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1 year ago

🦋💜Hawkmoth/Gabriel deserves better💜🦋


This is gonna be controversial but I can’t keep my mount shut anymore

This is an unpopular opinion but I have to say it

Gabriel aka Hawkmoth can be a good villain but the show don’t let him to be one and they are also the reason why his character is so over the place

First I would say our moth boy is smart and he really show it a lot

Now I know what you gonna say

“But his ideas are always bad and he is really dumb”

I know but hear me out

I don’t denied that he can be dumb and mess up a lot but I think this isn’t entirely his fault…it’s actually the writers

Why? Well

I would definitely say that Hawkmoth is not only a victim of bad writing, but he is also a victim of plot armor

There are episodes where he almost won but for some lame reason lose

And in fact not all of his ideas are but

You would say is because of Mayura and yeah, you guys are right on that but I’m talking about when he didn’t have her on his side

Episode like








-Stormy Whether




-Strike Back

-The Owl





-Derision (I still hate this episode)



That’s proof to me that he can be smart and a treat but again, is the show who don’t let him be

And in fact, it’s also show that the show don’t know what direction go with him

In one episode is a broken man who lost his way and is trying to bring back the love of his life but no in the right way of course and he is also trying to hold it back for his son, but keeps himself away from him for his grief and still show humanity and maybe the change there’s still some hope of salvation for him

And then he is this horrible monster without feelings and he can go as far even to destroy humanity and can’t barely care about his own child and neglect him a lot

In one episode he can come out with the most smartest plan to archive his goal and almost got it, but then again, villain always loses

And then in another episode has the most dumbest plan ever

And then he is this goofy and cartoonist villain

Don’t saying that silliness can’t work with a villain

Look Bill from Gravity Falls and Discord from MLP

They are goofy and chaotic but they are still a treat and dangerous to everyone (with one already redeem)

If they want him to be a treat or an irredeemable villain than they could done something like Belos from The Owl House

Those two parallels each other a lot

-They lost an important person of their life with one of them killing them out of rage

-They have this little child on their care but neglected them (and also they didn’t born in the traditional way one being an sentimonster and the other an grimwalker)

-They are willing to destroy everything to archive their goals

-Both are also broken and lost their ways in their life and instead of trying to fix their mistakes and move on, is already to late for both of them, their path become dark

The difference here is at least in The Owl House the writers did know what to do with Belos unlike Miraculous, Belos did have moments of sympathy and moments of guilt about killing his older brother, of the little they show about his past we can have an idea how was his life before become this horrible monster, but the show let it clear there’s not salvation for him anymore and he is way far to be redeem

I insist his dead could be handled a little better, but even tho, they did an awesome job with him

But with Gabe, look, they did had good ideas but the execution wasn’t great

I mean, come on, a villain who can take advantage of the persons feelings and transform them in monsters, that’s a cool concept

He been the father of one of the main characters, also a good concept there

But the writers did a terrible and miserable job with those concept and don’t do anything interesting with them, if they do, then they go with time travel or memory erase because this show has something towards consequences and show progression

And the fact in the leaks is show that Adrien won’t be in the final battle with his father and is only Marinette it’s make me angry

And speaking of our bug girl, let’s go back with the plot armor problem

This girl doesn’t has the power of creation, instead she has the power of plot armor in her hands

And Intuition is the prove for that

Is basically

“Gabriel v.s Plot armor” the episode

In this episode is show that Gabriel in fact, did use the power of second chance a lot of times, all the episode we saw he did used it

But the problem was that the lucky charm of Ladybug always change, isn’t the same object, didn’t matter what he do or change something about his plan, the lucky charm always manage to change and give Ladybug the opportunity of win

So yeah, this is prove enough to me that no matter how smart his plan can be, the show is always against him

He is even more of a wasted potential than Chloe is

And I would say it, he is much of a punching bag as Chloe as well

But at least with her they kinda know what to do with her (I say kinda because they did a terrible job, and is mostly because Thomas’s hate boner for her), they want to keep her as a brat, I hate that, but you know what, ok, good for you guys, keep going

But come on, why you keep Gabriel like that??

You want him to be a good villain or not??

The poor man is goin on circles because you don’t know what to do with him

In fact, you know what, I’m happy he is leaving in the season five finale, not like he deserve this or I’m happy he got what he wanted, but more like “you know, good for him, he can finally rest from this mess that this show is, he can be free for now”

Good for you Gabe in that, good for you my dude, hope you enjoy your freedom

And look, I’m not saying this beacuse, who those who don’t know, he is my favorite character (yeah you can kill me for that), but mostly I’m saying this because I want his character to make sense, to be consistent and has deep, which he has but the show act like he doesn’t sometimes

It’s make me sad seeing my favorite character been treated like this, because I know in the right hands he can be a great character

I wouldn’t care is they wanted him to be redeem or not, at least, make him a great an iconic villain

Belos is one of the best villains a I have never seen in a while

And this is why I starting to work in AUs about Hawkmoth, because I know he has potential and there’s a lot of fun things you can do with him, if no anyone can sees it that way, than I can because I care about this character

Let me show some love for my moth boy please if no one wouldn’t do it

I wanted to vent a lot about this main problem I have with the show and why Hawky deserves a lot better like the other characters in this show

I would like to see your opinions about this

Deer out

Hawkmoth/Gabriel Deserves Better

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1 year ago

Miraculous Awakening spoilers

In this account we stan Movie!Gabriel


This the man I wanted to see in the show

This is the Gabriel I asked for!

Just look at him!

As Hawkmoth he has such a chaotic energy and I’m here for it

Miraculous Awakening Spoilers
Miraculous Awakening Spoilers
Miraculous Awakening Spoilers
Miraculous Awakening Spoilers

He is goofy in the good way but also an actual treat

I just-…..EEEEEEEEE💜💜💜💜💜💜

You cannot lie to me, this man is a theater kid

But I also love how in this universe also show me what I wanted to see in the series

A broken and depressed man who wants to do what he thinks is best FOR his son

He shows grief and sadness

He is human

And the moment he realized he was fighting his son the all time he stopped, he didn’t wanted to hurt him

He shows his pain and regret of what he did

Miraculous Awakening Spoilers
Miraculous Awakening Spoilers
Miraculous Awakening Spoilers

I just-

I can’t express how happy I am for this new Gabriel

Maybe I wouldn’t be available to pretend the series doesn’t exist because I would still check out how is doin but I’m definitely taking the movie as the actual canon

Miraculous Awakening Spoilers

Also I don’t care what people say, love Gabriel with long hair

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10 months ago
My Boi
My Boi
My Boi
My Boi
My Boi

My boi

I have a headcanon that when Hawkmoth doesn't have his helmet his hair is messier just like Chat Noir

Like father like son

And some Hawkyura because I think they cute and deserved better

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7 months ago
I Hate Myself

I hate myself

Okay, a gift for the simps of this man

And Mayura and Phycomedian as extras

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7 years ago

Miraculous Ladybug and Chat Noir - Angels

(I saw a different edit for Miraculous and I thought there’s a lot more that could have been with the times, so I gave it a try. I hope you like it!

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7 years ago

One Thing I’ve Noticed in Miraculous

Okay This Has Been bothering me for LITERALLY A WEEK! I didn’t want to get involved in typing a theory for its not what I do (I usually think them maybe tell someone then after a lot of time let it go) but since I haven't see anyone point this out yet. In the Origins Episode of Miraculous Ladybug when Nooroo tells Hawkmoth Gabriel’s Book on the miraculous.

Exhibit A:


and Exhibit B:


Which shows presumable Chat Noir or Hawkmoth. (Now for another matter I do think and please forgive me if you do not think the same, that Gabriel is Hawkmoth.)

Now in the Finale we see Gabriel himself looking after taking it out of his safe. On presumable the Ladybug page.


Now we know their is most likely one of these books do to Tikki’s urgency to get the book in the very same episode.

For instance, I thought was odd in the sneak peak we see at the end Gabriel digitalized the book.


 Isn’t it peculiar that if he did in fact get mad at Adrien for stealing the book (seen in the picture which looks like Natalie is holding the surveillance photo of him putting it in the book)


Now if for the matter he didn't want anyone especial his son having any suspicion on to why he has it or how he acquired? It would make sense if he removed it by making everyone believe he was another one of Hawkmoth’s akumatized victims and that it could never be him. Which would fool both the characters in the show and views.

Well that is my input in the matter if you wish to add yours I’d be glad to here your opinion on the matter so please do.

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7 years ago

Miraculous Ladybug and Chat Noir - ‘Where are you Papa?’ (Papaoutai)

(The link for the English lyrics): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQGZTd4BH74

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7 years ago

Miraculous Ladybug and Chat Noir Hawk moth (Wake up cousin)

(Note I this little clip it is from the Gigantitan episode that was released today so just to warn you)

Hope it makes you laugh!

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