hades-999 - Hades 999
Hades 999

174 posts

Cat Blanc Was......

Cat Blanc was......









Ok, Cat Blanc was a good episode, not really bad, but there were some serious mistakes:

Marinette really can't wait one more day, after more than a year.......seriously?

Adrien can't imagine Marinette sended gift with Ladybug, but previously could belived they just has similar handwriting....... Shame

Bunnix really walked in the air...... That's not makes any sence

Where did she get that bowl?

Why can she see everything ...... She doesn't need to be there personal?

So, actually her power to create an orbit with Time doors........ strange, but ok..

Gabriel really a maniack

Cat Blanc Was......


Guys, if you ever mess with time, don't be stupid...... 'Cause you will do some too serious mistakes. Let me explain:

Bunnix can't be this old. She was at the same ages as Marinette/Adrien. If Cat Blanc was around the same age as now (or.....2 years older max) she was closly the same old

What's the point of the Snake miraculous if the rabbit's can change the timeline too (not just travel)

The most serious mistake: Why Bunnix took Ladybug to Cat Blanc? If they just watch what happend, they easily could travel back five minutes, and Cat Noir never will akumatize (or at least not like this)

The whole fighteing was pointless

Cat Blanc Was......

And an other And....

The only thing what can dammage a miraculous is the Cataclysm. Why Hawk Moth didn't akumatize the ring.....?

Cat Blanc Was......

More Posts from Hades-999

5 years ago

Theory Time 🕘

Felix: Felix yes !

I'm sure Felix knows Gabriel is Hawkmoth. How?

It could be a reference for the fact Hawk Moth doesn't wear mask in PV version

Maybe his father is similar to Gabriel (just like Adrien and him or their mothers) - or a little taller 😹

Maybe he saw the Gorizilla action. He could realise the only one Hawk Moth who would let Ladybug saves Adrine is his father

Also, he (Gabriel) was one of those few people who could know about the video messages and this funeral-celebration-or-whatever thing.....

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5 years ago

Cat Blanc is....









Don't get me wrong, because of the previeious post: I liked the episode, just felt disapointed, because of the logically mistakes. But the episode was good, I confess.

Cat Blanc Is....

Hawk Moth's cane really comes back to him?....... Maybe they are "stick" together....... 😸

Cat Blanc Is....

So, the Cataclysm can "purr-ify" an Akuma 😹


We got a bunch of Dragon Ball reference

Cat Blanc Is....

Destruction disc

Cat Blanc Is....
Cat Blanc Is....





After this:

Cat Blanc Is....

Let me give a meme, as a Bonus content:

Cat Blanc Is....

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5 years ago

Copy Cat 2

Ok, guys, we get the promo for Felix episode. And......

I must confess: I'm more interested than I thout I Will be.










1. Oath

Copy Cat 2

You can't change my mind; he could be evil, but he do it for true love. And he is realy serious

I think it's like an oath: he "say" he still in love, they are wife and husband. And he won't stop until he brings Emillie back

Also, it reminds me how stange this whole situation



2. Kiss

Copy Cat 2


I'm sure this is Felix

Somewhere I feel she deserve this after she rejected Cat so many times.

But....... No



3. Senti Monster

Copy Cat 2

There's a fan theory; Adrien is a Senti Monster. I prefer that idea Felix is.

After I saw Nathali /Mayura's expression, I'm sure he is.

He has to be just like Adrien for some reason

Maybe Nathalie wants to prove Gabriel and she can have a boy just like Adrien

Or she wants disturb Adrien after she discover he has a crush on Ladybug

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5 years ago

Happy B. day, Marinette !

And B. for Big releval.....




Do you guys remember when Bunnix 🐇 asked Marinette/ Minibug if she wants to see her next birthday gift? It could be just a term for not spoil something good, but also could be a reference for the future:

In some spoiler (sorry, I don't remember witch one) was an informatio; the hamster's name will takes a part in The releval....

If you remember, in episode "Weredad", Tom (Marinette's father) misunderstood the situation and belived Marinette wants to call her hammster to "Nightmare"

And Cat Noir was there as well.......

So, what if Adrien gona give a hammster for Marinette's birthday and sayes she could call it "Nightmare".........

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5 years ago

Snake 🐍 Noir 🐈










Ok, anybody who watched Miracle Queen, be honest; thout about this 😹

Snake Noir

Snake Noir

Snake Noir

Snake Noir




As a comic, for anybody who wants it 😹

Snake Noir

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