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Art, Gundam and occasionally gags.

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Soooooooo. The Witch From Mercury Finale Dropped Today.

Soooooooo………. The Witch from Mercury finale dropped today.

I’m gonna be honest I was fully expecting a 50-ep lot here.

Like I don’t think it ended badly or anything, I was just expecting more.

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More Posts from Gremoria411

1 year ago

Sorry to sound like a “um, actually” guy, but it’s a plot point in 00I that innovades have been around for at least a couple hundred years, since they have to be regularly rotated out of human society before anyone notices that they don’t age. One of the characters in the story, Lars Grise, is an innovade who goes rogue and spends roughly a century killing other innovades before he’s stopped.

The HRL Superhuman institute is essentially the earliest attempt to create innovators via the use of quantum brainwaves (though at the time they’re just looking to create a better soldier), but the only “successes” we know about are Soma Peries and Hallelujah/Allelujah, who are both fairly young, thus implying that the project hasn’t been around long.

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1 year ago

*Spoilers for Witch From Mercury Finale Follow*

Oh! I do just want to call out dead quick - Ericht is in the little red iceman, and they state that Suletta moved “them” out of the Gundam. Assuming that they don’t mean it in a “we are legion, the one who is many” way, this implies that Elan 4 has been moved to the little blue iceman.

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1 year ago

The lack of burgers in Witch from Mercury is giving credence to my theory that burgers are not so much a calling card for Gundam as they are a calling card for Yoshiyuki Tomino. Stay with me here.

Burgers most prominently feature in the original Mobile Suit Gundam, in Zeta Gundam and in Gundam ZZ. Each of them have multiple episodes with burgers, and in many cases, those burgers are explicitly addressed — not incidental details. Zeta Gundam, famously, has Bright chowing down on a burger while Emma drops some psychoanalysis of Kamille on him, but it also has Bright being told off for eating a burger on the bridge. Burgers are all over ZZ, including a scene where Judau hands them out to the crew from a basket. And MSG has a burger as Sleggar Law's death flag, but also an entire episode dedicated to Bright trying to procure salt to make the ship's burgers taste better — both of which were iconic enough to become meals in the Gundam cafe.

And one thing these three shows have in common is that they were all written and directed by Yoshiyuki Tomino.

The Lack Of Burgers In Witch From Mercury Is Giving Credence To My Theory That Burgers Are Not So Much
The Lack Of Burgers In Witch From Mercury Is Giving Credence To My Theory That Burgers Are Not So Much
The Lack Of Burgers In Witch From Mercury Is Giving Credence To My Theory That Burgers Are Not So Much
The Lack Of Burgers In Witch From Mercury Is Giving Credence To My Theory That Burgers Are Not So Much

Four examples of burgers in early Gundam works. The top two are from MSG; the bottom two are (L-R) Zeta and ZZ

Tomino doesn't feature them as prominently in other works, but they do still appear. For example, Victory Gundam still includes a scene of characters eating burgers, and Gundam F91 has a burger on a sign in the background. That second example doesn't seem like much until you remember that F91 was originally planned as a full TV series before being compressed into a movie, and has little opportunity for characters to have downtime — so that one appears at all feels very intentional.

You can also see burgers on display in another Tomino work from the period, Space Runaway Ideon.

The Lack Of Burgers In Witch From Mercury Is Giving Credence To My Theory That Burgers Are Not So Much
The Lack Of Burgers In Witch From Mercury Is Giving Credence To My Theory That Burgers Are Not So Much
The Lack Of Burgers In Witch From Mercury Is Giving Credence To My Theory That Burgers Are Not So Much

L-R: Victory Gundam, Gundam F91, Space Runaway Ideon

Meanwhile, when Tomino was kicked off the franchise, the burgers went with him. In G Gundam, Domon is offered a pizza, and there is no sign of burgers. In Unicorn, Banagher takes Aubrey to get some fast food, but they visit a hot dog stand. In Gundam Hathaway, Hathaway and friends get fried chicken. And in Witch from Mercury, the only food on display — aside from the tomatoes — is cafeteria grub and, uh, slabs of ham.

Really, the only instances I know of burgers appearing in a non-Tomino Gundam are in Wing, and all that has is a burger on a billboard and a Wacdonald's sign — both blink-and-you'll-miss-it background details. While on the surface, this may seem comparable to F91, it really isn't: when you have forty-nine episodes and a movie to work with, you can do a lot more than a sign.

The Lack Of Burgers In Witch From Mercury Is Giving Credence To My Theory That Burgers Are Not So Much
The Lack Of Burgers In Witch From Mercury Is Giving Credence To My Theory That Burgers Are Not So Much
The Lack Of Burgers In Witch From Mercury Is Giving Credence To My Theory That Burgers Are Not So Much
The Lack Of Burgers In Witch From Mercury Is Giving Credence To My Theory That Burgers Are Not So Much

Gundam characters pointedly eating something other than a burger

And what happened when Tomino returned to the franchise with Reconguista in G?

The burgers came back too!

The Lack Of Burgers In Witch From Mercury Is Giving Credence To My Theory That Burgers Are Not So Much

Reconguista in G

There is a single exception here: War in the Pocket, not directed by Tomino, does prominently feature burgers (and I don't mean the meme). But that, itself, may be telling. War in the Pocket was the first Gundam series to be made without Tomino's involvement; were the creative leads perhaps inspired to add a gratuitous burger scene to evoke the spirit of Tomino?

All that said, the reason this is still only a theory, and not a master's thesis, is that I don't have all the data yet. I haven't seen every post-Tomino Gundam series (though, frankly, I have no real drive to see what I've missed), and the only one of Tomino's non-Gundam works I've seen is the aforementioned Ideon. If burgers show up in Xabungle, L-Gaim or King Gainer… then I'll really know I've cracked the code.

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1 year ago

So I mentioned recently (while rambling about SEED and SEED Destiny), that I’m not really a fan of most of the Gundam Designs from the series, exceptions being the IJ, Providence and Aegis. However I do like quite a few of the grunt designs.

So I Mentioned Recently (while Rambling About SEED And SEED Destiny), That Im Not Really A Fan Of Most

First up, the Ginn.

Gundam SEED was intended to update Mobile Suit Gundam for a new generation. How successful it was is debatable. But Y’know what I think they got right? The Zaku-analogue. The Ginn shares the same basic features as the zaku, but integrates the commander horn into a lovely hawk, and has wings to emphasise its mobility. It’s armour looks almost contemporary with modern equivalents, but it’s all blended together in this visage of a knight. The monoeye retains its trademark expressive nature, and the design has that wonderful quality of being equally pleasing as a single mobile suit or a team of grunts. The sword is just the icing on the cake, since it enables some very fun poses and (at least in the beginning) emphasises phase shift armour.

So I Mentioned Recently (while Rambling About SEED And SEED Destiny), That Im Not Really A Fan Of Most
So I Mentioned Recently (while Rambling About SEED And SEED Destiny), That Im Not Really A Fan Of Most
So I Mentioned Recently (while Rambling About SEED And SEED Destiny), That Im Not Really A Fan Of Most
So I Mentioned Recently (while Rambling About SEED And SEED Destiny), That Im Not Really A Fan Of Most

Many of its variants are lovely too. The High mobility types (I (left)& II (right)) take the concept of an upgraded Ginn in two different directions, with the first adding new parts for a more complex look, and the other remodelling existing parts and adding a more samurai flavour, looking like a command variant of the original. The long range reconnaissance type is loaded with extra equipment, while the ceremonial decoration type - while functionally just a repainted regular unit - contain one of my favourite small details about ZAFT - since they had no formal culture they were drawn from, they simply ran a computer simulation as to which colours would best inspire the emotions they wanted for ceremonial duties. Which is honesty such a thing for them to do.

So I Mentioned Recently (while Rambling About SEED And SEED Destiny), That Im Not Really A Fan Of Most
So I Mentioned Recently (while Rambling About SEED And SEED Destiny), That Im Not Really A Fan Of Most

The CGue and GuAIZ (which I shall continue to pronounce “Gooey-as” despite being informed that it’s “Gwaze”, as in “graze”) are essentially just bulked-up improvements on the Ginn. I’m not really sure how to describe my fondness for the CGue, other than it feels sleeker and more fragile- like you’d need to be an ace to use it. The GuAIZ makes me think of the Gelgoog, but (unlike many of the Seed Destiny units) has an identity beyond that. It’s delightfully bulky and round, with the olive green distinguishing it nicely from surrounding units. Also, kudos for giving it a shield claw, a weapon I didn’t think I’d like as much as I do.

So I Mentioned Recently (while Rambling About SEED And SEED Destiny), That Im Not Really A Fan Of Most

The BABI made this list alone for the seriousness with which everyone says it’s name. While it has very little focus in the anime itself, it’s design is interesting enough to be memorable. It’s essentially a flying brick covered in guns, with a very knightly design. Because of this, I find it evocative of the Gyan in the same way I find the GuIAZ evocative of the Gelgoog. It’s this wonderful mash of imposing seriousness and colourfully toyetic. I find the leg vents oddly pleasing as well.

I am rather fond of the M1 Astray aswell, but I’ll likely cover that if I ever chat about the Astray Series.

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