gremlinedoeswriteybits - Gremline Does Writey Bits
Gremline Does Writey Bits

Small Obi-Wan Kenobi obsession but it’s fine :’) She/they

45 posts

Gremlinedoeswriteybits - Gremline Does Writey Bits - Tumblr Blog

3 years ago

If you're reading this...

go write three sentences on your current writing project.

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3 years ago

Muahahaha I did something

Please dearest, remember this day as the day you crashed and burned and I rose through the flames triumphantly like a Phoenix rising from its ashes

You burn and I rise, do you now see how it feels, my dear? Do you see how it feels to be the one below the rest? Do you see? Or are you still so blinded by the ignorance you call intelligence?

I will continue to rise. I will not be hindered by your foolish games. Call to me, beg me to help you. But you, darling, you have done your deed, and now I will do mine.

Because even empires must fall. And where one is gone, another will rise to take its place. Rome may not have fallen in a day, but once it fell it was like a letter in flames. Gone, just a distant memory of what was. And soon, my love, that is all you will be. A whisper of tragedy, a cautionary tale.

Remember this day, as the day the mighty empire fell and the Phoenix rose from the remnants. Remember.

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3 years ago

Thank you for the tag @ashnagog!!! I’m going to add this little thing I wrote at midnight (idk if it will ever be finished) + the thing after it

Please dearest, remember this day as the day you crashed and burned and I rose through the flames triumphantly like a Phoenix rising from its ashes

Bitch x does not equal ym +b

Idk what went on there but it did so :)))))

Aaaaannndd the sequel to she said the word is out!! Again, this au owns my heart, thank you @the-obiwan-for-me for writing it (I missed the first few chapters but shhh I’m back)

Tags just for funsies! @vanilla-chip-101 @writing-is-thorapy @renegadeontherunn @imadetheline as well as anyone and everyone!

Time to Shine Thursday

This tag game was created in hopes of reaching at least a few people and creating more awareness for the creator-side of tumblr. Time to Shine Thursday is inspired by these posts and meant to be for all artists alike: writers, editors, poets, GIF makers, cartoonist etc. This is me giving you all an excuse to show off!

Only rule: Be as thirsty for attention as you want to be! Link one of your old fics/art pieces or one that didn’t get enough attention, link a work you loved to create or share a draft from your newest WIP. Or do all of these. Be greedy. Show your art. Crave attention. Be proud. And don’t forget to give your friends an excuse to show off theirs!

Additional note: Please consider dropping one of your favourite hidden gems by another author along with your own work so others can enjoy it as well and so that it doesn’t stay buried any longer!

No pressure tags: @galateagalvanized @ahhrenata @katierosefun @kckenobi @arkainea @fuck-mate @obi-bae-kenobi @always-a-slut-for-star-wars @beanabouttown @nibeul @xarichii @leviaana @pencilscratchins @maiseey @verorgiy @beckidraws @cynderrfall @lledra-fanstuffs @cafffine

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3 years ago

Hug for any ship I accidentally typed shit but I fixed it

Aight we’re doing Riyosoka because they’re beyond underappreciated and I’m a sap, let’s go

Ahsoka was driving through the airways of Coruscant, taking her speeder underground. She’d just come back from an exhausting string of missions, and it’d been far to long since she’d seen Riyo last.

Maybe she’d spend the night, since Anakin would be out doing Force-knows what. Well, she did know what, she wasn’t oblivious, but she pretended she didn’t know.

When another Jedi said that she and Anakin were much alike, they probably didn’t realise that it was to this extent.

She arrived at the apartment building where Riyo lived. With her salary, she would be able to rent an apartment on the surface, but Riyo always said that she felt she should live under the people.

If she was right, Riyo should be home at this time. Ahsoka rode the elevator up, arrived at the right apartment, and rang the doorbell. The door opened, and Riyo was stood on the other side.

“Ahsoka” Riyo breathed. Then she opened her arms, wrapping Ahsoka in a hug. “I had no idea you’d be home already.”

Ahsoka returned the embrace, dropping her head on Riyo’s shoulder. She suddenly felt how exhausted she really was, standing in the doorway, simply breathing in the scent of her lover.

“Ahsoka?” Riyo questioned. “Are you alright?”

“Yes” Ahsoka said, releasing Riyo from the hug. “It’s just...” She sighed. “Its good to be home.”

“Come on” Riyo said. “let’s go inside.”

They sat down on the couch, ahsoka lying down on her back, with her head in Riyo’s lap. The apartment was quiet save for their breaths. “Something’s bothering you” Riyo said. “I can feel it.”

Ahsoka sighed again. “It’s just...” another long exhale. “There were so many casualties. Too many. And I feel powerless to stop it, even though I’m a Jedi. I should be able to save my troops, shouldn’t I?”

Riyo sighed, stroking her hand down her lover’s lek. “What do you need, Ahsoka?” she asked, her voice soft. “Do you want advice?” her hand drifted lower, sweeping over her neck. “Do you want me to distract you? Or something else?”

“Just... Hold me, please?” Ahsoka asked, her voice small.

“Of course” Riyo said. “Come on, let’s go to bed. I think you could use some sleep.”

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3 years ago

Thank you @vanilla-chip-101!!


Obi-Wan forgot that there was a tooka on his lap and when he moved to get up Battle Ax plopped onto the ground. The thing let out a surprised chirp and stared at Obi-Wan as if it was offended.

“I’m sorry little one, but I must get up.” Obi-Wan said as he reached down to pet Battle Ax.

Aaaaaæ baby tooka for obi baby tooka for obi

Tags just for funsies!! @katierosefun @writing-is-thorapy @ashnagog @ninastarkov as well as anyone and everyone!!

i wrote today, so i can actually participate in a WIP game again ahhhhh!!!! thank you @spotchka for tagging me ily!!!! 💕💕💕

The new term of endearment laid in the air between the two of you—heavy, like during a storm. Sure enough, there was thunder in your heart. You closed your eyes and stretched out your hand in front of you, your palm facing Obi-Wan—your balance…and a wall. 

You opened them and repeated yourself slowly, with emphasis. “Obi-Wan…Am I like her?” The words “to you” remained unspoken.

(no pressure!!) tagging: @stardustshleb @vanilla-chip-101 @starrdvstkenobi @zoriis

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3 years ago

If you're reading this...

go write three sentences on your current writing project.

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3 years ago

Reblog if anyone can send you a prompt and you'd likely write a fic for it

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3 years ago

If you're a writer and you see this post, stop what you're doing.


Just one sentence. Stop blogging for one minute and write a single sentence. It could be dialogue, it could be a nice description of scenery, it could be a metaphor, I don’t care. The point is, do it. Then, when you finish, you can get back to blogging.

If this gets viral, you might just have your novel finished by next Tuesday.

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3 years ago

Reblog if it is 1701% okay to drop by your ask and start asking random questions.

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3 years ago

Thank you @vanilla-chip-101!!

Just going to drop this poem and run

But before I run run I’m going to again, promote @the-obiwan-for-me’s She Said The Word Au

This au is one of my favorite things in the entire world. This au owns my heart and incoherent screaming

Tags just for funsies! @giggles-and-freckles @sumerianempire-jediknight @sunnymiles @ashnagog @coalmine301 as well as anyone and everyone!

Time to Shine Thursday

This tag game was created in hopes of reaching at least a few people and creating more awareness for the creator-side of tumblr. Time to Shine Thursday is inspired by these posts and meant to be for all artists alike: writers, editors, poets, GIF makers, cartoonist etc. This is me giving you all an excuse to show off!

Only rule: Be as thirsty for attention as you want to be! Link one of your old fics/art pieces or one that didn’t get enough attention, link a work you loved to create or share a draft from your newest WIP. Or do all of these. Be greedy. Show your art. Crave attention. Be proud. And don’t forget to give your friends an excuse to show off theirs!

Additional note: Please consider dropping one of your favorite hidden gems by an other author along with your own work so others can enjoy it as well and so that it doesn’t stay buried any longer!

No pressure tags: @kaurizz @sunflowersinheaven @coralnoodle @rhea444 @fanfictasia @pandora15 @vividabyss @barissoffee @moonvixenart @sevenscreamingraccoons @jenstar1992-2 @hecckyeah @new-anon @cacodaemonia

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3 years ago

Hey besties!!!!!

Hey Besties!!!!!

I did it!! I created an ao3!

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3 years ago

Hello all! This is my first bit of writing I will be posting here! It is a little poem I wrote about love (apparently at 1:17 am haha) Here we go!

Look at the stars

Aren’t they beautiful

They remind me of you

Bright and sparkling

Beautiful and mysterious

Just like you

The stars are wonderful things

They make us long for adventure

They remind us that hope still exists

That there is good

Even when it seems like there isn’t any

Just like you

You are like the stars

You are radiant and powerful

You are bright and sparkling

You are mysterious and strong

And to that I am ever grateful

You make me very happy

You make me feel wonderful

If I had only but a fraction of your personality

I would be unstoppable

You can rule the world

For the stars carry messages to and fro

Messages of love, friendship, family

And many more

You remind me of the stars

Because I love you

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3 years ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Anakin Skywalker & Ahsoka Tano, platonic - Relationship Characters: Ahsoka, Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker, Anakin, Captain Rex, CT-7567 | Rex Additional Tags: Brother-Sister Dynamic, Ahsoka has insomnia, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Anakin is a good big brother Summary:

Ahsoka sufferers from insomnia after an intense battle.

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3 years ago

Hi Camilla love! Hugs for you!

I've got a soft writing prompt for you! Perhaps someone singing a lullaby? Whatever comes to mind, with whoever, write it if you want! <3


Thank you again for the prompt, hugs right back!! <3 

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3 years ago
Modern Au But I Dont Explain The Context Behind This Image (twitter) [ID In Next Reblog]

modern au but i don’t explain the context behind this image (twitter) [ID in next reblog]

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3 years ago

An open letter to white Star Wars fans:

Y’all gotta stop talking over us. Y’all gotta listen when we speak, y’all gotta boost our voices, y’all gotta stop brushing us off as insignificant because we are small in number. Stop trying to tell us what is and isn’t racism; y’all have not experienced racism a DAY in your life, you do not get to tell me if something is racist when I’m pushed aside for the color of my skin or the slant of my eyes. You don’t get to tell the Māori fans that the clones aren’t whitewashed, you don’t get to tell the black and Asian fans that Finn and Rose Tico weren’t shafted. And y’all don’t get to pretend that half of this crap doesn’t come from fandom racism, because y’all get mad every single fucking time there’s a non white character on screen.

And no. It is not all white Star Wars fans. You don’t need to remind me of that, I’m well aware and I’m not in the mood to hear “but not all white people!” You know what? It might not be all white people, but all POC are affected, so maybe rethink that argument if you were getting ready to type that into my replies. Not to mention, racism is embedded so deep within this fandom that if you are not using your platforms to spread the word, you are contributing. POC cannot be the only ones doing this. There aren’t enough of us, and you know why? Because every time y’all see a POC make valid points about fandom or in-show/in-movie racism, y’all ignore them and harass them out of the fandom. Y’all talk over then, tell them that they’re just being over dramatic, that no, they couldn’t possibly know what whitewashing is, because god forbid someone point out flaws in the media you’re interested in.

I’m tired of it. And I know a lot of other POC in this fandom are tired of it too.

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3 years ago
Instagram | Ariellevey
Instagram | Ariellevey
Instagram | Ariellevey

instagram | ariellevey

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3 years ago
Let Us Honour This Revenge Of The Fifth With My Fave Rots Screenshot

let us honour this revenge of the fifth with my fave rots screenshot 

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3 years ago

Thank you @vanilla-chip-101

Some time later, Obi-Wan was guessing a few hours, he felt something rubbing against his leg while vibrating. He looked down and saw Battle Ax looking up at him with an innocent look, even though Obi-Wan swore he saw a glint of mischief in the tooka’s eyes.

“Well hello there little one.” Obi-Wan reached down to pet Battle Ax, but before he could do so, the small tooka jumped up onto his lap and started purring. Then he proceeded to lay down in Obi-Wan’s lap and don a look of expectancy.

Space kitty cat for obi!

Tags for funsies! @coalmine301 @ashnagog @renegadeontherunn @writing-is-thorapy as well as anyone and everyone!!!

Thanks For The Tag @sued134!!

Thanks for the tag @sued134​!! 

Rules: Share a little section of one of your WIPs.

Here’s a snippet from a Year on the RunTM fic I’m messing around with:

“Calm down Duchess, I’m not going to drop you.” 

“Don’t tell me to calm down! You aren’t the one being floated 500 feet above the ground with no tether!”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” Obi-Wan said. “I’m your tether. Now shut up and let me focus.”

“Don’t tell me to-”

“Shut. Up.” 

Slowly, Obi-Wan eased her to the ground. By the end, he was dripping in sweat and breathing heavily, but she was safe and sound on the ground and that is all the mattered. Obi-Wan took a breath. Took another. Then he leapt. 

Obi-Wan felt the air push against him, though it did little to slow his descent. He would have to do that on his own. Once again, Obi-Wan called upon the Force and used it to slow his fall.  

He landed in a crouch next to Satine. Shakily, he stood up and tried to catch his breath. Satine raised an unimpressed eyebrow at him. “Tired?”

Obi-Wan rolled his eyes. Ungrateful. Insolent. Stubborn. “No,” he said. “Let’s go. I bought us some time, but the bounty hunters will catch up and I don’t want to wait around for that to happen.” 

“Are you sure you don’t need a moment?”

“Positive. Move along, Duchess.”

No pressure tags: @indigostars​ @katierosefun​ @vanilla-chip-101​ @giggles-and-freckles​ @screamakin​ and anyone else who wants to join! 

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3 years ago

Plot Development : A Collection


Patreon || Ko-Fi || Masterlist


31 Days of Plot Development : January 2019 Writing Challenge

Resources For Plot Development

Guide To Plot Development

Tackling Subplots

Tips on Planning A Series

Plot Elements

How To Write A Good Plot Twist

How To Foreshadow

Character Driven vs. Plot Driven Stories

Plot Structure

How To Engage The Reader

Pacing Appropriately

Tips on Introducing Backstory

Tips on Writing Flashbacks

Tips on Writing Time Skips

Foreshadowing The Villain 

Too Much Symbolism? Too Much Foreshadowing?


Novel Planning 101

Coming Up With Scene Ideas

Planning A Scene

When To Stop Planning

 How To Outline Outside Chapter Structure

Tips on Mapping Out A Series

Outlining By Chapter

How To Outline Effectively

How To Write A Story Timeline

 Coming Up With “Original” Ideas

Guide to Episodic Plot Structure


Commentary on Social Issues In Writing

On Writing About Sensitive Topics

Avoiding The Romanticization of Mental Illness

Writing Stories About Your Own Experiences

Writing Meaningful Stories

Tips on Writing Grief

Ultimate Guide To Symbolism

Multiple themes in a story


Things A Reader Needs From A Story

How To Turn A Good Idea Into A Good Story

Building Upon A Good Premise

Developing Complicated Plots Around Characters


If you enjoy my blog and wish for it to continue being updated frequently and for me to continue putting my energy toward answering your questions, please consider Buying Me A Coffee, or pledging your support on Patreon, where I offer early access and exclusive benefits for only $5/month.

Shoutout to my $15+ patron, Douglas S.!

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3 years ago

writer: ah, yes. a brand new idea, a brand new word document, a brand new creation.

word doc: |

writer: ok… if this is gonna work you gotta stop blinking at me like that

word doc:

writer: good

word doc: |

writer: ma'am, you had ONE JOB-

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3 years ago

Thank you @alright-anakin!!

This one is vibey idk I haven’t checked the doc in days ahahhah 👶

Despite the feigned annoyance, Anakin was glad he got to spend time with Ahsoka.

It’s vibey B)

Tags just for funsies! @renegadeontherunn @cloudyskywars @skywalker-tano-kenobi @ashnagog I don’t know how I’m going to get the rest of these tags in without tagging people that have already been tagged so if you haven’t feel free to use this!

Last Line Tag

rules: write the latest line from you WIP and tag as many people as there are words in the line.

Thank you @amukmuk for the tag! The post was getting super long, so I’ll start a new one!

Padme let out a sigh, then turned and signaled to Sabe that she was ready to go home.

I’m not going to tag 18 people, but I’ll tag @ahsokalegend, @vanilla-chip-101 @spockulative @lilhawkeye3 @kommanderkenobi 

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3 years ago

for every "🌹" received in my inbox i'll post one random sentence of a random WIP i'm currently writing

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3 years ago

Ahahahahh @vanilla-chip-101 you found me >:)

I only have two atm <3

Ahsoka gets to paint/do anakins hair as black mail (what a great younger sister)

Obi wan gets a cat and it somehow fixes the galaxy (the cats name may or may not be Battle Ax)

Tags just for fun! @indigostars @pandora15 @ashnagog

wip game

thanks for the tag, @sonderwalker! 

Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs

i did this a little while ago, but there are a lot of wips i haven’t talked about, so like,,,,,,,here’s just a batch of wips that i either haven’t really talked about / have only talked about once a long time ago and have since made some progress with them: 

dreaming instead of sleeping 

superhero au (oh god) 

tcw office au 

tcw but make it w au (oH GOD) 

wandavision au (caroline why) 

‘slaps doc’ this baby can fit so much bi panic

no pressure tags: @vanilla-chip-101 @lightasthesun @ilonga @giggles-and-freckles @alright-anakin @ninastarkov

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