372 posts
A sam that rarely shaves his face and when he does it grows back pretty fast
And a darlin that now associated the feeling of sams kisses with a brush of facial hair
Now say sam shaves ,early in the morning , before darlin get up
He goes to get darlin up, with a kiss
And darlin who when they feel a kiss from a person lacking facial hair. Assumes someone has broken in. Flipping sam onto the bed and pinning him
Sam shocked and red in the face at the position
And darlin embarrassed and confused.
" You- I thought, cause there was bo facial hair , you were, well not you"
Darlin confess with a puppy dog face
They both realize how much darlin likes sams facial hair that day
Inspired by this post/art from @ashthefrogmonarch
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More Posts from Gremlin-writes-angst
... is it Canon that porter rides a motorcycle
Cause if not it should be.
David Shaw Was Paying Attention
WC - 1027
AN- So yeah.. I'm finishing up some of my WIPs and this was a bit of a meme write.. so.. uh- enjoy? let me know how I did! TW - cursing, character death, car accidents, hospitals (not acr. hosp- things) i feel like the ending was rushed a little ngl..
His eyes were on the road. He was paying attention, he knew he was. His eyes never left the road. David Shaw was paying attention. So where did the other car come from? In a world of shifters, vampires, and daemons. Nothing explained where that damn car came from. Maybe if he had learned healing magic.. If he had taken up that offer. Maybe he wouldn’t be here. Maybe his angel wouldn’t be holding on by a thread.
He didn’t care what anyone said. He was paying attention! He would’ve seen the car. Even in the pouring rain. He would have seen that damn car. He knows he would have.. Would he?
David buried his face in his hands. Tears streamed down his face. He was a mess, his shirt was stained with blood. He didn’t know where his started and his angels ended. It was so much.. One minute they were smiling and laughing talking about all the stuff they’d do when they got to the campsite.
And then nothing. Everything after that was a blur, he couldn’t remember who called the unempowered emergency services. What he did remember was his angel-mangled body. Limp.. it didn’t feel normal. In that moment he.. He wanted them to call him Davey. He wanted to hear them say something. Hell, curse him out. Something, anything;
Chest compressions. Keep going, the world around is nothing more than background noise. He needed them to open their eyes. Maybe at that moment, he started praying to any god above. He couldn’t lose them, not like this. Not again- he was there for his dad. And he’d be damned.. Keep going.. Bright red and white crowded his vision.
Keep going.. Don’t stop; keep fighting to help them. His angle had to live. If they didn’t he’d know what he’d do. He said he’d protect them from anything. Yet he couldn’t protect from simple shit like this. What was the point of all this damn magic if it couldn’t help the people he cared about most?
He couldn’t even run into the arms of the person who’d held him together when he’d started falling apart. After all, they were the reason he was falling apart. And all he could was hope for the best. He knew his angel was a fighter, they had to pull through.
They had so much more to do in life. Whether it was with or without him. He needed his angel. David was so deep in his thoughts he didn’t notice his friend.. His best friend practically ran over to him.
He was talking but David couldn’t hear him. The world was quiet and he hoped it stayed that way. Asher was in the shower when he got a call from Amanda. And with that, he was rushing out the door. Baaabe tried to ask him what was wrong but he was out the door and gone. His best friend and his partner just got into a car crash. It was Gabe all over again.
And he’d be damned if David went through that all over again. Not this time, he’d call the others later. Right now he needed to get there. And when he got there, he was a mess. It didn’t take long for Ash to figure out what happened. In a moment like this, his partner would attached to his hip. And they weren’t..
Which meant that the blood on his shirt wasn’t his.. Asher didn’t think it was going to be exactly like Gabe’s death…
‘’ where’s the big guy? ‘’ Milo looked at Asher
‘’ sleeping.. He’s still in shock.. And they’re still in surgery ‘’ Asher stood cross-armed across from the operating room. ‘’ I had to promise not to leave this spot to make sure he actually went to sleep..’’ Asher continued.
Milo looked at him concerned. And Asher returned the look. He didn’t know if they’d make it either. He managed to get David's phone so that he could call their parents. But they didn’t answer.. Vacation.
‘’ they’ll pull through.. Anyone who can deal with David can.. They’re both equally stubborn. ‘’ Milo tried to put up a strong face but his voice gave him away. He could only hope they pulled through. Ash only nodded in agreement- it had been a while since the nurse told them any updates.
Milos's phone started buzzing. It was his partner, he shot Ash a look and walked away. Asher was back to watching that room again. David didn’t need any more death. Not with Gabe's wound still fresh. And there was no need to pick that scar open again. But.. no hope for the best and only the best.
The door opened, and the operating nurse and surgeon walked out of the room. The look on their faces was less grim than before..
‘’ they should be fine.. We managed to stabilize them. We’re keeping them monitored just in case, however. ‘’ the surgeon stated before walking away with her RN to fill out papers.
Asher felt arms wrap around him. And a wetness on the back of his neck. It was David, turning around and giving him a proper hug.
‘’ they’re gonna be okay.. ‘’ Asher couldn’t hear his friend's response. Milo had just got off the phone with his sweetheart. Asher's mate had been worried about Ash and when Angel didn’t respond, they called them. And found out from them. Milo was about to rip Ash a new one for up and leaving his mate like that.
But saw the moment and waited till, they let each other go. Then he ripped him a new one while David went into the room that his angel was moved to. He needed to see them. He needed to say sorry, he’d pay better attention next time. That was a promise.. It had been a long day.. He just needed to see or feel his angel in his presence. And with that, he closed his eyes again.
While another opened theirs. Smiled and then closed them for good. You could say his angel was now with the angels.. They would miss their Davey.. But the waters were too harsh.. If the last thing they could see their Davey. They’d be satisfied with life, it’s hurt.
Him but he has.. A support system.
‘’ I love you, David Shaw.. ‘’
Those last words left the angel’s mouth before they sunk into the black water. They see him again in due time.
Darlin’ + Sam Incorrect Quotes

Darlin’: I can explain
Sam: can you?
Darlin’: if you give me thirty seconds to think of a lie
Sam, if he weren’t a healer: please, I’m begging you to go to a doctor
Darlin’: I’m sorry is this OUR stab wound? Stay out of it.
Darlin’: I want to wake up with you every day for the rest of our lives
Sam: I wake up at 7:30PM
Darlin’: I want to see you at some point every day for the rest of our lives
Darlin’: in light of what you did for me, you can hug me for four to five seconds.
Darlin’: No! Four to five seconds!
Sam: Too late!!!
Darlin’, trying to cheer the pack up: things could be worse, you know?
Sam: how?
Darlin’: how what?
Sam: how could they be worse?
Darlin’: they couldn’t, I lied.
Darlin’: I prevented a murder today.
Sam: Really? How’d you do that?
Darlin’: self control.
*Sam and Darlin’ skipping stones on lake*
Sam: It’s such a beautiful evening.
Darlin’, whispering: Take that you fucking lake
I wanted to get this out before I run out of motivation
Summary: David realizes he has a crush on his friend, Theo, another boy. And panics at what it means, what his dad might think. ( 14-15 year old david)
Trigge warning: panic attacks, mention of homopobia and abuse
“That was my mom, I've got to head home”
Asher announced after getting off the phone
“Oh and you to milo”
Ashers and Milo were neighbors and their moms were best friends, so when Asher got a call it was often also for milo.
Milo groaned as his character was K.O'd , letting the control fall lightly to the ground
“ I'll beat you next week Theo, you just wait.”
“ I think you said that last week”
Theo teased not expecting the quite host to do the same
“ and the week before that”
Milo recoiled as if physically hit
Asher laughed as he patted his friends shoulder
“ Come on buddy. They can gloat all they want but you and me, we get to have my moms famous Brownies.”
Asher stuck out his tongue as he and Milo took their leave
Theo closed out the Game knowing David wasn't interested in a round
After he made sure everything was how he found it he stood up and grabbed his bag
“ I guess I should go to then”
It was how things usually Went. One kid had to go home and the rest followed.
It didn't help that Theo was almost never here alone with David
Sure he had been alone with David
And he'd been at David's house plenty of times
But never had he'd been the only friend at David's house.
It felt weird and it made him a little flustered
“ why?”
David's simple word shocked Theo, this was what normally happened so why was David questioning it now
“ Everyone else left ?”
He wasn't even sure of his own answer
In all honesty he'd like to spend the evening alone with David, in David's house.
“ we have that project”
David said as he grabbed his own bag and made his way towards the Stairs
“I prefer studying in my room”
David made it up a couple of stairs before turning around again
“did you change your mind”
The sad tone hiding behind David's natural monotone voice made Theo panic. Stumbling over his words as he rushed to follow David
“No I just - I forgot”
David gave a small Laugh as he climbed the stairs
“ yeah that's why you asked for my help”
once the two were settled David offered to go get them something, he wanted to be a good host
Which wasn't something he often felt the need to do.
Not with milo or asher
Not with any of they important pack members
But he want Theo to see him as someone he could rely on
“ I don't need anything.”
Theo tried to say but David was already off
Leaving Theo alone
In David's room
Restraining himself, Theo stayed seated on the edge of the bed. Were David had insisted he sit
Theo examined the room
That why he had to stay seated, to avoid being too nosy
There was nothing crazy in his room, a couple of dirty clothes were on the floor but compared to the room of his other friend it was nothing
David's room was strangle clean and organized for a guy his age
Theo smiled to himself, he thought it was cute, it was so David
Just like the bright red cd player on the shelf
David had mentioned it before
He liked it but wish it wasn't such A stand out color
And now that Theo was seeing it ,he could agree
It didn't help that there was very little decor in David room
A couple of childhood trophies lined the same shelf at the cd player, but that wa sit
It was fairly bland
Theo moves his eyes scanning the floor when David re enters the room
Dr pepper and water in his hand
David saw Theos eyes on the floor making him realize his clothes on the floor
Panicwd David hands Theo the dr.pepper and places the water on the desk. Moving to pick up the clothes
“ I meant to clean up before.”
Theo relaxed a little , cracking open the soda
“ This is the cleanest teenage boys room I've been in.”
as david finished throwing stuff in his hamper Theo caught a glimpse of davids blushing expression
He didn't say anything as David turned away. Clearly trying to hide. He wrestled through his bag grabbing things.
It took longer than it should, because he wanted to make sure his face calmed down before facing Theo again.
Theo realized what David was doing but let it slide
“ I thought you said no one in your family drank soda.”
David started to set up his work station, as always fairly organized
“ We don't.”
Silence Filled the room for a moment
That's how long it took David to realize he should say more
“ My dad said we should get some for guests. Meaning you, Milo and asher.”
David didn't look at Theo, Theo started pulling supplies from his own bag. Making David's bed his work space
“But milo and asher like mountain dew. Why'd you get Dr pepper?”
Dacid was now in , what Theo would call’ the zone’
Theo likes when David gets like this, he becomes less worried About what he's saying. He becomes honest
“ If I'm gonna have soda in this house it's not going to be that green crap. And you like dr.pepper so I choose that.”
Theo smiled , David to busy to see it
Silence settled in the room
Theo wasn't the biggest fan
He got out of the bed and walked past David to the infamous red stereo
“Why don't we have some music while we work?”
Theo lightened his voice, he wasn't even sure why
David liked it
He felt Special
So he walked over and set the stereo up
He didn't realize how close he was to Theo until they were face to face
the height difference was new
David knew he was getting taller but having to tilt his head down to look at his friend. It was like a splash of cold water.
Theos face looked different from this angle
There was something about the way Theo's bangs Hid his eyes. David got lost looking at all the small details.
The deep cupid bows
The mole on the right side of his nose
The way his eyelashes fluttered up at him
David takes a moment, his face turning red once again
Theo was becoming addicted
David hums, showing Theo he was listening
Theo took a second to rethink what He was about to do.
“Have you ever kissed anyone”
David's eyes went straight to Theo's lips.
Theo nervously licked his lips
David had been asked this before, he always Told the truth, no. Even though most teenage boys lied. But something about this time made him consider lying.
He wants to give Theo the answer he wants. But why?
“Would you like to”
Both of them were still
“With wh- oh”
David's mind froze for moment
“But your - we are both”
“ guys”
Theo whispered
His voice was soft again
But this time David didn't like it
He sounded sad, disappointed.
It hit David like a rock.
The way he felt about Theo wasn't how he felt about any other man
Or woman
The tight feeling In his chest
His need to do anything for Theo
The way he looks for Theo in every room
His dad had talked about the way he felt about his mom
It was similar
This was a crush
His mind rushed through what this means
Is he gay
Is Theo
Is it OK
What will others thin-
“david, I didn't mean to”
David loved hearing his name from Theo but he just need a second to think
He breathed to calm himself, closing his eyes.
When he opened them all he saw was the handsome boy
“ I'm Sorry about saying something like that. Im- I don't know myself.”
David moved his hand slowly,allowing Theo to pull away. But he didn't.
David's hand met theos
He was warm
“ I'm new to these feelings- not just for men but for everyone . But I feel something for you.”
Theo seemed to unsure
David knew he sounded weird.
David guided hand to his own chest
Where his heart was trying to break through
“My heart only races like this after a workout.”
Theo let out a nervous laugh confused what why David would say that
The their eyes meet again
“ and when you close to me”
The weight of this confession made Theo's Eyes light up.
“Can I kiss you?”
David smiled but before he could finish saying yes Theos lips were on his
It was just a Peck.
Yet it was addictive
When Theo pulled away david pulled him in closer
Kissing him again.
Both new to this it was slow and some might say awkward as they learned how to use their tongues
The music faded from their ears
As all their sense left them
Just allowing themSelves to feel
All they were focused on was each other
Not the time
Not the sound of the front door
Of the sound of david's dad's heavy footsteps
Or the creak of david bedroom door
Gabe didn't normally knock
And david door wasn't shut all the way
The two were clearly distracted to gabe loudly cleared his throat
David pulled away fast.
Gabe had never seen his son so scared
The boys hands disconnected from each other
David's hand started t9 tremble
Theo didn't know what to do
David's reaction was so strong
Theo wondered of Gabe wasn't as good of a man as he thought
Bit he knew he wasn't strong enough to do anything
Theo became scared himself even though he wasn't facing the alpha
Gabes mind raced as he watched his son begin to have a panic attack.
He started to wish he did knock
Not because he hated seeing the two boys
But because he didn't want to see that fear in his son
Every second that passed david got worse
When his eyes stared to water was when Theo couldn't take it anymore, reaching to comfort his friend
“ don't touch me”
David perked away from Theo. His voice was loud.
Theo watched as regret filled David's face
David turned around hiding from everyone
“just go”
He said
No one knew who he was talking to
Theo stayed still watching the son of an alpha shake
“ Theo, I've got this.”
The alphas voice was soft , similar to how he talked when they were younger
Soft or not he was the alpha, so Theo grabbed his bag and started to leave
He stopped and whispered to Gabe
“dont- please don't tell my dad. I just -”
“ There's no need for that kid. I won't tell a soul, but without your permission.”
Theo let out a breath, taking g one last look at david before making his leave
Gabe didn't approach David for a while
David was his only son
This was a first for him
He was scared to make it worse
Gabe Moved to David's bed, taking a seat there.
He watched as David worked on slowing his breathing
He gave David as much time as he needed
David's shaking slowed and so did his breathing but he still stayed facing Away
“ dad- I'm sorry”
Gabe patted the bed, he Was slow but eventually David sat on it. Leaving space between him and his dad
“Listen David. You being gay-”
“I'm not gay- I mean I'm not sure bu-”
Gabe softly Puts his hand on David's knee, while scooting closer to his kid
“What I want to say is that the gender of the person, people you love or don't love isn't important to me.What I care about is that you're loved, and feel loved. That your partner respects you and you respect them.”
David wasn't good at expressing appreciation
He just kept his head down as his dad continued
“ why- what Made you so scared?”
Gabe thought there were two possibilities
His son thought he would hurt him or be disappointed in him for being with a man
Or Theo, who he'd know to be a kind kid, could have pushed himself on David and that scared David.
Gabe favored the first, but he couldn't ignore the way David yelled at Theo.
“ i- some parent- even the most perfect- my friends they've”
David didn't know how to start, afraid to make his father feel betrayed emotionally
So he told a story
“ a kid I know , at school , they went through something like this.”
It felt wrong to David, to share every detail of his friends story so he skipped to the relevant part
“ and they came to school with bruises. So many they couldn't hide it”
Gabe Moved slowly moved to hug his son, he could here the sadness in his voice
In the hug David began to ball in his arms mumbling into his flannel
“and I know their dad- I thought- they were good people but then they -they hurt my friend for something- something they can't control- I don't get it.”
“ I don't Either kid”
Gabe rubbed David's back. Frowning at the world They live in.
Now wasn't the time but gabe would track down that kid,And the parents.
David calmed down pretty fast , he always Did, it worried gabe a little. Soon David pushed away from his dad , shock in his face
“I yelled at theo”
“Yeah ,you did do that”
David rubbed his hand over his face
“ I yelled at Theo after he kissed me”
His voice became strained with annoyance , for himself
“ just talk to him David, from what I know he's a good kid, he'll understand”
This Would be a good time for David to thank his father, but he didn't, he just nodded and moved for his phone.
gabe sat still, relieved of this outcome
“ Are you going to stay in my room all night or..”
David stared at his father impatiently
Gabe got up from the bed,groaning as if he was 50.
“ Alright kid, I'll leave you to it.”
He moved to David's door but before he shut it he couldn't help himself
“ You still need to wear protection like we talked about, even if neither of you can get pregnant.”
David turned bright red as Gabe began to hackle as he closed the door.
In the early part of their relationship, Darlin’ would sit on their hands or tuck them under their thighs to hide them from Sam. They shake and tremble constantly due to drinking all the coffee and the trauma they’ve endured. He, of course, noticed it when he was healing them in the 2nd audio, but he figured it was because of the fight.
He kept noticing it and he makes a point get them to talk about something they’re excited about and they use their hands a lot when they talk. After a while, they began to forget hiding their hands. They still tremble sometimes, but Darlin’ rarely notices. When Sam does, he takes their hand and rubs his thumb up and down the length of their thumb or he rubs their wrist just below their palm. Sometimes he kisses the back of their hand to soothe them. And if he really wants to make them blush, he’ll kiss their hand while making loving eye contact.