gremlin-writes-angst - Earths Candy
Earths Candy

372 posts

Idea One

Idea one

Trigger warning for self-harm and suicide below 

Quirk less au. Established poly relationship between Kirishima , Kaminari and Bakugou. Denki struggles with depression and suicidal thoughts , Bakugou was to busy with work to notice, but Kirishima did and he tries to comfort Denki. Though something happens to Kirishima that make him go from depressed to suicidal l, him and Denki plans a double suicide , and Bakugou doesn't realize untill its to late.

Two possible ending: both die Bakugou sad or Kirishima survives and feels guilty for failing Denki because he survived but also because he let it get this far/ let Denki die

This one is more morbid but its still something I'm interested in writing. This would be a one-shot

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3 years ago

Idea 2

Fake dating aged up quirkless au

Kirishima likes Denki and Denki likes him back. To make each other jealous they bring fake dates to a wedding, Denki with Shinsou and Kiri with Bakugou.

Bakugou and Shinsou both like their fake date, and are lead to believe that maybe their crushes liked them back, but then are broken hearted when they find there crushes together.

Lots of angst and unrequited love, one or two chapters

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3 years ago

Just A WingMan

Denki Kaminari and Katsuki Bakugou unknowingly in love with each other. Eijiro Kirishima, Denki’s wing man, also in love with Denki, makes a plan to get Denki’s to like him back, backfires and leaves him heartbroken, and he is the only one he can blame. 

This is a one-shot ( Unless I'm encouraged to do more)

TW: None, possible cursing

Let me know if I missed a trigger or you find spelling mistakes

Feedback is encouraged 

Click here If you like this and want to see more of my work 

Kirishima’s POV

Denki had been begging me to help him with his crush for a week and I was reluctant to help because I love him as more than a friend and it will be hard to watch him be in a relationship, especially if I was the one who got the two together. I know it’s not manly but the best I can wish for is that Denki's crush doesn't like him back, then Denki can get over them and fall for me. 

I thought I had done a good job avoiding Denki but somehow I ended up in Denkis room listening to him beg for me to be his wingman. I told him that I would help if he told me who it was he liked, I thought that he had too much to prove to tell me but then he shouted.

"I'm in love with Bakugou!"

I thought it was a joke 

" Oh you mean Mitsuki Bakugou, Katsuki’s mom?"

" No, I mean Katsuki Bakugou, boom boom boy, the angry Pomeranian. I love Katsuki Bakugou!"

I freeze, it's shocking, Katsuki, the guy who acts like he's above everyone else, the one who calls Denki stupid and dunce face. If I was being honest I was hoping that it was me that Denki had a crush on, it would make sense, he refused to tell me the name of his crush, and he used ‘strong’ to describe them multiple times, and I believe I’m strong. I took the time to process Denkis confession, this wasn't that bad. Like I thought earlier but bakugou is a jerk to Denki and everyone else, there’s no way that he likes Denki back, they would be a terrible couple. All I have to do is agree to be Denkis wingman, tel bakugou, he'll tell me that he doesn’t like Denki back, I tell Denki and he comes to me for comfort, and over time he’ll get over bakugou and fall for me. I’m brilliant

“ I’ll do it, I can do it right now.”

“ Wait really, I mean right now what if he’s busy?“

I watched Denki become more worried and anxious, I mean I would be too if I was going to confess to Katsuki Bakugou

“ It will be fine, and I know his schedule. he should have been done with his workout and shower about 15 minutes ago, and the only thing he does for the rest of the day is eat and sleep, and if something goes wrong, I’ll be there for you.”

“I know it’s just, it’s nerve-racking, and I'm so glad that you’re here for me, you are the best wingman anyone could ask for.”

Denki hugs me and I almost forget my plan, I just want to skip to the part where we are together and these hugs will last forever. He lets go too soon and shoves me toward the door

“ Now go before I stop you.”

He didn’t have to tell me twice, I make my way to Bakugou's dorm, I rehearse how it will go. Knowing Bakugou he'll want me gone as soon as possible, he probably won’t even let me in, I don’t have a problem with that cause the sooner this part is over the sooner Denki will fall for me. I’ve got this, I breathe in and out and then knock on Bakugou's dorm

No One’s POV

It takes a while for Bakugou to get to the door, he was tired from his workout and was currently in a state of self-loathing. He read and watched romance but felt that it would never be something he could have. He wasn’t about to let any of those extras see him like this so he had to collect himself. Opening and leaning on the door he “politely” greets Kirishima

“ What do you want Shittyhair?”

“ Well, it’s actually about Denki.”

Bakugou perks up at the mention of his crush’s name. He knows it’s strange but he couldn’t stop it, as much as he tried, he learned that all those books were right about love, it’s not a choice and it wasn’t easy. Kirishima continues when he notices that Bakugou isn’t gonna talk or anything. 

“ He asked me to be his wingman and I agreed but the problem is, there’s no way his crush likes him back.”

Bakugou tsk’s at that statement, he thought it was absurd, a person who doesn’t like Denki. Now that Bakugou knew what this conversation was about, he no longer wanted to be a part of it, well he didn’t have much interest in it beforehand either. He didn’t want to discuss the love life of his crush, if it didn’t involve him, he was also worried about exposing his crush on Denkis, cause he didn’t have great control of his emotions, especially jealousy, which this conversation was bound to make him.

“I don’t care, go tell the fucker about Denki’s love, so then he can get over them.”

“And fall for me’” Both men thought. Kiri moves on to the next step of the plan

“ Ok, um, Denki likes you Bakugou, but I think it’s best if I reject him for you. You can be kind of insensitive when it comes to love.”

This was true, although Kirishima wanted Bakugou to reject Denki, he also didn’t want Denki to feel worse, just cause Bakugou doesn’t know how to politely reject someone. While Kirishima turns to leave, Bakugou grabs his arm, he’s still trying to process what Shittyhair just said. 

“Denki like’s me but I’m mean to him? I call him Dunceface, and he likes me?” 

Not realizing he said that out loud until Kirishima replies

“ Yeah I think it’s weird too, that’s why I’ll reject him for you!”

“NO, I mean you can’t do that.”

Bakugou pulls Kirishima into his room and shuts the door, even behind the door Bakugou still feels weird admitting his feelings so he pulls Kirishima closer and whispers

“I like Denki back.”

Kirishima’s brain stops working, he pulls away and mumbles out 

“ But you’re mean to him, actually you’re a dick to him!”

Kirishima can't deal, this one detail ruins his plans. he starts to feel a break down coming so he sits down on Bakugou's bed

“I was just protecting myself, and I guess I show my affection that way.” Kirishima looked for every excuse he could to make this not true

“ But your’re mean to me, you call me Shittyhair, that means you like me, not Denki!”

Kirishima had fooled himself with his own hypothesis, getting excited that  Bakugou doesn’t like Denki

“ No I like Denki, you just have Shitty hair. I’ve got to go tell Denki, you did a good job, your one manly wingman.” 

Bakugou rushed out of the room and to Denki’s room. Leaving Kirishima in his room, Kirishima breaks down, his perfect plan comes crashing down, he would never be with Denki and he wonders why. He imagines himself running to Denki, pushing Bakugou out of the way, grabbing Denki and yelling, begging for an answer.

“Why him? Why not me? Was I too nice? Do you want to be treated like trash? cause I can do that. Was I not manly enough? my quirk to basic for you isn’t it? Is it my hair, the color, the shape, do you agree with Bakugou, do I have shittyhair? Is it my fashion sense? What made you fall for Katsuki Bakugou the guy who calls you stupid every sentence he can? Why couldn’t he be the wingman,  and I be the boy you pinned for, I’m tired of just being the wingman!"

But he didn’t move an inch. He sat in Bakugou room hoping that something would go wrong. It seemed impossible, an hour later and no return, just Kirishima hyperventilating in his crush’s probably boyfriend’s room. Another hour and a text, it was a video, from Denki. He talks in a hushed voice.

" Thanks, bro, I know I said it earlier but this time it was because you actually got me a man, you're the best wingman a guy could ask for. My new boyfriend and I are going to cuddle and wat--"

In the back, Kirishima hears Bakugou yell for Denki. 

" Get over here lightning bolt." 

Denki moves and soon both blondes are in the frame

" Don't you think the lightning bolt is too long for a cutesy nickname?"

"Tsk Maybe for you." 

Bakugou leaned in and kissed Denki, it was short, sweet, a peck of sorts.

" Now put the phone down"

Bakugou hand grows closer and then the video ends and Kirishima now knows that his prayers didn't work. He’s left wishing in Bakugou's room that he was the one cuddling with Denki, he wanted to come up with nicknames, oh and to feel Denki’s lips on his own was something he could only dream of. But he wasn’t Denki’s boyfriend, he was just a wingman, the wingman who set his crush up.

And at that moment he realized that even if he feels for someone else in the future, that no matter who or when his position in a love story was the wingman. He was doomed to be just a wingman.

All characters belong to Horikoshi and his series Boku No Hero Academia

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3 years ago

If you’ve guys saw that trend from tik tok (kinda old) were a group of friend make slide shows about random thing. like  “ why donut holes are better then donuts” 

SO my question is what would the bakusquad do there slides on. This includes bakugou, mina, sero, shinsou ,jirou ,denki and kirishima

This is for chapter 2 of my story “ possessivly in love”

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3 years ago

The Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1 - Here’s Chapter 2

1.3k words written by gremlin-writes-angst

A story about a prince, a princess, a royal guard and a famous knight, and how their love forms and changes each other. Three different kingdoms, The Ashido Kingdom, The Toyomitsu kingdom and The Kaminari Kingdom, all of different status. The Ashido Kingdom is the wealthiest around , their soon to be queen Mina Ashido who has fallen for her loyal guard and best friend, Sero Hanta. The Toyomitsu Kingdom known for defeating The Kaminari Kingdom over 100 years ago, and for their fierce knights and, specifically, the strongest knights of the land Eijiro Kirishima. The Kaminari Kingdom, home of prince Denki Kaminari , a kingdom on the verge of collapse, the known rival of The Toyomitsu Kingdom.

Trigger warning: nothing graphic but mentions of torture.

Let me now if I missed a trigger or if there's spelling mistakes.

Click here if you want to see more of my work and follow me for even more!

A famous knight from The Toyomitsu kingdom was sent to spy on The Kaminari Kingdom from the inside. He was tall, kind, handsome, strong, and manly. He was known as one of the strongest knights for his age, all knights wanted to meet him, to learn from him, but he wasn't allowed to leave his kingdom until he turned 18. When he turned 18 he was given a mission to infiltrate the enemy kingdom, not to attack just so that their kingdom could be aware of the others' attacks. He failed though, almost immediately caught by the king and brought to a special cellar and tortured. Half a week in the cell being tortured and he thought he was starting to lose himself, until he heard someone descending the stairs, the knight watched the stairway waiting to see who was coming to see him at this time of night. It was a blonde, and a beautiful one at that. The knight l thought that because of the hour and the fact the blonde beauty wasn't dressed in knight armor,  that the blonde was her to save him. His hopes of being saved was proven false when the blonde started to rain insults at the man, mostly based on his kingdom. Even though the words were rude it was better than the physical torture he was facing everyday, he was relieved , relieved enough to laugh. The knight watched as the blonde's face changed from scowl to a very sour looking face, which made him laugh more.

"Stop laughing you… you ugh you threw me off my script" 

Denki couldn't think of any insulting names on the spot everything he previously said was planned and rehearsed.Through the laughs the knight introduces himself 

" I'm Eijiro Kirishima, Knight of The Toyomitsu Kingdom" 

He sticks his hand out of the cell bars waiting for a handshake, instead he receives a smack.

"I know who you are and I don't want to be friends, you're from Taishiro Toyomitsu kingdom, our enemy and the reason I don't have a mother anymore."

Kirishima pulled his hand back into the cell

" I'm sorry about your mother but I know that King Toyomitsu doesn't want to fight and never wanted to cause harm. How did she die?"

" Birth complications, she was due to give birth to my brother but they both died."

" I'm sorry for your loss but how is that my kingdom's fault?"

Denki thought back to that day, his dad stormed the castle, screaming and crying about the death of his wife and offspring, cursing at Toyomitsu's and his kingdom. Now thinking back Denki realizes that he doesn't actually know why his dad blamed Toyomitsu's kingdom, but there had to be a reason…..right

" it just is OK, everything is your kingdoms fault"

"Oh is this some kind or coping mechanism where you blame things on something else so you don't have to face reality?"

Denki didn't like what the knight was saying because it was possible.

" no, your kingdom killed them, you sent poison or paid the doctor to kill her."

"Believe what you want,  but I swear on my kingdom, my knight status,  on my family that our kingdom did not mean for you mother and unborn brother to die" 

Kirishima pledged, and Denki watched, even when kirishima was done, Denki stayed for a few minutes until the silence became unbearable,  and he left, cursing at himself for not defending his beliefs well enough.

The blonde was the only person to not torture kirishima while he was here so he grew attached to the conversation they had even if it was short and full of insults. He waited up at night in hopes of seeing the blonde again but after a few nights he realized he might have scared the blonde off cause the blonde hadn't returned. Kirishima gave up and went to sleep, and the next night while was asleep the blonde made his way down to the dungeon, he had been away because he was mad at the knight,  mainly because he was right. When Denki got to the cellular he saw the sleeping figure, there were new cuts and bruises but he was more focused on the face, he was drooling? This was the knight that he had heard could kill a dozen knights in one go, the knight that was named "red riot" because he was covered in the blood of his enemy's, but he looked so peaceful sleeping. Denki would even say he looked like a puppy, a very cute puppy at that. Denki shook his head and hit it against the cell bars to get rid of those thoughts. Kirishima was woken by the ring of the cell bars. 

" shhh I'm trying to sleep…oh it's you, why today, of course you decided to show up the day I stop waiting."

 Kirishima originally wanted to stop the sound changed to being awake and full of excitement at the sight of the beautiful blonde. Denki was thrown of his grove when he heard the knight talk. For one his wake up voice was…. well it was hot. And the words he said made him blush and forgot what he wanted to say

" you waited up for me" 

As soon as Denki asked that and realized the filthy thoughts he had he hit his head on the bars again

" well yeah, wow stop that ,you'll ruin that pretty face of yours"

Denki froze in his spot, did the knight from his enemy kingdom  call him pretty, maybe he just hit his head too many times, his solution was to hit it more. Denki hit his head two more times very quickly when he swung for a third time but made no contact with the bar. He opened his eyes to see the knight's bare arm on his chest, the knight had pushed him away from the bars , preventing him from harming himself.

"You don't listen do you , I said stop, your gonna cause yourself brain damage"  

The blonde looked at the arm on his chest again, it was very muscular,  but not bulky, there were bruises and cuts along it but Denki couldn't stop thinking about how strong this knight must be, from what Denki could see, the knight was built like his dream man. Denki shook his head to get rid of the thoughts of another man in such a way. He separated himself from the Knight. 

" I came here to ask about what you know about coping mechanics or whatever you said last time."

Kirishima was glad to have stopped the blonde from harming himself,  and that the blonde was trying to learn

"Well it's not uncommon for a person to blame things they can't or don't want to believe on a person or thing that can't defend themselves. Like how your dad blames everything on my kingdom, we don't know he's blaming us so we can't defend ourselves."

"I guess that makes sense, i mean I never really understand how it was King Toyomitsu's fault when the baker ran out of my father's favorite bread" 

Kirishima laughs

"That funny, you're funny, and yeah that doesn't make sense"

Denki was flustered again, he was never called funny before,  and he liked it. Denki realized that the guards would soon come check on the prisoner, so he began to leave without a goodbye before he could leave the knight asked

" Will you be back? What's your name , you never told me?"

 Kirishima was desperate he knew the yelling would attract the guards but he need to know the boys name

" I'm Denki and yes I'll return when I can" 

Kirishima thought about the blonde he now knew as Denki ,it sounded familiar but he couldn't remember why.

As Denki fleas up the stairs he realized he gave the knight his first name and not his last, but he realized it was probably best he didn't know that he was the prince of the kingdom and that his father was the same one that was beating Kirishima everyday. When he gets to bed he thinks about the knight, his puppy face,his hot voice, the muscular body and the laugh. And he replays the laugh and his voice saying "you're funny" until he falls asleep.


Thanks for reading. I would love feed back.

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3 years ago

I have one work in progress its a medieval au with denki x kirishima so if you want to read that stick around.

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