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The Three Kingdoms
Chapter 1 - Here’s Chapter 2
1.3k words written by gremlin-writes-angst
A story about a prince, a princess, a royal guard and a famous knight, and how their love forms and changes each other. Three different kingdoms, The Ashido Kingdom, The Toyomitsu kingdom and The Kaminari Kingdom, all of different status. The Ashido Kingdom is the wealthiest around , their soon to be queen Mina Ashido who has fallen for her loyal guard and best friend, Sero Hanta. The Toyomitsu Kingdom known for defeating The Kaminari Kingdom over 100 years ago, and for their fierce knights and, specifically, the strongest knights of the land Eijiro Kirishima. The Kaminari Kingdom, home of prince Denki Kaminari , a kingdom on the verge of collapse, the known rival of The Toyomitsu Kingdom.
Trigger warning: nothing graphic but mentions of torture.
Let me now if I missed a trigger or if there's spelling mistakes.
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A famous knight from The Toyomitsu kingdom was sent to spy on The Kaminari Kingdom from the inside. He was tall, kind, handsome, strong, and manly. He was known as one of the strongest knights for his age, all knights wanted to meet him, to learn from him, but he wasn't allowed to leave his kingdom until he turned 18. When he turned 18 he was given a mission to infiltrate the enemy kingdom, not to attack just so that their kingdom could be aware of the others' attacks. He failed though, almost immediately caught by the king and brought to a special cellar and tortured. Half a week in the cell being tortured and he thought he was starting to lose himself, until he heard someone descending the stairs, the knight watched the stairway waiting to see who was coming to see him at this time of night. It was a blonde, and a beautiful one at that. The knight l thought that because of the hour and the fact the blonde beauty wasn't dressed in knight armor, that the blonde was her to save him. His hopes of being saved was proven false when the blonde started to rain insults at the man, mostly based on his kingdom. Even though the words were rude it was better than the physical torture he was facing everyday, he was relieved , relieved enough to laugh. The knight watched as the blonde's face changed from scowl to a very sour looking face, which made him laugh more.
"Stop laughing you… you ugh you threw me off my script"
Denki couldn't think of any insulting names on the spot everything he previously said was planned and rehearsed.Through the laughs the knight introduces himself
" I'm Eijiro Kirishima, Knight of The Toyomitsu Kingdom"
He sticks his hand out of the cell bars waiting for a handshake, instead he receives a smack.
"I know who you are and I don't want to be friends, you're from Taishiro Toyomitsu kingdom, our enemy and the reason I don't have a mother anymore."
Kirishima pulled his hand back into the cell
" I'm sorry about your mother but I know that King Toyomitsu doesn't want to fight and never wanted to cause harm. How did she die?"
" Birth complications, she was due to give birth to my brother but they both died."
" I'm sorry for your loss but how is that my kingdom's fault?"
Denki thought back to that day, his dad stormed the castle, screaming and crying about the death of his wife and offspring, cursing at Toyomitsu's and his kingdom. Now thinking back Denki realizes that he doesn't actually know why his dad blamed Toyomitsu's kingdom, but there had to be a reason…..right
" it just is OK, everything is your kingdoms fault"
"Oh is this some kind or coping mechanism where you blame things on something else so you don't have to face reality?"
Denki didn't like what the knight was saying because it was possible.
" no, your kingdom killed them, you sent poison or paid the doctor to kill her."
"Believe what you want, but I swear on my kingdom, my knight status, on my family that our kingdom did not mean for you mother and unborn brother to die"
Kirishima pledged, and Denki watched, even when kirishima was done, Denki stayed for a few minutes until the silence became unbearable, and he left, cursing at himself for not defending his beliefs well enough.
The blonde was the only person to not torture kirishima while he was here so he grew attached to the conversation they had even if it was short and full of insults. He waited up at night in hopes of seeing the blonde again but after a few nights he realized he might have scared the blonde off cause the blonde hadn't returned. Kirishima gave up and went to sleep, and the next night while was asleep the blonde made his way down to the dungeon, he had been away because he was mad at the knight, mainly because he was right. When Denki got to the cellular he saw the sleeping figure, there were new cuts and bruises but he was more focused on the face, he was drooling? This was the knight that he had heard could kill a dozen knights in one go, the knight that was named "red riot" because he was covered in the blood of his enemy's, but he looked so peaceful sleeping. Denki would even say he looked like a puppy, a very cute puppy at that. Denki shook his head and hit it against the cell bars to get rid of those thoughts. Kirishima was woken by the ring of the cell bars.
" shhh I'm trying to sleep…oh it's you, why today, of course you decided to show up the day I stop waiting."
Kirishima originally wanted to stop the sound changed to being awake and full of excitement at the sight of the beautiful blonde. Denki was thrown of his grove when he heard the knight talk. For one his wake up voice was…. well it was hot. And the words he said made him blush and forgot what he wanted to say
" you waited up for me"
As soon as Denki asked that and realized the filthy thoughts he had he hit his head on the bars again
" well yeah, wow stop that ,you'll ruin that pretty face of yours"
Denki froze in his spot, did the knight from his enemy kingdom call him pretty, maybe he just hit his head too many times, his solution was to hit it more. Denki hit his head two more times very quickly when he swung for a third time but made no contact with the bar. He opened his eyes to see the knight's bare arm on his chest, the knight had pushed him away from the bars , preventing him from harming himself.
"You don't listen do you , I said stop, your gonna cause yourself brain damage"
The blonde looked at the arm on his chest again, it was very muscular, but not bulky, there were bruises and cuts along it but Denki couldn't stop thinking about how strong this knight must be, from what Denki could see, the knight was built like his dream man. Denki shook his head to get rid of the thoughts of another man in such a way. He separated himself from the Knight.
" I came here to ask about what you know about coping mechanics or whatever you said last time."
Kirishima was glad to have stopped the blonde from harming himself, and that the blonde was trying to learn
"Well it's not uncommon for a person to blame things they can't or don't want to believe on a person or thing that can't defend themselves. Like how your dad blames everything on my kingdom, we don't know he's blaming us so we can't defend ourselves."
"I guess that makes sense, i mean I never really understand how it was King Toyomitsu's fault when the baker ran out of my father's favorite bread"
Kirishima laughs
"That funny, you're funny, and yeah that doesn't make sense"
Denki was flustered again, he was never called funny before, and he liked it. Denki realized that the guards would soon come check on the prisoner, so he began to leave without a goodbye before he could leave the knight asked
" Will you be back? What's your name , you never told me?"
Kirishima was desperate he knew the yelling would attract the guards but he need to know the boys name
" I'm Denki and yes I'll return when I can"
Kirishima thought about the blonde he now knew as Denki ,it sounded familiar but he couldn't remember why.
As Denki fleas up the stairs he realized he gave the knight his first name and not his last, but he realized it was probably best he didn't know that he was the prince of the kingdom and that his father was the same one that was beating Kirishima everyday. When he gets to bed he thinks about the knight, his puppy face,his hot voice, the muscular body and the laugh. And he replays the laugh and his voice saying "you're funny" until he falls asleep.
Thanks for reading. I would love feed back.
Just A WingMan
Denki Kaminari and Katsuki Bakugou unknowingly in love with each other. Eijiro Kirishima, Denki’s wing man, also in love with Denki, makes a plan to get Denki’s to like him back, backfires and leaves him heartbroken, and he is the only one he can blame.
This is a one-shot ( Unless I'm encouraged to do more)
TW: None, possible cursing
Let me know if I missed a trigger or you find spelling mistakes
Feedback is encouraged
Click here If you like this and want to see more of my work
Kirishima’s POV
Denki had been begging me to help him with his crush for a week and I was reluctant to help because I love him as more than a friend and it will be hard to watch him be in a relationship, especially if I was the one who got the two together. I know it’s not manly but the best I can wish for is that Denki's crush doesn't like him back, then Denki can get over them and fall for me.
I thought I had done a good job avoiding Denki but somehow I ended up in Denkis room listening to him beg for me to be his wingman. I told him that I would help if he told me who it was he liked, I thought that he had too much to prove to tell me but then he shouted.
"I'm in love with Bakugou!"
I thought it was a joke
" Oh you mean Mitsuki Bakugou, Katsuki’s mom?"
" No, I mean Katsuki Bakugou, boom boom boy, the angry Pomeranian. I love Katsuki Bakugou!"
I freeze, it's shocking, Katsuki, the guy who acts like he's above everyone else, the one who calls Denki stupid and dunce face. If I was being honest I was hoping that it was me that Denki had a crush on, it would make sense, he refused to tell me the name of his crush, and he used ‘strong’ to describe them multiple times, and I believe I’m strong. I took the time to process Denkis confession, this wasn't that bad. Like I thought earlier but bakugou is a jerk to Denki and everyone else, there’s no way that he likes Denki back, they would be a terrible couple. All I have to do is agree to be Denkis wingman, tel bakugou, he'll tell me that he doesn’t like Denki back, I tell Denki and he comes to me for comfort, and over time he’ll get over bakugou and fall for me. I’m brilliant
“ I’ll do it, I can do it right now.”
“ Wait really, I mean right now what if he’s busy?“
I watched Denki become more worried and anxious, I mean I would be too if I was going to confess to Katsuki Bakugou
“ It will be fine, and I know his schedule. he should have been done with his workout and shower about 15 minutes ago, and the only thing he does for the rest of the day is eat and sleep, and if something goes wrong, I’ll be there for you.”
“I know it’s just, it’s nerve-racking, and I'm so glad that you’re here for me, you are the best wingman anyone could ask for.”
Denki hugs me and I almost forget my plan, I just want to skip to the part where we are together and these hugs will last forever. He lets go too soon and shoves me toward the door
“ Now go before I stop you.”
He didn’t have to tell me twice, I make my way to Bakugou's dorm, I rehearse how it will go. Knowing Bakugou he'll want me gone as soon as possible, he probably won’t even let me in, I don’t have a problem with that cause the sooner this part is over the sooner Denki will fall for me. I’ve got this, I breathe in and out and then knock on Bakugou's dorm
No One’s POV
It takes a while for Bakugou to get to the door, he was tired from his workout and was currently in a state of self-loathing. He read and watched romance but felt that it would never be something he could have. He wasn’t about to let any of those extras see him like this so he had to collect himself. Opening and leaning on the door he “politely” greets Kirishima
“ What do you want Shittyhair?”
“ Well, it’s actually about Denki.”
Bakugou perks up at the mention of his crush’s name. He knows it’s strange but he couldn’t stop it, as much as he tried, he learned that all those books were right about love, it’s not a choice and it wasn’t easy. Kirishima continues when he notices that Bakugou isn’t gonna talk or anything.
“ He asked me to be his wingman and I agreed but the problem is, there’s no way his crush likes him back.”
Bakugou tsk’s at that statement, he thought it was absurd, a person who doesn’t like Denki. Now that Bakugou knew what this conversation was about, he no longer wanted to be a part of it, well he didn’t have much interest in it beforehand either. He didn’t want to discuss the love life of his crush, if it didn’t involve him, he was also worried about exposing his crush on Denkis, cause he didn’t have great control of his emotions, especially jealousy, which this conversation was bound to make him.
“I don’t care, go tell the fucker about Denki’s love, so then he can get over them.”
“And fall for me’” Both men thought. Kiri moves on to the next step of the plan
“ Ok, um, Denki likes you Bakugou, but I think it’s best if I reject him for you. You can be kind of insensitive when it comes to love.”
This was true, although Kirishima wanted Bakugou to reject Denki, he also didn’t want Denki to feel worse, just cause Bakugou doesn’t know how to politely reject someone. While Kirishima turns to leave, Bakugou grabs his arm, he’s still trying to process what Shittyhair just said.
“Denki like’s me but I’m mean to him? I call him Dunceface, and he likes me?”
Not realizing he said that out loud until Kirishima replies
“ Yeah I think it’s weird too, that’s why I’ll reject him for you!”
“NO, I mean you can’t do that.”
Bakugou pulls Kirishima into his room and shuts the door, even behind the door Bakugou still feels weird admitting his feelings so he pulls Kirishima closer and whispers
“I like Denki back.”
Kirishima’s brain stops working, he pulls away and mumbles out
“ But you’re mean to him, actually you’re a dick to him!”
Kirishima can't deal, this one detail ruins his plans. he starts to feel a break down coming so he sits down on Bakugou's bed
“I was just protecting myself, and I guess I show my affection that way.” Kirishima looked for every excuse he could to make this not true
“ But your’re mean to me, you call me Shittyhair, that means you like me, not Denki!”
Kirishima had fooled himself with his own hypothesis, getting excited that Bakugou doesn’t like Denki
“ No I like Denki, you just have Shitty hair. I’ve got to go tell Denki, you did a good job, your one manly wingman.”
Bakugou rushed out of the room and to Denki’s room. Leaving Kirishima in his room, Kirishima breaks down, his perfect plan comes crashing down, he would never be with Denki and he wonders why. He imagines himself running to Denki, pushing Bakugou out of the way, grabbing Denki and yelling, begging for an answer.
“Why him? Why not me? Was I too nice? Do you want to be treated like trash? cause I can do that. Was I not manly enough? my quirk to basic for you isn’t it? Is it my hair, the color, the shape, do you agree with Bakugou, do I have shittyhair? Is it my fashion sense? What made you fall for Katsuki Bakugou the guy who calls you stupid every sentence he can? Why couldn’t he be the wingman, and I be the boy you pinned for, I’m tired of just being the wingman!"
But he didn’t move an inch. He sat in Bakugou room hoping that something would go wrong. It seemed impossible, an hour later and no return, just Kirishima hyperventilating in his crush’s probably boyfriend’s room. Another hour and a text, it was a video, from Denki. He talks in a hushed voice.
" Thanks, bro, I know I said it earlier but this time it was because you actually got me a man, you're the best wingman a guy could ask for. My new boyfriend and I are going to cuddle and wat--"
In the back, Kirishima hears Bakugou yell for Denki.
" Get over here lightning bolt."
Denki moves and soon both blondes are in the frame
" Don't you think the lightning bolt is too long for a cutesy nickname?"
"Tsk Maybe for you."
Bakugou leaned in and kissed Denki, it was short, sweet, a peck of sorts.
" Now put the phone down"
Bakugou hand grows closer and then the video ends and Kirishima now knows that his prayers didn't work. He’s left wishing in Bakugou's room that he was the one cuddling with Denki, he wanted to come up with nicknames, oh and to feel Denki’s lips on his own was something he could only dream of. But he wasn’t Denki’s boyfriend, he was just a wingman, the wingman who set his crush up.
And at that moment he realized that even if he feels for someone else in the future, that no matter who or when his position in a love story was the wingman. He was doomed to be just a wingman.
All characters belong to Horikoshi and his series Boku No Hero Academia
The Three Kingdoms
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
TW: Homophobia, internalized homophobia, implied transphobia(very brief), religious trauma
If I missed a trigger or if you spot a spelling mistake, please let me know. Feedback is encouraged.
Click here if you want to see more of my work and follow me for even more!
There was so much going on and yet it wasn't overwhelming, it was almost perfect. There were sounds of people happily chatting, wedding bells, and songs slightly louder played in the distance. The colorful glass from the church window shined on the people in the church. The church was packed for a royal wedding and at the altar, there was prince Kaminari but instead of a beautiful bride opposite him, there was a handsome knight from the enemy kingdom. The priest started the ceremony, the two grooms said their vows and kissed. It was anything less than magical. The priest began to announce the kingdoms’ new rulers.
"Lady's and Gent’s I introduce to you, your new Kings. King Denki Kaminari and King Eijiro Kiris--"
Before the priest finished his announcement the large church doors were opened and the...priest who was previously standing next to the kings, had teleported to the church’s entrance.
" I will not follow the rule of sinners like you"
Suddenly all the happy wedding goers disappeared and reappeared behind the angry priest, joining him in ridiculing of the two kings
"We will not follow the devil"
"Our prince has been tainted by the devil"
The priest raises his hand and the crowd quiets down, Denki questions the priest
"What are you doing? You were just announcing us as the new kings and know you're over there protesting our marriage? YOU’RE THE MARRIAGE OFFICIANT?"
The priest ignored his King’s questions.
" Denki listen to me, the thing you married is the devil, he used his powers to make you believe you love him, but I know that you could never fall for another man. I can help you, just come to my side and I can exorcise that demon."
The priest offers his hand out, then the rest of the people behind him do the same.
" Denki, they're lying, you know that they are trying to get in your head. I do love and you love me."
Kirishima stood closer to Denki, also offering his hand to Denki. Denki looked between the two choices, he looks at the priest’s group, he sees his friends and family inside the crowd, telling him that the love of his life is the devil and he knows that they'll leave him if he stays with Kirishima. Could they be right? Did he love Kirishima, or was it just a trick? He meant every word of what he said in his vows, he spent days on his vows, he wanted to make sure Kirishima knew how much he loved him. So they were wrong, he did love Kirishima, their love for each other was no trick. But if he chooses Kirishima he’ll lose all his friends, family, and his whole kingdom. Denki stressed over who to choose, the mob became louder and more aggressive while he thought but before he could make a choice, Denki woke up.
A dream? A nightmare? Why was I getting married, to a man, to a knight from the enemy kingdom? Why was I married to Eijiro Kirishima? It was a stupid dream, I would never marry a man, the kingdom was right, Eijiro Kirishima was the devil, the dream must be a warning to avoid the knight in the cellar. It can't be that hard, he’s just in the cellar that's in the basement dungeon, the key to said dungeon door was on the wall and the guard was always asleep. Ok, this was going to be hard, it's just too easy not to visit the Red Riot.
The day goes by quickly, but then night falls and I remember how easy it is to get to the cellar, how my dream is just a dream. How handsome the knight is. How sweet his voice is. How he waits up for me. How he stopped me from hitting my head. Before I knew it I was in front of the dungeon door with the keys in hand, but the thought of losing everything I know stopped me from going down. I silently returned the keys and went back to my room and slept, the dream repeated that night, and yet the pressure to choose felt even more stressful.
It was dusk again, I don’t remember the hours before now, but I was back at the door with the keys. I stand there for a while until eventually, I think
“It was just a dream.”
So I unlock the door and descend down the stairs. Every step I take makes me more anxious, I repeat to myself that it was just a dream, my friends won’t leave me, I won’t be banished. I mean it doesn’t even make sense, I would never marry a guy, especially that brute in our dungeon, I barely even know him, and it's sinful.
“Then why are you going to see him?”
It’s a question in the back of my mind, and I don’t have an answer. It’s definitely not because he has a smooth husky voice or his muscular body, and it has nothing to do with his caring words that match his action. I am broken from my thoughts when said husky voice speaks
“If you keep walking you’ll end up hitting the wall”
I must have been so caught in thought because he was right, I walked right past him and was about to walk into the wall. I stay facing this wall, I wasn’t ready to face him, I mean I married him twice in my dreams, it is disgusting.
“Thanks, I guess”
“ No problem but are you going to turn around, I mean it’s kind of weird talking to the back of your head, especially when the front is so beautiful.”
I forget about the dream and why I was reluctant to turn around and l whip my body around and march towards his cell while accusing him of my dream.
“It’s your fault, you’re the reason, I’m not the evil one, it’s because you’re the devil. You sit there and you spew compliments at me, another man, from a rivaling kingdom, such words should be said to a woman!”
“ Sorry if I offended you, I was just telling the truth and if it makes you uncomfortable, I’ll stop but I thought it was mutual” “What in the hell gave you that idea”
“uh the lustful gaze you keep giving me”
“Lus-lustful gaze, I do no such thing, and especially not to you”
“So then what was that look on your face when you heard my voice, why did you constantly look at my arms like they were turkey legs”
“ it -it - it was ugggg”
“Because that’s the same look the women give me…which is unfortunate for them because I’ve only ever looked at men with such a gaze.”
“ But that’s sinful, you are tainted, I should leave and never return.”
I walk to the stairwell with the full intent of doing what I just said.
“That won’t stop the feelings you are having”
I turn back around, full of frustration, I reach through the bars and pull the hunk closer to me.
“Then take your stupid spell off, I can-cant be . . . I can’t be like you, I just can’t, you understand right. Even as the devil you have to understand what this will do to me, I don’t deserve that, I don’t want god to hate me or my family or friends. I deserve to love who I want without feeling like the worst human in existence!”
I pause and quickly whip the tears off my face. I look up at the knight, his face is full of sorrow, he looks sad . . . for me. I let go and fall to my knees, replay what I said, I try to find justification for it, I think of the dream. I was happy, I was loved and I was loving someone else. What if I am like the knight? The knight leans down
“ I can’t say I understand the mental fight that’s happening in your brain because I came from a palace where this wasn’t something I need to worry about but listen.”
The knight’s hand slowly reaches for my chin, his hands are calloused like most knights, yet his hands are still comfortable and somehow soft. I let him lift my chin up so I’m looking into his eyes, there like rubies, or sapphires
“Or like the pits of hell”
I ignore the thought and continue to stare into the knight’s eyes as he tries to comfort me.
“ The person you love isn’t a choice, it’s fate, and if God hates you for what you can’t control, then he isn’t manly nor does he deserve such a title. Hate is a choice, love isn’t.”
I get lost in his eyes for a little bit, but when I realize it I turn away, a little more aggressively than I wanted to. I move away and take a seat on the bench that is meant for the guards, I don’t want to leave but I can’t find it in me to talk, even though I hate the silence. I sit there staring at the ground feeling awkward, the knight must have felt the same way about silence because he started talking.
“ um back at my kingdom, the Toyomitsu kingdom, there real accepting of such things, like I’m our queen was born a prince”
I’ve heard of a man loving a man or woman loving a woman but this wasn’t something I had heard of. With my eyes still planted to the ground, I asked.
“ What does that mean?”
I could hear shifting from the cell but I refused to lookup
“Oh uh sorry, I forget that our kingdom is more progressive and more diverse. So basically our queen was born like us, she had our body parts, but she wasn’t.”
“I still don’t understand”
“Ugg this is hard, so she felt like her brain and body weren’t the same, like her brain said, ‘Your a girl’ but her body parts were male parts.”
“So she is a girl but had a body similar to ours”
“ Yeah exactly, but she’s better at explaining it because, well she lives through it.”
“ So she’s your queen, what about children, whos going to take over the throne”
“ Oh her and the king have a kid, he’s just adopted but he’s still their son and still the rightful prince, he's gonna be a great king. Oh, anyways I was gonna say that our kingdom is really accepting and if you need they’ll probably let you in if you ever wanted to leave here.”
In shock, I lift my head for the first time since I sat on this bench
“Even though I'm the prince of the rival kingdom?”
“ We don’t care that much about this rivalry. So yeah you would be fine”
“ If they don’t care why are you here?”
“ Well because our kingdom is so diverse and recently outside kingdoms have discovered that the queen is trans, which is the term for that situation, by the way, I think I forgot to mention that. Anyway, the King is worried about future attack’s so he sent out multiple knights to different kingdoms.”
“Oh so we’re not your only threat”
“Your not even a threat, your kingdom is crumbling”
“Oh wow thanks, I’ll remember that when I become king.”
“ You mean IF you become king”
“What is that suppose to mean ‘Red Riot’”
For the rest of the night, I joked and listened to Kirishima’s stories. I wish to see his home kingdom one day it sounds pretty cool. Before I knew it I was asleep and having another dream. It was different, there were no choices or stress. It was just Kirishima and me out on a hill having a picnic, eating food together, he fed me strawberries and the dream ended with a kiss, maybe falling for the knight wouldn’t be such a bad idea. Maybe my wedding dream was a warning about my kingdom and not Kirishima. I woke up and realized I was still in the dungeon, and that it was almost time for the guards check up on Kirishima, so I started to sneak back up to my room, I successfully avoided the guards on my way there, I acted as if nothing happened, I’m a pretty good actor if I do say so myself.
In the king’s throne room, a royal knight is kneeling before his king, he comes with important information.
“Lord Kaminari, I found the dungeon door unlocked and the keys on the guard bench this morning”
“ Well don’t leave them there”
“ I didn’t sir, I believe someone is sneaking into the dungeon at night.”
“ How would that be possible, we have Shinsou guarding the keys at night?”
“ I believe that he may have fallen asleep on duty.”
“ Well we can’t afford to get new guards or to switch any of the guard’s jobs, just move the keys to a new location along with Shinsou, Shinsou will continue to guard them. I want you to keep an eye out for anything suspicious.”
“Yes Sir”
“You are now dismissed Monoma.”
All characters belong to Horikoshi and his series Boku No Hero Academia
Idea 2
Fake dating aged up quirkless au
Kirishima likes Denki and Denki likes him back. To make each other jealous they bring fake dates to a wedding, Denki with Shinsou and Kiri with Bakugou.
Bakugou and Shinsou both like their fake date, and are lead to believe that maybe their crushes liked them back, but then are broken hearted when they find there crushes together.
Lots of angst and unrequited love, one or two chapters
I didn't write any of these i just enjoyed them and feel that they deserve more love. there all linked, but i also have the summary here if you don't want to open it with out knowing anything yet.
Stringless by CloversDreams
It was common knowledge that everyone was born with a thin, red string attached to their left wrist that only they and their soulmate could see. It didn’t have a physical form and if one tried to touch it, their fingers would simply pass right through it. They were a simple idea that people were found to have absolute faith in. That was how they’d become known as soul-strings. Everyone also knew that the soul-string would disappear once they met their soulmate since it would have fulfilled its purpose. There was a certain amount of romanticizing and anticipation surrounding the whole thing as everyone loved to daydream about what kind of person they hoped their soulmate was. Everyone except for Denki Kaminari. He’d never had a red string on his wrist for as far back as he could remember.
The Boy Next Door by CloversDreams
Denki looked from his mother to the unfamiliar woman that was standing next to her, who was also smiling. She had medium length black hair and her smile was very warm and welcoming. He ran over to his mother and giggled softly when she pat him on the head for coming so quickly after she called. Something moved out of the corner of his eye and he turned his head towards the stranger once more. He immediately spotted a child about his size hiding behind the new woman’s legs. He tilted his head at the single red eye that he could see peeking at him as well as the bit of black hair that matched the woman's.His mother motioned towards the dark-haired pair as she hummed, “These are the Kirishimas. They just moved into the house next door to ours and have a little boy the same age as you are. Isn’t that exciting?”
(I had no idea until just now that these were written by the same person, so here's there page in general cause they have even more great work)
Impromptu Surveillance by BottledDeathcap
Every Saturday without fail, Shinsou would sneak off to god knows where and come back in a remarkably good mood. He’d have a spring in his step, soft smile on his face, and a faraway look in his eyes. As if he was thinking about someone special. Denki is determined to find out what or who his crush is doing.
Cold by LexOfTheRiver
Their relationship just didn’t feel the same. Kaminari felt...left out. For angst lovers out there, bakukirikami but denki feels like hes no longer included
Losing the distance (Orphan account)
kirikami long distance reuinion. nuff said. ( fluff ending) Alternate ending ( angst ending)
This will be updated every once and a while. Dont be afraid to share with me fanfics you like.
Idea ?
childhood friends kirishima and denki, puppy love, promising to be together for every, and to be married in the future. They confess to each other before middle school but dont do anything. Then in high school they meet bakugou , kirishima is over denki and starts to love bakugou. Denki still in love with kirishima , but finds out that kiri like bakugou, denki flips out or brecks down and starts to question kirishima. saying things like
"But you love me?"
"do you not love me anymore?"
And kiri basically says
" we were kids it was just puppylove? right?"
And denki doesnt want to lose kirishima as a friend so he agrees, saying that it was just puppylove, not really love that last. Very angsty one shot
i have like 3 wip so you can do this , you can either choose from wip you want or ask for all 3 or just say any and ill pick one
the wip i have
chapter 2 of the life of an Ackerman
seeing eye bird, which is blind denki x tokoyami
puppy love, unrequited childhood friend denki x kirishima
Fanfiction Work-In-Progress Guessing Game
Send me a word, if it’s in my wip document I’ll answer your ask with the sentence that it appears in
I wrote this during my 30 minute breck at work so it probably has multiple mistakes, you can imagine any pair because I tried to make it gender neutral for both people but their might be some mistakes
Personal this idea came to me as denki(falling)and kiri(holding)but while writing I was also thinking about jiro (holding) and momo(falling )
Tw: metinon of death
It was a beautiful day, the sun setting making colors of red Orange and pink blend together to make a painting like image. But not the situation didn't allow them to take in the beauty, to distracted by there own saftey
" let go, you can't hang on to me forever."
One currently dangling off the edge, barely hang on to death grip of their friend
"Yes I can,and I will"
The other in what they had determined the best position that will help them save 5heir friend. They were holding on as if the were the one at the edge of death.
They had been like this for at least 5 minutes, waiting for help, hoping it would end soon.
" just let go, you can't hold forever, it would be less painful if you let me go"
Thouw one wanted dit to end no matter the cost
" for who"
And the other thaugt the only proper ending would be with both of them alive
" for you, im already straiing probably all of your muscles, youll probably eve dislocate something.I know your strong but you can't hold me forever, and it's easier to just let me drop."
"Your wrong, I can and will hold you, for as long as it takes because the physical pain that I will suffer is nothing compared to the agony I would feel it you were no longer in my life. So bo I will not let go , even if my arm breaks or I become to old to remember, I will still continue to hold so you better accept that."
The screamed and cried to their friends to understand their importance to their life
The hanging friend wondered when it began to rain, only to realize the rain drops falling on their face weren't form the clouds but form their friends eyes.
im sorry
i just finished the draft of "puppy love" and i feel bad. It's pretty angsty yall and it hurts
Loud obnoxious confident blonde
A/N:there is curssing and crying and talk of feeling unlovable and lots of spelling mistakes because i wrote this then posted , not edited at all
Kami: DONT TELL ME IM WRONG. I WASNT GOOD ENOUGH FOR THEM. Okay I know that, I don't want you pitiful lies
Mina: Denki ...
Kami: No listen. When i feel for eijiro, he feel for bakugou , a load ,obnoxious ,confident , blonde. After i got over him i started to fall for another guy, but midorya didn't fancy me, he fancied a loud blonde who is confident and obnoxious, aoyama. But apparently, that wasn't enough, third times the charm right. No, because as i grew close to hitoshi, i fell for him, even after telling myself that i cant, that it will end like all the others. And maybe i should switch career paths, become a physic or something because you know who hitoshi is out on a date with right now. FUCKING MONAMA, THE MOST OBNOXIOUS, LOUD, CONFIDENT BLONDE.
Denki is screaming and crying in the end, mina is frozen unsure of how to comfort him.
Kami: So what's the problem, im a confident blond and im loud and obnoxious, so why did all of them fall for the others that are so similar to me. there no other reason other then im romantically unlovable, I cant take another heartbreak mina, it hurts, so much, and no one is here to hold me, or to love me, to tell me they love me.
Mina moves to hold her crying friend
Mina: I love you Denki
Kami: it not the same but can you continue to hold me, just for a little long
Mina: As long as you need
Puppy Love
2k words
Trigger warning: Slight mention blood and biting and unrequited love
Let me know if I missed a trigger or if you spot any spelling mistakes.
Feedback is encouraged
Click here if you want to see more of my work and follow me for more!
When Denki was little, he was more shy and introverted than he is now. He was the kid that sat in the corner and watched, trying to find his opening into the other kid's conversation, and when he found it, he would try, and be rejected. So when he got first grade he had to start playing by himself. He didn't even bother trying anymore.
One day a new kid showed up to class, Denki ignored him for the most part, figuring that the new kid would become friends with the others in his class. But when the class had break time, Denki moved to play with the plastic dinosaurs he always did, while distracted the new kid sat beside him. The new kid eventually spoke up, scaring Denki a little.
“Can I play with you?”
Denki was excited and scared that someone wanted to play with him, so of course, he nodded and tried to catch the kid up with his dinosaur story.
“Here you can be the red one, like your eyes, you can also be other ones if you want but I thought this was fighting, oh and I’m Kaminari.”
“I'll be the red one, and I’m Kirishima!”
The next day Denki expected the red-eyed boy to move on and play with others, but when the break came, Kirishima followed Denki to the dinosaur bin, starting where they left off. This cycle repeated until the two became best friends, using first names, they were inseparable.
Denki remembers many little moments, like when Eijiro bit Denki and left a scar on his pinky finger, Denki wanted to know how sharp Eijiros teeth were and being young and unsupervised, the best way to discover the sharpness of his teeth. Though Denki feels bad because as soon as the skin brock Eijiro began to cry, sorry for hurting him. Denkis remembers Eijiro crying while promising.
“I'll never hurt you again, I’ll be the person who protects you, I promise.”
Kirishima kissed the hand where he just hurt his friend. This would become their way of pledging a promise to each other.
Another memory is the first time the two understood marriage. In about third grade Denki completely understood marriage, while Eijiro was a little behind, so Denki explained.
“So when you love someone and want to protect them you marry the=m so you can be together forever!”
“So we should be married!”
Eijiro suggested, trying to clarify but Denki wasn't sure Eijiro understood what he meant.
“I mean yeah, if you want, but you would be stuck with me, and we have to be adults. Oh, like our parents are married, you know how your mom feels for you mama, that's the feeling that means you should get married to a person.”
“I get it, and I feel that way with you, I want to become like my moms with you.”
Denki laughed, overjoyed with the idea.
“Me too, we just have to wait for us to grow older.’ “I can wait”
After that the two would propose to each other all the time, most of the time it would happen when one of them found a flower and tied it around the other's finger.
In the year before middle school, Eijiro tells Denki that his family is moving and he’ll still be close but he won’t be going to the same middle school. The two are both devastated that they won't be able to be together in middle school. When Eijiro tells Denki, Denki breaks down, overcome with many emotions, not knowing exactly why he cries and says words that he’s not even sure to make full sentences, but Eijiro understands.
“I love you too Denki, remember, I'm still going to be close enough to hang out on weekends, and in the future when we're married and heroes together this won’t matter anymore.”
The two never became an official couple, they were comfortable being together as whatever they were without a label. Denki became more confident in himself, along with flirtatious, he even began calling Eijiro names like babe or honey, he loved seeing the way Eijiros cheeks would change to match his eyes. Eijiro had a harder time with confidence in middle school but he never let Denki know that always avoid such questions.
Towards the end of middle school the two both agreed to try their best to get into U.A high, it was a dream for them to become heroes together, run an agency, and be married. Though Eijirou stopped talking about the marriage dream, Denki figured it was because he was more focused on becoming a hero first.
Later in the summer, the two learned that they were both accepted and that they were in the same class. It was all they could dream, this was their first real step toward being heroes. They trained together before school officials started, they got everything together.
One day, barely a week before their first day at U.A, Eijirou talked to Denki about their relationship.
“I think we should hide that we know each other.”
Denki agreed, he loved Eijiro and if this would make him more comfortable at their new school, he would do so.
“Okay, I promise”
Denki grabbed Eijirou’s hand lifting it to his lips, soft l kissing the back of his hand. Eijirou did the same after whispering a promise.
WHen Denki promised to pretend to be a stranger, he only thought about how it would make Eijiro more comfortable, he didn’t think about how it might make himself feel. And he really should have because he regretted it. It was clear that Eijiro was comfortable, more than comfortable with their new classmates. Denki watches as Eijiro becomes close with people, and though he is often included in that group, it feels distant. He feels like he’s back in a classroom, one before Eijiro showed up, and he played with his dinos as he watched groups of other kids playhouse together, acting like a family that loved each other. He hadn’t felt this way since he meant Eijiro, but for some reason, it had returned. And Denki had a feeling that it had to do with the other blonde in his new friend group.
Eventually, Denki was able to call Eijiro babe and other names that romantic couples would use. Everyone just pushed it off as Denki being a flirt, but in reality, it was nicknamed that Denki just couldn’t hold back anymore, names that he couldn’t wait to be true, names he would use when he had a ring on his finger and was married to the boy who played dinosaurs with him. Names that he hoped made Eijiro just as happy. And lastly, names that Denki hoped would bring Eijiro back to him.
Denki wasn’t as stupid as some people assumed, he saw the way his future husband looked at bakugou, he saw how the explosive blonde looked at the now redhead. They had the same look that Denki had for Eijiro, the same look that Eijirou used to look at Denki. But he told himself it wasn’t something to worry about, looking at the back of his hand, the hand that Eijiro kissed when he promised that they would be married, the hand that brought tears to the ruby eyes when he saw that he made his friend bleed, the same hand that Eijiro held when he was overwhelmed in situations, like before the entrance exam. The hand that was stained red for a week when he helped dye Eijiros hair, which is now his most notable feather but not to Denki, it will always be the eyes, no dye or contacts, could produce a prettier shade of red.
As much as Denki tried to ignore it, but as hard as he tried he saw everything, the lovey-dovey eyes that Eijiro and Bakugo had, the holding hands, sneaking off, to hanging out without the group. Late at night he could hear shuffling above him, until he heard knocks above him, not for him but knocks on Eijirou door, hard aggressive knocks that Denki memorized after the first time, Bakugos knock. Denki couldn’t even count the amount of time he was kicked out of Eijirou’s room, because Bakugo was coming over, on his hands. He noticed that his flirtatious names and comments no longer changed Eijiros cheeks to a bright red, while the simple words bakugou would yell had Eijiro covering his face, but Denki saw the blush on the tops of his best friend's ears. He saw as the red dinosaur that Eijiro had kept from first grade, the one that matched Denkis yellow one, lost its spot on Eijirou shelf, now replaced with an all might figure, Denki knew that it was one Bakugo gave to him and it hurt to know that he was being replaced in all forms.
It became too much to ignore, it constantly filled his thoughts, it filled all conversations as well. The pain hurt, and he kept telling himself that Eijiro loves him, that it was promised but he needs confirmation.
He texted “babe ♥ ” to meet him outside. He waited, feeling his pocket buzz but didn't check it, he watched the doors waiting to see the doors open. And when he did he saw the man he loved, the man he planned to marry, Eijiro still had that smile on his face that Denki couldn't help but swoon over, but then he saw and Eijiro turned around and held the door open, he looked happy and like he was joking with someone, then bakugou walked threw the door. Denki watched as they said goodbye and Eijiro ran over to Denki ad bakugou waited, leaned against the school wall”
“ Hey man what’s up”
“I just, I had a question for my baby”
Denki was extremely nervous but he used his best acting to hid i
“Go for it”
“Do you still love me”
“ of course I love you, that will never change”
Denki let himself breathe again
“You’re my best friend man, of course, I love you. I want to be with you for the rest of my life, I want you to be the best man at my wedding, I want my children to think of you as an uncle. I know you've been feeling lonely recently but I promise you that I and others still love you”
Eijiro lifted Denkis hand and kissed it, Denki used the strongest dams he had to hold back his tears
“So I’ll be your best man, not the groom”
He laughs a little thinking that he was stupid for even asking
“ I mean yeah, I know that we joked about getting married but we were just kids, puppy love, am I right? We grow up and find real love?”
Denki watched as Eijiro turned to look at Bakugou. Denki saw love in Eijirou’s eyes love that was more than he ever saw in emojis eyes. Denki knew that he would never be the love that Eiji wanted or needed, the closest he would ever be would be a best friend, and as much as it hurt, it was better than nothing, so he nodded and said
“Yeah puppy love, I promise.”
Denki took Eijirou's hand and kissed it, Eijirou repeating after him.
“And this is kind of awkward but I think we should stop with this form of making promises, along with the babe nicknames. Katsuki can be a little jealous and I think we're going to get serious soon, he's asked me out on a date today, so I just think we should stop all our romantic habits.”
Denki nodded again
“Yeah I understand ba--Eijiro, go have fun”
Eijiro started to run back to bakugou while yelling
“Thanks, man, I love you”
When Denki knew Eijiro was too far to see the tears he let them fall, but it didn't matter because Eijirou wasn’t paying attention to the electric blonde, all his attention was on the explosive blonde. Falling to his knees when he realized that the ruby-eyed boy didn't even care, Denki’s voice was rough when he whispered.
“I love you to Eijiro”
As much as he wanted to say, babe, even if Eijirou was too far to hear, Denki would always respect and do anything to make Eijiro happy and comfortable.
So I go back to school at the end of the month and so I won't have as much time to write with school and work.
Basically, I'm going to try and finish the matches I have before the end of the month, hopefully, I will get the 15 before then. I will fish them even if I start school so don't worry, it will just take me longer.
After that, I will work on series I have already started, and avoid starting any new ones.
I will be focusing on this series
Possessively in love
The Three kingdoms
The life of Ackerman
Emoji Guide
Wip ⚙️
Hiatus 🐚
Discontinued ☠️
Angst: 💔
w/Good ending:🩹
Unrequited love:💘( next to the pair)
Compleated fics
Just a Wing-man: KiriKami💘 & BakuKami(💔
The Unkissable Prince: ShinKami💔🩹💫
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Addictive Cologne: KiriBaku💘 & BakuDeku💔
Played: ShinKami💘💔💌
Safety Net: Bakusquad💔🩹
Puppylove: KiriKami💘 & KiriBaku💔
Touch-starved: Levi x Reader💔🩹💫
Blooming Panic
Don't Breck my Heart: Quest x Reader💔🩹
Jealous Idoit: Quest x Reader 💔🩹💕
A Vampires Bite: Sam/Darlin(reader)💔🩹
Unfinshed fics
The Three Kingdoms: KiriKami💔💫🩹🐚
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Possessively in love: BakuKami💘(?) & ShinKami💔☠️
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
The Life of an Ackerman: Jean x FTM Ackerman Reader💔(🩹?)🐚
Chapter 1
Blooming Panic
Not My Partner: Quest x Reader 💔💘⚙️
Chapter 1
A Collared Wolf 💔🎟⚙️
Chapter 1
Knowing is Safe 💔⚙️
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Hanahaki: KiriBaku & Kiri x Reader💘,💔💌
Birthday Wishes: Denki💔
Loud Obnoxious Confident Blond: Denki💔
Blooming Panic
Special Human: LI's x Reader💕💌
Yandere: LI's x Reader💔(💫💘?)
Escaping: LI's x Reader💔💌(💫💘?)
First-kisses: LI's x Reader💕
At Home Salon: Xyx x He/him Reader💕💌
Learn a Lesson: LI's x Reader💕💌
You're Warm: LI's x Reader💕
The Sixth Choice: Suga x Reader💔💘
Kirishima sexuality: Kiri
Hero Merch: Momo, Fatgum, Kiri, Shoji, Ojiro, etr.
Attack on Tuition: Eren, Mikisa, Armin, Annie, Ymir, Historia, Jean, Connie, Sasha & Bertholdt💔
Blooming Panic
Long-Distance: LI's x Reader💕💌
Lawyered: LI's x Lawyer Reader 💕💌

just some lighting practice

a fusion of kirishima and kaminari (i will Draw another design but for now) i don’t own my hero academia

I'm falling in the monsta x hole and I'm not even mad
Instagram, Tumblr, and Twitter: *shows me popular ships*
*cracks knuckles*
Me, grinning: I'm about to create so much content for all dem rarepairs-
Still Into You
Kaminari loves the song Still Into You by Paramore. And his boyfriends want to know why.
Kaminari: *Listening to song*
Bakugou: This song is fucking annoying. Why do you listen to it all the fucking time?
Kirishima: Yeah, Firefly, why do you listen to this song so much?
Kaminari: Cause I'm still into you guys, duh. *kisses them both on the cheek one at a time and leaves the room*
Bakugou: *Looks at Kirishima* I like that song more now

Kirishima’s suit upgrade (?)
(Based on this)

So like….
I’m new to this whole fluffy t-word art✨and major floostered while drawing this aaaa 🙈 🙈 but really wanted to be a part of it and draw more for this SFW community here so yea *hides back in blanket fort*
You can view this as platonic pair or ship 🙌