ghoulyghoulsblog - 𝕲𝖍𝖔𝖚𝖑𝖆𝖗

Ghoular / 21 / Slytherin

917 posts

12 | Looking For A Clue

12 | Looking for a Clue

Series: Valentine Addams | Wednesday

Paring: (Xavier Thorpe x OFC Addams! Tyler Galpin x OFC Addams!)

Word Count: 1729

Warnings: none

11. Know What I Saw | 13. Outreach Jobs

12 | Looking For A Clue

Instead of going to the hummers I end up helping Enid continue decorating the canoe. "We have to get back to the woods." Wednesday comes up to us. 

"How? Weems has been watching you like a vulture circling a carcass." I look up at her so she glances at Enid. 

"You want me to cover so you two can return to the scene of a crime that didn't happen?" Enid says still working. 

"I have beekeeping club this afternoon. I need you as decoy. Weems doesn't care about Valentine because she trusts her." Wednesday tells her. 

"Sorry. Two strikes. I'm busy and bees totally creep me out. Why don't you ask Thing? Wait, you can't because he's mad at you." Enid tells her. 

"Why is he mad? He's the one who screwed up with Rowan."

"All I know is that we spent an hour giving each other manis, and he really opened up. He feels like you don't respect him as a person." Enid lets her know. 

"Technically, he's only a hand." Wednesday looks at her. 

"Wednesday, he's our family. And Thing would do anything for us, especially for you." I add. 

"Go apologizes and I'll reconsider helping you." Enid tells her so she walks off. 

"That will be the first attempt to apologize ever." I laugh continuing to paint. 

"Really?" Enid says surprise. "Wednesday has never said sorry to anyone." I shake my head.

Soon Wednesday comes back saying she and Thing were on better terms so Enid helps Wednesday out. I wait outside of the shed while Enid helps Enid and talks to Eugene. "Let's go." She comes out taking the lead so I follow her. 

"So what exactly are we looking for?" I quietly ask her as we walk around looking at the ground. 

"Anything to prove it happened. Someone had to leave at least one thing." She keeps her eyes down. 

"There was no blood at the scene so I doubt they would leave something accidentally." I say walking ahead of her before we hear a dog. We both look in the direction but I'm grabbed by someone placing their hand over my mouth so I grab Wednesday taking her with me.

When the sheriff and the dog pass by Wednesday pulls me away from who grabbed me and it was Tyler. "What the hell? I never get scared and you startled me." I slap his chest. 

"Sorry. I didn't want Elvis to pick on up your scents." He explains to me. 

"Thanks. How'd you throw them off?" Wednesday asks him. 

"Uh..." He shows is coffee grounds. "Deer hunting hack. One of the perks of being a part-time barista." He puts them away. 

"I assume your father didn't bring the bloodhound to play fetch." Wednesday says. 

"He doesn't tell me shit. You two must think it's weird I'm stalking him." He gives us a look. 

"No, we consistently stalk our parents." Wednesday tells him walking off so we follow her.

"What really happened the other night at the festival? Look, I swear I won't say anything to my dad. Valentine already told me she found Rowan using his powers to hold you up against a tree. She yelled his name and he used his other hand to fling her into a tree. Then this creature showed up killing him." Tyler tells her. 

"That exactly happened. I thought Rowan was in danger. Turns out I was wrong. Then he proceeded to use his Telekinesis to try and choke me to death. Valentine came running and he used his telekinesis to throw her into a tree. That's when this monster came out of the shadows and gutted him." She tells him the same thing.

"You both saw it and it didn't try to kill you both?" Tyler asks so I nod my head. 

"It actually saved me from Rowan, probably Valentine too. That's the part I'm trying to figure out. We came out here to find something that can prove he was murdered and that we haven't lost our minds. Yet." She says before finding Rowan's glasses picking them up getting a vision. 

"What did you see?" I bend down to her. 

"The gargoyle... that was Rowan. He even used his powers in Xavier in a argument. I need to find that purple book." She tells me, "Remember he said I was destined to ruin the school but also said it was possible for you too. If I don't then you do... So you're apart of this too. We need that book." She adds. 

"Well, I don't know what purple book you're talking about. I don't see what you see." I stand up then start remember something when I got a vision from him. "But I know where the book is... Sorta."

"Sorta?" She stands up. 

"I bumped into him and had a vision of him looking for a book in a library I've never seen." I explain to her and she walks off. 

"Bye, I guess." Tyler waves making me giggle some. 

"Thanks for helping us not get caught. I can't believe you scared me." I shake my head. 

"Sorry, again." He apologizes. 

"I'm guessing you two had a shitty moments that made you stalk him?" I say staying with Tyler. 

"Yeah. Upset I don't tell him what I talk to Dr. Kinbott about. I told him we talk about mom because he won't." He looks down at the ground. 

"If you ever want to rant to me... I'm here for you." I smile backing away from him, "See you, Ty." I wave going back towards the school.


I thought after sometime I was off the clock while laying in bed listening to music but I was wrong when Thing pops up telling me I was needed and needed to follow him. I groan getting up following and Wednesday tells me we were sneaking into Xavier's room to look for the book to see if Rowan left it behind. We wait outside the window till Xavier goes into the bathroom after his run. 

"Start investigating." She tells Thing and I. 

"So bossy." I look through things. 

"Why draw me?" I hear Wednesday say under her breath then flip more pages, "You, you, you, you, you. He's obsessed with you." She looks over at me. 

"That's a bit odd for me." I continue to look around.

I hear her find something under Rowan's bed and pulls out a mask, "Lets go." She tells me as there was a knock at the door. 

We both quickly hide under each bed. I think I was lucky I wear black because if I was in Enid's clothes, you would 100% see me under Rowan's stripped bed. "You're not supposed to be up here." Xavier pulls Bianca into his room. 

"Good to see you too."

"How'd you get past the Housemaster? Use your siren powers?" He says not really wanting to see her. 

"Not while wearing this. Would it kill you to not think the worst of me for once? I came to see how you're doing. I'm sorry about Rowan. I know you guys used to be close." She tells him.

"Since when did you give a damn about Rowan?"

"You were the one afraid he'd do something to Wednesday. Isn't that what you've been following her like an eager-eyed puppy? Or is there something more? More like not wanting anything to happen to her because it would affect her sister? What do you see in Valentine? You have a thing for goth girls who are psychos deep down?" She follows him over to his desk.

"Maybe it's because she hasn't tried to manipulate me." He tells her and see Wednesday look over at me. 

"I make one mistake, and you can't forgive me. You two fight and she will go days without talking to you and you can't get enough." Bianca tells him annoyed. 

"What are you still fixated on Valentine?" He asks. "

Because she thinks she's better than everyone else and her sister is the same. I can't wait to crush Ophelia Hall tomorrow and watch their werewolf roommate and friend crumble. It's gonna be a Poe Cup finale to remember."

"I hate to think what you've got planned." Xavier tells her. 

"My game's already started. I like to win. Is that wrong?" She tells him making me wonder what has she done. 

"And you wonder why I broke up with you." Xavier tells her. 

"You used to love my killer instinct. We were good together, Xavier." I watch her take his hand. 

"Were we? Is that just how you wanted me to feel?" He makes her back away. 

"Trust me, Valentine Addams is not the girl of your dreams. She's the stuff of your nightmares." Bianca leaves and Xavier goes back to the bathroom so we rush to leave.

"How do you feel?" She asks me as we head to her room. 

"Shut up." I tell her as we go through her window. 

"Where have you two been? I'm literally having a heart attack right now. Yoko and Eve are in the infirmary because of a Garlic bread incident at dinner. They both had a major allergic reaction and are both out is the Poe Cup. I don't have a co-pilot or another teammate." Enid paces around. 

"It wasn't an accident. Bianca's behind it. And remember I said I would fill in if something was to happen." I try to calm her down. 

"The three of us are going to take her down tomorrow." Wednesday lets Enid know. 

"Wait. You're joining the Black Cats too? You're willing to do that? For me?" She looks at her. 

"I want to humiliate Bianca so badly that the bitter taste of defy burns in her throat." Wednesday tells her.

"Yeah, but mostly you're doing it because we're friends, right?" Enid asks so Wednesday turns away from her asking how Bianca keeps winning so Enid explains to her. 

Before heading out to get some sleep I grab Enid's arm, "As much as I would love to beat Bianca at her own game and see her pissed off... Unlike my sister, I am doing this because you're a good friend and I said I would." I whisper to her making her hug me. I stand there for a second before hugging her back. 

"Thank you, Val. You're the best." She lets go of me excited.

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More Posts from Ghoulyghoulsblog

1 year ago

21 | More Than...

Series: Valentine Addams | Wednesday

Paring: (Xavier Thorpe x OFC Addams! Tyler Galpin x OFC Addams!)

Word Count: 2036

Warnings: date interrupted, admitting feelings, kissing, almost a death

20. A Hyde | 22. You Sound Ridiculous

21 | More Than...

"A Mocha, please." I walk up to Tyler working.

"That's different." He gives me a look, "You okay?" He asks making my drink.

"Not really. Apparently I can get hurt in my visions. Wednesday is set on believing Xavier is the Hyde, which is the name of the monster, our uncle told us. Enid wants to move in with Yoko and I because Wednesday doesn't care she almost got us killed. Xavier tried to kiss me again last night but finally got the hint I don't see him the same way. Also thinking about how the Hyde has some master that unlocked them and they kinda have a split personality because they're like Jekyll and Hyde. There's just a lot on my mind and Hot Chocolate isn't going to do the job." I rant everything to him.

"How about we schedule another date tonight? Take you mind off of everything for a few hours. Escape from the world and it's problems? Where we can just be us having fun? What do you say?" He puts my drink on the counter.

"I'd love that." I give him a smile taking me drink.

"A quick question... Why did you kiss me that night?" He makes me turn to face him.

"Did you not want me to?" I give him a wink going to sit down in a booth.

After some time Wednesday and Uncle Fester come in sitting at my booth as I come back from the bathroom. "Just gotta take my spot." I sit next to her as she looks at the diary.

"Kinbott has to be Xavier's master. The Hyde lays dormant until unleashed by a traumatic event or unlock through chemical inducement or hypnosis." She reads.

"That's what I saw in the cave. Well, blurry saw and heard. The Hyde was scared of who was hurting them. But I still don't believe it's Xavier or Dr. Kinbott." I tell her as we watch Uncle Fester drink the ketchup, "Eww."

"She must've figured out he's a Hyde and used hypnotherapy to unlock him. That would explain their secret sessions." She tells him.

"Or he just needs therapy when she's off work" I roll my eyes.

"I think the kid behind the counter has clocked me. Yeah. He's walking over. I'm gonna put him in a Romanian sleeper hold. Cover me." Uncle Fester tells us as Tyler walks over.

"Relax. He's not interested in you." Wednesday tells him. 

"Made you a quad and you another Mocha. On the house." Tyler puts down the drinks. 

"Hey, thanks kid. Need a refill on this puppy too." Uncle Fester takes Wednesday drink and hands Tyler the ketchup bottle.

"Tyler, this is our Uncle Fester." I introduced him to him. 

"Oh. Uh... Hi, it's nice to-," Uncle Fester zaps Tyler as they shake hands. 

"Was that necessary?" I ask him as he chuckles. 

"Is that the Hyde. Val, told me it's name." Tyler sits next to me and looks at the diary. "

That sides ugly..." I hear him think to himself as he looks at the pages closer. "That's it. From that night." He tells us. 

"Your father gave you explicit instructions not to be near us." Wednesday tells him. 

"Wait, he said that about me too?" I look at Tyler. 

"For one; my dad's not here, and I'm on a break. Two; just not to be near you when she's with you. Alone I can be near you." He tells Wednesday then me. 

"So technically not us, just you." I look at Wednesday.

"Did she tell you about the master part?" Wednesday flips the page. 

"Yeah, she kinda mentioned that." He leans closer to me to look at the book with us. 

I turn my head slightly to look at him and we smile at each other but we're interrupted by his father coming in calling his name, "What did I say?" The three of us look over to see Uncle Fester disappear.

"For the record, Valentine was here alone first then when Wednesday showed up she was trying to keep her distance. I was the one that sat down with them." Tyler says as the three of us get out of the booth. 

"All right. Putting these up around town. It's a bank robbery suspect, and he's a real creep. You haven't seen him, have you?" His dad shows us a wanted flyer of our uncle. 

"No." Wednesday and I say at the same time. 

"Yeah, he's be pretty hard to miss. I'll pin it on the bulletin board." Tyler tells his day who just huffs leaving.

"Is there ever a time when he's not miserable? I normally like to see people miserable, but I'm getting tired of him." I turn to look at Tyler. 

"Nope, that's him 24/7." He rolls his eyes. 

"Thank you. But you didn't have to do that." Wednesday tells him about lying about seeing Uncle Fester. 

"Your family's very... colorful." He tells her. 

"Ironic considering Fester's the black sheep. He's harmless." She takes her seat back in the booth.

"Harmless? He electrocuted me." Tyler says walking over to put the wanted flyer up. 

"He does that for fun. So about our date? You do remember I can't sneak off campus right because of Wednesday? Weems trusts me but is worried about my safety." I turn to face him. 

"You won't have to. I'll come to you. 9pm, Crackstone's Crypt." He turns to face me with a smile taking my hand into his. 

"You're killing me." I laugh as how I was feeling inside. 

"How long do you have to live?" He steps closer to me. 

"I don't know but if you keep acting like this not much longer." I let go of his hand walking back over to Wednesday. 

"What are you smiling about? I hate it. It creepy." Wednesday looks up at me. 



"You're really sneaking off campus?" Enid watches me to get ready to leave for my date with Tyler. 

"That's the thing, I'm not leaving campus. Now excuse me, I have a date." I leave my room heading out to the woods to meet Tyler. 

The entire time was heading out it felt like someone was watching and following me. "9pm on the dote." I walk up to Tyler, who was smiling. 

"Great, now you have to close your eyes." He holds out a single flower. 

"Are you serious?" I ask him. 

"Unfortunately." He smiles more.

"I'm only doing this because I like you." I take the flower from him closing my eyes. 

"Watch your step." Tyler puts his hand on my back helping, "Wait here. Keep your eyes close." I hear him open the doors, "Okay." He helps lead me inside. "Right here. One second. Don't open them yet." He leaves me to close the doors. "Okay, you can open your eyes now." He tells me so I do to see he decorated the inside with lights and had a blanket with popcorn set up with a projector. I look over at him taken back by his effort. "What? No one's ever taken you on a picnic inside a crypt before?" He makes me smiles, "How do you feel about scary movies?" He asks as the doors open revealing Wednesday so Tyler looks at me confused. 

"This is what you snuck out to do and was secretive about?" Wednesday makes a face. 

"That was you following me? Okay now you see what I'm doing. You can leave now." I give her a smile glaring at her.

"I love scary movies so I think I'll stay. Just ignore me on your little date. You won't even know I'm here." Wednesday walks to go take a seat way from the picnic. 

"Wednesday, why are you staying here for our date?" I ask her annoyed. 

"I'm bored, okay. Its odd not having Enid in the room. If you repeat that I will kill you." She glares at me. 

Tyler walks over pulling down the sheet for our screen, "We can just ignore her. She's deadly quite anyways. It will be like she's not even here." Tyler takes my hand into his leading us to the blanket. 

"You're right." I agree with him. 

"Now, prepare to be horrified. He tells me as he starts the movie. 

As soon as it starts I make a face at the song that starts letting me know wasn't a scary movie but was going to be one to me. I turn my head to see Tyler smiling at my reaction to the movie, Legally Blonde. 

"Stop laughing." I give him a playful shove.


"That was torture." Wednesday says once the movie was over. 

"You could have left." I tell her so she darts straight out of the crypt. 

"Why didn't she do that an hour ago?" Tyler laughs turning off the projector. 

"Because she enjoys torture. And I know that was hell for us but I'm kinda use to the color pink now because of Enid." I stand up from the ground. 

"Did you enjoy it?" He walks up to me. 

"I kinda liked parts of it oddly. Eww, I hate saying that." I cover my face. 

"Then next weekend we can watch the second one." He chuckles making me look at him. 

"They made two?" He nods his head before getting serious.

"I'm just gonna come out and say it. I want us to be more than friends."

"What if you randomly snap out of it one day?" I say getting slightly scared. 

"Don't do that." He tilts his head looking at me. 

"I'm new to this and I don't want to get hurt for the first time." I look down so he tilts my chin up to look at him.

"You can't keep trying to push me away. It's not going to work. You're feelings are just going to keep growing stronger just like mine for you." He looks me in the eyes leaning down some so I lean up connecting our lips. It felt so right kissing him, the way our lips moved together.

I pull back smiling at him as he rests his forehead on mine. "Am I making a mistake?" I ask and it comes out as a whisper. 

"No, you're not." He goes in to kiss me again but the doors open with lights blinding us. 

"What the hell? Tyler." His dad sees us as we both block the lights. 

"Dad? What are you doing here?" Tyler asks him as his dad looks around the crypt. 

"The school groundskeeper found the motorbike by the lake. It matches the description of the one the bank robber stole. There's a canoe missing. Figure he might be on the Raven Island. I'm not even going to ask what this is, but I never saw the two of you here. You got it?" He points at us. We nod our heads at him. "Unbelievable. Come on." His dad and his deputies leave us alone. 

I look at Tyler stating to giggle about the whole situation making him chuckle pulling me into his chest. "You know he's not thrilled to catch us." I look up at Tyler wrapping my arms around his waist. 

"He'll have to learn to get over it." He looks down at me so I lean up to kiss him. 

"I should probably go to let my uncle know they're looking for him. He's on school grounds as we speak so." I move away from Tyler. 

"Then I don't want to keep you. Talk to you tomorrow." He tells me so I give him one more kiss. 

"Of course. Good night and thank you for tonight." I head out.

As I walk into the bee shed I see Uncle Fester, Wednesday crying and Thing bloody. "What happened?" I panic. 

"Someone broke into my room and stabbed Thing from behind." Wednesday wipes her eyes. 

"What a coward! But the reason I'm here, Uncle Fester, you need to leave. They found your motorbike so the sheriff won't be far. Maybe next time steal something a little less conspicuous." I let him know.

Tags :
1 year ago

15 | Asking...

Series: Valentine Addams | Wednesday

Paring: (Xavier Thorpe x OFC Addams! Tyler Galpin x OFC Addams!)

Word Count: 1518

Warnings: conflicted feelings, arguing about a dance

14. It's Human | 16. Rave'N

15 | Asking...

Enid and a few girls decided we should all go dress shopping for the dance. They wanted us to wear white to match the theme but there was no way I'd wear a white dress. While I went to look at dresses with the girls, Wednesday whet off to see the sheriff. Barely into the shopping I got bored so I left to go to the Weathervane. 

As I walk in Tyler bumps into me on the way out, "Val." He smiles. 

"Tyler." I smile back. 

"What are you doing in town today?" He asks as we walk outside down the sidewalk. 

"A few girls are dress shopping. I got bored of watching them." I shrug my shoulders. 

"For the Rave'N this weekend. It was all the buzz at the Weathervane today." He says as we come to a stop. 

"Wow, everyone is really obsessed with this dance." I shake my head. 

"So, you're not going?" He asks. 

"Actually, I was forced to ask someone because of Wednesday." I roll my eyes still pissed at her. "

Sure, that happens. Who is it?" He asks eyeing me. 

"Xavier..." I watch his whole face change. 

"Got it. Hope you two have fun." He starts to walk away.

"Why are you upset? I literally said I was forced." I make him turn around. 

"I have a reason to be upset because you keep giving me these signals. I thought we liked each other, but then you pull something like this because you were forced?" He looks at me with so many different emotions. 

"Wednesday put me on the chopping block because he almost caught us snooping around his shit. She made something up on the spot and threw me under the bus she was driving. I didn't want to ask him to the stupid dance. If I was going to ask anyone it would have been you." I start to get frustrated. "I told you Xavier was missing something so that meant I don't like him more than a friend." I run my hands through my hair getting even more frustrated. "I still don't fully know feelings because I'm developing new ones I've never felt before until I met you. You make me feel so many things and it makes me feel like I'm losing my mind." I feel myself wanting to cry which I hated was a thing now when I feel super frustrated. 

Tyler walks up to me and stops right in front of me looking down at me, "You make me feel like I'm losing my mind as well." He takes a hold of one of my hands. 

"I'm sorry." I take my hand back and walk away confused wanting to run to the train station and lay down on the tracks.


I just end up walk back to school to clear my mind. "Miss Addams, a gift from your mother has arrived today. I sat it on your bed." Ms. Thornhill smiles at I pass her in the hall. 

"My mother sent me a gift? Thank you." I got to my room to see a box on the bed with a letter on top.

My dear, Valentine. I know the Rave'N will be coming up soon around this time. I have a feeling you'll end up going with a certain person or maybe just a friend. So I've taken the time to find you a perfect dress you would love. I didn't send your sister one because I know she would never go. And if I did send one she would even more think I was trying to change her. Love you my sweet little black rose.

I didn't want to open the box quite yet because I wanted it to be a surprise. I end up calling my mother with the crystal ball to thank her for the dress but I don't want to look at it till the dance. She was happy I was going but I told her Wednesday wasn't going to go which she had a feeling.

"We're going for a walk." Wednesday walks into my room. 

"A walk where?" I eye her. "The woods. Eugene is leading the way." She leaves so I get up from my desk following her. 

We end up at a cave that had the same circle spiral in the rocks. "It's definitely a match. What were you doing out here?" Wednesday asks him. 

"Collecting specimens. This place is ground zero for horny gypsy moths. You think it's in there?" Eugene asks. 

"Only one way to find out." She walks up to it and we go in. We see the floor covered in animal bones. 

"Check this out." Eugene flashes his light on shackles nailed into the wall with scratches marks around it. 

She walks towards something else while I touch the shackles. "Stop! Please leave me alone! Don't come near me! No!" A distorted voice screams getting deeper and their blurry body becomes the monster.

"Valentine, what did you see?" Wednesday looks at me. 

"That's the thing, I couldn't really see or hear. It was blurry but the person who's the monster didn't want to change they were forced by someone." I explain to her as she holds a claw. 

"I need to go back to the shed. I need something to compare this too. You don't look well. Eugene make sure she gets to her room okay." Wednesday leaves us so Eugene helps me.

As I lay in bed after taking something for my head I kept thinking about how there was two people we needed to find. Why would someone force someone into that monster? There was banging at the door making me jump in bed. "What the hell?" I get up walking to the door opening to see Xavier. 

"Did you only ask me to the Rave'N because you and Wednesday think I'm the monster? She heavily believes I'm the monster because of all those things I painted of the monster." He brushes past me coming into the room. 

"I don't think it's you." I tell him truthfully. 

"I don't know if I can believe you." He shakes his head. 

"All I want to know is how did you get the scratches and why paint all those? You're my friend Xavier, you can tell me. I was confused to see all that but I still don't think it's you." I walk away from the door.

"The creature has been haunting my dreams for weeks. I try to block it out but I can't. So I just paint it. The recent one, the claws reached out and took a swipe at me." He sits on my bed. "See that makes sense to me." I take a seat next to him. "You're sister doesn't think so." He messes with his hands. 

"Do you care what she thinks?" I laugh. 

"No, I care what you think." He looks at me. 

"Well, I still don't think it's you. I only will if there's hardcore evidence to support it." I chuckle. 

"You didn't want to ask me to the dance did you? You only did it to cover up you two were in the shed." His eyes scan my face so I nod my head, 

"She cornered me into asking you but I'll still go with a friend if you want me to. If you're upset about the whole thing I get it." I let him know.

"I'm hurt you didn't want to ask me originally but I was going to ask you, so yeah, I still want to go to the dance with you." He smiles. 

"Great, because my mom sent me my dress today but I don't want to see it till I get ready for the dance." I clap my hands and he leans over kissing me making me freeze in place. 

"Can't wait to see you in your dress tomorrow." He leaves my room. 

"I just called you a friend, dude." I wipe my mouth as I was left alone.


"Whose your date for the dance?" I ask Enid as we hangout in her room. 

"Lucas." She smiles, "It's to make Ajax jealous." She rolls her eyes. 

"But out of everyone, Lucas?" I give her a look. 

"He approached me to get back at someone too so why not." She shrugs her shoulders. 

"Your dress matches the theme." I say as she shows me her dress. 

"What dress did you end up getting?" She asks me but Wednesday jumps in. 

"She's not going to the dance anymore." She says making me look over at her. 

"Why do you say that?" I ask her. 

"Because Xavier knows the truth that you were forced to ask him." She turns to face me.

"I'm still going with him. And my mother sent me a dress. I still haven't looked at it. I want to be surprised when I put it on tonight." I tell both of them. 

"Why still go with him?" Wednesday asks me. 

"He's a friend still. Have fun doing whatever you and Eugene plan to do." I leave their room to go do whatever in my room.

1 year ago

9 | Boys...

Series: Valentine Addams | Wednesday

Paring: (Xavier Thorpe x OFC Addams! Tyler Galpin x OFC Addams!)

Word Count: 1989

Warnings: fighting about Tyler, connecting, light flirting

8. Making Enemies | 10. Festival

9 | Boys...

On the way ride back to a school I could tell Weems wasn't happy just by her facial expressions. "Your first day and you're already on Sheriff's Galpin's radar. Wish I could say I was surprised. Now, Valentine, you have been doing great for months. Why start to act up when your sister arrives?" Weems sighs. 

"I was standing up for my sister. And what did he mean about our father?" I ask because I knew he wasn't capable of that. 

"I have no idea, but I have a word of advice for you Miss Wednesday. Stop making enemies and start making a few friends. You're gonna need them." She tells Wednesday before we pass an accident and Wednesday says the man broke his neck.

"Miss Valentine." Weems stops me as we arrive at school. 

"Yes?" I walk over to her as Wednesday leaves. 

"Did you know your sister was going to make a run for it?" She watches me. 

"I had a feeling because I know how she is but when she came into the café she told me it ended early and you were busy on the phone." I lie to her. 

"And you believed her?" She crosses her arms. 

"Well we normally don't lie to each other. This was the first time." I tell the truth but also lie to her. 

"Valentine, please don't go getting in trouble with your sister. I understand she is your sister but you've been going so good here. I have big hopes for you." She sighs so I nod my head before going to my room to change out of my uniform into something comfortable.

Bored after some hours of reading in my room, I end up going to Wednesday and Enid's dorm room to see Wednesday talking to Thing, "When did you catch him? I caught him outside the nurses." I laugh walking over to her bed. 

"When I was writing I felt him spying on me." She glares at him. 

"There's no way father killed someone. If he did it on purpose he would have told us that as a bedtime story." I change the topic. 

"I know that's why I want to know what the sheriff meant. I want to know whole story." She sighs.

"Val, Xavier wants you in the quad." Enid pops her head into the room. 

"He would've just text or call me? Plus it's dark out." I ask her confused. 

"I don't know. Just go to the boy. I gonna go do some homework with Yoko." She leaves in a rush. 

"These people kill me." I get up groaning. 

"You choose to make friends." Wednesday tells me. 

"I know that." I leave her room going down to the quad. 

On the way there I bump into Rowan as he was in a hurry and end up getting a vision of him looking for a book in a library I haven't seen. I watch him rushing away confusing me why I would get that vision. Letting out a breath of air I continue my way outside to see Xavier working on his art he hasn't finished yet.

"Enid, said you wanted me." I walk up behind him so he turns to look at me, 

"Enid said that?" He ask bringing his brows together. 

"Yeah, I was with Wednesday and she piped her head into the room saying you wanted me in the quad." I tell him exactly what she told me. 

"I haven't spoken to her today." He laughs still confused and I get what she was trying to do. 

"I swear... I'm going to do something when she's sleeping." I huff shaking my head. 

"If I needed you I would have text or called you." He turns back to his work. 

"That's what I said but she said just go to you." I lean against the wall watching him. 

"If you knew that why did you still come?" He glances over smiling at me. 

"I don't know..." I shrug my shoulders, "I hear a friend needs me so I go."

"Well I don't need you but you're welcome to stay and watch me paint." He smiles and I can't help but smile. I loved his smile with his dimples. Oh my, did I really just say that to myself? "Has Rowen been acting odd lately? I just bumped into him. He seemed in a rush." I ask curious and I notice his body language. 

"Umm, yeah. A little. He won't talk to me about it." He makes sure not to look at me so I focus on him. "Please don't ask me anymore. It's hard not to tell you the whole truth. I hate lying to you." I hear him talk to himself. 

"You wouldn't lie to me right?" I cross my arms watching him. 

"Why would I lie to you?" He awkwardly chuckles. 

"I don't know it just seems like you are with your body language and the way you sound." I say so he turns to face me.

"I'm telling you the truth. He wouldn't talk about it to me when I ask what's up. He starts to get annoyed then raises his voice at me." He sighs and I could tell he was telling some of the truth so I just drop it. He goes back to painting and I sit on the ground leaning against the wall watching. 

Soon I start to zone out going into my own thoughts. What did I feel for theses stupid boys? Both are great friends and I connect with both but which one do I connect with the most? Xavier and I have things in common but so do Tyler and I in a different way. If or when I ever choose one how will my relationship be with the other? How will I know if I don't try see with each? How? How? How? How? I let out a groan making Xavier ask what's wrong. 

"Huh, just thinking."

"About what?" He keeps painting. 

"Me, my thoughts." I close my eyes letting out a sigh. 

"Tyler probably." I hear his thoughts. 

"Will you shut up about Tyler?" I get annoyed. 

"What?" He looks at me confused. "It's been months so get used to it. He's my friend whether you like it or not." I get up off the ground. 

"Why are you suddenly being up his name?" He looks at me like I was crazy. 

"Because you did first. Tyler probably. Yeah you kinda said that out loud." I lie to him. 

"I did? I thought I said that in my head." He looked lost. 

"Well you didn't." I kinda gaslight him so he doesn't know my new power.

"Valentine, what do you even see in him? Even as just a friend." He turns to face me annoyed. 

"I see a lonely person. Someone people don't understand. Being someone who most don't understand as well, I see someone I can talk to. And besides all that, he's a good friend to me. He's only ever been kind to me." I explain to him and he rolls his eyes. "You know, Xavier... You aren't helping yourself in any way acting like this. We butt heads over something stupid so I can't imagine us a serious situation." I eye him walking off done with him.

As I walk into my dorm Enid was getting ready to leave, "I swear I'm going to do something when you're sleeping you liar." I give her a glare. 

"Did you come in angry because of me or did something?" She asks me. 

"Both. He brought up Tyler again when I told him to shut up about him." I lay down on my bed. 

"He's just jelly." She says leaving the room. 

"Boys are complicated. That's why I don't deal with them." Yoko speaks up. 

"You and Divina are complicated at times..." I look over at her. 

"I said boys! Don't bring up me." She turns to face me causing me to laugh.


For my Wednesday session with Dr. Kinbott she makes me talk about how it is with Wednesday being at Nevermore the entire time. "See you on Sunday, Valentine." She opens the door for me to leave. 

"Valentine." I hear the Sheriff's voice as I make it outside the building. 

"Sheriff?" I look up at him. 

"I'm still going to keep an eye on you and your sister but I kinda know how you are from being here for long so just don't act up again. Especially with the Mayor's son." He gives me a look. 

"Again, I jumped in to stand up for my sister but I understand." I give him a head nod. 

"Tyler's on his fifteen. Thought you'd liked to know since you two are.. like... friends." He heads off so I head over to the café.

I see him sitting in a booth with his back facing the door, "Shit... no.! Damn it!" I hear him thinking to himself so I walk over sitting across from him. 

"I ran into you dad." I startle him taking my seat. 

"What did he say?" He groans. 

"Just that he's still keeping an eye on me but since he sorta knows me just stay out of trouble. And that I'd might like to know you're on your break." I sum it up. 

"He let you know about me?" He gives me a funny confused look. 

"Yep, since we're... like... friends." I tell him how his dad said it.

"Like... friends? We are friends." He laughs, "You know, I thought you were mad at me because you haven't answered any of my text since Monday." His eyes scan my face. 

"No, no. I'm not mad at you. I muted everyone because of Xavier. He pissed me off and started to try to apologize." I shake my head then rest my chin on my right arm propped up. 

"Me?" He sighs so I hum a yes. "He needs to get over it. We've been friends for months." He rolls his eyes. 

"Asked what do I see in you? Even as just a friend." I look down at the table. 

"And you said?"

"I see a lonely person. Someone people don't understand. Being someone who most don't understand as well, I see someone I can talk to. And besides all that, he's a good friend to me. He's only ever been kind to me." I look up to make eye contact with him.

"You make this so difficult... You're killing me." Tyler thinks to himself as he stares at me making me smile. "What" He chuckles. 

"That stupid look in your eyes." I roll mine. 

"Why you staring into my eyes?" He starts to smile. 

"Where else am I supposed to look when talking to someone?" I tilt my head. 

"Why are you smiling so much?" He laughs more so I shake my head. "I thought we can talk to each other?" He leans onto the table. 

"You're gonna make fun of me or think something different than what I mean." I whine. 

"Tell me." He playfully kicks me under the table.

"I'm saying this as a friend, I love your smile and your eyes. Sometimes they get this like little twinkle." I explain getting embarrassed. 

"Saying this as a friend and when I first met you, I love your smile too. I could tell how genuine they are compared to the fake ones. The fake ones are nice too though."

"Are you going to the Harvest Festival this weekend? For us Nevermore students it's mandatory." I changed the topic. 

"I wasn't thinking about going but now I might have a reason to go." He says with a smile. 

"Well hopefully you make an appearance. Even if it's just for a second." I get up seeing my ride pull up. 

"Hey, try not to ignore my texts." He says as I start to walk out. 

"Can't make a promise." I send him a wink leaving.

1 year ago

7 | Returned the Favor

Series: Valentine Addams | Wednesday

Paring: (Xavier Thorpe x OFC Addams! Tyler Galpin x OFC Addams!)

Word Count: 1495

Warnings: playful, near death experience, new power

6. Wednesday | 8. Making Enemies

7 | Returned The Favor

The next day while in fencing Bianca and I weren't allowed to go against each other because last time we refused to stop till the other gave up. "I really hate going against you." Xavier takes off his mask frustrated. 

"Because you can't get a single point?" I do the same as him giggling. 

"That's exactly why, V." He crosses his arms. 

"Maybe you should just get better then you could get a point." I shrug my shoulders. 

"Don't get cocky now. Last time you did that you wore pink." He smirks making me glare at him as Wednesday walks in in her black suit like me. "Let me guess, she's good too?" He looks over at me so I nod my head as she walks past us to Bianca and Rowan. 

"Coach, Coach, she tripped me." Rowan tells him. 

"It was a clean strike, Rowan." He tells him.

"Maybe if you whined less and practiced more, you wouldn't suck. Seriously, Coach, when am I going to get real competition besides from Valentine?" Bianca turns to him. "Anyone else, who's allowed, want to challenge me?" She asks. 

"I do." Wednesday speaks up so she turns to face her. 

"Oh, you must be the other psychopath family member they let in." She smiles. 

"You must be the self appointed Queen Bee. Interesting thing about bees. Pull out their stingers, they drop dead." Wednesday puts her in her place. 

"Rowan doesn't need you to come to his defense. He's not helpless, he's lazy." Bianca tells her. 

"Are we doing this or not?" Wednesday asks so they get in their places. 

"This is gonna be good." I stand closer to Xavier as we watch.

Wednesday gets the first point then Bianca gets the next. For the final point Wednesday suggests military challenge, first to draw blood and they both agree to it. In the end Bianca wins. "She's crazier than you." Xavier leans down some to me.

"Yeah, I've always believed she's the darker twin even though I have more in my record than she does." I look up at him and I notice him glance at my lips for a quick second so I go and over to Wednesday, "Let's go see the nurse to bandage that up. Rowan, I suggest you go as well." I lead Wednesday out to go change.

"She's very cocky." Wednesday says as we head to the infirmary. 

"So are we. Bianca and I are always going against each other." I link my arm with hers. 

"I have a question? Have you started you visions yet?" She asks. 

"Yes, majority of mine though are positive but I have moments for dark ones. It's very rare though." I explain to her so she just nods her head. 

While she goes into the infirmary I wait outside the room and something catches my eye so I make my way over to get a water. "Thing." I whisper and he peaks around telling me to shush. "She'll get the feeling you're watching her soon." I shake my head at him walking away waiting for her.

She comes out annoyed then turns to see the water jug gurgling. "Let's go." She turns back around and I follow behind slowly having trouble with my umbrella. 

"Wednesday, you're gonna have to get used to Bianca. Trust me, I'm literally on her bad side." I try to catch up to her. I see her look up and see a statue falling down to kill her, "Wednesday!" I shout and Xavier tackles her out of the way. 

I ditch my broken umbrella running into the rain over to her to see she passed out. "Did you have to tackle her? I'm mean thanks but." I get down checking her. 

"You at least thanked me for saving your sister's life. Let's get her to the infirmary." He helps me get her up and he carries her for me.

I help the nurses lay her down and take her jacket and blazer off then cross her arms like she likes it when she sleep. "She's going to hate you saved her from a imaginative death." I get a chair to sit next to her head and Xavier does the same putting it next to me. 

"I'm just returning the favor." He takes off his jackets and I do the same. 

"She still won't appreciate it." I chuckle looking over at him, "I promise my mother to keep an eye on her form running away but I told Wednesday I won't stop her... but now she almost dies. Luckily you were there to save her." I sigh. 

"Yeah, lucky." He sighs as well. 

"You okay? It seems like something is on your mind." I eye him. 

"Nothing important." He shakes his head. 

"You sure? You can still tell me even though it's not important." I say making him look at me for a few seconds. "You gotta stop doing that, X." I catch him glance at my lips again. 

"What?" He asks confused. 

"Where you look with your eyes on my face." I give him a look and his cheeks turn slightly pink. 

"I don't mean it like..." He shuts up before speaking again, "You tell Tyler what you told me yet?" He looks away from me. 

"Not yet. I haven't been into town yet but I'm going with Principal Weems to take Wednesday to her therapy session. I prefer to tell him to his face and not though a text." I watch my sister sleep. 

"You have his phone number?!" He gets a little loud so I look at him,

"Xavier." I growl his name. 

"Sorry." He rolls his eyes. 

"No you're not." I eye him. 

"Of course I'm not," I hear his thoughts shocking me. "What?" He looks at me confused. 

"How did I do that?" I say surprised with myself. 

"Do what?" He asks but Wednesday sits up.

"Sadly you didn't die." I give her a smile. 

"The nurse said you don't have a concussion, but probably have a nasty bump." Xavier tells her. 

"The last thing I remember I was walking outside feeling a mixture of rage, pity and self disgust while ignoring my sister. I never felt that way before." She tells us. 

"Yeah, losing to Bianca has that effect on people, I think." He tells her. 

"Then I looked up and saw that gargoyle coming down and I thought, at least I'll have an imaginative death. Then you tackled me out is the way. Why?" She asks him. 

"Most people just say thank you." Xavier tells her. 

"I didn't want to be rescued. I'm sure my sister told you that." She tells him. 

"Oh, she did. So I shoulda just let that thing smash you to mush in front of your sister?" He asks her. 

"I would have rather saved myself, and if I didn't she would have a great traumatic experience." She says and I agree with it being a traumatic experience, not great though.

"Good to see you haven't changed." He scoffs, "If it makes you feel any better, let's just say I returned the favor. Xavier Thorpe? You probably don't remember me like Valentine did." He tells her. 

"He was about two feet shorter and 40 pounds heavier." I add making him look at me then smile. 

"She really remembered me." I hear him think again. 

"What happened last time we met?" Wednesday asks still lost not remembering him. 

"It was my godmother's funeral. Apparently she was friends with your grandmother, and they spent their twenties together in Europe, swindling the rich and notorious. I don't know, but we were ten, and the three of us were bored, decided to play hide and seek. I had the inspired idea to hide in her casket, even though Valentine told me it was a terrible idea. I got stuck as it was headed to the crematorium."

"I'd heard muffled screams. I just figured your godmother had somehow cheated death and was trying to claw her way out." Wednesday remembers starting to smile. 

"Either way, you hit the big red stop button and saved me from being flame-boiled. So... now we're even." He smiles. 

"Wait, so if I'm ever about to die... you're not going to save me since I've never saved you?" I joke with Xavier. 

"Yes." He plays along. 

"Some friend you are." I playfully hit him so he grabs my arm to stop me. 

"You've never given me a reason why I should save you. Plus you still let me get in that casket." He says giving me a look so I go to hit him with my other hand but he grabs that arm to. 

"Don't you dare blame me for your stupidity." I laugh. 

"Well you knew better and didn't try to stop me." He laughs now. 

"I told you it was a bad idea! That should've been good enough." I fight with him. 

"You make me sick." Wednesday gets up getting her stuff leaving.

1 year ago

26 | Prove It

Series: Valentine Addams | Wednesday

Paring: (Xavier Thorpe x OFC Addams! Tyler Galpin x OFC Addams!)

Word Count: 2260

Warnings: mixed feelings, guilt, talk of grooming

25. Red Boots

26 | Prove It

Waking up my head was killing me as I look around seeing we were in a crypt. Wednesday was hanging a few feet away from me still knocked out. I look up to see I was chained up too like Wednesday.

As I look back straight ahead Tyler walks up to me tilting his head while his eyes scan my face, "I'm so sorry." He says to himself.

"You're Hyde Tyler... I can tell by the look in your eyes." I raise my head to look at him and he gives me a smirk.

"Look at you catching on quickly. I'm hurt you weren't going to tell me goodbye. I thought we really had something but you were just going to let it go." He holds my chin in his hand.

"We have nothing... Me and the other side of you have something." I glare at him in pain from that stupid shovel.

"If you love that side you have to love this side too. I never thought anything bad about your psycho side, Val. I didn't love certain parts of you, I loved all of you. Why can't you do the same?" He wipes the blood off my forehead.

"The difference is I never successfully killed anyone, you have. Six to be exact."

"I'm not going to hurt you. She can't even make me." He whispers leaning into my ear.

"You don't have control... she tells you and you do it. Even if you don't want to you'll have no choice."

"Watch me prove you wrong." He gives me a kiss and I can't help but kiss him back because I still had feelings for him.

He walks away and I look over at Wednesday waking up so he goes over to her but I can't hear their conversation well.

"Tyler baby, do mama a favor. Go take Valentine outside and get rid of her." Laurel looks over at me, "Then go wait by the boat." She looks at him. "Wednesday, might want to say your goodbyes." She says as Tyler leaves her and come over picking me up to unhook me.

"She can handle herself." Wednesday says as Tyler carries me outside with him.

Tyler walks a good distance out into the woods then puts me down so I stare at him, "Well, get it over with. Or do you want me to start running so you'll have fun catching me to rip me apart?"

He makes me put my hands out and unlocks the cuffs from my wrists, "I told you she can't make me kill you. I don't have control but I can control myself when it comes to you."

"Why did you believe her? I understand everything being kept about your mother being a Hyde was wrong but no one did anything to her. She triggered herself by postpartum. Us Outcast's didn't make you a monster... Laurel made you a monster. She did this to you. You're a victim but no one else but me sees that." I don't move from him when I was free.

"Go to the school and try to get everybody to leave." He turns to walk away but I grab his wrist making him face me.

"You believe me, right? Or do you believe the woman who groomed you? She's not the mother figure you need or deserve. You're mother wouldn't want this!" I shout making him rip his wrists free.

"You don't know anything about my mother!"

"She loved you and your father. I know that much. She was happy before her Hyde was triggered. I could see it in that picture. A vision I got when your father held my hand... she was hoped this wouldn't go to you." I raise my voice at him and he stops to stare at me. "You were just a baby when you father was listening to her talk to you putting you asleep one night. She hope if the Hyde gene did go to you, it would never get triggered. She didn't even want you to have any disorders like her with her bipolar. She didn't want anything bad happening to you. You were her world and she wanted the best for you. And your father truly loved her. He thought it was best and hoped keeping that she was a Hyde a secret would never give your Hyde a chance to come out. He thought if hers didn't exist than yours wouldn't either."

"How do I know you aren't just making up a story." He steps closer to me.

"When have I ever lied to you, Tyler? I tell you everything. I've told you things my family doesn't know." I tear up sad he thought I would lie to him. I wanted to try something so I cup his face leaning up to give him a kiss hoping I could get him to see what I saw. I step back and he just looks at me with his eyes tearing up. "See, I would never lie to you like you did to me."

"Please, go Valentine. She'll kill you or Crackstone will because I won't." He begs me.


"Go to the school and do what I said." He walks off so I rush towards the school.

As I was running I hear Enid howling, "Enid!" I shout running towards it and see her changing. "Oh my god! You finally did!" I shout as she fully changes. "Aww, your hair is still pink." I smile and see Thing, "I heard siren's and I know Xavier was getting moved tonight so go find him and help him. Enid, we need to help Wednesday." I tell them so she runs off and I follow her.

When we get to an open space I see Tyler as the Hyde with Wednesday getting ready to strike her. "TYLER!" I scream his name catching him off guard looking over at me letting Enid out attack him. I run over to make sure she was okay.

"Enid?" She looks over at her.

"Enid! Behind you!" I shout as Tyler gets up knocking her to the side. "Go to the school." I start to shove Wednesday away.

"What about you?" She asks worried.

"I'll be fine. Just go stop Crackstone!" I shout so she takes off running so I run the direction Enid and Tyler rolled off to.

I see he was the more dominant one and he could easily break her neck. I run over grabbing a good size heavy branch off the ground, "No! Let her go!" I scream swinging the branch at Tyler multiple times making him let go of Enid so she drops to the ground.

He turns to face me ripping the branch out of my hands. I was terrified but I stand my ground in front of him, "Come on prove it to me!" I scream at him before a gun shot goes off making us flinch and look over to see his father.

"Tyler. Son, is that really you?" He asks making Tyler rush over at him.

"Tyler, no!" I run but Enid stops Tyler from getting to his father making me fall back to the ground. She kicks him a good distance knocking him out, "Go to your son." I tell Sheriff Galpin and rush over to Enid's side.

I place my hand on hers as she shifts back into herself so I put her jacket on her to cover her up. I wrap my arms around her tearing up as she cries as well. "You aren't hurt too bad are you?" I hold her in my arms.

"Thanks to you." She smiles squeezes me in her arms, "You're crying." She slightly chuckles looking at my face.

"I know, I was worried about you. He could have killed you."

"But he didn't because of you. He can control himself when it comes to you. Thing will walk me to the others. You go check on the Sheriff with Tyler." She hugs me again before we get up.

"I'll catch up with you. I promise." I leave her side rushing over to the Sheriff holding Tyler's knocked out body.

"I didn't want to believe it." I hear him say as I walk up to them.

"I know." I bend down next to them taking off my jacket putting it on Tyler's lower half to cover him up. "It's not his fault. He's a victim too. Thornhill is Laurel Gates. She forced him into this, she manipulated him." I touch Tyler's face trying to wipe the blood away with my sleeves. "He just needs to learn how to control his Hyde." I tear up.

"But my boy."

"He's still your boy. Just needs help but you know what you have to do. As much as we both hate it... it's the right thing." I look at him then back at Tyler cupping half of his face, "You proved it to me... and I love all of you, both sides." I lean towards his face giving him a kiss getting a vision of him escaping. "Tell him what I said please." I get up leaving the two of them.

As I walk through the woods I finally see all the students gathered together. When I get closer I see Enid and Wednesday hugging, "About time you gave her a damn hug." I speak up making everyone turn to look at me making a clear path for me to walk through them.

Enid rushes to hug me again and Wednesday walks over to hug me as well. I hug the both of them tightly as tears fall from my eyes.

"Are you okay?" Wednesday checks me to see if I was hurt.

"Physical, yes. Tyler can control his Hyde when it comes to me. I put it to the test saving Enid's life." I chuckle as Enid nods her head.

"I guess his feelings for you were true and strong enough."

I nod my head, "Yeah. His father is with him right now. Enid knocked him out cold. He knows what he had to do at least." I sigh.

As the teachers take over now that everything was over Xavier walks up to me and I give him a hug, "You're welcome, I sent Thing to find you." I let go of him.

"I was really glad to see him." He chuckles then stares at me, "Everything is going to be fine." He makes my tear up so he gives me a hug.


With Weems gone the school year was over and we were all headed home for the rest of the year. They said Nevermore would continue next year when they find a new principal to take over.

"So I'm a free man now. All charges were dropped." Xavier comes up behind me.

"Told you everything would be okay. You really should trust my visions."

"I believed in you. I learned to do so." He makes me chuckle some. "Are you going to come back next semester?" He asks leaning against the railing.

"Maybe, because I'd like to see my friends again and this did turn into my second home." I do the same as him.

"You can visit your friends outside of school. I mean I'm free all the time so..."

"I feel like it's gonna be difficult next semester. Weems is gone and,"

Xavier cuts in, "Tyler won't be here anymore."


"I understand it was the first time you felt new feelings about someone but don't think it's not possible for it to happen again. People fall in love more than once." He sighs.

"Please tell me you're saying this as a friend and not as wanting to be potential next love interest." I give him a look.

"I'm saying this as a friend. I know I'm missing something." He says as we look down to see Wednesday looking at us so he waves to her.

As she comes up I tell Xavier goodbye then go find Enid with Ajax and Yoko. "I was telling Wednesday you two should come visit me in San Francisco because y'all would love the weather." Enid gives me a smile.

"I would love to visit you."

"So what's your plans now we're out of school? Going back to your old ways?" Ajax laughs making me glare at him.

"No, but that part of me is still in me so watch it." I point my finger at him.

"Hopefully I get my roommate back next semester." Yoko opens her arms so I give her a hug before heading out to the car.

"Valentine! I'm looking forward to kicking you ass next semester in the Poe Cup!" Bianca shouts as I open the car door.

"I look forward to embarrassing you again." I give her a smile getting on waiting on Wednesday. When she gets in the car I see the phone Xavier gave her. "I refuse to be a slave to technology." I mock her, "I'll send you everyone's numbers." I laugh getting a unknown message.

It was two pictures; one of me and Tyler in a booth, then Xavier and me a few minutes ago. I'm watching you. Read the message.

"This isn't you is it?" I show Wednesday the text.

"Nope." She shows me the same thing on her phone but her with the boys with me too and a little gif of her dying.

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