174 posts
Fun Facts
Fun facts πΈ
So, yeah, Steven Universe Future had a nice ending.
But what the hell is about them?

One of them destroying planets for fun
The other two tryed to kill Steven, his father and destroy little Homeschool
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More Posts from Hades-999
Fun facts πΈ
Your an Alien π½
Since I had no better idea for April 1th, I bring you this (yeh, today is 2nd, take as a joke π)
So, I know they are aliens, but let's take a look some of Ben aliens who has weird biology, even with with the knowledge what we have;
Side note; I won't count Ultimates
So, one of the weirdest one was this alien. On his waist he has that loincloth like -let's say- skin.....or tail? Not clothes, organic part
However, seemingly Magister Patelliday doesn't have
And my greatest question about this species; how does they transform their legs to tail? They can wrap their "skin" around of their tail, but the finns look totaly different from their feet
Also, they can use this on purpose, because Ripjaws swam with both legs and tail.....

Oh, boy, where should I start?
So, personally I think he has two heads; one front and one under his Shell
I mean; there's no way he can drive his neck that way
And I always wondered, the top of his head black and plug one of the airways or technicly he has only a mask like face with a hole on the top?
What's the deal about his legs? He can form fuse them? He can morph them? Can he form something other than a big paddle?
Also; his shell is very solid, and seemingly made from one piece, only holes for the wind and the externals plus the head. How the hell can he rotates around his flippers?
And those retractable claws are bizarre too, but ok, I can work with that...

The worst
Can they regenerate or they posess enchanted durability...?
Also, why are they blocking their navels? Each of them cover it with clothes or if they are half naked, than they use something
And why they put bandageas to it? Aren't they indestructable? Or are they, but not invulnerable?

Separated head. Cool. Fall-off head. Not so
So, his head can control his body, but he can't control it when he is far. However, he can lift a big car from a half-street distance
Also, the connection strong enought to Lodestar be lifted by head, but a single movement can destabilase

So, it's cool and I like the idea but how does his face-spliting? Doesn't he always salivate his chin?
Can he lock his "side jaws" together?
Also, in the real world it would not work; the sound generation tube (what is partly his mouth) becomes shorter making the howl deeper. Also, he could use a skin around his mouth more than this open mouth, because it makes a less concentrated sound wave

Big chill
Sofar, only Brainstorm and he had visible mouth which didn't move during speaking
Before complaning that's true for Atomix too, but his mouth never moved, so whe can't be sure it is a real mouth or he use an alternative way to speak
Back to the previous point; Brainstorm actually communicating by projected brain waves but Big chill just open it to shoots ice, but that's all.......
I found strange he rarely moving his wings while flying. But I completly lost when he wraped them around himself, like a clook (actually a cool one) and he still levitated. Than why does he even have wings?
About the intangible form; It somehow still belivable he can touch other "untouchable things" but two problem;
The Omnitrix completly wanishes. Not even it's siluette. Where does it goes? Mysteri....
He freezing objects what he phasing trought. Except when he doesn't.....

Echo Echo
So, maybe it's new information for some of you, but actually that white shouting amplifier is a robot outfit. The real creature is completly made out of sound. Technicly it's powering the suit
That would means he is spiting himself out each time he uses his power?
And a creature completly made out of sound has/have DNA, but a spirit from life energy (manna) hasn't?
Oh, and there's the duplication. Ok, I get it, he can make an other sound creature from himself. But how can he make an other robotic suit for himself?
Also; why does his suite looks like this? This is how a sound creature's 3D modell looks like?
Is his suit magnitazable? Can a Galvanic methamorph control it?

So, be honest.....: He doesn't even an alien, just Ben DNA fused with nanochip

So, that's all alien weirdo for today. If you hate it, you read it so far, joke on you....π
Theory Time π
Diamonds; Weapon by Choice
Hello everybody. I made this post in my mind way earlyer, but I just post it now. Sorry. π
So, we know most of the gems have some kind of summon weapon or power. The Diamonds have already strong powers, but what if they have weapons as well? Why not, they are Diamonds.
Let's see;
So, according to my theory, every Diamond have a weapon. But insted of using them herselfes, give them to gems who worth it, to be more effective on their missions
Plus, in this way they don't need to be there personally

Pink's - Gem rejuvenator; Used by Spinel in the musical. It's capable to poof a gem and "reset" it. It would be very useful for the youngest diamond, if she doesn't like her Pearl, Rose or anything, he can start it from the beginning. Just like a toy
Blue's - Wand; used by Aquamarine in the seria. I can say two thing about this choice; one, it's blue and makes a soft, spherical aura, two, similar to Blue's sad effect, it can stop gems, even powerful and stable fusions, like Alexandrite
Yellow's - Gem destabiliser; used by Jasper first in the seria (she's the most notable user for me). I think it's the most notable similaritie beetwen the tool's and the owner's power. It can cause pain or poof a gem, maybe can shatter them as well if it is used long enought
White's - Corrupt laser; used by Pink Pearl, the Diamonds and the Crystal gems in the SU finale. Yes, technicly it's a power, not a tool, but; White can control others, by shoot them with this power ray. But it would not necessary means they get an access to this power. But they do. So, technicly White can share this power with other gems, just like a tool

Also, a small detail: all the weapons marked with the Diamonds' symbol;
The scythe light part around the stick
The destabilaser on the top
Seemingly the wand doesn't has one, but it has a button for activation (Aquamarine use it that way....) Possibly the button shape is the mark
Again, it's not looks like a tool, but the Homeworld gems usually have a mark on their outfit
I know there are a bunch of other gem tech, but I tried to focus now specific to possible Diamond weapons.
I hope you like it, clod ! π

Theory Time π
Moth mother
Hi. I brought a short but hopefuly funny theory here;
So, who doesn't remember one of the weirdest episode of the UAF (S2E17) where Big chill gives birth to some offspring (or.....offwinter?)
Except this time, we only saw Necrofriggians two more occasions;
The temple Guardians (S2E11)
The actor of Albedo (S3E37)

So, my theory is the next; what if the Guardians are the fathers and Fridge is one of the Big chilldren?
An interesting detail; officaly Big chill has 14 kids. It never was comfirmed, but if you watch carafuly, you will notice; there were 13 Guardians..and one more's DNA in the Ultimatrix.....

We know the aliens DNA can override not just Ben's transformations but the watch too
What if the Ultimatrix scanned all Guardians' DNA, stored them and -when Big chill would be fertile- made kid for every genetic sample in it (including Big chill's)
Hope those Necrofriggians weren't in celibacy

About Fridge;
Before or after him, we did not see other blue Necrofriggians (except the "Tennysons")
The same true about the green eye
Yes, he seems too old, but keep it in mind; not all the species ageing the same
Necrofriggians look like moth-man (personaly bat, but never mind me) and butterflies are tipicaly have a short lifespam (ok, possibly these aliens live longer than one year, but they still can die fast)
Maybe, he came to Earth to meat his parent, but was too shy to releval himself or simply doesn't realised Ben as human
Fun fact; Big chill gives birth to his offsprings......well, on spring
Fun fact; Ken (son of Ben 10K) met some of his "siblings"
Fun fact; In Ben 10: Omniverse 2 Ben refers to them, saying to KOed enemies; "My babyes will finish this fight"

Even with the knowledge about Ben is being 100% heterosexual is nice think to this family. They are cute π
So..... I know I said Poision Ivy x Harley Quinn would be a nice coupe, and I still think, but I don't want it..... What a freaking adorable look Ivy give to Kiteman?

Theory Time π
π Miraculous; Movie special πΎ
Hi, guys. Now the S3 is finished, the S4 is about to come out soon (in this fall) and we going to see an animated movie.
I only can work with my knowledge about the frandchiles, but I hope still can bring you some funπΈ;
So, look the animation care, because it can be used as the seria's animation at some point (I just heard, not quite sure)

Other thing; Sabrina gona get a new outfit and maybe be akumatized again? (I think because the look of the hair)
The movie titlel going to be Awakening
About this;
The cold is running on my back, it's so cool
To be honest, I can only imagine one thing; the story going to tell us how the heroes becom adults
Love scene. Possibly a lot......
Maybe going to be a releval, but, to be honest, there will be a S4 and there are planes for S5 and S6 (maybe even S7) so I don't see how would the team could work with it
Watch it point by point;
So, originally they would releashed a live action movie in 2019. But it has been canceled and we got this movie instead
To the live action movie fans; good news, it's still a plan to do it later, if it got a green light

It was about the heroes origin and their love, but actually, we already know about it, more or less. So, what could be important enought to do a movie about?
We know they won't defeat Hawkmoth, or there will be an other one, and also: S4. So, not a final epic battle
Check this video out. It's compare the promo to the original Ladybug PV
We know in the PV they would be older and their powers would work an other way as well
Important note: The holders get closly unlimited acces to their power when they become adults!
We got a short clip too, where a buildding is exploding (possibly the Burgeois hotel). What if I would say it's actually a Cataclysm?

On a picture (what I personally like) we can see Felix (PV's Cat Noir) use his power without transformation. What if Adrien will be able to do the same?
Personally I think it would give some great development if they have to deal with unlimited superpowers. What are actually the two most powerful. And can be used such various ways. I mean;
Ladybug: She could call infinite Luckey Charms...... It's good, more thing, more help, right? But how could she decide how to use so many object? Build something complex, like a car? Put on each other like a tower? Or use them independent from each other?
Cat Noir: Now he can use the Cataclysm on anything...... But can he destroy buildings, dangering inicents? What should he do when he already called his power but it doesn't needed? Can he kill the Akumatized victim? What if Ladybug can't make it back?
So, in the live action movie they possibly going to be older. In the PV they literaly older. And it would be great topic and a good point for character development
I don't know what sould I say about their love life;
They would be cute togeter
The promo contains some secretly love scenes
There will be some great songs. Even kind of romantik, but definitely beautyful and nice (check here)
Soon will be a collectable statue, what -I think, without proof- is related to the movie

Still, I don't see any point it without a releval.... Personally still not belive in it, but it can be possible
Or maybe a fake one, like in Oblivio
Sabrina's new design implies she maybe play an important rule. It can means we will get the Dog superhero π
The Aweaking could reference to Hawk Moth as well. Than he could create multiple Akumas...... But he has Catalyst for that..... The only possiblility is he going to use the book for something...
The movie can be about the Miraculous monks....but... About what?
We already saw the heroes origin
The Kwamis were born with the "Big Bang"
The miraculouses was created by an old man named Mage
Maybe we could get information about the miraculouses in the temple....?
One more thing; the "Awakening" could be a pun/reference to Emilie who realy will aweak (than the releval must to be happened, I have to admit). SPOILER AHEAD; in S4E4 (if I'm correct about the episode) Lila will become the butterfly themed super. That would means Emilie's fate must to be "decided" soon....
I hope you like it, if I will have more idea and material I will do a secound part, but I can't promise anything.
The movie arrives at 2020's fall, that's all I know about it. Until that; be good. After that; still be good, but enjoy the movie tooπΈ