ghoulyghoulsblog - 𝕲𝖍𝖔𝖚𝖑𝖆𝖗

Ghoular / 21 / Slytherin

917 posts

Bucky Vs Bucky

Bucky vs Bucky

Imagine time travel going wrong again and instead of 1 Bucky you have 2; one from the present and also one from the 40′s standing on the platform with him. 

At first, Bucky doesn’t really mind, curious to watch himself interact with others, giving him a glimpse of how he would have been had he not gone through years of torture from Hydra.  Everyone loved to see the happy, boyish soldier laughing and charming his way out of anything, giving Tony a run for his money when it came to making ladies swoon.

Bucky doesn’t mind until his finds himself flirting with you the most. 

Clearly any version of him is obsessed with you. 

At first, its amusing.

But its not anymore. 

“He’s a punk” Bucky huffed, narrowing his eyes at the way you giggled, biting you lip shyly when 40′s Bucky throws you a wink, the both of you mingling around the kitchen while everyone had gathered together for a movie night. 

“He’s you” Steve snorted, shaking his head at the way Bucky glared watching his past self pull all his signature moves, all working like a charm to make you warm and fuzzy. 

“Well she doesn’t have to like it” He pouted while you giggled again, playfully swatting his arm when he whispered something in your ear. 

Bucky nearly goes bonkers when he hears that punk call you doll and sugar, those sweet pet names he had reserved for you. 

“Hey sugar”

“She’s my sugar”

“Hey doll” 

“Only I can call her that”

“Wanna dance, pretty lady?”

“I’ll cut the other arm off, don’t touch her” 

Bucky rubbed his temples, almost hating himself for being such a ladies man, as you talked his ear off that night over how charming and handsome the soldier way. 

“I’m him, you know that doll” Bucky cocked an eyebrow while you kissed his grumpy face, loving how jealous he got over himself. Bucky never interfered in what happened in Tony’s lab but he started to visit regularly to check on the progress of the time machine, ready to send his ass back without a second thought. 

Sam had a field day, loving the sight of Bucky getting a taste of his own medicine of what it felt like when someone got all the pretty girls to themselves.

“Who is terminator mad at?”


“Who you so pissed at, tin man?”


With Bucky’s gentle threats, the time machine was fixed in no time, the bright eyed, cheeky soldier standing on the platform once again. 

“I’ll miss him” You pouted, giving a smile to Bucky from the 40′s as he blew you a kiss before a white light flashed, sending him back to the tight timeline. 

“Him? Really?” Bucky rolled his eyes while you grinned, throwing your arms around your boyfriends shoulders, playfully nipping at his bottom lip jutting out. 

“Yeah, him, you jealous baby?” You teased, yelping when he tossed you over his shoulder, giving you ass a swat. He took you straight to your shared bedroom, dropping you onto the mattress with a cocky smirk on his face, slowly crawling on top of you. As much as you loved the sweet innocent Bucky you had fun with for a few days, this Bucky made your mouth stop working and your heart beat faster, a dangerous little menace. 

“Let me remind you who you really belong to sweets” 

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More Posts from Ghoulyghoulsblog

1 year ago

So I know it's maybe a weird ask. The person I was seeing decided today they were no longer interested in me out of the blue. It sucks considering my past dating history. Is there any way you could maybe write some fluffy and smutty Bucky to help cheer me up. Maybe he picks the reader after being fed up with how they have been treated and shows them all the love and adoration he has for them. He wants them as his partner. Thank you 💞💞💞

So I Know It's Maybe A Weird Ask. The Person I Was Seeing Decided Today They Were No Longer Interested

18+ minors dni

I love and hate how much I relate to this, sending you lots of love, yes you can get alllll the fluff and alll the smut from our perfect gorgeous super soldier.

You wordlessly walked by the team as you passed by the living room, coming back from your date. You offered them a strained smile, blinking back tears, hoping would slip out till you got to your room. You were single again. You thought things were going well. Apparently not. You let the tears flow as soon as you were in your room, tossing your dress off and spending the next hour under the hot shower. The tears only worsened after you crawled into bed. 

Bucky passed by your room, hearing soft sniffles coming from the inside. Based on how you looked when you got home, he figured things hadn’t gone well. He looked at your door longingly, wanting so badly to hold you and comfort you. If you were his, he would have treated you like the absolute princess you were. 

But you weren't. 


“I’m so sorry y/n, I promise we’ll make it up to you as soon as we get back” 

“It’s okay” 

You gave Nat and Wanda a sad smile while they hugged you tight, getting called for a last minute mission with the team, effectively ruining your girls night. You sighed, plopping onto the couch in the now empty living room. You turned on a movie, but you were hardly paying attention, scrolling through your phone instead. 

“Hi Doll” 

You squeaked, surprised to see Bucky standing behind you, your eyes growing wide looking at his shirtless form, he clearly had a very good workout. 

“Hi Buck” You willed your eyes to stay trained on his face but that was some how worse, with his perfect blue eyes gazing down at you, pink lips curved into a smirk. “You scared me, I thought you left with the others”

Bucky chuckled, shaking his head, “I’ve been told to take a month off after an injury” 

“You were just at the gym Bucky” You shook your head while he sheepishly smiled at you. 

“What are you up to”

“Having a girls night by myself” You pouted, looking at the empty coffee table that should have been covered in a week’s worth of junk food. Bucky smiled softly, adoring your sad little face, he would do anything to make you smile again. 

“What do you normally do for a girls night” 

“Hmm sit in comfy clothes, paint our nails, drink, watch cheesy rom coms, eat junk food, sleep over”

“We can still do that” You looked at him quizzically while Bucky’s mind started piecing together all the things he’d need. “I’m gonna shower. Go change into your comfy clothes doll, come back down in a bit” 

You went to your room to change, your cheeks warm and heart beating faster than necessary. Did you always have a crush on him? Yes. Had it ever gone anywhere? No. His friendship was enough though. Maybe. 


You made your way back to the living room in an oversized t shirt and extra fluffy robe, gasping when you saw the transformed living room. Bucky had clearly robbed a candy store, the table piled with chocolate, chips, cupcakes, and cookies. There was a bottle of your favorite wine, The Proposal pulled up on the Tv and a few blankets thrown on the couch. Bucky grinned, walking in with a beer and plopping onto the couch. 

“Y-you did all this?”  You were still in shock as you sat down beside him, your eyes flickering over every detail Bucky had paid attention to, he’d laid out everything you loved. 

“Of course doll, what do you normally do first” He poured you some wine which you took with shaky hands, restraining yourself from crawling into his lap and kissing his face 100 times over. 

“Nat normally paints my nails” You put down the few bottles of nail polish you had, still undecided on a color. “I guess I could paint them but I don’t know what color” 

Bucky shrugged, grabbing your foot and plopping it into his lap. He picked up a bottle of red polish he loved on you, carefully holding your foot while he tried to paint your toenails.

“What do you normally talk about”

You bit your lip, avoiding the question but you knew he was waiting for an answer after he stopped painting your nails, looking up at you instead.  


Bucky snorted, nodding, it’s not like he was expecting anything else. 

“Talk to me doll”

Bucky’s listened attentively while you recollected your last date, the conversation moving onto what you were looking for in general. You didn’t ask for a lot. You wanted someone who just wanted you, to spend time with you, love you, adore you the same way you loved them. The part you didn’t voice was if it were up to you, you would have wanted him, he was everything you could have pieced together in your dreams but it’s not like he wanted you that way.    

You sighed to yourself, looking at the beautiful 6′5 super solider who now had your other foot in his hand, his brows knitted together trying his best to do a neat job. He lifted your foot closer to his face to paint the smaller toes while you giggled, your foot squirming in his hand. 

“B-bucky it tickles!” 

“Sorry baby” 

You both froze, Bucky’s eyes grew wide at his slip up, hoping you didn’t hear what he just called you, continuing to paint your toes as if nothing happened. He set your foot down, before putting the bottle on the table. 

“Thank you” You whispered, the both of you back to watching the movie, inching closer and closer until you were leaning against him. He felt butterflies the second he felt your head rest on his shoulder, unable to stop the blush spreading on his cheeks. 

“Anything for you y/n” 


“What’s the last part of you girls night” Bucky let out a yawn, rubbing her eyes, trying to stay awake. He chuckled as you mumbled something incoherently, tucked into his side, not wanting to get up. 

“Sleep over” you mumbled, snuggling further into his warmth. Bucky smiled, turning the movie off before scooping you into his arms and carrying you over to your bedroom. He set you down, pulling the covers over you and tucking you in before leaving, your hang tugging at his wrist to stop him. 


“You okay doll?”

“Stay with me”

Bucky’s eyes grew wide, looking at you hesitantly, he wanted nothing more than to cuddle you all night but he didn’t want it to feel weird. 

“Are-are you sure?” 

“Well it’s not a sleep over if you go sleep in your bed” You playfully rolled your eyes, opening the covers and making some room for him. Bucky slipped under the sheets with you, his body moving on its own as he pulled you to lay on his chest.

“Goodnight Bucky” You were fast asleep instantly, nearly purring as he softly stroked your back, kissing your forehead before closing his eyes.

“Goodnight baby” 


It started to become a regular occurrence. You were having “movie nights” and “sleep overs” more frequently, always ending in “platonic” cuddles and innocent kisses. 

Just like tonight. 

You were curled up in his arms wearing one of his Henley's, a movie playing in his room instead of the living room. His hand absentmindedly slipped up your shirt, stroking your waist while trailing kisses from your forehead to your nose and then...stopping. 

He wanted to kiss you so badly, your soft sweet lips always looked so kissable. You tilted your face up, hoping he could keep going, your lips brushing against his. His breath hitched before kissing you slowly, his hands firming gripping you to pull you closer. 


“Doll...” His breaths grew heavier, the movie long forgotten as he rolled you over so he was laying on top of you. Your fingers gently tugged on his hair, your thighs squeezing around his waist. It didn’t take long for clothes to fly off, both of you pressed against each other again with nothing separating you.

“I’ve always wanted you” Bucky whispered, his nose nudging yours. He peppered kisses all over your face, his heart soaring, he wanted to show you exactly how much he adorated you, how well he’d always take care of you. “You deserve the world y/n”

“You like me?” You blinked up at him, while he kissed your nose, smiling at your wide eyes. 

“No baby, I love you” He came down to claim your lips again, his hands lacing with yours while you spread your legs further for him, needing him even closer. You whined feeling him rut against you, his cock was aching to be inside, pressed right against your soaked folds.

“Are you sure you want this?” you whispered, moaning softly when you felt the tip of his cock nudge against your entrance, fuck you needed this, you needed him. “Fuck, I love you James” 

“I want all of you sweet heart” He pushed his cock into you, the both of you gasping at the feeling of his length stretching your walls. “Gonna show you just how much” 

He started off slow, getting you used to how thick he was, his cock buried deep inside you, barely pulling out before rocking his hips back in. You could feel the burn melt away, your legs moving to hug his waist, waiting for him to stop holding back. 

“M-more Bucky, please”  You whimpered, moaning when he started to thrust faster, his cock hitting spots that made you clench and gush. “Fuck, just like that baby” Your back arched off the bed, wrapping your body tighter around him, your pussy clenching and squeezing around him. 

“You feel so fucking good baby, squeezing me so tight” He groaned, pulling back so he could sit back on his heels, throwing your legs on his shoulders. He bit your calf, kissing the pain away after, his cock still fucking you, loving the way your body bounced under him. 

“You look so fucking pretty like this baby” You bit back a sob, pleasure overwhelming you, no one had ever made you feel so good. His hand came down to rub your clit, making you cry out, instantly cumming around his cock without warning. Bucky bit back a smirk, fucking you harder and faster than before. 

“This is the only time I’ll ever make you cry princess, let it out baby, feels good, huh” 

Bucky had always been soft and sweet with you, you’d never seen his posessive side. The side that never wanted to see your heart broken again. The side that wanted to love and take care of you the way you deserved. 

“Feels good Bucky” you sobbed out, tears dampening the pillow while he fucked your throbbing sensitive pussy. 

“Give me one more baby” Buckys head was thrown back, doing his best to keep from cumming in you “C’mon baby, one more, need it” 

You nearly saw stars as he let your legs fall off his shoulders, his body coming back down to lay on you again. He kissed you softly, his hand coming down to rub tight circled on your sensitive nub while he cock started to throb. 

“I adore you sweet girl” He whispered, nipping your lips while your body clung onto his. “Want you to be mine”

“I-I’m y-yours Bucky” You choked out, pleasure building in your belly again, white spots clouding your vision. “M’gonna cum Buckyyy” 

“Cum for me baby, right there with you, together doll, let go” He kept hitting your g-spot, moaning and grunting above you, his cock throbbing and leaking inside you “Fuck sweet heart, m’cumming for you so much babyy” He moaned into your neck, slowly thrusting into you, riding out both your highs. 

“My beautiful baby” He kissed your forehead before pulling the covers over you both, not bothering to pull out. You sighed contently, tucked safely in his arms, feeling like you were in the safest place in the world. 

“I love you Bucky” You kissed his chest, before falling asleep, while Bucky gazed down at you; he would love and protect you exactly the way you deserved. 

“I love you y/n, You’re mine babydoll, all mine” 


Nat and Wanda are jealous (but also screaming and crying from happiness on the inside) when Bucky hogs you during girls night. As in he’s minding his own business of course, occasionally waltzing his way in to kiss you and tell you he loves you. 

Sometimes he plucks a bottle of nail polish and sits on the floor with your leg tossed over his shoulder so he can paint your toes a new color. 

He’s sooo soft for you. He tugs you around everywhere. Writing a mission report? He has you on his lap. You have cramps? He’s pouting beside you, rubbing your tummy and holding you till it feels better. Your sleepy? He’s carrying you to bed and if there’s no bed, he’s tucking you into his arms. 

All the forehead kisses.

All the nose kisses. 

All the neck kisses.

foot rubs.


all for you. 

Tags: @glxwingrxse @hungryyeyes @sebsgirl71479 @beabutterfly987 @teambarnes72 @witchy-whore @jamesbuckybarneswify @slutforsexyseabass @chrisdrysdale @littlemarvelmenfan @buggy14 @whimsyplaty92 @sergntbarnes @inkedaztec @pono-pura-vida @moonlightreader649 @brooklynscherry-z  @elle14-blog1 @littlelightnings @psychomanniac-blog @happyt0exist @emmabarnes @bethyruth   @matchat3a @cjand10 @getwellsoontana @cherryschaos @lokisasgardianvampirequeen   @ashenc-blog   @buckybarnessimpp  @potatothots @goldylions   @high-functioning-lokipath  @morganemorganite-blog @peaches1958 @kingfleury @spiderman-stilinski @peaceinourtime82   @gublur @wintersmelodie @geeky-politics-46 @lolawassad @almosttoopizza @a-poor-gryffindork @alternativeprincess @buckycallsmeaslut @kamaria-sweet-writes @charmedbysarge @samfreakingwinchester @xnorthstar3x  @kryoee7​

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1 year ago

𝐗 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐒 𐙚˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩

—jjk men and their favorite x rated videos of you.. nsfw twitter [p⚝rn]


ft. gojo, geto, toji, nanami, sukuna, choso



Gojo making you ride him

Gojo’s obsessed with how good you taste

Gojo breeding you

Gojo fucking you from the back

Gojo taking you for a ride in his car

Your step bro Gojo got distracted while teaching you to play the piano

Gojo fucking you in an elevator

The reason Gojo invested in a self driving car

Gojo can’t stop messily breeding you full

Gojo eating you out in a new position

Fucking your son’s best friend Gojo

Gojo overstimulating you with his fingers

Gojo waking you up on the weekend


Geto spanking you on camera

Geto loves your ass

Geto giving you backshots

Geto fucking you in his car before he brings you home to your parents

Your fuck buddy Geto is careful to not cum in you

Older bf Geto fingering you

Geto taking his anger out on you

Geto making you suck him off

How older bf Geto eats you out

Geto recording him fingering you in the mirror


Dilf! Nanami’s cock is too big to fit, so you improvise

Nanami fucking you

Riding Nanami’s face

Fucking professor Nanami

Nanami eating you out

Nanami playing with his baby girl’s pussy

Nanami breeding your cunny full

Nanami making you squirt through your panties

Taking Nanami’s thick cock

Your boss Nanami filling you, his work slut up

Nanami’s big cock bulging in your belly


Toji fingering you in the store

Toji making you get a back tattoo for when he fucks you from behind

Toji’s way of stopping you from squirming

Fucking your best friend’s dad Toji

Dilf! Toji fucking you in the ass so your boyfriend doesn’t notice

Your dad’s best friend touching you

Car sex with older bf Toji

A compilation of all the videos Toji’s recorded fucking you

Toji overstimulating you with a vibrator

Toji fucking you in handcuffs

Bouncing on professor Toji’s cock


Sukuna putting a leash round your neck

Sukuna fucking you, his best friend’s sister

A walk with your boyfriend Sukuna turns into him cumming on your face

Sukuna making you watch porn and telling you to recreate it

Sukuna fucking you slow

Riding dad’s best friend Sukuna

Sukuna fucking and breeding you hard

Sukuna cumming from fucking your panties


Giving Choso a handjob

Choso licking your clit after cumming in you

Choso eating you out

Choso asking his step sis to pull down her panties for him

Giving Choso a thigh job

Choso cumming from rubbing his clothed dick on your clothed ass

Choso making both you and him cum from just a vibrator

Choso making you squirt whiles he breeds you

Choso sucking on your tits as you ride him

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1 year ago

"Good Girls Are Bad Girls" - Fratboy!Rafe Cameron x Reader

"Good Girls Are Bad Girls" - Fratboy!Rafe Cameron X Reader
"Good Girls Are Bad Girls" - Fratboy!Rafe Cameron X Reader

a/n: thank you to @aemondsbabe for helping me with my questions on sorority and frat culture LMFAO 🩷

Summary: When Rafe meets one of Tri Delta's new sisters, he knows he's found the one.

Word Count: 5,000

Rating: 18+, MDNI

TW: afab reader, she/her pronouns, profanity, innuendo, slight age gap (18 and 22), rafe creeping, corruption kink, innocence kink, some stalking, semi public fingering, oral f receiving, spit kink, degradation, praise kink, overstim, loss of virginity, p in v sex, unprotected sex, size kink, tummy bulge, creampie, pussy slapping, honestly i might've forgotten something this was a lot, mentions of alcohol consumption/frat culture

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Outer Banks characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used nor do I claim to own them.

Comments, likes, and reblogs are never required but are immensely appreciated 🩷

"Good Girls Are Bad Girls" - Fratboy!Rafe Cameron X Reader

You want to curse your past self for forgetting to set an alarm this morning. You’re the type to sit at the back of the lecture hall, where no one pays attention to you. You like taking your notes, doing your work, and leaving without a fuss. That’s how you’ve managed to get through your first semester of college so far. But today? Today, everything’s changed.

Your usual seat - and in fact all the seats in the back row - are taken, leaving only one up front. You can feel your heartbeat pounding in your chest as you make your way down the stairs, taking the only empty seat that’s left. Luckily, you don’t have to climb over any of your classmates to get to it. That would’ve been even more humiliating. Instead, you just sit down, pull your notebook out of your backpack, and set up your things for the lecture.

For every action, there’s an equal and opposite reaction. So, while you might have been cursing yourself for this little mishap, someone else was counting their lucky stars that you couldn’t take your usual seat at the back of the room. That someone else being none other than Rafe Cameron. The president of the Beta Theta Pi fraternity. Unofficial king of the campus.

Rafe can hardly believe his luck when he glances back at the sound of the door opening and sees you. You look so skittish, almost like a spooked fawn, as you make your way toward the empty seat beside him. Rafe leans over to ask Topper if he knows who you are. Topper’s gaze falls on you and he gives you an appreciative once-over before informing Rafe that he does not in fact know you. Rafe can’t stop staring at you, his gaze hooded as he watches you ready yourself for class, angling his body toward you. 

He scoots in close, murmuring, “New transfer?”

You shake your head, your voice soft and sweet as you reply, “Oh, um, no. I’m a freshman actually. I just usually sit in the back.”

“Oh,” he chuckles, leaning in even closer, his arm resting on the back of your chair, thigh pressed against yours, “You’re fresh meat then.”

“I, um, I guess,” you reply, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear as you continue focusing on your notes, organizing them for class and avoiding eye contact with the boy beside you.

If Rafe notices this, he doesn’t care, instead whispering against your ear, “My name’s Rafe. And you are…?”

You tell him your name, barely audible, barely above a whisper, not wanting to draw unnecessary attention to yourself. Rafe notices. He’s noticed every little thing about you in the short time you’ve been seated beside him. You don’t seem particularly comfortable around him. And a sick, twisted little part of him like that.

“What’s your major?”

“Dance,” you reply quietly, sliding down in your seat slightly in an effort to create some distance between the two of you.

“Oh, so you’re a dancer,” Rafe repeats, his voice laden with suggestive undertones as his eyes travel the expanse of your body. Though the professor enters the room and you do your best to ignore Rafe, he has no intention of paying attention to class. Only to you. His breath tickles your neck as he whispers, “What type of dance do you do?”

“Ballet,” you tell him, doing your best not to shiver at the way he’s pressed himself up against you.

“Ballet, huh? You know, you don’t look like a ballerina.”

Now he has your attention. He has you exactly where he wants you. Rafe inhales the scent of your body wash - vanilla and sugar, he thinks - as you look at him, brow furrowed in confusion.

“I don’t?”

“Your body,” he pauses, gaze lingering on your cleavage for a moment too long as he admires you, “It’s too… Soft.”

You look so adorably confused as you tilt your head and repeat, “Soft?”

“Mhm,” Rafe’s lips brush against the shell of your ear as he whispers, “Most ballerinas I’ve seen don’t have the softness you do. The curves.”

A wounded expression flashes across your face, “Are you making fun of me?”

He shakes his head, chuckling slightly, “No, sweetheart. I’m just saying I think your body is more suited for… Other things.”

Rafe decides to let you be for the rest of class, watching as your fingers dance across the page, holding your fuzzy pink pen. He watches as you tap it to your lips every so often when deep in thought, his breath growing more and more shallow with each passing moment. His thoughts are consumed entirely by you. Your delicate hands, those round tits, those doe eyes. He has to have you. It’s not a want at this point. It’s a need.

When class finally comes to an end, you seem eager to get away from him, shoving your things in your bag. He eyes your thighs, or what’s visible of them under the hem of the little plaid skirt you’re wearing, those knee socks squeezing your soft flesh. Rafe licks his lips, watching the way your pert little ass sways in the skirt, following after you as you leave the classroom. Before you can make it too far, he grabs you by the arm gently, a grin on his face.

“Where’re you going so fast?”

You startle at the sound of his voice, like a deer in headlights, “Oh, um, just to my next lecture.”

“You’re so quiet,” he teases, watching you fiddle with the straps of your backpack, twisting from side to side nervously, “The quiet ones are always secretly the craziest. Anyway, I’ll walk you.”

“Y-you don’t have to-”

“Oh, I insist,” Rafe falls into step beside you, getting a nice little glance down your v-neck sweater from his vantage point, the subtle bounce of your breasts making his cock go rock-hard in his jeans, “So, you must be pretty flexible, huh?”

“Oh, um, I guess so. For ballet, you kind of have to be.”

You’re so damn shy. He loves it. So fucking innocent. All he can think about is how he’s going to make you his, corrupt you entirely. Taint that sweet naivete of yours beyond all repair. It’s going to be so fucking delicious that it has his mouth watering at the thought alone.

“You’re in Beta, right?”

He’s surprised that you’ve managed to eke out a question, but grins and nods, giving you a little wink, “I am. I’m the president, as a matter of fact. How’d you know?”

“You know a few of my sisters,” you explain, “I’m in Tri Delta.”

Rafe’s brows nearly fly into his hairline at the revelation. A Tri Delta girl? How come he’s only just now meeting you? He thought he’d managed to fuck his way through that entire house, and yet here you are, looking up at him with those sweet innocent eyes, shying away the moment he so much as smiles at you.

“How come I’ve never seen you before today?”

“I don’t usually go to parties,” you explain, “I help set up and then hang out in my room.”

“That’s adorable,” Rafe coos almost mockingly, “A pretty little wallflower, huh? I bet you’re such a good girl. Straight A student, gets to class on time.”

“I,” you falter slightly, making his grin widen, “I do okay…”

You hug your textbook to your chest, the sight of which just confirms his suspicions as you shift your weight from foot to foot, “I bet you’re such a good girl too,” he murmurs, “Have you ever done anything naughty, Princess? I bet you haven’t.”

“Not really,” you admit, pausing in front of the lecture hall, “This is me. Thank you for walking me. It was nice meeting you.”

“You trying to get away from me?” Rafe teases, his blue eyes boring into you.

“No, I just have class…”

Rafe chuckles, nodding, “Yeah, I’m just kidding. See ya around, Princess.”

He watches you, the graceful sway of your hips, those legs, that ass of yours. He’s fucking hooked. He needs to know more about you.

Rafe needs to know everything about you.

"Good Girls Are Bad Girls" - Fratboy!Rafe Cameron X Reader

He learns that you’re a legacy, your mom having been a Tri Delta sister. You come from old money, your family living back in California. You seem to have come out to the east coast to break away from the sheltered life you’ve led. Attended an all girls school - no wonder you’re so jumpy around him. It’s so fucking cute. Your mother is a doctor, he learns, and your father is a hotelier, owning one of the most famous, luxurious hotel chains in the world. You’re a Kook if he’s ever seen one. A perfect match for him.

Topper finds out that you practice from six to eight in the dance studio on campus every day, information he relays to Rafe without delay. And so tonight? Rafe watches as you enter the studio, removing your jacket and warm up pants, revealing the pale pink leotard and tights you have on underneath. The way the fabric clings to you - to every curve, every soft bit of flesh - it’s almost impossible for him to stand there and do nothing. You don’t notice him at first, continuing in your stretching at the barre. The way you move is so effortlessly graceful and so sensuous at the same time. Watching you twist your body into all these positions, the sight of your leotard squeezing and digging in all the right places. God, he doesn’t think he’s ever been this hard in his life.

Rafe’s throat goes dry as he watches you, the song you’re dancing to being vaguely familiar to him. He thinks it might be from the Nutcracker. All he can think of as you dance around the room, your hair tumbling free from the bun you’d tied it in, is that you’re perfect. Everything he’s ever wanted. His first impression was right. You’re so soft, so pliant. He eyes each of your supple curves with ravenous desire, barely resisting the urge to barge into the studio and fuck you up against the wall.

He stays there, silently watching you practice, sweat dripping down your face as you work yourself to the point of exhaustion. You’re stumbling now, making a few mistakes, but all that does is endear you to him even more. The little pout on your face as you keep trying to get your fouette perfect. It’s so goddamn enticing.

Rafe claps when you’re finished, startling you slightly. You give him a shy wave as you undo your pointe shoes and pull on your warm ups over your clothes, feeling a bit self conscious around him. He notices your sudden shyness and takes advantage of it, walking inside and leaning on the barre beside you.

“Was just passing through the building and saw you,” he lies, “I could watch you dance all night long. How long you been doing it for?”

“Since I was a kid,” your voice is so meek and timid, it has him wanting to see what other little noises he can pull from those soft lips.

“Any chance I can see you perform?”

“If you want,” you pause, “I’m in the Nutcracker. As one of the snow fairies. Freshmen usually don’t get lead roles, just ensemble, but I’m in it a bit.”

“I’m sold,” Rafe grins, a hand resting on your lower back as the two of you leave the studio, “When is it?”

“The Friday before winter break.”

Two weeks from now. Rafe grins, excitement in his voice, something that has you biting back a smile. He can see how happy you are that someone wants to come specifically for you. And so, he gives your waist a little squeeze, making you gasp softly.

“I’ll be there. But the real question is,” he stops in his tracks, leading you to stop as well, “Can I see you before then? Or are you gonna make me wait two weeks?”

“I… But you’re a senior,” your voice is so uncertain it nearly tugs at his heartstrings, “And I’m just a freshman…”

Rafe smirks at you, “And that matters why? All I need to know is if I can see you before you perform, cuz,” he runs his thumb softly along your jawline, enjoying the way you fluster at his touch, “I can’t wait that long.”

You blink owlishly, surprised at this, but not at all unhappy, “You can… If you want.”

“I’m gonna hold you to that.” The two of you arrive at the Tri Delta house, and Rafe leans in close. You gaze up at him with those innocent eyes of yours, his heart nearly melting at the adorable sight, “Tomorrow night. Six PM. I’ll pick you up from here. How’s that sound, princess?” When you nod in agreement, Rafe all but purrs, “Good girl.”

He sees the way your breath catches in your throat. You like to be praised. You want to be his good girl. Rafe’s going to remember that.You shift your weight from foot to foot, thanking him for walking you. Rafe decides to get a little bolder and leans in.

“How about a kiss as a thank you?”

Rafe wants you flustered. He wants that look on your face you have right now, lips parted as you try to figure out whether or not he’s serious. He just stands there, waiting expectantly, and you realize he most certainly was. You’ve never done anything like this before, so you hesitate for a long moment before leaning forward and brushing your lips against his cheek before dashing off into the safety of the house, away from him, blurting out a quick “goodnight” as you go.

He stands there, pressing his hand to his cheek.

You little fucking tease.

He’s going to get so much more than a kiss on the cheek from you tomorrow. He’s going to have his lips on yours. And then? On so many other places.

"Good Girls Are Bad Girls" - Fratboy!Rafe Cameron X Reader

Rafe decides to sit with you in the back row today. You’re surprised to see a backpack resting on your usual chair, Rafe in the one beside it. He gives you a lazy smile, one that has your stomach filling with butterflies, and moves his backpack, patting the seat beside him. You make your way on shaky legs, setting your things down and preparing for class. He looks good. You can’t deny it, even with that ridiculous snapback, sitting backwards on his head. Somehow, he makes it look attractive.

He likes what he sees as he takes in your outfit as well. That plaid skirt that sits snug around your hips, hitting your mid-thigh, the innocence of your lacy socks paired with Mary Jane shoes, and the sweater you’ve matched it all with. The perfect innocent school girl, ripe for the taking. It’s like every sordid little fantasy he had as a teenager has come true, and you’re at the center of all of them.

“What’s up cutie?” Rafe asks, his thigh pressed up against yours, “You sleep good?”

“Mhm,” you say quietly, giving him a small smile.

“That skirt looks really good on you.”

His gaze is hungry as he takes in the exposed flesh of your thighs, biting back a laugh as you stutter out, “Thank you. Y-you look nice too.”

“Aw, thanks, Princess. Are you excited for our date?” He continues talking, “I’m taking you to this great steak place. You’re gonna love it.”

“Sounds good.”

You try to pay attention to the lecture. You really do. You’ve always been a straight A student and intend on remaining one, especially with finals only two weeks away. But when Rafe rests his hand on your thigh, just where your skirt ends and squeezes your soft flesh, his large, calloused palm caressing your skin? You don’t really care about whatever the professor is rattling on about. This is far more interesting.

Rafe loves how soft you are to the touch, your smooth, warm skin. His cock strains against his pants as he moves his hand higher and higher, reveling in the breathy gasp you let out when his fingers skim over the fabric of your underwear. 

You cover your mouth, teeth sinking into your lower lip, “R-Rafe, we’re in class…”

It’s such an adorable fucking reaction. Watching Little Miss Innocent lose her composure, the way you seem to be against this and yet, you make no move to get away. He caresses your mound over the fabric of your panties, leaning in and whispering in your ear.

“We’re in the back row, baby. Just relax. Daddy’s got you.”

You cover your mouth as he presses his fingers against you, a grin spreading across his face at the fact that he’s already got you dripping for him. He moves your panties aside, pushing two fingers inside your wet cunt. You’ve never really felt the urge to touch yourself before, but now, with him fucking you with his fingers? You wonder if you’re ever going to be able to last a day without doing so. He pumps his fingers faster and faster, burying them knuckle deep inside you, turning your face so that you keep those big doe eyes on him. He watches the way your lashes flutter, your breath quickens, knowing you’re almost there. Virgins like you get wet so fucking easily, but there’s something even more enticing about you than any before.

“Good girl,” he whispers, “You’re being such a good girl for me.”

Your eyes close, white hot pleasure ripping through your body, and you disguise the moan you let out as a cough, something that has Rafe snickering to himself. He brings his fingers to his lips, licking them clean. And you just watch, lips parted, chest heaving as you try to catch your breath. After the class empties out, he brings his fingers to your lips next, pushing them inside your mouth. Realizing what he wants, you close your lips around them, suckling slightly.

“That’s it, baby. hope you’re ready for tonight. Because this is just the beginning of what I have in store for you.”

"Good Girls Are Bad Girls" - Fratboy!Rafe Cameron X Reader

Rafe waits for you outside Tri Delta at six, drumming his fingers against his steering wheel. He gets out and begins to walk to the door, ready to knock and deal with whichever sorority sister answers, but before his knuckles can wrap on the wood, the door opens to reveal you. Standing there with your hair down, wearing a little pink dress and white kitten heels, a white purse in your hands that looks too tiny to carry anything. Your lips are coated in a pretty pink lip gloss that he can’t wait to taste.

“Hi,” you say, smiling up at him in that adorably shy way you do, “I hope you weren’t waiting too long.”

“No, baby,” he chuckles, moving to rest a hand on your hip, squeezing, “You’re right on time. And looking fucking incredible.”

He takes your hand, so soft and small and warm in his, leading you to his car. He can tell you’re a Kook from the way you don’t balk at the fact he’s driving a Porsche. You just let him open the door and help you in, thanking him. Rafe’s hand rests on your thigh once again as the two of you drive to the restaurant, the sight of which reminds you of what happened earlier in class. You press your thighs together, the low vibration of the car driving along the road making your stomach turn in a way that isn’t entirely unpleasant as you squirm in your seat.

“You look beautiful,” Rafe murmurs, moving his hand to brush the back of it along your cheek, his touch sending a jolt through you, “My good little girl. I almost don’t wanna ruin that pretty dress you’re wearing.”


“Don’t worry your pretty little head about it, baby.”

Rafe is pleased at how well you fit in at the fancy steakhouse he takes you to. Topper was right. You do come from old money. He watches as you eat, as you talk to him, so very gracefully. Everything you do, every little thing, makes him want you more. He sits with his chin resting on his hand, gazing at you intently as you tell him about your family, your time at your all girls’ school. And for the first time, Rafe realizes that it’s nice to actually talk to the girl he’s into. To connect with her. He doesn’t talk about himself much that night, wanting to make you feel comfortable so that you’ll let him walk you back up to your room after dinner.

Because tonight, he’s going to make you his.

"Good Girls Are Bad Girls" - Fratboy!Rafe Cameron X Reader

You do indeed let Rafe walk you to your room when he asks. You ignore the jealous looks some of the girls give you and the knowing looks from the others. Rafe knows what they’re thinking. That you’re just another in his long line of conquests. They don’t know that you’re so much more to him than that.

He closes the door behind the two of you when you enter your room, glancing around, smiling to himself at how it’s so very you, from the pink fuzzy blanket to the little unicorn plushie sitting in the center of your bed.

Rafe moves to sit on your bed, pulling you into his lap. You stumble forward, your hands resting against his chest to steady yourself. You look at him, so hesitant, so uncertain, and Rafe knows that you want him to kiss you, but you don’t quite know how to ask. So, he leans in slowly and presses a kiss to your lips, making you gasp, allowing him to explore your mouth with his tongue, letting it move against yours, slow and yet so very heated. He pulls you closer to him by the waist, running a hand up under the back of your dress, moving his hand upward to squeeze the soft flesh of your ass slightly, making you let out a quiet whimper.

“You make such cute little noises. Wanna hear some more. And you taste so sweet,” he mumbles between kisses, “Fuck, baby, you’re adorable.”

Your breath catches in your throat as you look up at him through your eyelashes, “You mean you like me? Like you like me like me?”

“Baby, of course I like you, how could I not?” Rafe coos, peppering kisses along your jaw and down your neck, “Thought I made it obvious. I want you. No one else in the entire fuckin’ world would do, baby. Only you. Want you so fuckin’ bad it hurts.”

You mewl with pleasure as he bites down on the junction between your neck and shoulders, “Oh my God, Rafe, please-“

“Please what?” He smirks, moving his hand to stroke you over your panties, “Huh?”

As Rafe slides his hand under the hem of your dress, caressing you over your panties, you can’t help but whine his name again. The sound is so sweet, so intoxicating, that it has him moaning and pulling you back into another sloppy, wet, heated kiss, his mouth devouring your own. His other hand twists in your hair, making you moan at the slight pain, but also? From how fucking good it feels.

“God, baby, I think I’m just gonna have to keep you forever. You good with that? Huh, baby?”

All you can do is nod dumbly as he continues kissing up the side of your neck, “Something wrong, baby?”

“N-no,” you stutter as he moves to flip you over so you’re beneath him on the bed.

He tugs at your dress, pulling it over your head, his mouth going dry at the sight of your tits straining against your pink lacy bra and panties. He kisses the soft skin above the fabric of your bra, his mouth hot against you, moving down further and further until he reaches the apex between your thighs.

“Rafe? What’re you doing?”

“I just want to make you feel good,” Rafe promises, mouthing at you over your panties, loving the way you shiver at his touch, “Yeah, baby.”

You nod timidly, “O-okay. I trust you, Rafe.”

“Lay back, sweetheart,” he mumbles, stroking you over your panties and pressing down a bit harder against your clit, grinning at the way you moan, “Daddy’s gonna take good care of his baby girl.”

“One of the girls could hear us-“

“So?” he questions, sliding your panties down your legs and stuffing them into his back pocket, “Let them, Let them hear you scream my name while I eat your sweet little pussy for hours.”

“Rafe,” you whimper as he gave a quick lick against your wet cunt, “Oh my God, it feels so weird-“

“Good weird?” he questions, running a finger over you.

“Yes, oh my God, it’s, like, I… Please do something!”

“Use your words, baby girl,” he teases, lining his face up with your core, “Say ‘please eat my wet little virgin pussy, Daddy’.” You let out a cry as he nips at your thigh, “Sometime today, baby.”

“Please eat my wet little virgin pussy, Daddy,” you all but scream, “Please, please, please!”

Rafe looks up at you with a grin to rival the devil himself, “Since you asked so nicely.”

He spits on you, the cool feeling of his saliva hitting your core making you shiver, before diving in wholeheartedly with his tongue. He laps at your slick folds eagerly, like he’s a starving man and you’re a drop of water in the desert. You thrash against the bed, mumbling incoherently. The only words he can make out are “good”, “Rafe”, and “Daddy”. He grazes his teeth against your swollen pearl, making your entire body seize as you cry out.

“Oh my God, Rafe, yes! Oh God, you feel so good, oh my God!”

Rafe continues lapping at you, his tongue moving at a relentless pace, making you squeal as he nuzzles his nose against your clit.

He pulls back for a moment, “You’re so cute like this. So small and helpless. You’re gonna be a perfect little slut just for me, aren’t you, princess?” Rafe slaps your pussy when you don’t respond, making you jolt with surprise at how fucking good it feels, his palm hitting your clit, “Come on, my pretty little slut, answer when your daddy asks a question.”

“Yes, Daddy, I’m your slut,” you whine, arching your back, “Oh my God, faster please!”

“Anything for my baby girl.”

He rubs you faster and faster while lapping at your pussy, leaving a sloppy open-mouthed kiss against it, the slurping noises he makes, the moans he lets out sounding so obscene. But you just lay there, staring at him, eyes locked on his as you come with a scream of his name. But he’s not even close to done. He continues mouthing at your folds sloppily, greedily, tongue fucking you like his life depends on it. Your entire body quivers at the feeling, twitching as you grasp at the sheets, desperate for purchase as he rips another climax from your body, then a third.

Your arousal glistens against Rafe’s chin and he moves up your body to kiss you, making you taste yourself on his tongue.

“You taste so fuckin’ good, baby,” he murmurs, biting your lower lip, “Gonna have you for dessert everyday. You liked that, didn’t you? Me treating you like my own personal whore?”

You whimper as he squeezes your ass with one hand, moving the other up to your mouth to force it open, “Rafe?”

“Keep that mouth open, baby,” he mumbles, spitting onto your tongue, “Swallow that for me.” You quickly follow his instructions, earning a pleased smile from him. “Show me your tongue. Wanna see that you swallowed,” he orders, to which you oblige without hesitation, showing him your tongue, “Fuck, baby, you’re such a good girl.”

Rafe unbuttons the dress shirt he wore to dinner, revealing his toned chest, his abs, tossing it aside, moving to his pants next, making quick work of them and his boxers, his cock rock hard, swaying slightly, pre cum dripping from the tip. He gives himself a few quick tugs before slapping the head of his cock against your clit, loving the way your entire body twitches. He pushes inside you, just the tip at first, slowly, inch by inch, until he bottoms out inside of you.

You always thought your first time would hurt, but with how wet Rafe made you after eating you out for so long, it’s just a slight sting and then, it’s gone, giving way to the strangest, most pleasurable sensation you’ve ever known. He fills you up with every thrust of his hips, lifting your legs to hike them around his waist, allowing him to fuck you harder, deeper. You can feel every bit of him as he ruts into you, slow at first, but then faster and faster. Rafe is mesmerized by the sight of your face, your tits bouncing as he moves to take one of your nipples into his mouth. He grabs your hips, pounding into you over and over and over again, hitting that rough patch deep inside you, loving the mewl of his name you let out as you soak his cock.

But he’s not done with you. He continues fucking you, even as your pussy grips him so hard that he can hardly move, even as you squirm against him, your overstimulated body barely able to handle what he’s giving you.

When he finally spills himself deep inside of your pussy, he collapses beside you, pulling you into his arms, his lips pressing against your neck. You cuddle up against him, falling asleep almost immediately.

And it’s while you’re snoring softly that he remembers something Topper said a few weeks back.

Something that he now knows to be very true.

“Good girls are bad girls who haven’t been caught.”

"Good Girls Are Bad Girls" - Fratboy!Rafe Cameron X Reader

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1 year ago


—how they breed you when you make them jealous

𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐬: 𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎, 𝐍𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐈, 𝐓𝐎𝐉𝐈

𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: smut, degradation, praise, breeding, baby trapping, mean doms, choking, exhibitionism, hair pulling, rough sex, spit, daddy kink, hair pulling, somnophilia

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What the fuck did you think you were doing? Gojo seethed to himself. Who the fuck were you with and why were his hands on you. What would seem to be a normal friendly hug had blue eyes glaring at you through the cafe’s window.

Gojo plastered on a fake smile, the bell ringing as he walked through the door. You looked up with a wide smile, “baby.” Gojo’s eye twitched as the man behind you smiled too, “Hey man, Y/n’s told me so much about you.”

You frowned as your boyfriend took the man’s hand in a bruising grip, giving it an unnecessarily hard shake. “And you are?” He questioned, forcing himself to keep up the nice guy act.

“Oh, i’m Haru, an old friend of y/n’s” Gojo scoffed internally, his arm making its way around your waist. “Well, Haru, we’ve got to go now,”

Waving bye to your friend, you bit your lip as you looked up at the white haired man, “are you mad?” Gojo scoffed, “Nope.. not at all.”

A lie.

You found yourself sprawled out on the back seat of Gojo’s car in the parking lot for anyone to see. Your legs were spread up in the air as Gojo took his anger out on your cunt.

Your eyes were wet with tears as your boyfriend hammered into you. “How many times do i have to fucking tell you, hmm baby?” He scowled. “How do I get it in your dumb little brain that you’re mine.”

Gojo’s bright eyes darkened as he sped up his pace, thick cock ramming into your g spot with every thrust. Your boobs bounced as your body rocked with his hips, the entire vehicle being moved from side to side.

“Gonna have to fuck a baby into you to drill it in your head.” He grunted, not slowing the movement of his hips until you were shaking for him. Your eyes blurry with tears as small ‘m sorry’s left your mouth

“Good. You should be. Show me you’re really sorry and take it yeah? Take it nice and deep.” he groaned, hips rolling roughly into yours.

Small babbles and hiccups echoed throughout the small car, your hand gripping tightly onto the side of the seat as your orgasm washed over you. “F-fuck,” you moaned, pussy tightening around him as you creamed.

Gojo smirked, bottoming out inside you as his eyes met yours, slender fingers pushing themselves past your lips and resting at the back of your tongue. “Gonna fill you up kay baby? Gonna let everyone know that you’re my little slut only.” he growled.

You shook your head in protest, your little waits muffled by his fingers. Gojo cursed, his eyes never leaving yours as he bred you deep. “There we go, gonna look so pretty carrying my baby.”

Your eyes widened when you heard a throat clear awkwardly. Scurrying to cover up but being held down by your boyfriend instead. Your cheeks flushed in embarrassment as you looked up to find Haru.

“U-uhm.. you f-forgot your sweater y/n.” His cheeks were beat red and his dick was strained against his pants. Never in a million years would he expect to see you like this.

Gojo grinned as he looked at the male, slowly pulling out of you to give your friend a sight of his cum leaking out of your swollen pussy. Haru’s breath hitched and Gojo’s head tilted. “Like what you see? Too bad you’ll never have it cause it’s mine.”


Silently watches as you innocently entertain two guys who were clearly flirting with you. How stupid could you possibly be. Pushing his glasses further up his nose, Nanami sighed. Did he always have to remind you that you belonged to him? You should have known that by now.

And you most certainly should have known that no man ever has innocent intentions. Getting up, Nanami walked up to you with a face void of any emotion. Tapping you twice on your back to indicate that it was time to go. You even had the audacity to tell the two men bye in your sickly sweet voice.

The ride home was silent.

You kept trying to strike up conversation but pouted when all you got in return were uninterested hums and nods. “Kentooo,” you whined. “Why won’t you talk to me?” you frowned. Your boyfriend simply glanced at you and scoffed. Watching as you rest your head against the car door and let your eyes close shut.

You woke up with a small whimper, soft moans falling past your lips. You felt so good, your pussy clenching around.. a cock?

Your eyes shot open to find Nanami in between your held up legs. His eyes dark as he hammered into you. His thick, veiny cock abusing your g spot as it fucked into your abdomen.

A loud mewl left your mouth as Nanami’s hand made its way around your neck. You felt so full, his cock stretching you out and forcing you to take him deep. Entire ten inches reaching deep within your belly. “K-kento.. so deep.” you whined.

Nanami grunted, tightening his grip on your neck to bully his entire cock into you. “I’m gonna fuck a baby into you, let you know who you who you fucking belong to.” He groaned, looking deep into your eyes with a glare.

You whimpered loudly, eyes blurry with tears as he fucked you dumb. “Nngh, ‘m cumming Kento, ‘m cumming so hard,” you sobbed, toes curling as you babbled out his name.

Nanami scowled as the thought of you with another man crossed his mind, his grip becoming a bruising one as he snapped his hips into yours at an unforgiving pace. “Fucking take it baby. This is exactly what you needed. Get it through your dumb head that you have an owner.” he spat, watching as you shook uncontrollably underneath him.

Screaming loudly as your body was rocked with his thrusts. Nanami groaned at the way you began to squirt, threatening to push his cock out at the mere pressure.

Stilling inside you, Nanami let his hot ropes of cum coat your insides. His hand around your neck finally loosening as he kept his cock plugged into your sopping cunt. You were his. Now you would have the stomach to show it.


Watches with a smile as you dance. Taking note of all the men that were eyeing you like food. Eyeing you like you weren’t already owned. He was sat on the club’s couch with his legs crossed, arms spread out along the chair’s backrest and head tilted with a smirk. His eyes roamed his waist, his hips, and his ass. Every part of you was his.

And you knew that, you were just so oblivious to all the hungry stares directed at you. Toji stalks tall towards you. Towering over your figure and nodding towards the exit. Understanding that it was time to leave, you made your way outside to wait for your boyfriend in his vehicle.

Five minutes passed and you frowned in worry. Where was he? Your thoughts were cut off by the driver’s car door slamming shut. Toji using a rag to wipe blood off his bruised knuckles.

“Toji-” before you could open your mouth to speak, you received a warning glance from your boyfriend to keep your mouth shut. You swallowed hard, wondering what the hell your boyfriend had gotten into. Especially since he was smiling like a maniac as he drove.

At home, you found yourself on your hands and knees, loud moans and mewls spilling past your plump, drool filled lips.

Toji’s thick cock pounded into you hard. His hips snapping roughly into yours. Rough hands held your hips in a bruising grip, his cock forcing its way deep into your tight hole and ramming into your g spot with each movement.

You let out a loud cry, the flesh of your ass shaking with each contact. “F-fuck— d-daddy, nngh, feels so good,” you whined, a yelp leaving your mouth as you were yanked up by your hair. Your back flat against his chest allowing him to fuck you even deeper.

Toji had one hand tangled in your hair, the other held your throat. Your whimpers and moans echoing in the small room as your pussy squelched lewdly. Toji’s smirk never faltered, kissing up your neck and to your ear.

You clenched hard when he groaned softly, deep voice rasping in your ear “Fuck you’re taking daddy so good, gonna fill you up with another Fushiguro hmm? Gonna look so hot all round and swollen with my son. Your tits leaking with milk for daddy to take care of you. Does my little slut want that?”

You whimpered loudly at his words, clenching down on his cock as heat built up in your stomach. “Mhm, wanna feel you deep. Wan’ carry your baby so bad.” you mewled. Eyes rolling back as Toji rolled his hips up into yours.

Toji brought his teeth down on your skin hard, nearly drawing blood as you moaned. Pulling your head back even further, Toji leaned down to press his lips against yours, sloppily swallowing your moans before pulling away with a string of saliva connecting your lips.

Your mouth hung open in short pants, your boyfriend letting a thick glob of his spit fall onto your tongue. “Fuck, gonna show all these assholes that you’re mine yeah? They probably won’t even live to see it.” You let out a silent scream, feeling Toji’s cock absolutely destroying your gummy walls.

“O-oh fuck, d-daddy, ahh,” you moaned, body trembling as you reached your orgasm. “Gonna cum, fuck, gon’ cum on your cock.” Little incoherent chants of his name falling past your lips.

“Cum f’me baby, make a fucking mess.” He groaned, tightening his hold on your neck as your slick dripped down his cock with one final cry. “There we go,” he grunted, thrusts getting sloppy as he buried himself deep inside you, ropes after ropes of sticky cum painting your guts white.

Your knees felt weak as you came down from your high. Eyes fluttering closed as you steadied your breathing.

“Now, who do you belong to, baby?”

“You.. i belong to you,”

“Good girl. Might even keep my cock in you so that you don’t spill any of daddy’s cum.” He chuckled, knowing full well that he was being serious.

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1 year ago

I like to think that Bakugo would like one of those bitchy girls that most people stayed away from.

"Oh her?" His friend would whisper about you as you stood before your locker, frowning as you looked at something on your phone. "Yeah, she's mean, really."

"She's rude, a bitch. Hates everyone."

What drives Bakugo is mainly the fact that he doesn't want to be 'everyone'. He's better. And because he knows what it feels like for people to stay away from you just because of what they've heard.

So he makes his move during one of the UA beach trips, when everyone's out on the sand, taking dips into the ocean. He's walking away from them, scanning the darkening sand in search of you.

He finds you near the far edge of the beach, where the place is darker, with less people, and he swears he sees a crab burrow into the sand.

But he doesn't mind much, walking over to you. You look back at him as he walks forward. You're sat on the sand, watching the waves, then Bakugo.

"What are you doing here?" You say swiftly, unfriendly as you stare him down.

He thinks you're so pretty, body clad in that cute two-piece, and your thighs stained with sand. It's hot, his eyes straining the darkness to see the grains glued to the back of your thighs.

"Last I checked, you don't own the fucking beach." He grumbles, sitting down a few meters away from you.

He succumbs to the urge to say more, to fill the silence, to keep you there with him.

"There's too loud." He says, motioning to where the others are yelling and laughing and dancing and swimming.

"What about the other side?" You raise a brow.

"Two many bitches swapping spit." He retorts, sitting with his legs straightened out, palms behind him to support his weight as he looks at you.

You chuckle at that, and you don't turn away from him, leaning on your hand, keeping your eyes on his.

Your eye contact is hot, he thinks.

"You're funny." You say, sighing softly as you turn back to the sea.

He huffs at that. He wasn't exactly trying to be funny, and he likes that. That he can make you laugh without trying. He thinks it makes you cuter.

He hopes it makes you think he's attractive.

"No one's here, you know." You turn to him, wriggling your brows mischievously.

His stomach tightens. "What?"

You snort. "Stop blushing, idiot. I'm not gonna make out with you." You're laughing. "Let's skinny dip."

And Bakugo's scowling at you for 1) making fun of him, and 2) that suggestion.

"It's fucking freezing." He scolds. "It's like 8 degrees here."

But you're already standing and grinning. "Aren't you a hero? This is endurance shit." You say, like you're challenging him.

And he's grumbling and huffing, but he's standing and running after you as you're sprinting to the water, untying your bikini. Your top goes flying in the wind as you hit the water, and he swiftly catches it before it disappears.

"Fucking idiot," he's yelling after you, pausing momentarily to drag his shorts down. He's trying to hit the water quickly before you catch sight of his dick. "You're gonna walk back fucking naked!"

"Aww, you're so little." You coo at him, laughing.

"Cause it's 8 fucking degrees!"

You were joking anyways. He's big, even in the cold. But you try not to think of that, not when he's so clearly cold, shivering as you beckon him closer.

"Come over here," you say.

"That's too fucking far. There's crabs. You come here."

You shake your head with a sly grin. "The water level here hides my breasts. So you have to come here."

He scowls at your logic, and you stick your tongue out at him.

"My dicks gonna freeze." But he's waddling in the dark water, making his way to you.

You're silent as he nears, taking in how he towers over you, how his body drowns yours, height wise and chest wise.




"What are you looking at?" His voice is raspy from the cold.

You smile coyly up at him.

His heart stops.


"Dude, where'd you disappear to?" Kirishima calls to Bakugo as he trudges into the room they are sharing.

But Bakugo's silent, repeating a series of numbers in his mind. He instantly goes over to his drawers, grabbing his phone and instantly punching it in, saving your contact in his phone.

"Dude, is that a fucking hickey?" He shrugs Kirishima off him, making his way to the showers, itching to get in and wash off all the sand from his body.

"I'm never fucking banging in the sand again."

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