174 posts
Fun Facts
Fun facts 😸
I don't know if anybody pointed that out, but in Puppeteer 2 Adrien copied the famous David statue's pose;

Creator; Michalangelo
It was created from 1501 to 1054
The statue symbolises Fearlessnes and Strengh
I don't know if it has any meaning or not, but because it's fun, here it is
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More Posts from Hades-999
Theory Time 🕘
"Fern Pepler"
Hi. I edited a picture about Future Fenton, and realised something is written on his helmet (on forehead, under the hair). I read it as the title...
Could somebody help me, what does it means, or what is there?

I do not own any Ben 10 5yl art, it's Kuro's and his crew's
Alien X-tinction | Ben 10 | Cartoon Network
I would point out only a single thing from this movie: Alien X is moveing and speaking seemingly without hesitation......😶
Common mistake, Never mind
So, since the Season 3 finale of Ladybug, I heard a million times about of problems our heroes will have to face..... Let me break it down for everybody, what is true, and what is not;
As you guessed it, SPOILERS!
Fixed Peacock Miraculous/Nathalie heals - As we saw, Gabriel fixed the Miraculous of the peacock. First: it could be good, however, nothing implyes that it's really good. I don't think Gabriel is a talented Miraculous fixer. Secound: But even if it's working properly, I don't think Nathalie would instantly healed. She may get better by time
Hawk Moth knows heroes identities - A common mistake the whatchers think Hawk Moth and Mayura (possibly Chloe as well) knows the identity of: Rena Ruge, Carapace, Ryuuko, Viperion, Pegasus and Monky King. That's not true! Ladybug used her Lucky charm, which already proved it can make peaple forget secret identities (most notably in Oblivio) there's no reason it would change this time
Cat Noir has to releval himself - Why would he? The main reason Marinett is brave enought to be Ladybug is the fact she knows Cat Noir gots his back. She needs him and she wouldn't take his ring away. Also, nobody said the Guardian has to know each holder's identity. Practical, yes, but it's not a rule. Also, Cat knows Ladybug is the Guardian, they can keep contact as their superhero identities
Fu is out of the seria - Half truth. His memories dissepeard, however he is still alive, so he can come back at any time, which is unlikely, but still possible
Adrigami / Lukanette is cannon - puting aside my personal preferences, I have to say, non of the main love square's members are together. It's implyed they have feelings for each other, but personally, I think the producers won't make the step to make other offical cuple than Adrinette, but we will see
Ladybug is the Guardian! - so, strangely nobody speaks about it, but at some point Ladybug has to pass the box to somebody else..... Which means she has to forget everything, like Fu..... However (and it's just my theory) Fu gave the box to Ladybug. So, Marinette can keep her memories by anounce or pass her Miraculous....

I hope I could made a few things clear, if you have any thoughts/questions/theories contact me or comment, both are appriciated 😉
Have a nice day.🙂