I need something." I huff.
"Try the one that scratched me." He motions over to it.
"I'll give it a try." I walk over touching it and get a vision in Xavier's point of view working on the painting then it's claws come out scratching me.
"Val." Xavier holds me in his arms, "You stumbled back." He says as I stand up putting my hand on my neck then see blood. "How?" He moves my hair to look at my neck that had the scratches he had.
"I don't know. I was in you place in the vision." I sigh.
"You need to go clean it." He grabs my hand pulling me out leading me back to the school. He takes me to his room and I sit on his bed as he goes to the bathroom. I was in a little shock that I got hurt from a vision. Xavier comes back sitting next to me moving my hair out of his way as he cleans my neck. "Val, are you okay?" I hear him ask but don't answer as I stare into space. "Valentine." He tucks hair behind my ear.
"That's not normal... What's happening to me?" I turn my head to look at him concerned.
"I wish I knew..." He sighs placing his hand on my knee so I move it off me.
"Please don't." I tell him nicely.
"Sorry." He takes his hand back.
"At least I know you were telling the truth about what happened." I chuckle some.
"Thought you already did." He gives me a look.
"I did but now I really know." I make him chuckle. "I'm gonna go to my room. Thank you for helping me with my neck." I get up.
"What happened to your neck?" Enid sees me enter the room.
"A vision." I keep it short.
"You got hurt from a vision? How?" She comes to sit next to me.
"I don't know how. I touched the painting that did the same to Xavier and it happened to me as well but in the vision since I was in his place." I lay down.
"Maybe you should call your mom and ask what does it mean." She lays down next to me.
"She'll get worried and think it's not safe here and take me to get looked at by family members." I look at the ceiling.
"It's a fair response." She does the same as me.
"The monster's a Hyde. Like Jekyll and Hyde... Which makes sense when I felt two feeling from it when I first saw it. I explained to Tyler I felt anger and fear from it like it was two different people. The normal part that I kinda saw and heard that was forced into becoming this... they're scared of them self."
"What do you want with me now?" I ask Wednesday meeting her out by the statue to the Nightshades.
"We're getting a diary to learn more about the Hyde." She snaps for us to go in. "Uncle Fester?" Wednesday calls out.
"Who's Uncle Fester?" Xavier walks into view.
"What are you doing here?" She asks him.
"Since I'm an actual Nightshade, I don't have to explain myself. What's your excuse for creeping around in the middle of the night?" He asks her putting a book away.
"Research." I tell him.
"On the monster? I'll save you two some time. There's nothing in here matching that thing." He walks over to us.
"Isn't that convenient." Wednesday tells him turning to walk away.
"You know what your problem is?" He makes her stop.
"I would love to hear your piercing insight." She tells him.
"You don't know who your real friends are. I've been on your side since day one. I've literally saved your life. I believed your theories when nobody else did. And what do I get in return? Just nothing but suspicion and lies." He tells her.
"Technically that isn't true." I cut in before Wednesday could say something.
"What?" Xavier cocks his head.
"You didn't believe us at first about witnessing Rowan's murder. You didn't believe the monster was real or human when the rain washed the footprints away. So don't lie saying you did when nobody else did." I wanted to be straight with him.
"You want honesty? Here it is. Every time the monster's attacked, you've been right there. Starting with Rowan at the Harvest Festival. Then on Outreach Day, you arrived just minutes after the monster disappeared, yet you say you didn't see it." She tells him with a death glare.
"I didn't realize proximity was a crime." He walks past us to leave.
"Then there's your drawing obsession. You have drawn the monster dozens of times, yet you've never seen it. Or so you claim. You drew where it lived. Then when Eugene went to investigate, you tried to kill him so he wouldn't spill your secrets." She tells him and I just look at her.
"You think I would hurt Eugene?" He walks towards her.
"Let's not your oh-so-convenient appearance after Tyler has been attacked at the Gates mansion. And I know a perfectly good reason why you would try to get him out of the picture." She glances at me.
"If I am the monster, the why haven't I killed you or Val yet?" He stops in front of her.
"Because you wouldn't dare kill someone's sister you like because she would be devastated." She glares at him.
"Wednesday, that's a bit much with no sold evidence. And I had a vision of him getting scratched by the art work. It happened to me in the vision." I show her my neck.
"He could have done that on purpose just to make it seem like he was innocent." She gives him a death glare so he scoffs leaving us. "How long have you been lurking?" Wednesday turns to Uncle Fester.
"Long enough to feel tension between Val and him just by their looks. Seriously, you could cut it with an executioner's axe." He tells us.
"No, I don't like him like that anymore. He's just a friend." I leave not wanting to be with them. "Xavier!" I chase after him.
"What?" He turns to face me in the main hall.
"I know it's not you and I'm sorry I can't change her mind about you. She's very stubborn." I catch up to him.
"Did you even for a tiny second think I could be the monster? Be serious with me, please." He begs me.
"Just when you showed up when I found Tyler hurt. Only because you it was very random for you to be there. That's the only time ever." I tell him truthfully.
"I went there looking for you. That night I went to your room and Yoko said you were with Wednesday and Enid. I went to their room knocking on the window thinking I had a better chance at getting you to not run from me. I went in and just saw Thing. I thought where could they be and remembered about Wednesday wanting to know about the Gate's gate."
"See, I believe that but then it was just for a second. I was just worried and scared that night so you didn't help showing up." I explain to him.
"I would never try to hurt you, Wednesday or Enid. Hell, I wouldn't even hurt Tyler because you care about him as well. And if I hurt someone you care about them I'm hurting you as well." He steps closer to me, "You mean to much to me to do that." He leans down so I put my hand on his chest to stop him.
"Xavier, I'm sorry." He stops looking hurt.
12 | Looking for a Clue
Series: Valentine Addams | Wednesday
Paring: (Xavier Thorpe x OFC Addams! Tyler Galpin x OFC Addams!)
Word Count: 1729
Warnings: none
11. Know What I Saw | 13. Outreach Jobs

Instead of going to the hummers I end up helping Enid continue decorating the canoe. "We have to get back to the woods." Wednesday comes up to us.
"How? Weems has been watching you like a vulture circling a carcass." I look up at her so she glances at Enid.
"You want me to cover so you two can return to the scene of a crime that didn't happen?" Enid says still working.
"I have beekeeping club this afternoon. I need you as decoy. Weems doesn't care about Valentine because she trusts her." Wednesday tells her.
"Sorry. Two strikes. I'm busy and bees totally creep me out. Why don't you ask Thing? Wait, you can't because he's mad at you." Enid tells her.
"Why is he mad? He's the one who screwed up with Rowan."
"All I know is that we spent an hour giving each other manis, and he really opened up. He feels like you don't respect him as a person." Enid lets her know.
"Technically, he's only a hand." Wednesday looks at her.
"Wednesday, he's our family. And Thing would do anything for us, especially for you." I add.
"Go apologizes and I'll reconsider helping you." Enid tells her so she walks off.
"That will be the first attempt to apologize ever." I laugh continuing to paint.
"Really?" Enid says surprise. "Wednesday has never said sorry to anyone." I shake my head.
Soon Wednesday comes back saying she and Thing were on better terms so Enid helps Wednesday out. I wait outside of the shed while Enid helps Enid and talks to Eugene. "Let's go." She comes out taking the lead so I follow her.
"So what exactly are we looking for?" I quietly ask her as we walk around looking at the ground.
"Anything to prove it happened. Someone had to leave at least one thing." She keeps her eyes down.
"There was no blood at the scene so I doubt they would leave something accidentally." I say walking ahead of her before we hear a dog. We both look in the direction but I'm grabbed by someone placing their hand over my mouth so I grab Wednesday taking her with me.
When the sheriff and the dog pass by Wednesday pulls me away from who grabbed me and it was Tyler. "What the hell? I never get scared and you startled me." I slap his chest.
"Sorry. I didn't want Elvis to pick on up your scents." He explains to me.
"Thanks. How'd you throw them off?" Wednesday asks him.
"Uh..." He shows is coffee grounds. "Deer hunting hack. One of the perks of being a part-time barista." He puts them away.
"I assume your father didn't bring the bloodhound to play fetch." Wednesday says.
"He doesn't tell me shit. You two must think it's weird I'm stalking him." He gives us a look.
"No, we consistently stalk our parents." Wednesday tells him walking off so we follow her.
"What really happened the other night at the festival? Look, I swear I won't say anything to my dad. Valentine already told me she found Rowan using his powers to hold you up against a tree. She yelled his name and he used his other hand to fling her into a tree. Then this creature showed up killing him." Tyler tells her.
"That exactly happened. I thought Rowan was in danger. Turns out I was wrong. Then he proceeded to use his Telekinesis to try and choke me to death. Valentine came running and he used his telekinesis to throw her into a tree. That's when this monster came out of the shadows and gutted him." She tells him the same thing.
"You both saw it and it didn't try to kill you both?" Tyler asks so I nod my head.
"It actually saved me from Rowan, probably Valentine too. That's the part I'm trying to figure out. We came out here to find something that can prove he was murdered and that we haven't lost our minds. Yet." She says before finding Rowan's glasses picking them up getting a vision.
"What did you see?" I bend down to her.
"The gargoyle... that was Rowan. He even used his powers in Xavier in a argument. I need to find that purple book." She tells me, "Remember he said I was destined to ruin the school but also said it was possible for you too. If I don't then you do... So you're apart of this too. We need that book." She adds.
"Well, I don't know what purple book you're talking about. I don't see what you see." I stand up then start remember something when I got a vision from him. "But I know where the book is... Sorta."
"Sorta?" She stands up.
"I bumped into him and had a vision of him looking for a book in a library I've never seen." I explain to her and she walks off.
"Bye, I guess." Tyler waves making me giggle some.
"Thanks for helping us not get caught. I can't believe you scared me." I shake my head.
"Sorry, again." He apologizes.
"I'm guessing you two had a shitty moments that made you stalk him?" I say staying with Tyler.
"Yeah. Upset I don't tell him what I talk to Dr. Kinbott about. I told him we talk about mom because he won't." He looks down at the ground.
"If you ever want to rant to me... I'm here for you." I smile backing away from him, "See you, Ty." I wave going back towards the school.
I thought after sometime I was off the clock while laying in bed listening to music but I was wrong when Thing pops up telling me I was needed and needed to follow him. I groan getting up following and Wednesday tells me we were sneaking into Xavier's room to look for the book to see if Rowan left it behind. We wait outside the window till Xavier goes into the bathroom after his run.
"Start investigating." She tells Thing and I.
"So bossy." I look through things.
"Why draw me?" I hear Wednesday say under her breath then flip more pages, "You, you, you, you, you. He's obsessed with you." She looks over at me.
"That's a bit odd for me." I continue to look around.
I hear her find something under Rowan's bed and pulls out a mask, "Lets go." She tells me as there was a knock at the door.
We both quickly hide under each bed. I think I was lucky I wear black because if I was in Enid's clothes, you would 100% see me under Rowan's stripped bed. "You're not supposed to be up here." Xavier pulls Bianca into his room.
"Good to see you too."
"How'd you get past the Housemaster? Use your siren powers?" He says not really wanting to see her.
"Not while wearing this. Would it kill you to not think the worst of me for once? I came to see how you're doing. I'm sorry about Rowan. I know you guys used to be close." She tells him.
"Since when did you give a damn about Rowan?"
"You were the one afraid he'd do something to Wednesday. Isn't that what you've been following her like an eager-eyed puppy? Or is there something more? More like not wanting anything to happen to her because it would affect her sister? What do you see in Valentine? You have a thing for goth girls who are psychos deep down?" She follows him over to his desk.
"Maybe it's because she hasn't tried to manipulate me." He tells her and see Wednesday look over at me.
"I make one mistake, and you can't forgive me. You two fight and she will go days without talking to you and you can't get enough." Bianca tells him annoyed.
"What are you still fixated on Valentine?" He asks. "
Because she thinks she's better than everyone else and her sister is the same. I can't wait to crush Ophelia Hall tomorrow and watch their werewolf roommate and friend crumble. It's gonna be a Poe Cup finale to remember."
"I hate to think what you've got planned." Xavier tells her.
"My game's already started. I like to win. Is that wrong?" She tells him making me wonder what has she done.
"And you wonder why I broke up with you." Xavier tells her.
"You used to love my killer instinct. We were good together, Xavier." I watch her take his hand.
"Were we? Is that just how you wanted me to feel?" He makes her back away.
"Trust me, Valentine Addams is not the girl of your dreams. She's the stuff of your nightmares." Bianca leaves and Xavier goes back to the bathroom so we rush to leave.
"How do you feel?" She asks me as we head to her room.
"Shut up." I tell her as we go through her window.
"Where have you two been? I'm literally having a heart attack right now. Yoko and Eve are in the infirmary because of a Garlic bread incident at dinner. They both had a major allergic reaction and are both out is the Poe Cup. I don't have a co-pilot or another teammate." Enid paces around.
"It wasn't an accident. Bianca's behind it. And remember I said I would fill in if something was to happen." I try to calm her down.
"The three of us are going to take her down tomorrow." Wednesday lets Enid know.
"Wait. You're joining the Black Cats too? You're willing to do that? For me?" She looks at her.
"I want to humiliate Bianca so badly that the bitter taste of defy burns in her throat." Wednesday tells her.
"Yeah, but mostly you're doing it because we're friends, right?" Enid asks so Wednesday turns away from her asking how Bianca keeps winning so Enid explains to her.
Before heading out to get some sleep I grab Enid's arm, "As much as I would love to beat Bianca at her own game and see her pissed off... Unlike my sister, I am doing this because you're a good friend and I said I would." I whisper to her making her hug me. I stand there for a second before hugging her back.
"Thank you, Val. You're the best." She lets go of me excited.
3 | Knock It Off
Series: Valentine Addams | Wednesday
Paring: (Xavier Thorpe x OFC Addams! Tyler Galpin x OFC Addams!)
Word Count: 1721
Warnings: Xavier just jealous of Tyler
Last: Therapy | Next: Changing

So far Nevermore hasn't been bad and I was surprised how well I made friends. Well, except for Bianca. We were more like frenemies because we were very competitive against each other. Especially in fencing most of the time we went against each other it came to the tie. Me and Yoko got along pretty quickly being roommates. Enid and I were sometimes alike but in different fonts. Xavier and me were good friends which Bianca didn't like at all. It took awhile for Ajax to stop being nervous around me. Divina and Kent were alright, I wasn't super close to them but I knew Divina more because of Yoko.
Having to join a club I met Eugene and he remained me of Pugsley so I treated him like a brother. There was Rowan, who was basically an outcast of outcast. We had a few conversations but he never stuck around long. Lastly was Tyler. After every therapy session I would go over to the Weathervane to get a Hot Chocolate and talk to Tyler as he worked. Xavier didn't quite like me talk to Tyler telling me what he did to him last year. I understand that it was bad because he put time into his work, but compared to what I do to people... It didn't seem that big of a deal to me.
"Bianca seems a little pissed today. Do you know what happed?" Yoko asks Divina as some of us were going into town today.
"Xavier broke up with her." She looks at Bianca in the front of the bus alone before telling us making Enid gasp next to me.
"Why?" She asks wanting more details for her blog.
"She won't talk about it." Divina tells her and I watch Enid start typing on her phone.
I look in the back to see Xavier looking out the window listening to music alone. When we all get off the bus the girls take off and I wait for Xavier.
Once he sees me he takes out his earbuds, "Why are you looking at me like that?" He asks annoyed.
"Wanna get a drink and a snack from the Weathervane? We can talk about whatever." I suggest to him.
"Sure." We head over there.
"The usual and?" Tyler asks Xavier as we walk up so he tells him before we go sit in a booth.
"I'm assuming you heard the news. I know Enid just posted about it on the way here. Is that why you want to talk to me?" Xavier leans back on his side.
"I wanna know how a friend's doing. And if you want to talk about it you can but if you don't it's okay." I do the same.
"We broke up for two reasons." He looks out the window as Tyler brings us our drinks.
"Thank you." I tell him as he leaves. "What are your reasons since you broke up with her." I sit up.
"The main reason is because I had doubts about Bianca and her intentions as a siren. I'm constantly paranoid that she's using her siren song me and we keep getting into fights over it." He sits up looking at his drink.
"But she has her amulet she wears." I tell him.
"I'm still paranoid about it." He sighs.
"Is there another reason?" I ask.
"The second reason is she doesn't like our friendship." He rolls his eyes.
"Like you with me about..." I motion towards Tyler.
"It's different." He eyes Tyler working.
"Stop it." I kick his leg underneath the table, "But why does she have a problem with me with you? I don't treat you any differently than others and you don't treat me differently either." I raise an eyebrow.
"She doesn't think that." He messes with his hands.
"Well she's stupid because I don't like you like that. I don't like anyone for a fact. You have to prove you're worth my time. And it takes a lot to melt my semi ice cold heart." I explain to him not seeing the slight disappoint on his face.
"You don't mind if I draw while we sit here, right?" Xavier pulls stuff out of his bag.
"Do you have an extra book I can draw in while we sit here?" I ask him.
"Here. I haven't used this one. You can keep it." He passes me one and a pencil.
"Thanks, I'm going to use you as my muse." I open up the book.
"Okay." He laughs before we sit in silence sketching each other.
After awhile I take a break to go use the restroom then go to the counter to ask for another drink. "Hey Ty, can I have another and two croissants?" I come around the corner leaning on the counter.
"I had a feeling you would come ask at some point. Sure, I'll bring it after this customer." He gives me a smile that makes me feel happy on inside but never show it, "Thanks." I go join Xavier who was glaring at me. "Knock it off, Thorpe." I huff taking my seat.
"I told you he's bad news." He huffs as well making me turn to look at Tyler for a second to see him making my cup with a slight smile before tuning back around.
"Yes, because the boy with the light-brown curly hair, greenish eyes, and a kindly smile is bad news. Xavier, I know what he did to you but I'm worse. I can handle myself." I roll my eyes.
"For someone who, in fact doesn't like anyone, sure described him like you do." He rolls his eyes drawing.
"You have golden brown shoulder length hair, eyes are a light olive color with brown surrounding the pupil, when you smile you get dimples." I say making him look at me, "I'm just good at describing someone."
"Your hot chocolate with two croissants like you asked. Do you want another drink or anything else?" Tyler sets my stuff down then asks Xavier.
"I'm good." He tells him coldly. Tyler just nods his head leaving the booth. "I don't see how you're friends with him." Xavier goes for one of my croissants so I smack his hand away,
"Because he's nice to me and that's all that matters when it comes to me. And he asked if you wanted anything so don't touch my shit." I explain to him going back to my drawing.
Bianca ends up coming in with Divina and a few of her other siren friends catching sight of Xavier and I. "She looks pissed." I laugh so I give her a smile and a little wave.
"Now you knock it off, Addams." Xavier reaches across the table putting my hand down.
"Why? Let me have some fun." I say eyeing her as she glares at me.
"Why would you want to piss her off more when you're kinda one of the reasons I broke up with her?" He leans on the table refusing to look her way.
"Because I love chaos." I lean on the table as well starring him in the eyes.
"You're terrible." He shakes his head at me.
"Thank you." I give him a smile.
"I'm finished by the way." Xavier shows me his drawing.
"You finally got my nose right." I say before showing him mine.
"Oh my god. It's like a fucking picture. You still haven't show me your work so I'm amazed. You said I'm quite the artist but you are a artist " He takes it from me looking at it more.
"I'm best at people." I take it back as he hands it back over to me. "I'm gonna go pay for our drinks. Then meet you at the bus." We get up and go different directions.
"How much do I owe you? I'm paying for Xavier's too." I walk up to Tyler.
"It's on the house." He walks over to me. "Ty, no. How much, really? I normally wouldn't care if someone told me that but you're a friend and this is your job." I tell him getting serious.
"No, really it's on the house." He smiles making me get all warm again.
"Fine, here's your tip." I put a twenty in the tip jar.
"Valentine." He pulls it out trying to give it back to me.
"Nope, you worked for it. See you tomorrow since I have my session with Kinbott. I gotta bus to catch." I rush out getting on the shuttle.
"How much do I owe you?" Xavier asks as I take a seat next to him.
"Nothing. He said it was on the house for the both of us." I keep it short and Xavier rolls his eyes.
Back at the school walking towards my dorm Bianca show up, "I can't believe he left me for you." She eyes me.
"He didn't but if he did I would say he upgraded. But Xavier is just a friend to me. I don't date. Plus it's quite difficult to melt my semi ice cold heart." I tell her with a straight face.
"An upgrade?" She laughs crossing her arms.
"Yes. Now I think this conversation is over." I walk past her going to my dorm. As soon as I enter the room the crystal ball was going off. "Mother, father." I answer it.
"How are you doing my black widow?" My father asks me.
"Good. Just got back from the town with some friends." I tell him.
"I'm still so proud of you making friends at Nevermore." My mother gets a big smile.
"I'm quite impressed with myself actually." I tell them.
"Enid, I told you no." Yoko huffs as she walks into the room with her following her.
"Val, did Xavier tell you why he broke up with Bianca?" She rushes over to me.
"Mother, Father, I'll call you back tomorrow."
"Okay, dear." They end the call.
"Spill the tea." Enid shakes me, "And don't tell me he didn't because if he was to tell anyone it would be you." She glares at me.
"I'm not telling you, Enid. It's not going on your blog. I keep other's secrets to myself." I tell her making her pout. "It's not going to work on me." I look at her with no emotions.
"Fine..." She huffs crossing her arms.