Redacted Asmr - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Sweetheart is really spooky and suffers from resting bitch face but is also very soft and sweet towards Milo. Like they’d come home from scaring answers out of people during an investigation, and just cuddle up with Milo. AND THEY MFING NUZZLE HIS NECK LIKE WHO IS THIS PERSON???? Ugh Milo and Sweetheart give the sweetest sleepy kisses- I literally melt every time I hear him press gentle kisses to their shoulder and back of their neck in the sleep aid.

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2 years ago

Honey is grumbly/growly and sorta snippy in a loving way…..therefore they are a mf shifter because I said so hush. They are literally David Shaw.

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2 years ago

Shaw Security made merch (Ash and Angel’s idea), IM TALKING HOODIES, TANKS, SWEATS, SHIRTS AND SHIT- like it got a whole ass page in a magazine too. Ash also put together a lil mini catalogue for other stuff (boxers/sports bras/undergarments in general, and some of the extra sports wear) where Sweetheart, Angel, and Babe posed for some sexy pictures of them sporting the wear. Named anonymously ofc. THEY ALSO GOT SAM TO POSE AS WELLLLLLL (Angel had to pay Sweetheart to pose with them)

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2 years ago

What if there are magical bullets used specifically for shifters and/or vampires- BUT THEY’RE ABUSED BECAUSE THE DEPARTMENT CAN’T KEEP ITSELF UNDER CONTROL. I’m imaging these huge ass bullets hitting Sweetheart on a job- magic surging through their veins in a bright color until they’re shivering in pain on the ground. Watching someone get shot by one of these is about as traumatizing as being shot yourself.

BUT WHAT IF THEY HIT AN UNEMPOWERED PERSON???? There’s a 99% chance they’d die OR get some sort of deformed magical powers that hurt to even use. ​ It’s like that purple stuff serum thingy in Arcane LIKE MFS VEINS TURNING PURPLE WOULD BE SO COOL AND TERRIFYING. Yes these are absolutely used in a serum version as a form of torture.

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2 years ago

Angel is almost constantly on David’s lap (he has nice thighs and Angel makes sure he knows). They repeatedly ask him to let them sit on his lap during pack meetings and he always says no- so Angel is all grumpy and annoyed the whole meeting. AND ONE TIME HE FINALLY CAVED AND LET THEM SIT ON THE ALPHA THRONE OF ALL THRONES: David’s thick ass thighs. Ugh I swear Angel was just sporting the most shit eating grin in that meeting room.

Angel could be on David’s lap, back to his chest- and you’d still be able to perfectly see and hear David. DAVEY IS A BIG BOY ALR?? + Asher cackling like a maniac vs Sweetheart who’s crying trying to keep it together.

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2 years ago

David gets flustered from watching Angel hold babies. SAME SHIT WITH MILO AND SWEETHEART- they’re super good with kids but will never admit it. Marie was just covering her mouth and giggling at Sweetheart’s feather-soft smile as Milo held a pack members baby. (Milo and David have baby fever shhhh)

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2 years ago

Oh my god this is so sweet I can’t 😭 David loves their voice as much as he hates to admit it- they absolutely baby each other when they’re sick

Angel loosing their voice and David pretending it's the best thing ever. Finally they stopped talking. But in reality he practically babies them, he gets them tea, blankets, endures Minecraft for once. Once they get their voice back and start talking again he practically cries. He missed their voice so much it hurt.

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2 years ago

Sweetheart wanting to get stronger after Inversion (and especially after taking on the Quinn case) to protect Milo and the rest of the pack- by sparring and training with Ansel. Sweetheart repeatedly pushing themselves each time and Ansel doing his best to keep up- but also making sure they don’t burn themselves out.

SWEETHEART SPARRING WITH ANSEL WHILE SHIFTED AND KICKING HIS ASS +both their packs watching and being impressed by how this mf stealth just knocked a shifter on his ass.

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2 years ago

William Solaire having a ‘consort’ who’s an absolute menace of a human. Imagine this centuries old vampire falling in love with a human who has the worst self-care habits known to man but he’s head-over-heels regardless.

They work the blood-drives for the clan, which is oddly professional of them considering their cocky personality. They organize the donations, and schedule the deliveries- all that important shit. Since the Solaire Clan is their biggest client, they’re spending quite a lot of time over there working out the details with William.

….Just hear me out for a second

They dress super professionally every time they visit Wonderworld, using knock off scents from dollar stores, and thrifted loose-fitting button downs with tight dress pants. -Bonus points if they’ve got either a black or deep red corset over a button down. Clacking dress shoes shuffling down a narrow hallway to a break room for some water + Will watching them leave.

Their whole vibe is: dumbass who’s only a dumbass on the inside but is super professional and intimidating on the outside x an old ass vampire who’s the leader of the most important clan in Dahlia- but is also just as much of a dumbass.

I’m trying to think of a name for them: like how the listeners have specific and fitting petnames- I’m thinking of Chief/Dear (Dearie/dearest)

Chief is more sarcastic or followed by a salute of some sort from William, but Dear is more sincere and romantic.

Dear works for an important branch of the department, and used to partner with Ansel and Sweetheart before strengthening the blood-drive aspect of the donations that were lacking in organization at the time. The worked their way past Jett, branching off as manager for the company. They outwardly hate how Jett runs things, they absolutely aren’t afraid to speak out about that. They literally could care less about anyone else’s feelings on the matter, all they care about it getting their job done.

Dear will admit that working with William definitely takes the edge off of working in a position such as theirs. And seeing how calmly he handles his position as king begins their admiration of the old blood.

Then Dear got involved with Quinn-


That’s how Dears magic manifested (much like Lovely)- they’re a gravitational energetic. (Unless you wanna change shit around that’s totally chill I’m just having fun with this)

William is more than aware of their situation, but often avoids talking about it to keep professional despite his every inkling to do the opposite. He’s blunt, but respectful.


William and Dear going over paperwork for scheduling the next delivery when their fingers brush as they pass the pen back and forth

Mmmmmm Dear having a bunch of scars from Quinn’s attack and William brushing his thumb over the ones on their hands.

Sam thinks they’re the best thing to happen to the clan and isn’t afraid to give Dear credit where credit is due.

William and Dear staying after-hours together just drinking and joking about work. Dear sipping whiskey and talking shit about Jett, William drinking blood from a glass and gloating about Vincent. GETTING DRUNK AND MAKING OUT.

Dear apologizing through kisses and talking about how wrong this is but never stops. His hands on their waist, guiding them closer as he presses gentle, hungry kisses to their neck. (which leave lil red lip-prints because of the blood he just had) LIKE THEY ARE ABSOLUTELY GRIPPING ONE ANOTHER

Running into shit, knocking stuff over, unbuttoning shirts to feel each other’s skin. “We shouldn’t be doing this,” “I know” *kissing* “we’re business partners- Will.” “I know” *kissing harder*



- Oh yeah the clan has seen how they act around one another and yes everyone knows and yes everyone is impatient. They have “just fuck already” energy and Fred isn’t afraid to say so.

- Lovely thinks it’s incredibly charming how gentle William is with Dear, and how intimidating the two look side-by-side. AND THEY LOOK LIKE ABSOLUTE FUCKING TYRANTS WHEN THEY DO.

Dear suffers from resting bitch face, William is intimidating and knows it so he sports a quiet lil smile while in public or around the clan.

William hosting a clan ball and inviting Dear and the entirety of their branch. WILLIAM AND DEAR DANCING TOGETHER- they waltz and it is truly the most captivating dance the clans ever seen like the whole fucking floor clears:

The intensity in their stare as they glide across the ballroom floor, how they never once look away from each other. William is smirking a little but Dear is just stone-faced. They’re so lost in Williams piercing silver gaze, and the feelings for the vampire king that they never wanted. In their head it feels so wrong, their body is begging them to get off the floor- but their heart is simply aflame as he holds them gently and stares into their eyes.

Dear is absolutely hypnotized by this man, that they just let him guide them wherever he wanted. The song could play for eternity, and their heart wouldn’t miss a single beat.

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2 years ago

Sweetheart getting sentimental and telling Milo that he is genuinely the bravest, strongest, most caring person they know. And that his perseverance to keep going after not being able to shift- literally the most traumatic thing a shifter can go through- has made Sweetheart incredibly proud. They feel so deeply for Milo, and want him to know it.

Yeah Milo absolutely started crying. He’s not used to genuine heartfelt praise like this- and it means all the more special coming from his mate. Like they’re full on holding his hand and looking in his eyes as they say the most beautiful shit he’s ever heard-LIKE JUST GENUINE APPRECIATION FOR HIS EXISTENCE. “I just need you here, by my side. That’s all I’ll ever need, Milo.” “…like I said- you’re too damn sweet to me.”

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2 years ago

WHAT IF SOME VAMPIRE BITES CONTAINED VENOM??? Like what if those large ass fangs store poisonous magic that could literally kill someone depending on how much they use.

-THE VENOM IS USED AS A TORTURE METHOD- and it can physically show it spreading throughout the veins in a persons neck (or wherever they were bit)- the veins turning a dark purple or even black depending on how much venom was used.

Now imagine Quinn using a little bit of this venom on Darlin just to watch them collapse and writhe in pain below him, smiling and teasing them on how ridiculous they looked. OR -Alexis biting Sweetheart (I hc that cannon Alexis works with Quinn) keeping them on the verge of death from the amount of venom used, and leaving their shivering whimpering form for the pack to find- preferably Milo <3.

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2 years ago

HONEY AND ASHER ARE SIBLINGS- YES IM BACK ON MY SHIFTER HONEY BULLSHIT- maybe the reason Honey is often so reserved and cold towards Guy is because they’re trying to hide the fact that they’re a shifter- and they thought that their relationship wouldn’t last. They totally didn’t expect to fall in love with a greasy idiot who’s sweet enough to rot their teeth.

ALSO HONEY WHO’S TOUCH STARVED AS FUCK- Guy just came home and the first thing he did was hold them standing up, just being in each others arms without saying anything. Guy kissing their forehead. “I missed you today, Honey. I love you.” AND THEY JUST STARTED CRYING-

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2 years ago

Honey works with Shaw Security, and their packmates keep teasing them about their mysterious Pizza guy boyfriend. Guy bringing them lunch while on a job, kissing their cheek in front of their “coworkers”-with a mischievous laugh, Asher gives them so much shit about it: “still haven’t told him yet? Are you ashamed of us~?” “Yes- very, now get back to your post before I tell Milo you ate some of his lunch.”

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2 years ago

So I was rewatching Guy’s videos- or rather, what’s left of them- and stumbled across this comment:

So I Was Rewatching Guys Videos- Or Rather, Whats Left Of Them- And Stumbled Across This Comment:

LIKE IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE- it’s not exactly an enemies to lovers, it’s more roommates who annoy one another but that turns to intense flirting over time without either one realizing it.

These two were just trying to have a cheaper rent with someone the other didn’t have to associate with too often- or at least that was what Honey was aiming for. Guy wanted to split the rent with someone- yes, but he also hoped to gain a good friend in the process.

Guy……annoyed the absolute hell out of Honey. He always played his videogames too loud, left his clothes on the floor, or was overdue on his half of the chores. Their patience could only be stretched so thin before it snapped in two.

They’re complete opposites, but they’ll have to admit he’s pretty sweet for such an annoying ray of sunshine. UGH AND THE FLIRTING GOD THE FLIRTING- they’re so competitive- playing videogames and whoever lost had to pay for dinner or do the last of the chores.


The tension is STRONGGGGGGG and these two don’t notice a damn thing besides the warmth building within their chests.

And oh my god inviting friends over they get so much worse, everyone else is trying so hard not to point out the obvious tensions between the two.

But becoming decent friends doesn’t change the fact that he pushes each and every one of their buttons. And once Guy notices how much he got under Honey’s skin- that just made it all the more fun to keep going, and to see how long they’d last before they broke.

Honey leaning on the doorframe after a shower, hair damp and shirt discarded in their bedroom. The only cloth adorning their skin included the sweatpants wrapped loosely around their legs.

Guy resided openly on the couch, a controller in hand, and old dishes left to rest on the coffee table beside his legs. Honey groaned and slid a hand down their face, signaling Guy’s attention from across the room. “Those were there last night, Guy. Ever plan on picking those up? I plan to use that table tomorrow morning when I eat breakfast.”

“It was a long shift, I’ll get them later.” “Ah, I call bullshit, that’s what you said last night.” “So?” “Ugh you’re so fucking gross.” It’s only when Honey crosses the living room floor that Guy notices that they are without a shirt. Honey quirks a brow when Guy hurriedly tears his face away from their line of sight.

THEM JUST TEASING THE HELL OUT OF HIM FOR BEING ALL FLUSTERED- using his habits to degrade him he kinda likes it tho.

Okay yeah I had a lil mini fic tangent I love this idea sm


Guy leaving things out just to piss honey off


Ugh he loves when Honey gets rough and demanding- he secretly thinks it’s super hot when they’re all bossy and stern.

Honey loses it when Guy ends up being what they think about all the time. They once caught themselves just smiling to themselves thinking about how Guy smiled at them the other day. “…🙂………😊………😐………😳…….shit”.

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2 years ago

I need more shifter!honey/guy hc:))))


Honey had always been sort of disconnected from the pack like Darlin was HONEY AND DARLIN WERE FRIENDS- (more hcs below)

Quinn saw Honey as a challenge over overcome, especially after Darlin was out of the picture. He was trying to go through each of the packs strongest members before taking on their Alpha.

I said this once and I’ll say it again HONEY IS FANDOM!DARLIN LITERALLY- I’m trying not to piss off Darlin stans here…………………………. …….but it’s true.

Quinn keeps his distance between Honey and Darlin to scare them, now they have something to lose. HONEY PROTECTING GUY FROM QUINN:

That’s absolutely how Guy found out Honey was a shifter: Quinn had pinned Guy to an alley wall, fangs scraping against his neck until this large ass wolf tackled him.

Honey is pretty much the exact same size as Asher when shifted, their fur is a mix of dark brown and light blonde LIKE ITS SO PRETTY FOR NO REASON. Their eyes are a pale yellow- LIKE HONEY

They work at the same office as Aaron and Ollie, Honey wears tight white or black button downs and loose dress pants to work and it is HOT. Like they work around all these unempowered humans, a mf shifter just loving being around these idiots. Aaron and Honey are the same fucking person everyone shut up.

Honey is super reserved even towards Guy because they’re afraid of getting too close to someone, especially considering their attachment to Quinn.

If Quinn ever hurt Guy Honey would break up with him. Honey is absolutely the type to disconnect from someone entirely to protect them.

Honey and Darlin used to go to TONS of concerts together with Gabe, specifically hard rock- Gabe’s favorite. Darlin and Honey in a mosh pit….

Honey and Christian HATE each other they absolutely do NOT get along.

-Honey and Darlin had a fight after both getting attacked by Quinn and Darlin threatened to use Guy as bait and Honey almost killed them- like I’m fr David and Ash had to break them apart.

-Honey was having an AWFUL day when they met Guy- like in their oddly fancy dress clothes at a pizza place when Guy was manning the front counter. He was super flustered looking at them when they put in their order (ordered for their branch).

…..He put his number on the pizza box…. Honey was checking if their order was right while sitting in the car and noticed.

Marie taught Honey healing magic after a fight with Darlin.

Honey still hasn’t reached out to the pack even after meeting Guy and getting in a comfortable position in their relationship, but Marie texts them to check in every now and then. Pack mama misses them fr

Honey wears a letterman all the time and collects patches that include: Shaw Security, a lil pizza patch on the arm, tiny wolves scattered throughout the jacket, their favorite bands and TV shows.

Honey LOVES reading, Guy will lie down on their lap while they read, or at least lean on their shoulder and try not to act like he isn’t bored out of his mind.

Guy hates silence so much, he always needs to fill the noise- it kind of comforts Honey sometimes though- they need to know that he’s there and alright.

Honey gets frequent nightmares from encounters with Quinn and has never told Guy- or at least he hasn’t noticed yet.

Honey misses Guy SO MUCH every time he’s at work, especially when he does frequent overtime. They act like they were doing something else- which they were/ but it was mainly to distract themselves from missing Guy. When he’s home and gets on the couch next to them, they’re all over him.


Honey is def touch starved, and afraid to ask for affection. Their pride gets in the way.


Honey and Asher are siblings….their dad was super hard on the both of them.

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2 years ago

your guy and honey hc's are always so so good. it breaks my heart that it's ash's sibling that's the one finding it hard to fit in but the idea of their dad being hard on them feels so accurate. do you have any more ideas for how the way they were raised impacts them today? I also feel like honey KNOWS guy and ash would get along and is afraid of letting him into more of their life partly because of how well he already fits and how well they know he would continue to fit. that scares them

also for my own Milo obsession how do you think milo and honey get along?

Thanks, Anon! AND YES- Ash mentions his dad being a little bit of a hard-ass, so I only assumed these two had mega daddy issues. Ash and Honey were almost the same in height and size while being shifted, but their personalities couldn’t have been any more different- so ofc their dad treated each of them very differently. Not well- but still differently in a way that was noticeable. [CW: FAMILY ISSUES, ABUSE, TRAUMA RESPONSES]

Ash’s and Honey’s parents divorced early on, which only made things worse at home for these two. The split from their parents only led the split with their family, Ash was trying so desperately to keep things together- but Honey had already lost hope.

It got even worse when these two hit puberty and could finally shift. Their dad would hit the both of them, so Honey worked themselves to the bone to be strong enough to protect Asher. Honey basically had to raise Asher once their parents divorce was finalized.

The energy at home was so tense, especially when their dad was at work. Ash and Honey argued like madmen. Honey completely lost it past that point and became super reckless, happening to fall into the same crowd as Darlin- leading them to Quinn of course.

Asher was pissed off at Honey for being so reckless, but he was tired of arguing. So he just ignored them altogether. AND THEN HONEY GOT IN TROUBLE WITH QUINN AND ALL THAT JAZZ.

Once Honey heard all these stories about an ‘unnaturally large dog that looked big enough to be a wolf and then some’, they knew who he was talking about. They knew how similar Guy and Asher were- and in a way their mate filled that void for them, but Honey could never tell Guy that.

Guy fits so well into their life, and it terrifies them to no end. They mean the words ‘I love you’ more every time they say them- WHICH IS WHY THEY REFRAIN FROM EVEN SAYING THEM AT ALL. Letting Guy in seems like their worst nightmare, then he’d know how messed up their life really was despite the front they tried so desperately to uphold.

Asher, as well as Marie, texts Honey every now and then- Marie’s are just checking up on them, Asher’s is begging them to come home- or at least to come see him.


OOOH Milo and Honey…. They got along super well with his ma of course, Marie is simply the best woman in existence. But Milo gets sort of pissed at them for putting themselves as well as the pack in danger in the past.

He understands though, feeling the need to protect his parents after a hard time- especially after a messy divorce. Milo and Honey have a sort of unspoken understanding of one another- they don’t dislike each other per say, but they used to play fight until they were both bleeding when they were kids. And Marie was always the one to patch them up after the fact.


Honey constantly feels like they’re putting people in danger just by being around them, especially Guy. They want so desperately to call him their mate, but it’s never a good enough time- so they decide on never. For now.

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2 years ago

Sweetheart makes Milo bring them water while they’re working on cases at home just to hear him say it: “here’s your wahtah as per request” *a lil bow* it makes the work a little easier because they have that stupid smile on their face after the fact.

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2 years ago

I am craving honey&darlin angsty fluffy hcs


Angsty fluffy headcannons coming right up :)

Darlin and Honey were always too similar, it’s the thing that brought them to be close friends when they were younger- and also the very thing to tear their friendship apart.

Darlin despises Honey and Ash’s father, that was absolutely no secret- they’ve even cussed him out a few times but that’s a whole different story.

Honey and Darlin weren’t close by any means, but they had a mutual understanding of one another- their brains work the exact same way. Protection and revenge are the same thing, and they both require violence. That’s one of the few things they could agree on.

Honey and Darlin worked out together far before Quinn was ever in the picture. These two would be shifted and exhausted after an entire day spent training- just curled around each other.


Darlin would be sobbing after Quinn attacked their friend and Honey would just hold them.


But as much as their friendship became a much needed asset as Quinn became more and more of a threat to the pack- all good things eventually come to an end.

Then Quinn attacked Honey and didn’t hold back, he made sure they knew who exactly they were dealing with. There’s a huge ass scar along the length of their arm from that day, still. Honey almost lost their arm because Quinn was bored of Darlin. Oh and that injury definitely put them out of commission for weeks.

Darlin never left Honey’s side, stayed in their apartment, and healed them any time the pain was too unbearable. HONEY HAD PHANTOM PAINS BECAUSE AS FAR AS THEIR BODY WAS CONCERNED, THEIR ARM WAS BASICALLY GONE. They lost any feeling in their arm besides pain, and was too weak to move. So Honey was in agonizing pain as well as pretty much not being able to move.

Honey lying in bed with Darlin sitting by their side as they slowly rub up and down Honey’s back- just softly hushing them and apologizing for not being strong enough.

Honey 100% blamed Darlin- and this pretty much changed how these two saw each other. So these two are just sitting in silence, one in pain and the other guilty as hell and thinking only about one thing. What now?

Honey couldn’t sleep, if not at all they refused. The nightmares kept the blood pumping hard enough to keep them awake for years. Darlin trying to hold them and Honey pushing them away. Weakly whimpering; “get the fuck away from me.”

The moment Honey got better they ran away. And of course, Darlin tried to track them down- and succeeded- then every thought and feeling Honey had been experiencing came out.

YEAH YOU BET THESE TWO MFS FOUGHT IN THE WOODS: the last thing these two ever gave each other was a fractured spine and a broken heart.

“This is all your fucking fault Ya know that? Let me leave!” “My fault? Who went after Quinn the moment he was close enough??” “I wouldn’t have had to if you would’ve just finished the job.”

This only doubled Darlin’s recklessness ofc-

Darlin gets so pissed off at Guy (Darlin probably had a lil crush on Honey at some point but that’s all up to interpretation ofc) Darlin tries to use Guy as bait for Quinn to get close enough so they can take him down. THATS WHERE HONEY DRAWS THE MF LIKE THEY ARE DONE WITH HIDING FROM DARLIN AT THAT POINT.

Honey pushing Darlin against the wall. “What? I thought you wanted me to finish the job. And your weak ass mate just happened to be the most convenient.” Yea honey absolutely punched them in the face.

Jealousy and anger makes Darlin cruel and reckless. They’d do anything to take Quinn down or at least make a point- even if that means getting some people out of the way.


Okay yeah maybe I’m going a lil too far on this one

I’m tired

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2 years ago

How about guy and honey in the imperium universe? 👀👀

In the Imperium, Quinn is pretty much keeping Honey as a pet- like on a chained leash and shit -it’s humiliating. He takes advantage of Darlin’s death to take his “emotions” out on Honey instead.

BUT GUY- and unempowered human running from department staff, sees this shifter chained to a tree; whimpering and groaning in pain as Quinn and his ‘goons’ plot their next move in the comfort of a warm shack. He stops in his tracks immediately, standing before them and trying to weigh his options.

At this point Honey has lost all hope of escape, but when they see this stranger standing before them- just panting and staring down at them- they growl at him.

All of that anger fades when Honey notices a deciding change in Guy’s eyes as he begins to rip the chains from the tree. Honey almost chokes on the metal from his errors before realizing what Guy was really trying to do. He was trying to set them free.

Guy didn’t have time for this, who knew how far bending him the enforcers were. But he knew this was far more important than any punishment the Department had waiting for him back there.

Thats when Guy just groans in defeat and pulls out this huge ass axe. ‘So that’s how he’s survived out here long enough to find me’

“When I say go, pull yourself as far as you can away from the tree, get me?”

Honey pulls, hard. And they didn’t open their eyes for a little while after his instruction. That’s when they feel it, the cold air of winter against their neck. It’s gone, it’s fucking gone. Honey just stares up at him in disbelief, and he stares right back down at them- looking just as shocked despite the little smile cocking his lips upward.

All of that is broken as the two turn their attention to the sound of booming footsteps finding their way towards them. All of that mutual freedom melted at the boisterous allure of yelling. Honey knew what they had to do.

With any strength that was left- which wasn’t much- Honey shifted and grunted at Guy to get on their back. Guy quickly slung the axe over his back and mounted the wolf, forcing his head forward and away from the danger.

The moment Honey felt Guy settle on their back, these two were flying through the trees, going anywhere but here. Honey forgot about every time Quinn used, beat, and fed on them- and every night spent shivering and crying silent tears in the cold while he resided in the warmth of his base with this friends- sipping blood and making plans.

Honey didn’t taste the blood in their mouth anymore, they were free. And for the first time in months; Honey smiled.

Guy is absolutely terrified as Honey takes him through the woods, and they’re only getting faster as a smile forms on their mouth. He understands now, and even begins to laugh from atop this absolute powerhouse of a shifter.

All these two have is each other now, Honey owes Guy their life. These two feel so safe around each other despite constantly being on the run from something or someone.

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