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218 posts

I Thought Of These, And Then I Dropped Everything I Was Doing To Make Them-

I thought of these, and then I dropped everything I was doing to make them-

I Thought Of These, And Then I Dropped Everything I Was Doing To Make Them-
I Thought Of These, And Then I Dropped Everything I Was Doing To Make Them-
I Thought Of These, And Then I Dropped Everything I Was Doing To Make Them-
I Thought Of These, And Then I Dropped Everything I Was Doing To Make Them-

Also, yes, these are canon! Molly is autistic and Charlie has adhd.

Mina is neurotypical, and not even I know whatever the heck Milo has going on-

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More Posts from Glitch-pep

1 year ago

Chaotic Crossover AU Memes Part 1.)

[Alignment Charts Edition.]

If I remember correctly I think these are from this blog: awfulalignmentcharts

Except for the "how clean are their rooms?" one, that one is from here.

Chaotic Crossover AU Memes Part 1.)
Chaotic Crossover AU Memes Part 1.)
Chaotic Crossover AU Memes Part 1.)
Chaotic Crossover AU Memes Part 1.)
Chaotic Crossover AU Memes Part 1.)
Chaotic Crossover AU Memes Part 1.)
Chaotic Crossover AU Memes Part 1.)
Chaotic Crossover AU Memes Part 1.)
Chaotic Crossover AU Memes Part 1.)
Chaotic Crossover AU Memes Part 1.)

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1 year ago

Addition from @random-meme-bot that I wanna add to my headcanons as well! :>

Addition From @random-meme-bot That I Wanna Add To My Headcanons As Well! :>

A girl and her bird.

A Girl And Her Bird.

Ramble under the cut.

This drawing is actually heavily based on this sketch from the official art book that I've been thinking about a lot:

A Girl And Her Bird.

Here are some post-game headcanons I have about Poppy and hat bird! :>

- When she first decided to take care of hat bird, she read bird related books to know what to do.

- Poppy is taking VERY good care of hat bird.

- Poppy gave the bird a fancy piano/music related name, since Penny didn't bother to give the bird one at all.

- Poppy put a little bow onto the bird that matches the bow on her dress.

- Sometimes when Poppy plays piano music, hat bird chirps along and they perform a duet.

- Fitz finds the relationship between Poppy and hat bird beyond adorable but he hasn't said anything about it yet.

- Fifi was afraid of hat bird even when it was on Penny's head. But after Poppy took over and some "face your fears" sessions took place the fear dissapeared. She's used to it hanging around them at this point. Although, she's still afraid of other birds, just not this one... they're working on that too.

- Percival is salty that the bird is still here because it reminds him a lot of Penny, but for the sake of Poppy's happiness he's keeping quiet about it.

- As for the other birds in the birdhouse, they let them all free to fly away. Poppy did offer this option to hat bird but it ultimately just liked to stay with her instead.

I love them so much, they're literally this meme right here and no one can convince me otherwise:

A Girl And Her Bird.

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1 year ago

Karma pixel art!

We've got another single celled organism-

Karma Pixel Art!

And Mina facts under the cut, cuz why not-

Her favorite snack to eat while she's watching TV is actually fruit. Her mom usually lays it out on a little plate for her, which she gladly does since it's healthy. Her favorite out of the bunch are apple slices!

Her TV only has a few programs, probably only around 10. She's been watching them for so long that by now she got the whole streaming schedule memorized.

The only people (besides Mina and her parents, of course) that Karma doesn't run away from if they try to get near her are Jimmy and Double D, since they're basically the only two that know how to properly and gently interact with a cat.

While watching TV Mina sits on a quite old and beat up couch, that somehow still manages to be comfy after a lot of years of her family owning it.

If she puts effort into it, Mina can have some really pretty handwriting, which she usually doesn't do unless it's for a school exam.

Mina's reaction upon hearing that Eddy's brother is coming back to the culdesac (it was in one of the episodes, but idk which one) would be to grab Jonny and try to keep him inside of the house because her mom told her that they need to stay away from him because he's a troublemaker. In this situation Mina would be more concerned about her mom finding out that they got involved with him, even though she doesn't know much or care about the guy.

She HATES any formal event or family reunion, or any guests coming over to her house. In my head it's basically become a gag that she'd rather do anything else than go to another one of her aunt's weddings. She only has one that keeps divorcing and marrying people over and over again.

Her mom loves to dress her up for any given event, much to Mina's dismay.

She would have the least lines in the show, and some lines could even be recycled since she tends to repeat her phrases occasionally.

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1 year ago

Milo pixel art! :>

Milo Pixel Art! :>
Milo Pixel Art! :>

Aaand some facts under the cut!

Won't hesitate to roast people that deserve it, (*cough* Vendetta *cough* or anyone evil in general) but those people are usually too stupid to understand what he's talking about.

Charlotte always misunderstands his jokes and gives them her own meaning, he doesn't bother to correct her.

Has a microphone that he got ages ago when he still had the whole comedian dream, he can pull it out of thin air at any given moment.

Spends far too much time putting gel in his hair each morning. That's why it looks so shiny.

Keeps making play pretend comedy shows infront of the mirror and for Maggie's stuffed animals/plants.

Does try to write new non dark humor jokes, but the paper just ends up in the garbage at the end.

Basically a coffee addict at this point that can't go a day without at least one cup of it.

Might sometimes pull out a nail file out of nowhere and start filing his nails whenever he's bored or ignoring someone, purely for the comedic effect. But he'll only do it to people who deserve it, like I said before. (let's not question wether or not he has nails for the sake of simplicity)

Does many things just for the sake of the comedic effect.

It's extremely difficult to make him laugh. It's possible, but difficult nonetheless.

He's incredibly nosy, but he'll never admit it. He'll be like... "I don't care if they broke up. It's none of my business." and suddenly after a day he knows the whole history of it.

He watches soap operas and reality TV to make up for the lack of interesting stuff happening in real life. He's aware how dumb they are, but they're entertaining enough.

He likes solving crossword games and flipping through joke books and magazines.

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