Making Fiends Oc - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago



I made a Making Fiends oc, so here he is!

(Just don't take him too seriously-)



[Info under the cut cuz the post got too long-]

Milo is one of Clamburgs unfortunate residents, and also Maggie's brother. Maggie and Milo have the same, depressing world view, but they choose to cope with it differently. While Maggie does it through writing poetry, Milo does it with a different form of writing.

Jokes! Writing jokes, to be specific.

Before Vendetta took over Clamburg, he had the dream to become a comedian. But due to the strict rules that Vendetta implemented, he's unable to make jokes.

Why? Because they make people laugh.

And Vendetta hates any form of happiness that isn't her own.

So, now he only makes jokes that are more depressing/concerning than funny, so that they make no one laugh.

That would also be his main role in the show:

Saying dark humor one liners that flew over the heads of the little kids that were watching the show.

He's making the most out of what he can have.

...even if it has 20 layers of sarcasm coated around it.

His relationship with Maggie is interesting, which is a topic I'll cover in a future post! It'll also cover everything else important regarding their family in general.

Transparent versions of the edits because I like how they turned out:


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1 year ago

Milo pixel art! :>

Milo Pixel Art! :>
Milo Pixel Art! :>

Aaand some facts under the cut!

Won't hesitate to roast people that deserve it, (*cough* Vendetta *cough* or anyone evil in general) but those people are usually too stupid to understand what he's talking about.

Charlotte always misunderstands his jokes and gives them her own meaning, he doesn't bother to correct her.

Has a microphone that he got ages ago when he still had the whole comedian dream, he can pull it out of thin air at any given moment.

Spends far too much time putting gel in his hair each morning. That's why it looks so shiny.

Keeps making play pretend comedy shows infront of the mirror and for Maggie's stuffed animals/plants.

Does try to write new non dark humor jokes, but the paper just ends up in the garbage at the end.

Basically a coffee addict at this point that can't go a day without at least one cup of it.

Might sometimes pull out a nail file out of nowhere and start filing his nails whenever he's bored or ignoring someone, purely for the comedic effect. But he'll only do it to people who deserve it, like I said before. (let's not question wether or not he has nails for the sake of simplicity)

Does many things just for the sake of the comedic effect.

It's extremely difficult to make him laugh. It's possible, but difficult nonetheless.

He's incredibly nosy, but he'll never admit it. He'll be like... "I don't care if they broke up. It's none of my business." and suddenly after a day he knows the whole history of it.

He watches soap operas and reality TV to make up for the lack of interesting stuff happening in real life. He's aware how dumb they are, but they're entertaining enough.

He likes solving crossword games and flipping through joke books and magazines.

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1 year ago

Funky outfit time! 💙💚🤎

Funky Outfit Time!

Based on this meme right here.

Some Molly and Milo facts are under the cut!

Funky Outfit Time!

Molly likes shopping, she does it over mail order catalogues and then it gets delivered to her house eventually. She mostly orders pajamas but also any other stuff that's sleep related.

If someone were to take Mr. T. Bear away from Molly, no matter wether she's asleep or awake, she'd notice immediately.

Molly was the one who suggested that they should hold hands to not lose each other, since she always holds onto Mr. T. Bear to not lose him.

The place where Molly's intro would be located is a page on the website that's titled "Unused Bits" where unused content for the show is being showcased for the sake of archiving it. The page would have a bit of a different look to it than the other displays on the website and the fact that none of it is canon would be highlighted. Molly wouldn't be the only unused character on the page, but I'm only going to be creating content for her.

Molly's character is kind of just a fun-fact kind of thing thats isn't connected to the main story at all. I think that her and the other hypothetical unused characters on the page would basically be red herrings for theorists.

Molly does have some text transcript concepts, but no audio is available for any of them.

Upon listening to one of the audios on the website I've realized that Howdy said that "Molly" is his aunt's name. Given the fact that there are plenty of random family members he has, they needed a name that somewhat ryhmes with the rest so from now on it's canon that Molly Moon's first name was reused to be the name of one of Howdy's family members.

Funky Outfit Time!

Milo is a performer at heart, but at this point he very much lacks the motivation to do anything with it.

At least, that's what he thinks... you see, Milo is the kinda person who becomes the center of attention very often without realizing it.

With the way he acts it isn't a surprise, but he's really not doing it on purpose.

Milo collects coffee mugs, which are sorted into two categories:

1.) Mugs that are genuinely pretty and or fancy.

2.) Mugs that have something unhinged and or random written on them.

Funky Outfit Time!

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10 months ago

Milo Intro

Milo Intro
Milo Intro

[Character info is under the cut.]

Milo is a character that would've been in Making Fiends ever since the web series. He'd also be present from Season 1 of the Nickelodeon show and onwards.

Milo is one of Clamburgs unfortunate residents, and also Maggie's brother.

Maggie and Milo have the same, depressing world view, but they choose to cope with it differently. While Maggie does it through writing poetry, Milo does it with a different form of writing.

Jokes! Writing jokes, to be specific.

Before Vendetta took over Clamburg, he had the dream to become a comedian. But due to the strict rules that Vendetta implemented, he's unable to make jokes.

Why? Because they make people laugh.

And Vendetta hates any form of happiness that isn't her own.

So, now he only makes jokes that are more depressing/concerning than funny, so that they make no one laugh.

That would also be his main role in the show:

Saying dark humor one liners that flew over the heads of the little kids that were watching.

He's making the most out of what he can have.

...even if it has 20 layers of sarcasm coated around it.

He's pretty much just in a bad/tired mood in general, and always pessimistic, ready to point out the downside of any situation whether it's necessary or not. His comments tend to drain people, and they make them question things too much for their own good. Even when he may not mean any harm, he's always got this intimidating and strict aura around him that causes most people to dislike him, but they still take him seriously.

One gag regarding his character is that he's surprisingly lucky. Vendetta's attacks usually miss him, no matter how precise she may have initiated them. Thing is, at this point he doesn't care anymore. He'd usually just sit completely still as something flies by him at max speed, his only reaction being to take another sip of his coffee.

On the subject of coffee, he's a coffee addict. Most of his scenes include him with a cup of it, sometimes he pulls it out of thin air, which is another gag.

While his role in Season 1 and in a hypothetical Season 2 isn't very prominent, that'll change in hypothetical Seasons 3 and 4, since his role would change from background character to antagonist.

Here's the transparent versions of the drawings:

Milo Intro
Milo Intro
Milo Intro
Milo Intro

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10 months ago

BIG thank you/shout-out to @beesofink for helping me with the design of this oc, Bee came up with the fanny pack! 🩵

CJ Intro

BIG Thank You/shout-out To @beesofink For Helping Me With The Design Of This Oc, Bee Came Up With The
BIG Thank You/shout-out To @beesofink For Helping Me With The Design Of This Oc, Bee Came Up With The

[Character info is under the cut.]

CJ is a character that would be introduced in a hypothetical Season 3 of Making Fiends, as Charlotte's older brother who, unknowingly as to what's going on in Clamburg due to not receiving any letters or calls from his grandma or sister since Vendetta doesn't allow it outside of Clamburg, moved to Clamburg after finally being done with, according to Charlotte, "Space Camp".

CJ has the same happy and optimistic attitude that both of his other family members have, but unlike Charlotte, he's fully aware about Vendetta's intentions. Instead of telling her about it or trying to convince her of the truth, for the sake of Charlotte's fragile heart, he decided to play along with the situation, while making sure that everyone and especially Charlotte, survive Vendetta's traps.

He usually does this throughout coming up with some sorta plan, that usually seems like utter nonsense that won't work at first.

He keeps the most random of objects in his fanny pack, some useful others nonsensical. It's an ongoing gag that he pulls out objects out of it that wouldn't realistically fit into it, or the exact random object that is needed at that moment.

For the residents of Clamburg his arrival was first met with, "There's two of them now??" but eventually people grew to appreciate his efforts, making him well liked by almost everyone.

To lighten up the mood, he often says dad jokes and puns that are silly enough as to where they can at least put a smile on your face if nothing else. Sometimes he's also the "straight" man for whatever kinda shenanigans Charlotte is up to.

The main gag regarding his character is that he's a pretty normal guy reacting to this very weird town, who doesn't know any better besides just rolling with whatever new anomaly he sees today.

A giant red cat just casually sitting there? Alright I guess that's a thing now good to know.

His optimism is seemingly endless, he always finds at least something to be happy about no matter how bad the situation, but he never makes it up.

Still, not everything goes according to plan.

Not every joke lands.

He has a bit of a "saying things he didn't mean to say out loud out loud" problem.

Some social interactions can get pretty awkward when he runs out of ideas.

Vendetta obviously doesn't like him and subjects him to the things SHE finds funny out of spite since he's breaking the "No jokes." rule and probably many other rules. Usually him getting hurt in some way.

His luck generally ain't the best, he tends to get hurt on sheer accident, hence why he always has bandages on random areas of his body. Another gag would be that he gets hit with Vendetta's attacks even if they couldn't have logically hit him of all people in the room.

But, hey. He has to make the most of it since he's not getting out of the town anytime soon, so he gets up and keeps on a smile, for everyone's, and especially Charlotte's sake.

And now that he's finally here again, new hijinks shall ensue!

Here's the transparent versions of the drawings:

BIG Thank You/shout-out To @beesofink For Helping Me With The Design Of This Oc, Bee Came Up With The
BIG Thank You/shout-out To @beesofink For Helping Me With The Design Of This Oc, Bee Came Up With The
BIG Thank You/shout-out To @beesofink For Helping Me With The Design Of This Oc, Bee Came Up With The
BIG Thank You/shout-out To @beesofink For Helping Me With The Design Of This Oc, Bee Came Up With The

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5 months ago

CJ: I have a problem. I accidentally found out about the surprise party the others planned for me. Should I pretend not to know?

CJ: I Have A Problem. I Accidentally Found Out About The Surprise Party The Others Planned For Me. Should

Milo: No. Surprise them back, don't show up.

CJ: I Have A Problem. I Accidentally Found Out About The Surprise Party The Others Planned For Me. Should

Based on this post.

This post is LONG overdue because I couldn't for the life of me decide what to draw with them but better late than never!

Under the cut is an attempted explanation of whatever the hell these two have going on-

Milo hates CJ's guts and everything else about him, and he's not doing much to hide it. CJ is in denial about it, in a "No, come on. Hate is a strong word. He's probably just always moody and like that in general." kinda way, and is actively trying to figure out why and if he even hates him, since he doesn't understand why Milo would feel that way towards him to begin with.

He's very confused and even nervous around Milo due to his passive aggressive attitude and weird comments that are often incomprehensible to CJ. Sometimes Milo's humor is so dark that it throws CJ off, and/or makes his anxiety go through the roof. CJ never knows whether he should take whatever concerning sentences Milo is spouting seriously, or if it's just him with his dark humor and sarcasm.

Milo always purposefully inserts himself and his comments into any of CJ's ideas, trying to trick and sabotage him at every move, to manipulate the situation to benefit him in a way only Milo himself can realistically understand. They debate over the most random of things, and it's never really clear who's the winner in the end.

What he's trying to achieve with all of this is unknown.

Milo only acts this way towards CJ,

and to no one else.

CJ, in general, just feels...

...let's say, unsure, about Milo.

His opinions and feelings surrounding him change very often and are wrapped in seemingly endless confusion.

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5 months ago

Aight, let's talk about the process behind CJ's creation. First up, concept art!

Aight, Let's Talk About The Process Behind CJ's Creation. First Up, Concept Art!
Aight, Let's Talk About The Process Behind CJ's Creation. First Up, Concept Art!
Aight, Let's Talk About The Process Behind CJ's Creation. First Up, Concept Art!
Aight, Let's Talk About The Process Behind CJ's Creation. First Up, Concept Art!

Second, the full explanation under the cut! 🩵

A few months before CJ was even a thing, I got the idea of a character concept. The concept was basically Charlotte having an older brother who is far more calm, level headed and cautious than she is. I liked the idea of it, but I didn't feel like working on it, I simply didn't feel inspired enough.

A while later, I was trying to figure out Milo's lore, and I thought to myself... "Heh... wouldn't it be really funny if there was a character, who is the complete opposite of Milo, and his only purpose is to piss him off?" and then I thought "Hm. I could reuse the old Charlotte's brother concept for that."

In the poems Obverse and Reverse, the line:

"...the concept was a joke at first I gotta admit,

but I think I've gone too far with the bit."

Is me referring to this. CJ and Milo's whole relationship was based on a joke I thought was funny, but eventually I started to actually take it seriously and it just all went haywire from there.

I still find it slightly funny at times... but of course, this isn't CJ's only purpose anymore.

Anyways, let's get into the rest of his creation.

The first design idea I had for him was more surfer dude and Hawaii inspired, which made ultimately no sense considering that Charlotte and CJ are from Vermont. The one thing I kept from that are the hair and the flower.

His hair was a struggle to figure out, at first I wanted to try to make it curly like Charlotte's, but that didn't feel right. I still don't really know what's going on with it even now, but it has that slightly modern, fluffy and messy look I was going for. I guess it's shawed on the sides? I don't know, let's not think about it too much.

He has a flower hairpin on each side of his head, because when I only put it on one side it looked empty. I was debating about the flower as well. I had the idea to make it into a specific flower that has some sorta meaning but I couldn't find one I liked, I also looked up flowers from Vermont and ended up with the purple flower but I didn't like it. Eventually I just looked through the show, found a scene where there was a flower, and took the flower from it and used it for the hairpins. I made it into a flower because in the show Charlotte is often depicted with them.

I did consider giving him a bow so that he could fit in with Charlotte and Grandma Charlene, but I decided against it for a lore relevant reason that I won't talk about just yet. Besides, I think he still fits in just fine the way he is now.

For his color I just took the colors of the whole family and adjusted the settings until I got this shade. I was considering to make the color lighter but he just looked washed out.

His name was an easy decision, it had to start with a C and I was debating between Cody and CJ but I'm glad I chose CJ, I really like it!

The only thing that's really changed is that he used to be far more music, singing and comedy themed, but I scrapped the idea of it.

Everything else stayed the same most of the time... well, I did scrap two characters during the development process, but CJ was always the same.

At first CJ was only supposed to be Charlotte's cousin, and he had a different sister named Carol. Carol had anxiety, and the interest of botany and gardening used to be her thing. She had an intense fear of fiends. She was supposed to be some sorta yellowish color and had a headscarf with a flower pattern on it as well as long messy hair. I had the plan that she's related to Mr. Milk and that would explain their similarities, but I just ended up scraping her cuz I couldn't find a place for her in the plot that made sense. I do wanna make a character like this but in a different font one day, we'll see.

The second character was named Faith, and she wasn't related to CJ or Charlotte in any way. Her name was supposed to be a nod to the word fiend since they both start with F. She was orange/dark orange and she wore a black headband with some sorta black pattern on it. She also had some really tired eyes with eyebags and too much eyeliner, and a messy bag with a bunch of random papers. She was basically the new girl in town who got there a while after CJ, who developed an intense interest in fiends, with the intense desire to study and understand them. She'd spend hours observing them, writing things down, and conducting experiments. After a while her and CJ would form some sorta alliance and they'd slowly become friends. I ended up scrapping her because I couldn't find a place in the plot for her either. I do like her, but I think she'll fit better in a different universe.

Also, random addition that has actually nothing to do with CJ's creation.

Aight, Let's Talk About The Process Behind CJ's Creation. First Up, Concept Art!
Aight, Let's Talk About The Process Behind CJ's Creation. First Up, Concept Art!

I recently went through my sketches when I randomly stumbled upon these, and then I remembered that I actually had a Making Fiends oc idea even before I thought of Milo.

Her name was Megan, she was a sort of dusty blue color, and had long hair that slightly covered her eye. She was literally just Maggie but even more stoic and monotone and instead of poetry her thing was drawing... I thought of her before I watched the show, but after I watched it I immediately gave up on the idea the moment Maggie stepped on screen. I think I tried to make it work with making them best friends? I don't know honestly, very boring idea, dunno why I thought it was a good one.

Figuring out CJ was fairly simple, I took Milo and flipped everything about him on its head, polished it, added new stuff and made it into an actual character and not just Milo but in an opposite au.

Still, CJ and Milo are obviously narrative foils. I tried to make that clear with A LOT of different details. In fact, there's so many of them that I'll have to eventually make a seperate post for it...

No idea when I'll do that since I keep adding parallels to the bunch... I'll probably make a character analysis thing or something one day-

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