goudabrie - Agh

19 posts

Goudabrie - Agh - Tumblr Blog

10 months ago
1 year ago
1 year ago
Tinky About Ted Lmao
Tinky About Ted Lmao
Tinky About Ted Lmao

Tinky about Ted lmao <3

based on this post:

Tinky About Ted Lmao
1 year ago

The Lang brothers really said: “The Cosmic God of Time and Space, a Eldritch Horror who is fuelled by tormenting people - a being capable of driving his lessers into insanity within seconds and able to trap them into a torturous eternity………is a furry”.

And as iconic as that is….huh?

The Lang Brothers Really Said: The Cosmic God Of Time And Space, A Eldritch Horror Who Is Fuelled By
The Lang Brothers Really Said: The Cosmic God Of Time And Space, A Eldritch Horror Who Is Fuelled By
The Lang Brothers Really Said: The Cosmic God Of Time And Space, A Eldritch Horror Who Is Fuelled By

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1 year ago
1 year ago

hello sam nation. i have not played the smoke room yet ❤️

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1 year ago
goudabrie - Agh

new to tumblr hi

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1 year ago
Sorry I Can't Draw Rn Here's A Few Memes
Sorry I Can't Draw Rn Here's A Few Memes
Sorry I Can't Draw Rn Here's A Few Memes

sorry I can't draw rn here's a few memes

see ya✌️✌️ I hope soon

1 year ago

something something two atoms in a molecule

digital coloured drawing of brainstorm and perceptor from TF MTMTE, overall a very blue image. perceptor holds brainstorm and kisses him in a big dipping pose. brainstorm's mask is off and he looks surprised. love wins
digital sketch of perceptor and brainstorm discussing something. perceptor paces around, gesturing stiffly with his hands as he often does, while brainstorm sits on a table nearby, wildly waving his arms and wings around, as he often does, lab equipment shoved aside for him to sit. there are several blank speech bubbles in blue and red implying that they are having a hell of a conversation.
sketch of brainstorm leaning over perceptors shoulder with a goofy smitten expression, hands gripping onto perceptor's shoulder armour. perceptor looks at him with an equally smitten expression in perceptor standards
brainstorm grips perceptor by his shoulder plating and violently shakes him back and forth, wings flared and smoke rising from his little turret things. perceptor looks disgruntled from being shaken, his hands loosely gripping brainstorms arms. brainstorm yells at him: "for someone so amazingly brilliant, percy, you can be so fucking stupid sometimes i swear-"
brainstorm is excitedly flailing around, arms and wings and legs swinging all over the place. perceptor, somewhere behind him, grins up at brainstorm while ducking and pushing a stray wing flap out of his face.
coloured sketch of perceptor surprise kissing brainstorm , who has his mask on.

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1 year ago

I wanna go back to a minute ago when I didn’t understand this

And Then He Exploded

And then he exploded

Soundwave doesn't really have a face so I made this bonus image to really convey the subtle emotion I was going for

Cropped image of just Soundwave's panel from above, with Castiel's teary face from the original scene superimposed on his.


end me

1 year ago
Im Not Going To Explain Myself
Im Not Going To Explain Myself
Im Not Going To Explain Myself

I’m not going to explain myself

1 year ago

Tarot Cards Meaning

Major Arcana

Tarot Cards Meaning


Tarot Cards Meaning


Tarot Cards Meaning


Tarot Cards Meaning


Tarot Cards Meaning
1 year ago
2 years ago

Kobeni from Chainsaw Man is a D&D Fighter

Okay yeah crazy people make dumb shit in D&D all the fuckin’ time, you can just say what the fuck on the internet. Some idiot made an article on how to play Cyberpunk Edgerunners characters in D&D what’s the big deal?

The big deal is that the D&D Fighter isn’t really…well represented in actual fiction. Controversial take, I know, but most uh…most mundane characters in fiction don’t really fit the bill of ‘Only good at combat but in a mostly superficial way that’s completely outclassed by the real shit of the setting’.

They’re not this:

Kobeni From Chainsaw Man Is A D&D Fighter

This unique blend of…hell on earth that just isn’t present in actual fiction. One could say completely fucking unplayable. For those not in the know, this is D&D 3.5′s iteration of Fighter. For those who play 5e, this is basically the widely-mocked Champion Fighter subclass.

They’re proficient with all simple weapons, all martial weapons, all armor, and all shields including tower shields. They also have the following class skills: Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Ride (Dex), and Swim (Str)…with a grand total of 2 + Intelligence bonus skill points per level. That’s right, if you’re a Fighter of Average intelligence, you get to be okay in…2 skills.

And their saves are atrocious. If something even slightly scary shows up, the average Fighter is shitting themselves and running for the fucking hills.

This is obviously wildly fucking unrepresentative of any character in fantasy fiction. Too many demonstrate the ability to do more than just fight, and the characters who are famous for focusing on fighting are in series where being good at fighting means you can cut mountains in half or blow up the moon. And they’re all so…brave. Immune to fear even.

Enter God’s Chosen Failwoman

Kobeni From Chainsaw Man Is A D&D Fighter

She’s a Public Safety Devil Hunter from the hit manga Chainsaw Man. She does this because her family made her, and it was either killing devils or prostitution.

Kobeni is a massive coward and in the first arc she’s introduced in with The Eternity Devil, she’s all too willing to simply kill Denji and give his heart up. When something scary is happening, Kobeni is the first to coward out.

Kobeni also isn’t very skilled. She quits public safety to go work fast food, and she can barely do that. Fast Food, literal entry level positions in this hellish system we call an economy.

And yet, something curious.

When it comes to completely normal, completely mundane, completely comprehensible violence, Kobeni is unphased, and is insanely good at it. Sure, her partner got shot, but her reaction was to simply kill the shooter

Kobeni From Chainsaw Man Is A D&D Fighter

and then go find the perpetrators

Kobeni From Chainsaw Man Is A D&D Fighter

And when confronted by a frankly mundane demon attack, it doesn’t even touch her:

Kobeni From Chainsaw Man Is A D&D Fighter

She’s also good enough with that knife, which for all intents and purposes is a completely mundane kitchen knife to slice clean through bone:

Kobeni From Chainsaw Man Is A D&D Fighter

It’s groundbreaking. I’ve searched far and wide, but I’ve never found a character in fiction who perfectly lines up with everything that D&D 3.5 and even core Pathfinder 1e Fighter sets out to emulate. Someone who’s only good at violence, who’s insanely good with only one weapon, but can never break out of being completely mundane with their violence. Who, no matter how strong they get, how hard they work, is only human, with entirely human limits.

Here’s how you build Kobeni.

You need a high Strength and Dex. You need to be a Human. You need Weapon Finesse. You need to take Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization, the full featline, with whatever knife of your choice (Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Greater Weapon Focus, Greater Weapon Specialization, Melee Weapon Mastery). Take Lighting Reflexes. Take Light Armor Specialization.

Hell, if you want to more closely emulate how Kobeni functions, take the Combat Focus featline, which puts you into a sort of battle trance once you make a successful attack that lasts for about 10 rounds, which gives a bonus to will saves and other effects. Effects you can only get in Combat.

And guess what? You’ll be getting the genuine Kobeni experience. Being only good at completely mundane violence in a world that dramatically ramps up in stakes and moves past you.

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2 years ago
2 years ago
What The Kobold Doin

What the kobold doin

what the kobold doin

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2 years ago



voiced by Wakana Yamazaki, her voice in Digimon Adventure 02


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