Incantation ;

— incantation ;
→ pairing : hyunjin x male reader
→ summary : hyunjin is no stranger when it comes to the world of witchcraft and magic. one night, he has a bad feeling about his home and he goes to investigate but it’s not what he thinks.
→ genre : angst
→ warnings : blood, murder, betrayal, some gory scenes, mentions of sharp objects.
→ word count : 2,652
→ author’s note: i was channeling gojo satoru, scarlet witch, seulgi 28 reasons era, vengeful witch while writing this.
→ songs currently stuck in my head :
cry for me by twice, crown by seulgi, red sun by dreamcatcher, venom by stray kids, this world by ateez.

hyunjin was known by those around him as something of a psychic, in the sense that whatever he dreamed of would eventually happen in real life. everything from great fortune and luck to his friends, premonitions of demonic entities terrorizing the living, and death to those who crossed him in the past.
one famous instance of death to someone who crossed him was 5 or so years ago, when a close friend at the time, whom hyunjin considered a sibling-level kind of friend, committed the ultimate act of betrayal towards him. hyunjin and his boyfriend, at the time, had broken up, and it was a very heavy breakup in emotional terms, especially towards hyunjin. word had spread that his best friend and his now ex-boyfriend at the time were at a party together; lots of heavy drinks were involved, and his friend brought the ex over to the apartment that he and hyunjin had shared. they had hooked up that same night on the living room couch. lucky for them, hyunjin was not home.
hyunjin has a psychic ability, similar to spidey sense, when something is wrong or something bad is about to happen. some people call it intuition, but he calls it a warning sign. the voice that warns him usually says the name of the person, a command, or something that’s coming.
he was at a friend’s house because he didn’t want to be alone during such an emotional time. they were watching a movie, and just as hyunjin was about to fall asleep, that’s when the "hyunjin-sense" began. it started as a sharp sting in his mind and trickled into goosebumps across his body, which is then followed by a voice in his mind. "check home." the voice says. "do you mind if you take me home? i have to check something." he says. "is it your senses going off again?" the friend asks.
hyunjin only gave him a look and that was all the friend needed. it didn’t take him long to find the keys to his car and for both of them to head over to hyunjin’s place within a matter of minutes. the friend parks his car right in front of the apartment building. "i won’t be long." hyunjin says as he unbuckles his seatbelt. he puts his hands together in a praying gesture, and a wave of absolute silence blankets the car’s atmosphere; hyunjin is deep in thought as he visualizes the interior of the apartment and which room he’s mentally standing in. simple incantation is mumbled under his breath, followed by a simple command. "teleport."
his friend closes his eyes and covers his ears and hyunjin disappears into a blue-to-white mist. "i should probably set a timer to see how long it takes him to get back." chris says before grabbing his phone and setting a stopwatch timer.
hyunjin is now inside the apartment, standing in the bedroom. his eyes fading into a white hue to help him see in the pitch black darkness of the apartment. his arms fall to either side of his body as fingers extend and he gently pushes his hands up and down in a slow, gentle motion. "levitate slightly." his body rises a few short centimeters off the floor, as he does not want to make a sound with his footsteps. smart move on his part.
his heart begins to race, almost like his heart is like a metal detector trying to find the source of what’s making the machine go off. he can hear the creaking of the couch’s wood against the walls, moaning but not agonizing moans of someone who is in excruciating pain; it’s moans of absolute pleasure. "be silent. be careful." the voice says.
he glides towards the bedroom door, placing his hand on the doorknob. "silent." he whispers as he twists the doorknob and slowly pulls the door open. not a single sound is emitted from him opening the door, almost as if he’s a ghost. his heart beats faster as his hand twists the doorknob, as if he’s next in line to get on a rollercoaster.
chris stares at the stopwatch, which is increasing in its time. "fourteen fifty-nine... fifteen minutes. i wonder what he’s doing." he says to himself. he opens youtube to distract himself in the meantime.
the dark brown pupils of hyunjin’s eyes begin to peek through in the midst of the white clouding his corneas as he sees what’s happening in front of him. tears quickly form and roll down his cheeks, and his heart continues beating fast like it’s trying to jump out of his chest. in the living room, with the lights completely off, his best friend in the whole wide world was making love with his ex on the velvet couch.
hyunjin re-enters the bedroom and closes the silent door. his breathing trembles as he inhales and exhales, his heart hitting the overexertion point like it's about to shatter in his body. although he’s floating, his legs feel numb, and he falls silently onto the floor. his eyes can’t stop generating and releasing tears streaming down his face. "be calm. stay in control." the voice says, and almost instantly, hyunjin’s heartbeats calm down, and he wipes the tears off his face.
he takes a few seconds to regain control over his breathing before facing what’s going on within the room just beyond the bedroom door. he sits down on the floor with his legs crossed. his hands lay on his thighs, with his thumb and middle fingertips touching, and his other fingers lay still on his pants fabric.
he mumbles words in pure latin, a language considered dead within modern-day dialects. his eyes continue to form tears that glide down his cheeks, but he feels no sadness anymore. all he feels is pure anger.
the lighting in the entire apartment begins to flicker intensely for a brief two seconds, which catches the attention of adrian, AKA the soon-to-be ex-best friend, who was on the couch. "did you see the lights?" he asks josh, hyunjin’s ex. "yeah but i’m not focused on that right now. i’m only focused on you." josh says. he leans in to kiss adrian.
"go now." the voice screams in hyunjin’s mind, like a war cry. hyunjin’s eyes burst open, glowing in a crimson red color. his body teleports into the living room, directly behind josh. adrian’s eyes widen as he sees hyunjin and he screams like he’s seen a ghost. "behind you!" adrian screams to josh, but josh pulls away and looks behind him only to see nothing behind him. "wh- what? there’s nothing behind me…" josh says. "i saw him. clear as day, hyunjin was right behind you." adrian says in a fearful tone.
"babe, no one’s behind me. if he was here, he’d come right through the front door." adrian says as he laughs. he looks back at josh, only to see hyunjin standing right in front of him. "now you see me." he says as adrian screams bloody murder and is flung towards the front door to the apartment. josh doesn’t see hyunjin but only sees adrian being thrown at the front door. "hyunjin, wherever you are… this isn’t what it means." josh says as his eyes dart around the room, looking for a sign of hyunjin within the room.
the lighting in the room flickers from bright white to a dark red which is followed by slow six knocks at the front door. "josh, are you there? it’s me." hyunjin says. "do not open the door." josh says to adrian. adrian gets up off the floor and dusts himself off, running to grabs his clothes and belongings in a hurried frenzy fueled by fear. "fuck this, i’m leaving." he says.
he runs towards the front door and his hand is now on the doorknob. "do not open that fucking door." adrian says as his voice begins to tremble. "please don’t. something bad is going to happen." he adds as he begins to cry. "i’m not going to be here when that happens." adrian says as his hand twists the doorknob, opening the door and just as he’s about to leave, he stands face to face with hyunjin.
"you’re right about that." hyunjin says as he grabs adrian by his neck, lifting him up off the floor, and throws him back into the apartment. he enters the room then closes the door and locks it with a flick of his finger. "you really think i wouldn’t find out? don’t you know who i am?!" hyunjin exclaims as the room trembles with each word that leaves his mouth.
josh falls back onto the couch and sits in a fetal position, his hands covering his face as he begins to cry into his palms. adrian is searching around for a knife or any blunt object nearby to use as a weapon. adrian finds a knife and places the blade on hyunjin’s throat. "you really think you can just come in here and-" adrian is cut off mid-sentence. josh hears the cutlery begin to shake, uncovering his face only for his eyes to widen.
knives floating all across the living room, the blades pointing directly at adrian at different angles. "you do not get to speak, your actions did all the talking." hyunjin says. "you broke my heart only for you to come into our apartment, actually into my apartment since i signed the lease, and fuck my best friend?" hyunjin asks as the grip of his hand on adrian’s throat begins to tighten and his nails dig into the skin, making droplets of blood trickle down adrian’s neck.
"you broke my heart, now i break you." hyunjin whispers to adrian as his nails slowly pierce into his neck, as he screams in agonizing pain. "feel the pain you gave me when you broke me." hyunjin continues, as josh’s cries form into sobs of fear. "what was it you said earlier?" he asks adrian as both their eyes widen; adrian’s in fear as he remembers what he said, trying to push hyunjin off, and hyunjin’s eyes widen in a rising vengeful anger. the light in the room begins to turn a dark red. "you won’t be here when that happens, was it?" hyunjin asks with a devious smile.
"for once, you’re right about something." hyunjin says as his nails and fingers fully pierce into adrian’s neck, grabbing a hold of his adam’s apple. a single tear rolls down adrian’s cheek as his screams begin to fade out, then hyunjin rips out his adam’s apple, and a squelching sound is emitted.
blood gushes out of adrian’s mouth and throat, onto hyunjin’s face and clothes as well as onto the floor. soon, a pool of blood surrounding their feet grows in width and adrian’s lifeless body falls onto the floor. hyunjin’s face is covered in the dark red liquid as he stands over his ex-boyfriend's body, shocked but soon bursting in laughter. "you two are so done." he says as he turns around to face josh.
the light continues to flicker and hyunjin uses the flickering to his advantage. each time the light goes from bright, he appears one step closer to josh. in the dark, he fades away. the only thing you hear are his heavy footsteps approaching him slowly.
"joshua, you have betrayed me. how could you do something so low and disgusting, especially to me?" he asks. hyunjin’s voice echoes around the room, as josh’s cries begin to return. "in this life and the next, wherever your soul and physical entity is, i will always be there waiting for you to kill you over and over again. you will remain living in fear, trying to hide from me, but i will always find you. i will never let you go." hyunjin says as he conjures a sharp katana glowing in a scarlet red hue.
hyunjin appears in front of josh, pointing the blade at his heart. "consider this a warning." hyunjin points his index finger up then josh’s body begins to levitate up off the couch by his neck. his legs squirm around as his arms try to reach hyunjin but nothing works. "never cross a witch." he says before impaling josh’s chest and digging it into his torso until it appears on the other side, leaving the katana in. "i want you to cry for me." he continues.
hyunjin places his hand on josh’s chest, glaring directly into his eyes. his other hand begins to generate a tiny ball of glowing red fire that grows into an orb to the size of a baseball. hyunjin’s hand pulls away from his chest, transferring the magic energy into both hands now. "my voice is a spell that haunts you. wherever you are, i’m with you." hyunjin says before he slams his hands onto the center of josh’s chest. gut wrenching screams spew out of josh’s mouth as the fiery orbs burn into his skin and hyunjin’s sharp nails dig into his chest to rip his heart out.
his hands grab a hold of josh’s heart, ripping it out in a swift motion. blood spills out from the exposed hole in his chest, quiet whimpers of pain leave his mouth as he stares at hyunjin who holds his beating organ. "die." he says as he rips his heart into two with his fingers. josh’s limbs start to fall and dangle at his side, his head falling and moving side to side as he exhales his final breath.
hyunjin releases the hold of josh’s deceased body and lets his body fall onto the floor. he looks around at the mess he’s made. "what a mess." he says to himself, then snaps his fingers on both hands, making the two bodies and bloody mess all over the apartment and on himself simply vanish into nothingness as if nothing happened. "all better." he says with a smile as he teleports back to chris’ car and into the passenger seat.
"hey! how long did i take?" he asks chris, who was asleep with his phone in his hand. the car turned off by himself, and he sees the stopwatch on chris’ phone screen. "an hour and six minutes.. geez." he whispers as he doesn’t want to wake chris. he puts his hands together in a praying gesture as the car begins to be enveloped in a blue mist, then teleports the car along with themselves back to chris’ house. his car now sat parked in the driveway.
hyunjin exits the car, levitating chris’ body carefully out of the car. he unlocks the front door with a flick of his finger and enters the home. he guides his friend into his bed, wrapping his body with the warm blanket and saying a spell to help him sleep fully until morning. hyunjin closes and locks the door with another flick of his fingers, then lays on the couch, exhaling a sigh of relief. he drifts off into a deep sleep.
hyunjin’s dream starts to reveal a time in history where people were hunting down witches and burning them in an attempt to "cleanse the world of wicked evil." hyunjin could feel himself immersing himself more into the dream, as if he were inside his own dream and exploring around. not before he heard his name being called by an unknown man in his dream, turning around to see someone holding a pitchfork to his neck. "are thou a witch?" the man asks. that’s when hyunjin knew that he wasn’t in a dream anymore... or is he?
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