174 posts
Sometimes a family is a clone girl and her 5 dads: a knife-wielding tracker who looks like he can kill you (but probably won’t), a military droid cosplayer, a tech-savvy computer whiz, a bodybuilder who’s never skipped leg day, and a sharpshooter who is most likely to sell you to Satan for one corn chip.
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More Posts from Groguandthebadbatch
Can’t wait to see these (some at least) when I one day get to Hawaii (my number 1 dream and bucket list thing/place), partly because my husband and I have still not had a honeymoon after 5 years.
I also have numerous chronic illnesses and mental health issues that I can’t wait forever since every year my health has been steadily declining. If anyone sees anything Hawaiian please share or tag me please and thank you so much!!!
OMG I LOVE THIS SO VERY VERY MUCH AND PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO A FANFICTION FOR THIS (I beg you and not just a one shot unless it’s long lol).
The Bad Batch, if they had to raise Omega from a baby, because thinking of this makes me SOFT
This has sparked from me now plotting out an AU which is exactly this, the five of them raising baby Omega. Stay tuned for that, in the mean time have some headcanons. They’re specifically meant to be about the five of them raising Omega together, but definitely work for each of them with their own kids, so enjoy!
This post is gonna be long because I have so many thoughts. @scarlettroseog and I had the best time discussing these!!
Crosshair: Crosshair is the one who stares at baby Omega when they first get her and is just like “how do I pick it up”. Tech offers to show him a useful holovideo on how to safely hold a baby. Crosshair offers to throw Tech into hyperspace. Once he gets the hang of it though, Cross is a natural and can often be found asleep with a baby on his chest. He loves baby cuddles more than life itself, but he’ll be damned if he let’s anyone know it. He has to act like holding her is the biggest inconvenience you could ever ask of him, but if someone else offers to take her, he’ll refuse. He reminds them he never said he wouldn’t hold her.
Very much a silent protector, Cross is always incredibly aware of his and Omega’s surroundings and is always looking out for her. He’s most at ease when Omega is still in his eyeline, but as long as she’s with one of the squad, he know she’s safe.
Crosshair is an utter softie and has been caught singing to her, and crying when she grabbed and clung to his finger for the first time. He talks to her in the softest voice, and when she starts to babble he talks back as if they’re having a conversation. Little Omega hangs onto his every word. The others don’t understand why he tries so hard to hide his affections, they all think its the cutest thing ever.
Oh, and he absolutely has no qualms cursing around her. He secretly hopes Omega’s first word is kriff to see Hunter’s reaction.
Tech: This. Man. Tech disappears for a whole day when Omega lands in their care, and re-emerges a child rearing expert with a large shipment of baby supplies on its way to them. He has gone to the ends of the Holonet to research absolutely everything he needs to know and eagerly passes on his findings to the others. He’s an expert swaddler to the point the others usually just leave that job for him. He’s tried countless to teach the others, but Hunter especially just cannot get the hang of it. One time they find him sat shirtless with baby Omega on his chest, and he explains how he read that skin to skin contact is really good for newborns and helps them bond and feel safe. He suggests making a rota for skin to skin contact. Crosshair tells him to never say those words ever again. His enthusiasm comes from a place of absolute love, but he does have to be reminded to rein it in from time to time.
Tech absolutely documents EVERYTHING. He’s so in awe of this extraordinary tiny human and all her potential. He tracks and logs her development and milestones, he’s recorded her crying countless times to try and decipher what she needs from how she’s crying. He even develops a pretty successful formula to help her get to sleep. This guy is revolutionising child care over here. He allows the others to add to his notes with cute pictures and stuff, so its more of a baby book than a scientific log.
Despite his eagerness to learn and give Omega the best care he can, the change she brings to their entire lives does unsettle Tech a fair bit. New priorities, new routines, everything has changed in some way. He does acclimatise, helped by how he dives into learning how to care for her, but its a difficult transition at first.
Baby Omega gives Tech a sense of protectiveness he’s never experienced before. She brings his emotions to the surface more than anything else ever could. He records a lot of sounds of her growing up, and the sound of her first laugh might just be his favourite sound hes ever recorded. He finds himself listening to it if he’s away from her for whatever reason. When he’s working on projects, he likes having Omega to keep him company. He crafts a little baby chair to attach to his work table, and she sits and watches him work. He talks her through what he’s doing, knowing full well she has no idea what he’s saying, but her sweet little smile makes up for it.
Wrecker: None of them have EVER seen Wrecker so gentle and careful. They warned him once that she’s fragile, and they never had to warn him again. He is also swaddling expert second only to Tech - he asked Tech to teach him and practised over and over again on Lula until he got it. Considering Hunter cannot do it to save his life, he’s very proud of himself. This guy is so, so sweet with her, he simply cannot cope with how tiny and adorable she is and will not rest until he has gushed about it to anyone who will listen. He even turned an unused storage crate into a crib for her with all the blankets she could ever need. He puts Lula in there too, but the fact she’s bigger than Omega gives Hunter anxiety so she is still Wrecker’s until Omega is bigger.
Not to worry, though, because Omega spends more time sleeping in the arms of her ori'vod than in the crib anyway. Tech has insisted multiple times that they should allow her to get used to sleeping in her crib, but even he is guilty of falling asleep with the baby in his arms.
My friend has a headcanon that Wrecker knits in his spare time as a calming activity and oh boy am I running with this. Hats. Wrecker makes all the hats for tiny Omega, and all five of them cried the first time she wore one of his creations. He doesn’t just stop there, she has blankets, stuffies, bootees, Wrecker should start his own knitwear etsy shop at this point. He plans to donate omega’s knitted things to people in need when she grows out of them. Wrecker is at his happiest sat knitting with little Omega fast asleep on him.
Echo: oh my god do not get me STARTED. I’m crying already. Echo is the sweetest most gentle soul and Omega is such a calming presence to him, and he has the same effect on her. A cuddle with Echo and she’s out like a light, and Hunter definitely isn’t jealous.
Due to his scomp arm, he always asks for help to pick her up or take her into his arms. He usually puts a blanket or something around the scomp as well, he’s so afraid that he could hurt her or cause her discomfort with it. He can’t hide that it gets him down, he wants to help out with Omega as much as the others can, he wants to be able to pick her up on his own without assistance.
Hunter takes him aside and reassures him that he’s doing a great job and that Omega clearly feels safe with him regardless. He knows how self-conscious Echo can get about his appearance and his disabilities, and reminds him how much of an incredible role model he is for Omega. Tech is already hard at work, though. If he hadn’t already been working on a prosthetic arm for Echo, he was now and working double time. Seriously, no one knows if Tech is even getting any sleep. At least once they have to force him away from his work and hand him Omega to give him a moment to calm down and relax. In the meantime, Wrecker knits Echo a little scomp cover, and Hunter and Crosshair fashion slings out of spare blankets, so Echo can hold Omega more easily and in general so everyone can hold her hands-free if they need to do something else at the same time.
Echo cries the first time he picks Omega up on his own, and in the same moment, Omega smiles for the first time. Now Hunter is crying, Wrecker is crying (more because he had been trying so hard to get her to smile for him), and Tech is leaping over furniture so he can capture the moment in time.
Hunter: The Dad™. Also a nervous wreck. Hunter is the one you’ll find watching Omega sleep and constantly checking she’s breathing. And waking the poor thing up on occasion, just to be sure. Omega coughs once and immediately, Hunter.exe has stopped working and he’s probably called an ambulance. He puts on a brave face, but in reality, he’s terrified. He’s trained for battle, not parenting. He doesn’t know the first thing about raising a baby, but with his squad behind him (particularly Tech’s extensive research), he knows he’ll be just fine. The one thing hes certain about, from the moment she is left in their care, is that he is never, ever going to let anyone hurt this little girl. Ever.
He is also the one with the rules; no weapons around the baby, no cursing around the baby, no throwing the baby (no one intends to do so, but he wanted to make that very clear just in case), and no eating while holding the baby, after Wrecker dropped half his lunch on her one time. Hunter didn’t find it as funny as Omega did.
His heightened senses come in very handy, he can often sense just moments before the crying starts, and unfortunately for him, he knows before anyone else when she needs changing. At times, the crying takes it’s toll and can contribute to a sensory overload, but with the rest of his squad on hand to help, that’s rarely an issue. If it isn’t his turn for night duty, he has his noise cancellers in, otherwise he’ll be waking up every time Omega does. He finds her presence calming like Echo does, she’s so peaceful when asleep, and her big brown eyes are so alight with curiosity when she’s awake. Hunter finds himself watching her silently observing the world around her, and enjoys going for walks with her strapped to his chest so he can show her just a little bit more of the world. Someday, he’ll show her the galaxy.
- At first, the five of them end up doing everything together. Baby check up? All five of them are piled in that doctor’s office. Baby music class? It was Wrecker’s idea, but all five of them come along. After a while they learn that not every situation requires all five of them.
- Tech suggested making a baby care rota, but they didn’t need one. They just kind of manage to balance out the tasks and the cuddle time. Except Hunter. Hunter is selfish. Hunter will straight up steal the baby from one of his brothers when he decides it’s his turn for cuddles. The only exception to this is Echo. Hunter will never steal Omega from Echo.
Sorry for this absolute essay. I put more effort and focus into this today than I did at work. This has also helped massively in plotting out a couple fics surrounding The Bad Batch and a baby Omega. I cannot cope with the amount of fluff I’ve written today.
Please let me know what you think, add some suggestions! I had a great time writing this and want to write some more headcanons for similar scenarios!

Hawaii is my number one bucket list things of all time! I know I’m a disabled veteran with a lot of limitations (due to different chronic illnesses and mental health illnesses I have unfortunately partly due to my injuries in the military), BUT I can still have dreams and aim for them! I still love Hiking, Lighthouses, anything nature (green and blue), history, language (teaching myself Hawaiian), culture, etc etc you name it I love and Hawaii has it. Probably one of the most extraordinary places to visit! And I WILL get there one day!
Oh and for my TBB/SW friends I will DEFINITELY be wearing my TBB and Grogu aka Baby Yoda shirts lol (I have a TON of them but especially for the lateral haha).
Yay another Crosshair and Omega mini fic? Not sure what to call these but I LOVE it along with anything to do with these two. Need more Fanfictions for them!!!
Crosshair: *doing his thing, death-staring into the void, chewing on his toothpick*
Omega: *comes nearer, watching him a while, smiles at him*
Crosshair: ...
Crosshair: what do you want
Omega: Can I have a toothpick too?
Crosshair: ...
Crosshair: fine
Crosshair: *takes out toothpicks, hands them to her*
Omega: *takes one and puts it in her mouth*
Omega: *proceeds to chew and eat the thing like a pretzel stick*
Crosshair: Kid.
Crosshair: Kid, no.
Crosshair: *drags Omega to Hunter* take your child back