guytransformedforever - Swallow Mage
Swallow Mage

Hey! This blog is a bit erotic. Please, if you are not 18 yet, leave this blog. Everyone else please enjoy :)

118 posts

Veni, Vidi, Vici

Veni, vidi, vici

Veni, Vidi, Vici

"Smile!"- Caesar heard the click of the camera. "God, I hope I'm good in the photo." he thought. A classmate asked Caesar to be photographed for the school newspaper.

 He was just a regular high school guy. He was the oldest in the graduating class but not the most large. Quite the opposite. He was average height, skinny build and shy nerd. It does not correspond to its Royal name.He was always envious of high athletes who studied with him in the same class.  They were always so muscular and confident. Caesar always wanted to be like them. 

He again thought and did not even notice how the photographer left. Caesar Packed up his things and headed down the school corridor toward the exit.All the students had left the school by that time. His way lay past the school sports hall changing rooms, the door that was now open.

Caesar was about to pass by, I heard something strange. Whispers could be heard from the locker room. It couldn't be disassembled, but it was clearly audible. The young man became curious. He slowly, trying not to make noise, went into the locker room. He looked around, but saw no one. The whisper disappeared. The only thing that was in the locker room is forgotten by someone in the briefs. They lay on the bench with absolutely no owner. Caesar already wanted to turn around and go further, but here in his head came the sudden thought. "What if I try them on?"The thought was absurd, but at the same time so exciting. Caesar felt the cock in his pants bounce a lot. 

He closed the door to the locker room, took off his clothes and walked closer to the briefings. They exuded warmth as if they had just been taken off. Smell other people's sweat and sperm filled the nose of Caesar, when he raised them to the face. The young man without hesitation put them on. Then he put on his trousers, a striped Polo, and left the dressing room. 

The briefs felt so warm the whole time Caesar was walking home. But there was something strange. With each step, Caesar felt heavier and more massive and, as it seemed to him, he became a little taller. He ran home and immediately locked himself in his room. He felt so Horny. He took off all his clothes except his new briefs. He started massaging himself through them. Every second his biceps swelled and his deltas grew bigger. Caesar ran his hand through his hair. Immediately they darkened and took the form of fashionable hairstyles. His abs took the form of 6 convex cubes. The back widened, and the legs were like two huge logs. Then Caesar felt his cock getting bigger in his hand. It stretched and expanded as its balls swelled to the size of a chicken egg. Then Caesar cum. His briefs were now filled with a huge load of his sperm. 

The last transformation of Caesar would have been unable to understand. His brain was re-tuned to Jock's life. All unnecessary now for him school knowledge was replaced by knowledge about football and training programs. His IQ Dropped to an average of 80. Now he's just a stupid Jock. 

The next day, the updated Caesar passed by the locker room. "Why am I still not in training? We have a competition coming up, and my bro team can't do without the quarterback."

Now Caesar is a born athlete and a winner. It matches his name completely.

Veni, Vidi, Vici

This is my first story on the request of another blogger. thanks for a great idea.

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More Posts from Guytransformedforever

6 years ago

Don’t Bully My Staff

I run a special type of business: dealing with fantasy, the human body, and the love to be served. Before you get a wild idea, it isn’t exactly an escort service, more of a way for men to feel more manly. I have about 30 or so twinkish guys who bring my clients many different things. It ranges from bottle service, butlers, and even go go dancers. I’ve never had an unhappy client, but I have had a few who became too much for my boys to handle. 

I’m protective of my boys, they work hard and I expect my clients to treat them right. If they don’t, well lets say they don’t stay clients for long. Take Aaron Martin for example. He may look good, but inside that boy is nothing but a hot mess. He’s a trust fund child with some sort of complex where he needs to make men feel inferior to him.


I finally had my last straw when he gave Ben a verbal smack down over a wink. I couldn’t continue to watch him treat my staff like this. Ben slunk back behind the bar tears welling up in his eyes. I assured him that I would be taking care of Aaron. Ben watched me add a little powder to the drink much like many of my other guys had. “Please go take this to him. Tell him it is on the house.“ Ben did as requested. I had hopes that Aaron might make amends for his actions. He might even surprise me and do something kind. Sadly no such luck, as usual he snatched the drink from Ben and quickly sent him away. I just smiled as he took a sip of the beer. 

I waited until he was half way through before making my way over. Aaron immediately sat up knowing it was best not to piss me off. “Aaron why don’t you and I have a chat in my office?” He looked confused, but he got up and followed me as we made our way to the back where my office was. 

He stopped being cordial once I shut the door. “What the hell?! You better not be kicking me out! I’ll buy the property and triple your rent.” I smiled at his threats and sat down across from him. 

“See, Aaron,” I said leaning in and putting my hand on his thigh. “I don’t think your threats are going to work with me. I’m not some guy you can bully around.” I gave his thigh a squeeze and he flinched. I was testing his muscle, feeling his thighs bulking up a little in those track pants he always wears. “You know, I’m shocked you didn’t order something more fruity. It is your taste after all.” I watched as he got confused, the beer was almost gone, but now he looked at it in disgust. 

“Would you like another drink?” I asked, requesting something more favorable to be brought by Ben. He gulped, but nodded. Ben wasted no time handing me the drink. “Here Aaron, take a sip.” I handed over the colorful fruity drink and he took that first sip. He let out a little moan and I smiled seeing how easy it was to trick the mighty jock. 

“Now Aaron, I can’t have you treating my boys the way you do. They deserve your respect.” He nodded and I looked up to see his black locks lightening. “See, when you see one of them. You need to smile at them and be courteous. Does that make sense?” He frowned a little, but took another sip. It lightened his mood as he nodded and smiled this time. His face was softening, growing a little bit of his baby fat back. 

The next few sips he took pushed him over the edge. The muscle in his arms dwindled, but it didn’t stray too far as his ass grew slightly. It was time to start changing my tactics. “Aaron, you do understand that you need to make sure the clients are happy.” I waited for his reaction as he took another sip. He was fighting it, but he finally nodded. I smiled as his hair finished lightening into blonde. Not even his father would recognize him now. 

I watched his eyes noticing how he kept glancing down towards my jeans. Everything was going according to plan. The straight jock inside him was slowly losing out as the gay twink stepped forward. “Aaron, can you tell me what you plan to do in order to have a successful career here?” 

Those bright eyes of his lit up at the possibility of a job. “Well sir,” he said in a higher pitched voice. “I plan to make sure every client is treated as best as they can. I am willing to do whatever it takes. I can even shadow under someone if you feel that would be best.” His drink was almost gone.

“That’s a fantastic idea, but lets see how you look in a uniform before I make a decision.” I leaned over opening a drawer and pulled out a thong. “Go put this on.” He reached out taking them without hesitation, his drink empty. “Yes sir! I’ll be right back!” 

He left and quickly made his way back. The drink worked better than I anticipated, his old jock body had rearranged itself to fill him out in the right places. 


“I think we will be a perfect fit, don’t you think so Aaron?” He nodded vigorously giving in. It sucks losing a patron, but Aaron has quickly adapted to his new life. I know Ben is more appreciative as he guy who once tormented him, now follows him like a shadow. I think he even bosses Aaron around now from time to time. Not that Aaron cares, they never do when they decide to join me. 

6 years ago

290 followers!!! Amazing!!!

Almost 300 people are reading my blog, and I hope they like it. I created it in the first place to realize my fantasies and to communicate with many bloggers who I read anonymously (I have to hide my orientation). And now I myself become a kind of blogger. It's funny. On such a occasion want do a small game (I love role-game). Recently I was in one of the cities of outland and found there a small suitcase of things. He had a lot of clothes. Very different. I suggest anyone who wants to choose one of the things (be careful, your choice depends on your transformation). 


If you wish, I can publish your request or make it in private chat. Just tell me. And here's a list of things ;)

1. Khaki shorts.

2. Black shorts with flowers.

3. White cap.

4.Yellow sport breeches.

5. Blue singlet.

6. White hoodie.

7. Black leather jacket.

8. Grey sweatpants.

9. Orange beach shorts.

10. Denim shirt.

11. Black tank top.

12. Red shirt.

13. Dark purple tank top.

14. Black boxers.

15. Red pants.

16. Black jeans.

17. White Polo.

18. Sweater color of the American flag.

19 black sports shorts.

20 Boxers with a pattern of skulls.

21. Breeches with suspenders.

22.White boxers.

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6 years ago
The 4th Of July... Congratulations. :)

The 4th of July... Congratulations. :)

6 years ago

Mr. Turns' Servant. Part # 1 "Winston"

Winston was desperate. More recently, he worked in a large restaurant chain as a waiter, but one fateful day he was careless and rude to the son of the Manager. On the same day, Winston lost his job and now can no longer dream to get a job in some other restaurant.

Winston's been looking for a job for 2 months. Any work. His savings came to an end, and the owner of the apartment, which was rented by a young man told him that if he did not pay, he would throw him out on the street.

Winston was a perfectly normal 21-year-old. He had blonde hair, blue bright eyes, and medium build. He could not boast of a strong abs or a long cock, but his boyish cute face won the hearts. Typical American guy whose smile made all the girls go to College.

Now Winston was lying on his couch and looking at the "Work" column in the new paper.

Mr. Turns' Servant. Part # 1 "Winston"

Winston already wanted to shut down the paper without finding anything. But here at the bottom he found an ad.

 "A permanent job in a country house requires a servant. Butler, cook, gardener, pool boy, maid, security guard and others. Preferably men. Wages are high, accommodation and food are provided. Excellent vacation once a year."

Below was written the address. Winston was surprised that the phone was not written. Winston wrote the address down on his notebook. He wanted to check it against the paper, but when he looked again, the announcement was gone. "What the hell?"Winston thought, but decided to go to the address.

After 2 hours, Winston was on the verge of a huge mansion. In front of him was a beautifully trimmed lawn and a small fountain

Mr. Turns' Servant. Part # 1 "Winston"

Winston rang the bell. Literally a minute later the door was opened by the owner of the house. It was a tall man in his late 40s Tanned face was fringed with a dark beard with a little grey. The white Bathrobe was draped over the muscular body. "He's probably lifting a lot of weight in the gym," Winston Thought. 

"Hello, I'm Mr. Turns."The man held out his strong palm. "You must have come on the announcement in the newspaper?”

"I am? Yeah, sure. My name is Winston."

 "Come, Winston." the Man grabbed the young man by the shoulder and aggressively led him to his grandson, closing the door on the latch.

"So you're looking for a job, Winston?"The landlord was straightforward. "I can hire you as my gardener. I bought this house recently and my garden and lawn is now in a terrible state" 

"Gardener? But sir, I've never worked as a gardener, I'm afraid I won't..." Winston began to protest.

"Nonsense. You'll learn quickly. You have to agree. You need money, right? I'll pay $ 1,000 a week. Plus Accommodation, food and paid vacation," 

Winston wanted to agree. He was ready for anything. But something about this stranger was wrong... Everything was too good... Too much. 

"Okay, on the hands of" Winston held out his hand. Mr. Turns shook hands. In the second hand he already held a few papers and a pen. 

"Just sign the contract here. It's just a formality."

Winston mesmerized took the pen and signed the papers. 

"Excellent!"Mr. Thorns' eyes began to glow bright blue.

 "What happens?!"Winston dropped his pen. He felt his body go numb. He stood frozen in the middle of the hall and could not even move a finger. 

"My dear boy, you just signed a contract with me. Let me tell you a few terms of this contract."Mr. Thorns' eyes continued to glow, paralyzing Winston. "Firstly, this contract is indefinite and only I can break it, and secondly, only foreigners work in my house. No Americans. This is done to ensure that all the servants spoke different languages and was not able to organize a mass escape. It's just being careful. Third,in my house work only men with model -. I like to watch beautiful men work sometimes, and fourthly, only I set the dress code at work. Your dress code for this hot July month will be speedo alone"

"But sir. I'm an American and not a model. I'm afraid I don't fit your terms."

"My boy, it's easily fixable." the mansion Owner just snapped his fingers. In the same second Winston sensed that his head was spinning. He was sick. The young man tightly closed his eyes and prayed that it would all be over as soon as possible. Winston couldn't see himself from the outside, but his transformation had already begun. His skin was getting darker by the second. His muscles began to inflate and stretch his old clothes. Biceps increased at least 3 times. Huge pectoral muscles stretched his shirt so that the top 2 buttons came off with a whistle. His abs became more distinct and sculptural. Now Winston could boast of six distinct cubes on his abs! His legs swelled exponentially until they were huge and nearly ripped his pants. Foot size also increased by 3 sizes! His humble cock stretched out to the size of a large 8.5 inch snake in his pants. The balls fell with massive golf balls. But the main transformation was on Winston's face.

His blonde hair of medium length began to be drawn back into the skull. They became darker and tougher. On the temples them now did not exist. Such hairstyles Winston never wore! His darker face was now covered with bristles. As black and hard as the hair on his head. Blue eyes darkened with every second, until they were a rich brown. Eyebrows became darker and thicker. His chin became clearer and more courageous. Bristles turned into a well-groomed short beard. The nose, cheekbones, ears and forehead were transformed into a completely different face. After that, the New Winston opened his eyes and stared at his new employer.

"I love to watch the transformation! It's fascinating. Your name isn't Winston now. You're a Turkish guy named Arik. Now go to the bathroom on the second floor. Take a shower. You can play with yourself. Then put on your new speedo and get to work" Winston, and now Arik felt the paralytic spell receded.

"Bana ne yaptın! Beni geri getirin! Türk olmak istemiyorum." Arik slapped his lips in horror. He spoke Turkish?! 

"Don't try to escape.In this new look, you have nowhere to go.Now you can go and do my errands. Oh Yes. I'm the only one in this house will understand your words. Enjoy your new life.” Mr. Turns has retired to his bedroom. 

Arik, almost crying, went to the second floor to take a shower. He washed his new powerful body and played with his new big friend. After that, he fatally put on a narrow red speedo and looked at his new body in the mirror. Now he will have to work in this body gardener indefinitely... Maybe if he works well, Mr. Turns will give him back his old body and his old life?..

Mr. Turns' Servant. Part # 1 "Winston"

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6 years ago

Reblog this if it's okay to talk to you and be your friend and ask you various questions about your Tumblr pictures/ and fetishes