Ouch - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago


CW: Major character death, slight gore

Jack Marston

Making this animation only because I needed an excuse to draw father son bonding between John and Jack.

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2 years ago
With You Until The End By YvanieArtMaker

With You Until The End by YvanieArtMaker

Colors and watermark adjusted again :D

Based on the beautiful scene where Zabuza and Haku die under the snow. Even if it is sad, this moment is one of my favorite of all the Naruto serie. Made with my tablet, Paint Tool SAI and Picmonkey. All characters belongs to Masashi Kishimoto

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1 year ago
Did You Know? The Sharingan Gives The User Photographic Memory.
Did You Know? The Sharingan Gives The User Photographic Memory.
Did You Know? The Sharingan Gives The User Photographic Memory.
Did You Know? The Sharingan Gives The User Photographic Memory.
Did You Know? The Sharingan Gives The User Photographic Memory.
Did You Know? The Sharingan Gives The User Photographic Memory.
Did You Know? The Sharingan Gives The User Photographic Memory.
Did You Know? The Sharingan Gives The User Photographic Memory.
Did You Know? The Sharingan Gives The User Photographic Memory.
Did You Know? The Sharingan Gives The User Photographic Memory.

“Did you know? The Sharingan gives the user photographic memory.”


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1 year ago

Me after I send anything to someone and they take a little bit longer to respond.

Me After I Send Anything To Someone And They Take A Little Bit Longer To Respond.

I am totally healthy mentally.

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11 months ago
Im Sure It Was Hard For Her To Left Behind Him, Just To Avoid More Danger :(
Im Sure It Was Hard For Her To Left Behind Him, Just To Avoid More Danger :(
Im Sure It Was Hard For Her To Left Behind Him, Just To Avoid More Danger :(
Im Sure It Was Hard For Her To Left Behind Him, Just To Avoid More Danger :(

I’m sure it was hard for her to left behind him, just to avoid more danger :(

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7 months ago
Cal, You Alright? You Can't Be Waving Your Lightsaber Around In The Saloon.I'm Fine Greez. It's Nothing.
Cal, You Alright? You Can't Be Waving Your Lightsaber Around In The Saloon.I'm Fine Greez. It's Nothing.
Cal, You Alright? You Can't Be Waving Your Lightsaber Around In The Saloon.I'm Fine Greez. It's Nothing.
Cal, You Alright? You Can't Be Waving Your Lightsaber Around In The Saloon.I'm Fine Greez. It's Nothing.

Cal, you alright? You can't be waving your lightsaber around in the saloon. I'm fine Greez. It's nothing. I just - thought I saw something.

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1 year ago
Black and white comic with simple digital drawings.
Panel 1: A top down view of a scattering of objects on the ground. There is a small plush of a wizard with a pointy hat and robe, lined paper, pins depicting pointy hats and stars, and a blank hole-punched paper with a drawing of a wizard on it. Two people's hands hover over the objects, one persons is picking up a pin.
Speech bubble: wow you really love wizard ptolemy huh?
Panel 2: A person with a square shaped head and a person with a triangle head smile down at the objects.
Square: yeah! when I was little I used to daydream about the world ending
and how we'd be friends and go on adventures together
Panel 3: A hole-punched piece of paper with a drawing of wizard ptolemy pulling a shorter version of the square head person by the hand. They are both smiling and the wizard brandishes a wand.
Panel 4: The square person looks at the little plush of wizard ptolemy in their hand and smiles.
Square: I don't do that as much anymore.
Panel 1: Square and triangle person look at each other.
Triangle: Why not?
Panel 2: Square person touches their chin and looks up thoughtfully.
Square: Well...
I think I like the world a lot more now
Panel 3: Zoom out to show the two sitting on the ground in the square persons bedroom. There's a houseplant, a slide whistle on a shelf, a fish rug, a guitar case, a poster, a bookshelf... it's filled with things. Around the ground is scattered the wizard ptolemy stuff and an open cardboard box. The square person smiles as they talk.
Square: And I feel more like I don't have to be the only one left in the world for someone to be friends with me.
Panel 4: Close-up of a cork board that was on the wall of the room, showing photos of the square person with a crowd of friends, a sunset, the triangle person next to them making a peace sign, star and rainbow stickers... etc
Watermark on the bottom right: @yeehawpim

extra panel under the cut

Single panel: The square and triangle head person sitting on the ground. The square person smiles with their eyes closed in a wistful expression as they hug the wizard ptolemy plush.
Square: ...but I still really want to go on an adventure with wizard ptolemy

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1 year ago
"hate Me And Live. I Can Love Enough For The Both Of Us." - Tasha Suri, The Oleander Sword
"hate Me And Live. I Can Love Enough For The Both Of Us." - Tasha Suri, The Oleander Sword
"hate Me And Live. I Can Love Enough For The Both Of Us." - Tasha Suri, The Oleander Sword
"hate Me And Live. I Can Love Enough For The Both Of Us." - Tasha Suri, The Oleander Sword
"hate Me And Live. I Can Love Enough For The Both Of Us." - Tasha Suri, The Oleander Sword

"hate me and live. i can love enough for the both of us." - tasha suri, the oleander sword 

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3 years ago

i just want all my secrets back, i don’t want anyone to know anything about me anymore. 

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6 years ago

me: man i can’t wait to write this when i have free time

when i have free time:

Me: Man I Cant Wait To Write This When I Have Free Time

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5 months ago
I Can't Get Over The Fact That Agatha And Rio Both Have The Same Reaction Of Closing Their Eyes When

i can't get over the fact that agatha and rio both have the same reaction of closing their eyes when the other walks away in frustration after their interactions

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10 months ago

With the Reddit 3rd party app crackdown and the ongoing horseshit Elon Musk is pulling with "X", I realize a lot of people here might be pretty new. So I put together a quick and easy guide for using Tumblr for anyone new who might need it.

Tumblr was made by David Karp and we call him Daddy around these parts (^///^)

You are not safe from fandom-gif attacks ( •̀ ω •́ )✧

Speaking of fandoms, the tumblr fandoms are always ready to grab their [object] and go to war against the Beliebers ╰(*°▽°*)╯

The only safe refuge from fandom tumblr is with hipster tumblr. If you can get a cool alt-girl to take you under her wing, you might be safe... for now (●'◡'●)

You will watch the first episode of Supernatural... and then you're part of the Winchester family. (Or if you skip right to season 4, we don't blame you. It's where Destiel starts (*/ω\*))

This is not a glomp-free zone ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

Use missing e. It's the only way to make Tumblr useable on Internet Explorer (this is the most popular browser and you're probably using it right now) :-D

Our only adult-supervision is John Green... and even then does that REALLY count as supervision? DFTBA! φ(゜▽゜*)♪

Just this once, everyone lives. It's bigger on the inside. Elementary, my dear Watson.

If you see Misha Collins staring at you, the polite response is "Saving people, hunting things, the family business." O.O

I might lose followers for this, but this blog supports gay rights, and yours should too (14 gifs of Sherlock and The Hobbit)

Tumblr will teach you more about the world than you'll ever learn in school. ○( ^皿^)っ

Tread carefully... we have teh yaoiz O.o. Oh you don't know what that means? Well let's just say... it's full of lemons here.

If you see Hannibal Lector in a flower crown, tell him it looks very nice. His boyfriend Will Graham made it for him. (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)

Do not enter the dog park. The dog park will not harm you.

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6 months ago

so. there used to be a theory about how people came from these little things called homunculu, which were basically tiny dudes that lived in a sperm cell and would grow up inside a woman into a larger guy. this theory was medieval, and popular with ye olde doktors, but to the modern person it raises a question: yes, we may have found the source of people (namely, tiny people) but where do the tiny people come from? and the only reasonable answer is, of course, teenier tinier people, from the tiny peoples testicles. and on, and on, and so forth, where zooming in on the balls reveals a new tiny guy, whose balls can be zoomed in on to reveal a new tiny guy, on and on forever. its just testicles all the way down.

taken to its limit, you can answer this as to why the earth is round. we are the tiny homunculi living on the rounded cosmic testicle of a greater being. a god. we live on gods balls.

and yes, i know this is wrong, but if i could choose to believe one wrong thing it would be this. i want to be an adherent to the True Faith of the Infinite Testicle Fractal. i want a cosmology based on deez nuts.

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7 months ago

Okay but Monty from Dead Boy Detectives has such a heartbreaking arc.

Like imagine you've lived your entire life, centuries of it, all with one person. The one who caught you, who created you, who tied your souls together so you could remain by her side for eternity. Who took care of you in exchange for favors. A few feathers here, a letter delivery there, a watchful eye on a cruel family who cast her out and deserves what's coming to them.

And perhaps, over time, some of her habits become distasteful to you. You're not overly fond of having your talons ripped out, and her shrieking when she's in a bad mood hurts your ears. And then of course there's the nasty snake in the basement, always complaining and keeping you awake and growing bigger and bigger and bigger all the time. But all in all, it's not a bad life.

And then They come along. And they ruin everything, at least that's what she screams. Your whole life is thrown into chaos, because she's getting older and that ugly snake is getting louder and that Cat has trapped Them here so nothing is settling down. You're not sure if you loathe Them for upending your life or appreciate the little lesson in humility they taught that stupid snake. After all, you've gone months on end with barely a mouse, it really could stand to lose a few pounds. But she's set on revenge, so that's most important.

But she asks something new of you. Well, she doesn't really ask. She never asks. She simply takes. But she gives you a new body. And it hurts. Everything hurts. You can't fly or fit in your cage anymore, and your body is so heavy.

But it's also beautiful. You can walk down the street and no one glares or throws things when you stop to look in a window. It's so much easier to read now that your eyes are bigger and your fingers can grasp the pages. So maybe it's not so bad.

And then there's Him. At first you only speak to Him because she wants you to. But then it's more and more because you want to. Because He's smart and curious and you find yourself increasingly more drawn to his eyes, rather than the shiny buttons on his coat. You're not sure what to make of the odd, fluttery way you feel when He smiles, but you know you like it.

But then you have to go and mess it up. Because He doesn't feel the same. You should have noticed, should have seen the way He looks at the other boy, the one who has been jealous of you since day 1. But He doesn't care. And if He doesn't, then who would?

So you go back to the only thing you've ever known. But she's different now. Or maybe it's just that you're different. Was she always this cruel? This dismissive of anything but herself? Did she always take such pleasure in the suffering of others?

But what else is there for you? It's been made clear that you'll never be welcomed by anyone else. So you do as she bids you, despite the ache in your chest over causing Him harm. And He agrees, despite how He must loathe you now. Really, this will be better for everyone. He'll be sent away and she'll be happy and you can nurse your broken heart in peace.

Except 'sent away' isn't right. She means to destroy them entirely. And you don't understand that until it's too late. By then, they're hooked. Just like she wanted. It's not like you can talk sense into them anyways, He hates you.

But then He doesn't. He doesn't hate you, and maybe there's a chance you can still save him.

If only the Cat hadn't come. If he hadn't told Him everything. Hadn't hardened any sense of friendship He might have felt for you into anger and betrayal. And you deserve it. Because you did betray Him. You thought all was lost, and lost what little you had in the process. You're a monster. Just like her.

She's livid. She tears you limb from limb all over again, and the pain is almost a relief. It's what you deserve. And you can fly again now. And the feelings don't hurt so much when every hollow bone is on fire. You manage to get away, back to the only home you've ever known. You can't bear to watch them be destroyed.

Only they aren't. And her rage can barely be contained in the rickety old house. She doesn't say where she goes or what she's doing, but you know. Being a witch's familiar means you know entirely too much about what she wants. And there's nothing you can do to stop her as she builds that monstrous contraption. The one meant to torture Him for eternity.

And it works. You wish you could run, could get away from His screams. But you can't. She has you on a much tighter leash now, cage or not. And the jealous one curses you out, which you deserve. You're a failure. To everyone. You couldn't be a good familiar, you couldn't be a good human, you couldn't get anyone to care one bit whether you lived or died, you couldn't even fulfill the one purpose you were torn apart to achieve.

But maybe you can stop the screams. At least for a moment.

The jealous one grins, and says something about redemption. You don't think that's for creatures like you. But they escape. And she's gone.

What do you do now?

For a moment, you dare to dream about redemption. After all, there's only one group of beings you can think of who might understand what you went through.

But they're gone. They have each other to pick up the pieces with, but you're alone.

Forever alone. You had it coming.

Like come on, the feels?! Monty needs a hug and soooo much therapy I'm telling you!

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4 years ago

I wake up. I consume media. I wish my life was different. I make no effort to change it. I consume more media. I go to sleep.

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