372 posts
I'm A Sucker For A Good (bad And Cheesy) Brothers Best Friend And I Bring To You Asher X Darlin
I'm a sucker for a good (bad and cheesy) brothers best friend and I bring to you asher x darlin
Darlin who thinks their only worth their body and blood so they sleep with a lot of people because it makes them feel important and wanted even if it's for an hour tops
Asher who just wants darlin to be safe ,even if he never ends up with them. He's been in love with them from the start
Darlin who flirts with Asher like they do with many others. But Asher sees it as nothing, knowing that this is how the treat many others
Darlin who hides a lot of this sleeping around from David ( their "big" brother, their practically the same age but David is bigger)
Darlin who use asher for rides, talks and even outfit advice because he's the only one who hasn't judged them
Asher who get worried ( and a lil jealous) when darlin starts only seeing one guy, a guy that clearly does not care for darlins well being
Asher who voice his concerns ending in a fight where he confesses , but when darlin tries to do the same, hes in denial, they do that with everyone, and he says that
Asher who breaks darlins shell causeing them to break down, getting davids blood to boil. Being kicked out of both David and darlins life
Asher who can no longer help darlin when he knows their throwing themselves deeper into a abusive relationship.
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More Posts from Gremlin-writes-angst
Not so fun back story
Same tw from above
BTW: Your valid
I was originally gonna write a comfort one shot about this because I noticed there is a lack of comfort for victims of sexual abuse in relationships. Which is something I needed, but when trying to write it, it was too hard.
I know there still arguments today about if that's even possible ( which yes , it is) and I with the amount of people liking this post it make me feel more seen, and I hope others who may have related understand that there feelings and experiences are valid.
Idk I just felt like I need to say this
Angel past relationship hc
Tw for past sexual abuse in relationships
Angel doesn't know how to say no
In joking situations yeah, they say it alot
But when their partner is in needed
What are they supposed to do
It's rude to say no, deny them relief. That's what their past partners have taught them
So when David notices their disinterest in their activity. He stops, even when angel didn't ask .
Angel who's scared the messed it up
Dacid who comforts and assures angel that his favorite part os angels enjoyment. If they don't feel horny, neither does he.
And if he does, it his problem to deal with, not theirs
The way my jaw dripped when I found out that the person who rebloged this and the person who wrote
"David shaw was paying attention"
"Have you meet them yet:
I cried for like all off these
I didn't even know they were all by one person till now
I'm honored. I love those fics , beautiful angst
I'm a sucker for a good (bad and cheesy) brothers best friend and I bring to you asher x darlin
Darlin who thinks their only worth their body and blood so they sleep with a lot of people because it makes them feel important and wanted even if it's for an hour tops
Asher who just wants darlin to be safe ,even if he never ends up with them. He's been in love with them from the start
Darlin who flirts with Asher like they do with many others. But Asher sees it as nothing, knowing that this is how the treat many others
Darlin who hides a lot of this sleeping around from David ( their "big" brother, their practically the same age but David is bigger)
Darlin who use asher for rides, talks and even outfit advice because he's the only one who hasn't judged them
Asher who get worried ( and a lil jealous) when darlin starts only seeing one guy, a guy that clearly does not care for darlins well being
Asher who voice his concerns ending in a fight where he confesses , but when darlin tries to do the same, hes in denial, they do that with everyone, and he says that
Asher who breaks darlins shell causeing them to break down, getting davids blood to boil. Being kicked out of both David and darlins life
Asher who can no longer help darlin when he knows their throwing themselves deeper into a abusive relationship.
Ain't Sayin'
TW - Alcohol, references of Past violence, AN - I Originally was gonna do the cutest Sam picks up Asher at the Bar. But this seemed more fun! WC - 1314 Unempowered College AU This was requested by @professionallyyappin
Sam wasn’t the type of guy to put his nose where it didn’t belong. But he couldn’t stand people abandoning their partners. Or whoever they were going out with. Anything can happen, and it may as well be the last time you see them. So when his friend Asher's date stepped away to use the bathroom.
He didn’t think much of it, but it was already past the 45-minute mark. Yeah if he needed to take a shit sure. But Sam didn’t trust it. Even if he wasn’t sitting with 2 of them anymore, he could see the look in Asher’s eyes as the time ticked away. But he couldn’t just go over there, he promised he wouldn’t get involved.
But he couldn’t help but stare at the ticking clock. Every minute he was wasting in that bathroom was a minute he couldn’t spend with the guy he came with. The same guy who spent hours trying to convince him it’d be a great idea to go out. The same guy who went through Milo’s hounding to pick out a nice outfit.
And now he was sitting at the bar alone. Swirling his drink, waiting for his sad excuse of a man to come back. He looked back at his whiskey; the shot glass was still full. If not a little more now thanks to the melted ice.
He watched as the clock struck 12:50. He has been in the bathroom for 50 minutes. 50 fucking minutes. You know what?
Fuck This.
Downing his watered-down whiskey, he wasn’t going to get involved but he sure hell ain’t letting his friend get treated like this. Stay in the bathroom, Asher wanted to have a fun night. Whether that's with or without him, can be decided later. His drink burned as it went down.
A little liquid courage does wonders for all parties involved after all.
Asher looked at the cup, all he wanted to do was hang out. Was that so fucking hard to ask for? He hadn’t even touched his beer, he didn’t even like beer. Mack brought it for himself realized it wasn’t what he wanted and decided to give it to Ash. like he was a damn garbage disposal.
And then he disappeared to quote on quote wash his hands. For fifty minutes? He didn’t believe it. Whatever he was doing, he was taking forever. He should have just listened to Sam- when he said it wasn’t gonna be a good idea. But when has he ever listened to the medical major? No matter how helpful his advice would be. Asher looked at the cup, it was discolored now. The lime that was on the side, was now floating in the drink, and the lime seeds were in the bottom of the glass.
As if the drink didn’t look unappetizing enough. Now it was a discolored mess- did he mention it smelt terrible? This night was just going bad. And Mack leaving him wasn’t making it better. He was excited about this. He had been waiting all week for this. Even got Sam to promise not to cause problems again.
On the other side of the bar and a certain brown-eyed cowboy. Was glaring hard at that bathroom door. It had been an hour. Sixty fucking minutes and god knows how many seconds. Since he stepped into that mother-loving bathroom. Downing his second shot of whiskey, shivering at the burn.
Fine. don’t come back, Sam will give Ash the fun time he wanted to have. The fun time he deserved.
He made his way over, hoping the door opened so he could flip him off.
‘’ this seat taken? ‘’ Sam pointed to Mack's former sit
‘’ Technically Yes. ‘’
‘’ Not at all? Wonderful! ‘’ Sam took the seat- with the biggest grin on his face.
‘’Mack gonna want his seat back ‘’ Asher looked at his roommate, he was doing this on purpose.
‘’ He can find another seat. In fact.. ‘’ Sam pointed at a trash can. ‘’ That's a better seat for him No? ‘’ Sam finished with a smile that could rival that of the Grinch
‘’ Sam. ‘’
‘’ You know when Milo said your outfit was gonna be good. I didn’t think It’d be this good. ‘’
‘’ Sam. ‘’ Ash could feel his eye twitch.
‘’ You want an actual drink? That look shit looks nasty- ‘’
‘’ SAM. ‘’ Asher raised his voice louder than he wanted. But the music was loud enough to protect the others around them.
‘’ you promised you wouldn’t do this. ‘’ Asher looked down at his drink.
‘’ I promised I wouldn’t punch em in the face again. ‘’ Sam shot a sign at the bartender signaling for another drink. ‘’ I don’t know why you invited me you know how I feel about em ‘’
As the drink slid across the counter, Asher intercepted it downing it in a gulp. He needed that, and Sam owed him that.
‘’ I wanted you two to get along ‘’ Asher said as he placed the shot glass down.
‘’ Never gonna happen ‘’ Sam said glancing towards the bathroom door. ‘’ you know how I feel about stuff like this. ‘’ he turned his eyes back to Asher.
Asher sighed he should have expected this. Hell, he didn’t blame him he wanted to tell him off for giving him this beer.
‘’ you enjoyed the drink? ‘’
‘’ yeah. What do you want Samuel? ‘’ Asher turned to look him in the eye.
‘’ you wanted to have fun.. Right? ‘’ Sam smiled. ‘’ And I wanna have some fun and when you put two and two together. You get best friends ‘’ he chuckled as he jabbed at Ash.
‘’ Fun? Mister, I collect different color flannels as a hobby. ‘’ as much as Ash wanted to hide the small smile on his face. He was bad at doing so-
‘’ My flannel collection doesn’t concern that of you Milo or that other little shit. ‘’ Sam sneered signalling for another drink.
‘’ Might wanna slow down on the alcohol gramps ‘’ Asher teased as the glass slid across the countertop again.
‘’ you realized you were born in the nineties too right? ‘’ Sam snapped back downing the burning liquor. Asher couldn’t help but chuckle, guess the gramps couldn’t handle the heat.
‘’ I see you laughin' over there. ‘’
‘’ if you didn’t I’d think you’re losing your sight faster than you thought. ‘’
‘’ you shit. ‘’ Sam couldn’t help but break into a smile, theirs that beautiful smile again.
‘’I think im going to wait for Mack to get back so we can Uber out together. ‘’
And with that sentence, his smile was gone. Sam didn’t like that.
‘’ or we could do what we came here to do. ‘’ He wanted to get one dance in with him. Something that ass wouldn’t grant him.
‘’ which is? ‘’
‘’ Dance, party, and have fun you only live once. ‘’ Sam tried to reason. ‘’ Listen if you wanna go then go. But I ain’t sayin let him ruin the entire night. He finished.
‘’ let me guess the NiGhT iS StIlL YoUnG ‘’ Asher said mocking Sam.
‘’ I knew you’d see it my way! ‘’ Sam couldn’t help but chuckle. ‘’ I Ain’t Sayin leave him here.. Though it’s not a bad idea.. I just want you to have some fun tonight. ‘’ Sam looked at Ash. he was thinking, he watched him turn to look at the bathroom door before turning back to Sam.
‘’Let's see if you’re as good on the floor as you are with words cowboy ‘’ Asher said smirking.
‘’ that a challenge ‘’
‘’ depends.. You up for it? ‘’ Asher sled off the barstool waiting for Sam to join him.
‘’ Bet. ‘’
Samuel Collins has been in love with his best friend for the past 2 years. And one day he will tell him. For now, seeing him smile and laugh with him was good enough for him. However, Samuel doesn’t realize Asher feels the same.
Or Asher was planning on ending things with Mack that night. For now, dancing and laughing made up for this shitty night.
Taglist @porters-fangs @sunsickcrab @achios @dawnofiight
Angel past relationship hc
Tw for past sexual abuse in relationships
Angel doesn't know how to say no
In joking situations yeah, they say it alot
But when their partner is in needed
What are they supposed to do
It's rude to say no, deny them relief. That's what their past partners have taught them
So when David notices their disinterest in their activity. He stops, even when angel didn't ask .
Angel who's scared the messed it up
Dacid who comforts and assures angel that his favorite part os angels enjoyment. If they don't feel horny, neither does he.
And if he does, it his problem to deal with, not theirs
Yknow how Darlin' falls asleep at pack meetings? It's not because they were bored. It's because they were safe. I don't think they've had a good night's sleep in a long time, before and after they left Quinn. Their nights were almost always spent trying to figure out Quinn's next move, to hunt him down before anyone could get hurt. They didn't sleep, didn't dream, just worried. About when Quinn would strike next. Who he would strike next. But now they didn't have to worry, at least not all the time. Because they had their family back, they had the pack, they had Sam at their side, they were home. So it was time to catch up on some sleep.