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Darlin + Sam Incorrect Quotes
Darlin’ + Sam Incorrect Quotes

Darlin’: I can explain
Sam: can you?
Darlin’: if you give me thirty seconds to think of a lie
Sam, if he weren’t a healer: please, I’m begging you to go to a doctor
Darlin’: I’m sorry is this OUR stab wound? Stay out of it.
Darlin’: I want to wake up with you every day for the rest of our lives
Sam: I wake up at 7:30PM
Darlin’: I want to see you at some point every day for the rest of our lives
Darlin’: in light of what you did for me, you can hug me for four to five seconds.
Darlin’: No! Four to five seconds!
Sam: Too late!!!
Darlin’, trying to cheer the pack up: things could be worse, you know?
Sam: how?
Darlin’: how what?
Sam: how could they be worse?
Darlin’: they couldn’t, I lied.
Darlin’: I prevented a murder today.
Sam: Really? How’d you do that?
Darlin’: self control.
*Sam and Darlin’ skipping stones on lake*
Sam: It’s such a beautiful evening.
Darlin’, whispering: Take that you fucking lake
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Have You Met Them Yet
TW: mentions of inversion, character death, implied character death, cursing, guilt blaming (I probly missed some.. please click off if you find something that triggers you!) mentions of characters' actions(good and bad) {I don't know any southern slang- don't execute me..} {the ending feels a little rushed- I'm ngl}
it's my mission to make you cry let me know I how did!
I had a lot of fun writing this.. so um enjoy your readings! (no joking triggers this is a bit more serious than my regular writing style)
I met a person.. My person and of course like most of my relationships in this cursed.. After life. It started on the wrong foot. It seems a lot of stuff starts on the wrong foot nowadays.. Hmm.. Mamaw.. I don’t know why but I called them Darlin’ it just slipped out.. Then I encouraged them to do something stupid instead of telling their alpha. In which he found out later, but for now I'll focus on the beginning, after we met and traded numbers.. I wanted to aid them in the search of that bastard.. I know you’re turning in your grave hearing me curse right now..
And I'm sorry for that memaw.. Speaking of Bright and Fredrick they’re doing better.. I’ve been repairing and trying to compensate for how I acted toward Bright.. I don’t know if the dead can mess with the living.. But I felt you pinch my ear.. Haha. I wouldn’t be surprised- if you alone could.. But southern grandmas are like that. But I'm getting off track, one night I called darlin’ with some information, however when I called. It sounded like they were in pain.. Nowadays these ears don’t miss much- then again, they didn’t miss much back then either... But turns out.. My darlin’ hm.. Got into a fight with some vamps… they survived but got badly injured. They were acting recklessly.. And maybe it was the healer in me- or something else.. But unsurprisingly I practically drilled them with questions and eventually got some answers. That didn’t stop them from making it ten times harder than needed. But you could say I liked that about them. After all, in a way, we were still strangers to each other.
Darlin was badly injured and needed some help and I’m pretty sure they were planning on bleeding out to death on their couch. And honestly, it seemed in character for them. That being said.. It wouldn’t have felt right on my conscious knowing I could’ve helped but sat around doing nothing about it. But I couldn’t just up and leave after all I chose to take responsibility for the newborns at the time. So I pulled some strings and got Vincent to look after them while I stepped out for a bit. You remember Vincent, right? Tall and annoying, with a heart in the right place- when he’s not being a little shit.. And now he’s got backup, that partner of his is just as devious.
Nonetheless, I made my way over there, you know my bedside manner ain’t never been as good as yours Ma. But it got the job done. Hell, I even made a little joke, if they stopped getting themselves in life-threatening situations. I’d improve my bedside manner… and for a while, they didn’t get in trouble. They called me and wanted to meet me. I didn’t know why at the time but they sounded troubled. So I went over, to figure out what was wrong. You know me Ma, putting my head where it doesn’t belong. And once again I put the newborns on Vincent. I’m slowly running out of favors with that boy. What we talked about was less than savory, Blood bonds aren’t rare but when they happen between a wolf and a vampire. After all, we tend to distance ourselves from each other… have I ever explained what a blood bond is to you Ma?
I don’t think so, but whenever a vamp and another vamp come into contact with each other's blood almost always a bond is formed. Between 2 vampires you always know where the other is no matter what. However, between a wolf and a vamp, it’s a little different because of the 2 different types of magic at play. In the rare case that a bond is formed you get something different. You only know the location when the blood is outside of the body. And it seemed my companion, and Quinn formed a bond after their last encounter. And with that in mind. I practically begged them to stay safe, before I could finish my ‘’ friendly ‘’ chat. William called and someone wanted to speak to me. Hah.. I didn’t know David Shaw wanted to speak to me. It was surprising and sightly expected.. I went back to tell them some make-shift excuse, that I had to leave. And when he called I answered- and he asked to speak in person. And I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t intimidated. He’s much bigger in person then what they give him credit for.
Ha.. that night the only question he had for me was ‘’ Is My Pack Member Okay? ‘’ despite Darlin’ not feeling a part of said pack.. They cared about them. David wanted to get the full story/ at the time we only had parts.. David told me his and I told him mine. From what I learned their relationship with Quinn was more than friends if you catch my drift Ma; and my Darlin was done with him when they found out what and how he viewed humans. Not only did Darlin leave him, but they also reported him to the department. In return, he attacked their friend Darlin arrived in time to save them. But Quinn got away- though Darlin fed him the lie Quinn was caught.. He heard about Fred and Bright and got curious.. And surprise surprise the truth came to the light… hm.
David then told me he planned on confronting them that day after all he knew where they lived. I was given a choice- and I chose to warn them… I thought they’d hate me. I don’t know why but I did. But Darlin proved me wrong, they called and invited me over. When I got there they looked like a kicked puppy….Pun unintended.. I’m quite sure I’ve told you the story of Alexis repeatedly.. And god knows.. But because I knew the story of Darlin and Quinn I thought it’d only be fair for them to know the story of Alexis and I. how my descent into the after-after life started.
And next thing I knew we were on the couch and I was staring into their eyes. God their eyes.. Were so fucking beautiful that night. I think that night is when I finally realized I loved them. Maybe it was before that.. I don’t know- but at that moment, I let all those feelings out. And my darlin’ let theirs out. And we fell asleep there on that couch, ( and if you’re wondering it's the same couch they almost bleed out on. ) but back to the story.. The next morning we awoke on the couch snuggled up against each other. And the plan was to hopefully leave before the sun rose. But when you’re with someone you care about you lose sight of time.
I’ll save you some of the sappy details, that you’ve probably been told already.. Ha..- eventually I wanted to make Darlin some food just before our day of comfort and clarity ended. And well- they didn’t have anything and I mean anything. How do you have a fridge full of condiments? But no food.. My Darlin was always a confusing person. But I’m sure they had a good heart.. But before I left I wanted to make sure they had a least a decent meal.. You know me Ma.
I would’ve just taken them to the store… but this damn immortality and practical allergy to the sun. Made that impossible and they wouldn’t have gone on their own. So I pulled out the more reasonable idea and with all this damn tech. You thought it was confusing back then.. But it’s only gotten worse now, like how many iPhones does one person need? Then the whole controller vs pc argument. There's just so much and this old man can’t keep up with it. Darlin tried to help me with it..but the lord bless their heart. But with this little knowledge, have i learned how to use a delivery app. I’ll admit, I struggled a bit- but we got the food Darlin wanted ordered. And wasted the rest of the day cuddling on the couch.. A few days later, I invited Darlin over hopefully I could encourage healthier eating habits. Even if I had to roast them over the fire. At the time they knew what a fully stocked fridge and pantry looked like now. The newborns were finally adjusted in the best way possible.. I don’t think anyone could adjust best in this afterlife especially not the way the 2 of them were brought into it.
Just as the the newborns were getting used to being vamps Darlin was slowly but surely adjusting back to pack life. They used to say knowing they care about me doesn’t help me feel like they care about me.. They were just so used to doing it on their own but they were getting used to everything again.
In a random twist of events, darlin invited me to their pack solstice. You know the whole moon-bound sun-bound shit... We didn’t have to worry about that when we were alive.. After all, freelancers kinda go with the flow.. Nevertheless, I wasn’t expecting to get an invite to their pack solstice.. I didn’t want to invade their fun.. You know? A vamp at an all-wolf party?
I was hesitant till Darlin said David wanted me there. I didn’t want to let him down. Had I not encouraged Darlin to speak up instead of shutting down I probably wouldn’t have gotten the information.
And as much as I wanted to deepen our relationship. Mentally I couldn’t, darlin understood.. They always did. So in the upcoming days, I went to the solstice and well.. It reminded me how anti-social I am.. Ha, Darlin left to go get a drink and I nearly had an anxiety attack. The Shaw pack is good people they still are.. Even now with everything that has happened.. But Asher tried to make me feel comfortable.. And kinda made an ass of himself..
Milo came over as crowd control. And Asher of course made a short joke which in turn made Milo retaliate with an invite to watch Asher get his ass beat. At that moment I didn’t what to say. And eventually, they wandered off.. And David found his way over to me- he was glad I came. And made a joke about Darlin.. I wonder if they went out to in fact fight a bear.. But Darlin came back with a red cup- they went to get a drink we teased each other. And enjoyed the rest of the night.
The inversion is still hard to talk about nowadays.. David almost lost his Best friend.. Vincent’s partner had to give up everything or die.. Maybe at that moment, I felt a small jolt of jealousy.. They had that conversation.. They got the choice I didn’t and the choice bright didn’t get. Maybe in that moment.. I felt selfish.. I.. god.. Ma.. you’d think I was a bad grandson.. It was something.. But my Darlin was right there when that ward went down. They were right there, the look they had on their face was just heartbreaking.. Then again everyone they knew and cared for was trapped inside trapped in inside a ward. And the fucking department was no help. But that wasn’t surprising. Milo’s mate and perhaps a few others are the exception, they know how to do their jobs… and with all that had happened, I just went on a drive.
I just kept driving, Darlin was busy with everything else doing their best to help their family.. Even if they're still adjusting, they can be just as stubborn as me. But when it was my turn to get some of their care- which I wasn’t aware of at the time. They sat outside waiting for an hour for me to get home. So when I pulled back into my driveway and saw them standing there I realized. How much they cared about me, and in that moment after I handed them the key to my house.. I realized just how much time I was wasting, they weren’t going to live forever for this never-ending game of cat and mouse. So when I handed them that key, I gave it my all. I stopped letting the past dictate everything I do. I wouldn’t let losing you, my parents or Alexis ruin what I had in front of me.
And I guess Darlin thought the same. They called me their Mate that night. Hearing that would come out of their mouth was, something different. Knowing something like that and then hearing it come out of someone's mouth hits differently. That night I learned to move on. I learned to accept and grow.. And so did my darlin. And honestly everything was going fine. Till maybe a day or 2 later David called with some information, quinn was supposedly up north.
And as soon as those words left that man's mouth. Darlin shot up like a crack on ice, and when David hung up. They started thinking.. I could it in their eyes. They thinking how far they’d have to go.. How fast they’d get there and how fast they could take him down. I tried my best. Had I not been there, they would have gone after him that night. Had I known any better I’d think they would sneaked out that morning. Hell, they’d get pretty far.. But I should’ve known something was wrong. Maybe.. Just maybe… but I somehow calmed them down. I made them a promise if the department doing do anything.. We’d go after the rat bastard ourselves.. Yeah.. yeah not the smartest thing I could have said in that moment.. But I don’t regret what I said that night. Quinn had caused everyone pain. And he’d been breathing too much and too damn long.
And for the time being, things were fine. Darlin tried to teach me how to play Smash.. If you remember the last time. We talked about Smash, I lost.. Destroyed.. They beat my ass so bad. I never wanted to play that damn curse of a game again. But Darlin offered to teach me. And by teach they meant watching me struggle. And even laughed a little, as I said.. This old man ain’t used to this. After I got my ass beat a few times by the NPCs I won a game against a different group of NPCs.. everyone needs a break from the games.. Like I don’t know if I could take one more micro transition before losing my mind you know?
So introducing Darlin to old-fashioned horror movies seemed like the best way to wind down. My big bad wolf kept getting scared out of their fur.. This time the pun was intended. And at this point, we made a habit of falling asleep on that damn couch. But now I can’t stand looking at that damn thing.. Then again I haven’t ever cleared their stuff out of our home… even now that it’s been months.. I can’t bring myself to do it. We moved in together almost a year and some change ago. And every moment of it was bliss. Once again I’ll save you the sappy details. I'm sure you’re gonna get fed them. And other teasing details. I wouldn’t expect any less from my Darlin. Unsurprisingly I got roped into playing Smash again mainly because Milo wanted a rematch. But like I said the pack is good people, and they need a shoulder to lean on.. As much as I do too. The night went by soundly.. Darlin set me up more than once. Which hurts by the way! But seeing them interact with the pack soundly was amazing.
It was a fun night, but it wasn’t going to last forever.. I wish it did. Over and over.. Day by day.. But no one can change time, no one can fight destiny…. Pun unintended. Maybe a week or 2 darlin got a call from David. After I had to go to work… you already know I work as a restate agent.. Never thought It’d be a path I’d take but here we are.. I wasn’t expecting a lot of things. Quinn had been caught.. He managed to take out 2 of the arresting officers.. But he was brought in, only problem was he had a girl.. And she was on borrowed time.
And the only person he wanted to see was me. He was refusing Darlin's Acknowledgment.. He had already run from them once. Now he was taking this away from them again…but I knew they needed to be in that room. Somehow, they convinced me everything would be fine. That they’d watch from the glass
Every word that left his mouth hurt..like hot iron on the skin if I thought he was a monster before. Hearing him talk about Frederick.. And.. I, that girl was the only thing tying me to that room.. One thing I wasn’t expecting, was for him to air out his.. Romantic life with darlin.. You don’t do that to someone you supposedly love- then again he wouldn’t know what love is even if it slapped him in the face. It felt like hours before he shut up.. God I never wanted to punch someone so badly. Maybe that's a bit of a lie.. I’ve met a lot of people I’ve wanted to punch in the face.
At that moment he just took the cake. I sat there listening to it all cringing.. I wasn’t my Darlin there’s no doubt they thought I was judging them.. I wasn’t. I promise you, the last thing on my mind was judging them. I wanted to leave that room and just hug them, and never let go. Eventually, he shut up.. I guess he realized he wasn’t getting to me. And he told me where that girl was. And with that information, I practically ran through the door.
I needed to get to them. I wrapped them in a hug, they may have fooled the others with their poker face. But I knew. I saw through it like a glass door. I held them close in that moment. Kissed their temple even. I was doing my best.. I wanted them to feel safe. David helped them while I was in the room with him. He did his best. He promised them he’d get Quinn. I should’ve known the damage was done. I should’ve done so much more than what I did... because just maybe.. Had I tried a little more.. Maybe they.. Would’ve had..
They were already going through so much.. And it didn’t get better. After I tried to calm them down and make everything better.. Fucking David called.. With the worst news known to man. The girl was already dead.. She had been for 2 days. All the proof Quinn showed was fake, they were taken before he drained her dry. I was distraught and that creature.. Had taken another life, and his actions would claim another.
Darlin and David told me. Everything wasn’t for nothing at least that girl's family got closure. I know that should’ve been enough.. But it wasn’t and I hate myself for that.. Me and Darlin drove in silence… ha.. You know Ma.. I’m a bit of a crybaby nowadays..
Have you met them yet?.. God, you too would have so much to talk about.. That night when we got home. After David's phone call..we-.. we just needed each other. I hadn’t realized they holding on to so much more than I thought.. People tend to say Stress kills. I just didn’t believe em. Darlin fell asleep in my arms.. They didn’t even try to talk my ears off. They went to sleep with a smile on their face, I should have known.. I.. my Darlin..was gone. I should’ve known.. When their body went cold.. There were so many signs, and I just brushed them off. Had I, just noticed something sooner than I did.. You guys wouldn’t be meeting as fast as you are.. They had so many years left. Darlin.. Hearing that girl didn’t make it. Having to relive everything.. To be exposed like that in front of the people you care about.. You were under so much.. I should’ve done better.. But you can’t take back the past. Only learn from it.
I love you..you brought your light to this darkened cowboy's life. You showed there so much more to life. Then living in the past. So I came here, to tell you both.. I love you more than anything. And I would have loved to give you my last name in due time.
Sam stands and places Red Orchids on the gravestone. As his tears rolled down his face.
‘’ My big bad wolf.. With a heart of gold..’’
WC: 3.5K (or if you wanna get specific 3504) another thing. the flower choice was very specific
David Shaw Was Paying Attention
WC - 1027
AN- So yeah.. I'm finishing up some of my WIPs and this was a bit of a meme write.. so.. uh- enjoy? let me know how I did! TW - cursing, character death, car accidents, hospitals (not acr. hosp- things) i feel like the ending was rushed a little ngl..
His eyes were on the road. He was paying attention, he knew he was. His eyes never left the road. David Shaw was paying attention. So where did the other car come from? In a world of shifters, vampires, and daemons. Nothing explained where that damn car came from. Maybe if he had learned healing magic.. If he had taken up that offer. Maybe he wouldn’t be here. Maybe his angel wouldn’t be holding on by a thread.
He didn’t care what anyone said. He was paying attention! He would’ve seen the car. Even in the pouring rain. He would have seen that damn car. He knows he would have.. Would he?
David buried his face in his hands. Tears streamed down his face. He was a mess, his shirt was stained with blood. He didn’t know where his started and his angels ended. It was so much.. One minute they were smiling and laughing talking about all the stuff they’d do when they got to the campsite.
And then nothing. Everything after that was a blur, he couldn’t remember who called the unempowered emergency services. What he did remember was his angel-mangled body. Limp.. it didn’t feel normal. In that moment he.. He wanted them to call him Davey. He wanted to hear them say something. Hell, curse him out. Something, anything;
Chest compressions. Keep going, the world around is nothing more than background noise. He needed them to open their eyes. Maybe at that moment, he started praying to any god above. He couldn’t lose them, not like this. Not again- he was there for his dad. And he’d be damned.. Keep going.. Bright red and white crowded his vision.
Keep going.. Don’t stop; keep fighting to help them. His angle had to live. If they didn’t he’d know what he’d do. He said he’d protect them from anything. Yet he couldn’t protect from simple shit like this. What was the point of all this damn magic if it couldn’t help the people he cared about most?
He couldn’t even run into the arms of the person who’d held him together when he’d started falling apart. After all, they were the reason he was falling apart. And all he could was hope for the best. He knew his angel was a fighter, they had to pull through.
They had so much more to do in life. Whether it was with or without him. He needed his angel. David was so deep in his thoughts he didn’t notice his friend.. His best friend practically ran over to him.
He was talking but David couldn’t hear him. The world was quiet and he hoped it stayed that way. Asher was in the shower when he got a call from Amanda. And with that, he was rushing out the door. Baaabe tried to ask him what was wrong but he was out the door and gone. His best friend and his partner just got into a car crash. It was Gabe all over again.
And he’d be damned if David went through that all over again. Not this time, he’d call the others later. Right now he needed to get there. And when he got there, he was a mess. It didn’t take long for Ash to figure out what happened. In a moment like this, his partner would attached to his hip. And they weren’t..
Which meant that the blood on his shirt wasn’t his.. Asher didn’t think it was going to be exactly like Gabe’s death…
‘’ where’s the big guy? ‘’ Milo looked at Asher
‘’ sleeping.. He’s still in shock.. And they’re still in surgery ‘’ Asher stood cross-armed across from the operating room. ‘’ I had to promise not to leave this spot to make sure he actually went to sleep..’’ Asher continued.
Milo looked at him concerned. And Asher returned the look. He didn’t know if they’d make it either. He managed to get David's phone so that he could call their parents. But they didn’t answer.. Vacation.
‘’ they’ll pull through.. Anyone who can deal with David can.. They’re both equally stubborn. ‘’ Milo tried to put up a strong face but his voice gave him away. He could only hope they pulled through. Ash only nodded in agreement- it had been a while since the nurse told them any updates.
Milos's phone started buzzing. It was his partner, he shot Ash a look and walked away. Asher was back to watching that room again. David didn’t need any more death. Not with Gabe's wound still fresh. And there was no need to pick that scar open again. But.. no hope for the best and only the best.
The door opened, and the operating nurse and surgeon walked out of the room. The look on their faces was less grim than before..
‘’ they should be fine.. We managed to stabilize them. We’re keeping them monitored just in case, however. ‘’ the surgeon stated before walking away with her RN to fill out papers.
Asher felt arms wrap around him. And a wetness on the back of his neck. It was David, turning around and giving him a proper hug.
‘’ they’re gonna be okay.. ‘’ Asher couldn’t hear his friend's response. Milo had just got off the phone with his sweetheart. Asher's mate had been worried about Ash and when Angel didn’t respond, they called them. And found out from them. Milo was about to rip Ash a new one for up and leaving his mate like that.
But saw the moment and waited till, they let each other go. Then he ripped him a new one while David went into the room that his angel was moved to. He needed to see them. He needed to say sorry, he’d pay better attention next time. That was a promise.. It had been a long day.. He just needed to see or feel his angel in his presence. And with that, he closed his eyes again.
While another opened theirs. Smiled and then closed them for good. You could say his angel was now with the angels.. They would miss their Davey.. But the waters were too harsh.. If the last thing they could see their Davey. They’d be satisfied with life, it’s hurt.
Him but he has.. A support system.
‘’ I love you, David Shaw.. ‘’
Those last words left the angel’s mouth before they sunk into the black water. They see him again in due time.