gladlyhumbled - humbled šŸƒ
humbled šŸƒ

Daughter of the one true King. Here's my story.

67 posts

Taken From My Notes [08.16.2019].

Taken From My Notes [08.16.2019].

taken from my notes [08.16.2019].

Still an important reminder for me. I should really believe and find strength in these words. <3.

More Posts from Gladlyhumbled

7 years ago
Love on the Line - Hillsong Worship (Inspirational Story of Jesus) Music Video!
Hello all! I want to reach and touch [the hearts of] others, so I made this uploaded this! Hope you guys enjoy and love Jesus a little bit more because of th...

Video I created using clips from The Mormon Channel to put together the story of Jesus. To visually portray on how his grace led to our redemption. Hope all who watches it, enjoys! 

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4 years ago
Serve The Lord With Gladness! Come Into His Presence With Singing!

Serve the Lord with gladness!    Come into his presence with singing!

Psalms 100:2 (ESV)

5 years ago

Dear Generation: To The Youth

Here lays an address to a group of people like myself: young, Christian, and eager for a revival.

It seems quite absurd to believe that the Church is taking a step back in faith and leadership, yet that seems to be the case. Pastors are manipulating the Word, leading others astray, and the walks of many Christians have grown cold. There are more variables that should be taken into account; regardless, the significant issue is that the once firm roots of Christianity appear to be weakening, the fruits of Godā€™s people lessening, and the soil of their faith eroding. This alarming implications caused can be conveyed by the ā€œdomino effect.ā€ Weaker faith produces weaker relationships, weaker relationships lead to weaker boundaries, and weakened boundaries creates susceptibility to  weakened morals. But since we have been called to be newly transformed, shouldnā€™t our actions affirm that? Shouldnā€™t we be progressing instead of regressing? Before going any further, I want to mention that I am by no earthly or heavenly means perfect. No one is perfect. Iā€™m still learning to deal with these uncomfortable--borderline overwhelming--truths, however if Iā€™ve learned anything, itā€™s to take them in in little by little, because they are the ones that produce the greatest spiritual results when you align your life with them. That is why I sought out to write this ā€œletterā€  to you all as to speak. The truth is, I believe that we, with the grace and power of God, can create the ripples of change needed to heal our nations and its hurting people. Without no more time wasted, let us begin to be the people this world, and the Kingdom, needs.

The next generation should be outcasts. One of the hardest truths to swallow, considering it is of human nature to desire acceptance and approval from others. Unfortunately, when we live to please the world, we certainly are not pleasing God because He is not of the world and He calls us to that same conduct (1 John 2:15, John 17:14-16). Another issue that is commonly associated with non-conformity is self-image. We donā€™t want to seem idiotic, weird, or flat-out atypical in the eyes of others. Truthfully, the solution is adopting a renewed mind. We must not decide our actions based on what would please the world, but on what would please God. When fear kicks in and condemns us saying, ā€œDo you really want to say this/do that? Donā€™t you fear what everyone will think of you?ā€ we need to be able to believe and confidently respond, ā€œFlee from me, Devil! For God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7).ā€ Then we should do what we are called to do, no matter how silly or downright dumb we look doing it. It is very important to remember that the greater the call, the greater the opposition. In other words, it is silly to think that Devil is going to rest while God is working through you to impact the future; he is like a prowling lion, always seeking to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). Heā€™s the god of this world, already leading countless unbelievers down an eternal path of destruction, how much more is he determined to lead the elect astray in order that Godā€™s light and glory is diminished?  Now more than ever, for the cause of Christ, we need to step out when we feel uncomfortable. Speak out even when we donā€™t feel confident (if itā€™s Godā€™s message, you donā€™t need to delay it reaching the heart of someone else due to your emotions). Live loud even when everyone around us is barely living. Why? Because we are qualified. We donā€™t have to be skilled or the best at what we do, just willing and assured that God will work through us (2 Corinthians 4:7). At schools, they can get rid of the anthem, but they can not rid us from acknowledging our God. No one can stop us from carrying the powerful, living, breathing Word of God to our classes--no one but ourselves. No longer should fear hold the keys and determine our outreach before weā€™ve even given it a chance, because indeed we have the power of God dwelling inside us. So if the world chooses to hate us for being Christians, then how much more will they condemn us for living out the life God intended for us? A life that requires a readiness to be an outcast. However, if they love us for who we are, then theyā€™ll be transformed by the richness of Godā€™s love and grace. We should be ready to be outcasts and live according to Godā€™s will regardless of how the world perceives us. In a hundred million years into life in eternity, all of those things that held us back will be for naught. The next generation should be outcasts.

The next generation should be lovers. Letā€™s radically change the genuinity of that living it out. Live with our hearts on our sleeves, aware that it could get broken, but comforted that it could be the very reason a lost soul finally finds his or her way home. Even if someone doesnā€™t get saved, youā€™ll be reminded of the great joy that you were able to plant a seed of hope in a life that wouldnā€™t be the same without it. Let us love when we are happy, and even more so determinedly when weā€™re sad. Let love be our greatest weapon when weā€™re attacked, belittled, and rebuked. For if love is greater than faith and hope, and it covers a multitude of sins, than such an anthem is needed to bring Godā€™s salvation to a dying world. Let us extend our Fatherā€™s love to the homeless and homeowners, rich and poor, reserved and vulnerable, humble and haughty alike. Our love should know no boundaries in gender, class, religion, appearance, beliefs, personality, sexuality, political stance, and race. Whatever flaws we see in ourselves, may we fully surrender them to God to love them out of us, and may we do so for those who donā€™t have that liberty. To believe or not believe isnā€™t the dilemma (we arenā€™t penalized for their ultimate decision), it is to love or not to love, because there is so much power every human has when it comes to loving, so many chains we can break.The next generation should be lovers.

The next generation should be worshipers. This alludes to more than just reserving oneā€™s praise for the Lord on Sunday and then returning to silence on the rest of the weekdays. Let us enter into a state of constant praise. We ought to know when God deserves to be worshiped: at all times and in all situations (Hebrews 13:15-16). When we wake up in the morning, let His praise spill from our lips. Before we drift away in our slumber, let our last words be reserved for Him and His goodness. When our insides are rumbling with joy, let us praise Him! When we are troubled, may our praises ring even louder. For the little things, big things, and everything that falls in between, let us bring Him praise. Let. Us. Bring. Him. Praise. And may we all be wise in understanding that God always deserves to be worshiped because He is eternally good.Even though our emotions are fickle, God does not change: who He promised to be thousands of years ago still stands true. He doesnā€™t change in goodness, just because our life meets with turmoil. No matter how frustrating it may be to us curious beings, we are not entitled to know why God does what He does, and we are definitely not capable of fully understanding His ways. Isaiah 55:9 states, ā€œFor as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.ā€ Interestingly enough, the Greek word for higher is gabah, meaning to be high, exalted, and exalted means to be highly regarded. Godā€™s ways and thoughts should be respected in that manner. Maybe one day everything will all make sense, but until then, the next generation should be worshipers withstanding,and may it be evident to all who are watching.

The future generation should be intentional. Being intentional is one of the greatest lacks of this current society--even in the church. Once our decisions are rooted in intention--the ones that Jesus wills for us--we will not only glorify our Father in Heaven, but we will saves ourselves from unnecessary hurt. We are imperfect beings and many of the choices we make are based on our own carnal knowledge and desires, bound to cause us great harm in the end. So avoid brash impulses, steady yourself in the heat of peer pressure, and trust wholeheartedly in the knowledge of the One whose thoughts are greater and ways are higher, for obeying Him brings a future better than anything one could imagine. Reflect and thoughtfully deliver each word you speak with love, truth, and care. Treat everyone, no matter their character, with the respect you would want bestowed unto you. With every partner, be intentional, working prospectively towards marriage while glorifying God. Every act should work to bring God delight, no matter how ā€œstarvedā€ your flesh feels in some aspects of life. It may be overwhelming, frustrating, even treading the lines of sacrificial, however, once we submit to the will of our Father, we will find joy in doing what is good. The next generation should be intentional. 

The next generation should be holy and blameless. Do not worry, Heā€™s already got you covered on that (Colossians 1:22). However, to be an effective witnesser you should always strive to live righteously, pleasing God by living out what is right. Again, that calls for a life of intentionality. The next generation should be holy and blameless.

The next generation should be prayer warriors. As expected of Christ followers, prayer should  be a priority. In the morning, afternoon, and night, let prayers and praise always spill out from our lips, directed to our good, good Father in the name of Christ. When we are happy, pray. When we are sad, pray. When we are anxious, pray. When we are angry, pray. When we are trailblazing through trials or have found our way through them, pray. Before and after we have exhausted every effort, pray. Pray for the lost, the hurting, and the needy, and the hopeless. Pray without ceasing, as 1 Thessalonians 5:17 encourages, always returning to it for any and everything. It should be a habit instilled in our minds, and an observance for all of time. With consistency, a man or woman of God can also be known as a man or woman of prayer, and all the glory goes to God for that! The next generation should be prayer warriors.

The next generation should be a people hungry, eager, and, on fire for Jesus because guess what? 

The next revival is coming and we are going to be the ones leading it.

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6 years ago

God, You are so good. All the time, I know that is true. Even when I feel hurt, lost, broken, scared, alone, I know that You are so good. I know that Your identity is not according to my feelings. Please help me become familiar with that truth more and more, and every single day. Life is a process. I will hold on to the truth that You're always working in the midst for my good (Romans 8:23), and even when I can't see it (or feel it), God, You are so good to me.

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7 years ago

My First Love

ā€œAll the way back, all the way back, all the way back, to my first love.ā€

- Bethel, ā€œFirst Loveā€

/ Quite a while ago, The Creator of the skies and seas breathed my soul into existence. He took lifeless dust and molded it to resemble His image. He made life where there was no life, and Light where darkness was present. Heā€™s my first love, because He loved me before any other being did. In fact, til this day, He loves me more greatly, passionately, fiercely, loyally, than anyone ever has or ever will. God is my first love.

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