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5 years ago

Theory Time 🕘

Snow me white you feel

Guys, I have an amazing theory!




We know, Cat Noir will understand why Hawk Moth does what he does:

For his wife, for his mother

Theory Time




We know the Miraculouses give you an outfit what you wish for in deep inside.

And Cat Noir will be as disturbed inside as it's posible.




Cat Noir will want the bad thing and he knows it but wants to do the right thing......

Theory Time
Theory Time




What if Cat Blanc wont be an Akuma, but actualy Cat Noir's negative version, without Hawk Moth's control?

Theory Time

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5 years ago

Cat Blanc was......









Ok, Cat Blanc was a good episode, not really bad, but there were some serious mistakes:

Marinette really can't wait one more day, after more than a year.......seriously?

Adrien can't imagine Marinette sended gift with Ladybug, but previously could belived they just has similar handwriting....... Shame

Bunnix really walked in the air...... That's not makes any sence

Where did she get that bowl?

Why can she see everything ...... She doesn't need to be there personal?

So, actually her power to create an orbit with Time doors........ strange, but ok..

Gabriel really a maniack

Cat Blanc Was......


Guys, if you ever mess with time, don't be stupid...... 'Cause you will do some too serious mistakes. Let me explain:

Bunnix can't be this old. She was at the same ages as Marinette/Adrien. If Cat Blanc was around the same age as now (or.....2 years older max) she was closly the same old

What's the point of the Snake miraculous if the rabbit's can change the timeline too (not just travel)

The most serious mistake: Why Bunnix took Ladybug to Cat Blanc? If they just watch what happend, they easily could travel back five minutes, and Cat Noir never will akumatize (or at least not like this)

The whole fighteing was pointless

Cat Blanc Was......

And an other And....

The only thing what can dammage a miraculous is the Cataclysm. Why Hawk Moth didn't akumatize the ring.....?

Cat Blanc Was......

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5 years ago

Theory Time 🕘

Pararel realityes

I have the feeling Cat Blanc and Felix happened in the same day, just not in the same universe (or in the same one if Adrien just put away that hat......)

Main Villain

Theory Time

Opening / ending scenes

Theory Time

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5 years ago

Theory Time 🕘

Senti Adrien 🐦

Despite of my personal oppinion, I gona post it, cause it's still an interesting theory. 😸

It's a cannon that Adrien is a Senti Monster. But the great question is;

Where is his Amok?

Theory Time

After "Felix", I have a feeling that his Amok in Emilie's / Gabriel's ring

After "Cat Blanc", it must be Emilie's, because Gabriel's destroyed with Hawk Moth

Or, actually, now Gabriel's, because he weares Emilie's ring now on.

Not forget: "Felix" takes place after "Cat Blanc" , so Hawk Moth wore his own ring than

Theory Time
Theory Time







Two other questions:

How can act Adrien in an independent way if he is a Senti Monster?

Because Senti Monsters obey to the one who owns their Amok, Adrien could makes action of his own if it was Emilie's wish

As you could see in "Ladybug" or "Feast", Senti Monsters have their own personality and will (of course, it will be based on the emotion what brought them to life)


If Adrien is a Senti Monster, why Nathali/Mayura can't sense it in him/Cat Noir?

On one hand, Nathali knew Hawk Moth identity, maybe he knew about the Amok as well

On the other hand: don't forget, Feast's Amok was in him. If this theory is correct, Adrien's Amok is constantly in on place, Mayura can't senses it, because it isn't with Adrien/Cat Noir.

Of course, she can sense it in the house, but if she know about it, why would she wants to harm Adrien?

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5 years ago

Happy B. day, Marinette !

And B. for Big releval.....




Do you guys remember when Bunnix 🐇 asked Marinette/ Minibug if she wants to see her next birthday gift? It could be just a term for not spoil something good, but also could be a reference for the future:

In some spoiler (sorry, I don't remember witch one) was an informatio; the hamster's name will takes a part in The releval....

If you remember, in episode "Weredad", Tom (Marinette's father) misunderstood the situation and belived Marinette wants to call her hammster to "Nightmare"

And Cat Noir was there as well.......

So, what if Adrien gona give a hammster for Marinette's birthday and sayes she could call it "Nightmare".........

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4 years ago

Theory Time 🕘

Poor Fluff

So, I had to think it over and over again. I like time travel stuff, and I have a sence to understand it quite easy.

So, let's take a look to the Rabbit miraculous 🐇 and it's poor kwami, Fluff:

Theory Time

So, all we know:

Bunnix debut in Miraculous S3

At this point, Alix will get the Miraculous

She already owner of a Miraculous, but it's in camuflage mode

The Rabbit miraculous will be dammaged, and Bunnix will be sent back in time (with a dammaged clock!)

Then and still now the Miraculous box contains the Rabbit miraculous with Fluff

+ note: according to the creators when a miraculous gets dammaged, the kwami won't be dead, but loses contact with our senseable word (source: Queen Wasp, cataclysmed Bee miraculous)

So, I tried to recreate a Time map for make the task easyer. Not commensurate (sorry) I just maked import Time points:

Theory Time

Please, amplifie for better quality

So, let's see:

In the very begining, Mage created the Miraculouses. One of them was the Rabbit, wich one garants the power of time travel for the owner. This one so far is in the box

To make it easy, now we will speak about the camuflaged watch later

So, at some point, Alix got temporary the miraculous. Later, he becomes a permanent user

In the "Cat Blanc Timeline" she went back in time and changed it (what we saw) so, this timeline does not exist anymore. The creatores made a mistake, because Alix couldn't be that old by that Time.... Or Bunnix can travel into alternative timelines...? No matter, it's not exists anymore.

Theory Time

In the other (current) timeline, Bunnix workeing as a superhero. I don't know if any other future generation inherrited the watch, but at some point a Rabbit hero went far back in time and gave the watch to the Kubdel family (or married in the family)

Theory Time

This one will be the camuflaged one in the story, what Alix got for her Birthday

Also, Bunnix will change her broken miraculous for this one.....

And now, the reason why I (might) say I'm sorry for Fluff.

This theory leads us to only two conclusions;

There are 3 Fluff: on in the box, one in Alix's watch (wich one is Bunnix's now) and one in the broken miraculous. Because Bunnix now useing Alex's watch, so the Rabbit miraculous created a timeloop, and -in order to the timeloop could exist- the Fluff in the broken watch lost contact with the senseable world forever.

There's 2 Fluff: in that chase there's one in the current time (in the miraculous box) and one future version. In that chase future Fluff -in the broken miraculous- lost contact with us for temporary, but, when Bunnix got Alix's watch, she could returne this level of existence.

Personally, I don't think the writers thought about this in this way, but I hope you liked this time travel theory time 😉

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