Number One Bucket List Item Is Hawaii - Tumblr Posts

Hawaii is my number one bucket list things of all time! I know I’m a disabled veteran with a lot of limitations (due to different chronic illnesses and mental health illnesses I have unfortunately partly due to my injuries in the military), BUT I can still have dreams and aim for them! I still love Hiking, Lighthouses, anything nature (green and blue), history, language (teaching myself Hawaiian), culture, etc etc you name it I love and Hawaii has it. Probably one of the most extraordinary places to visit! And I WILL get there one day!
Oh and for my TBB/SW friends I will DEFINITELY be wearing my TBB and Grogu aka Baby Yoda shirts lol (I have a TON of them but especially for the lateral haha).

One day my dream will come true 🙏💚💛🧡🌴🌺🐠🐡🐬🦈
Can’t wait to see these (some at least) when I one day get to Hawaii (my number 1 dream and bucket list thing/place), partly because my husband and I have still not had a honeymoon after 5 years.
I also have numerous chronic illnesses and mental health issues that I can’t wait forever since every year my health has been steadily declining. If anyone sees anything Hawaiian please share or tag me please and thank you so much!!!