A Word - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

sometimes i wonder is the relief sweet?

is it fine when everything may not be complete?

will i ever feel like i can kick up my feet?

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4 years ago
Taken From My Notes [08.16.2019].

taken from my notes [08.16.2019].

Still an important reminder for me. I should really believe and find strength in these words. <3.

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2 years ago

Don’t Resent, Appreciate.

Don’t resent someone for not having your vision or your dreams. They’re yours for a reason. God created you, including every aspect of you, to be uniquely anointed and purposeful. It is important to recognize that. Even more so, it is important to recognize that the people in your life who are not fulfilling your expectations simply may have their own vision of life. They may not be trying to hurt you with their actions, they just have a different perspective on what makes life life. That is, concerning the little things in life. In the end, be grateful for the way God has blessed you and made you a blessing to others. Pray for those around you that God may also bless them in their uniqueness so that they may be a blessing to others as well. 


this is a message to myself, if anything. 

Cheers, and have a merry Christmas!

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2 years ago
Mariah Carey On Being High Maintenance

Mariah Carey on being High Maintenance

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2 years ago

btw being excessively nonconfrontational is NOT a positive trait. it does not mean u are “too nice” or just too kind to hurt people, it means u have a problem communicating and you need to work on it.

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1. twilight; dusk; the beginning of evening.

Origin: Evenfall, “the beginning of evening, dusk,” from its very look is a poetic word. It is reasonable to assume, but impossible to prove, that evenfall was modeled on the earlier nightfall (1700). Evenfall entered English in the 19th century.

“And now ‘tis evenfall in the brave and beautiful Borderland, and long shadows fall across the smooth lawns and fragrant garden…” - George MacDonald Fraser, The Reavers, 2007

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