hahaha1d0that - (She/Her)
(She/Her) 19

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565 posts

I Agree That To Get More Star Wars Content We Need To Stream TBB And Any Other Star Wars Media, But I

I agree that to get more Star Wars content we need to stream TBB and any other Star Wars media, but I don’t think we’re going to get an animated Rebels sequel...

I’m not 100% sure, but I think the scripts and such from the animated sequel were kept and adapted to the Ahsoka show. I think their intention is to make the Ahsoka series about Ahsoka and Sabine finding Ezra and Thrawn, which could have Rebels characters appear.

Like you said, the Mandalorian did so well and Resistance tanked, so they probably decided then to make the Ahsoka series live action starring Rosario Dawson.

I’d love an animated Rebels sequel, but I don’t think we’re gonna get it :(

i completely understand that people are upset about the whitewashing, like me too, i think it was an incredibly asshole move but...

i just want to put it out there that whether bad batch gets a lot of support could affect whether we get an actual animated rebels sequel.

things have changed in the way that people consume media since rebels last ended. and that was only a few years ago.

streaming has pretty much taken over for cable.

disney plus released a few months before resistance concluded and well... it still didnt do well, it wasnt meant for streaming and yet its still probably unlikely that we'll get any more sequel era cartoons any time soon due to it.

and then they released the mandalorian, and it did GREAT, so they're working on more live action shows.

after that, they released clone wars season 7 and it did so well that at one point tcw was the most streamed show.

because clone wars did well they had incentive to make more cartoons and released a sequel to it, the bad batch.

so what do you think will happen if despite them making an attempt, if a bit half assed, to fix their stupidity doesn't save the show and it tanks?

they probably wont be very inclined to create any more sequels for previous star wars cartoons, and they won't make a rebels sequel.

im not saying don't be mad. be mad. keep telling disney to do better. but if you care at all about getting something better- something we actually wanted, youre gonna have to watch the show anyway.

subscriptions and the money from viewership is all that disney cares about. they don't care about the storytelling or the art. and they own star wars. so if you want the storytelling and the art to continue, youre gonna need to cough up some cash, some time, or both.

does that suck? yes. but i doubt that its going to change any time soon. they aren't going to sell their cash cow any time soon and they aren't going to spontaneously start caring more about creativity than money.

if you want a rebels sequel you have to keep watching the bad batch.

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More Posts from Hahaha1d0that

3 years ago

I agree with many people that Anakin’s story was kind of poorly developed, especially in the movies. However, I think what we have seen shows how his motivations were strong enough to join the dark side and become Darth Vader.

Anakin had no father, literally, and only had his mother until he was ~10y/o.

He and his mother were slaves for Watto.

When Qui-gon discovered how high his midichlorian count was, his force sensitivity was made into a big deal.

Qui-gon believed very early on that Anakin was the Chosen One and that he would fulfill the prophecy of balancing the force.

Anakin had to say goodbye to his mother and leave the only home he ever knew to live with and be trained by strangers.

When Anakin was first brought before the High Jedi Council, they refused to allow him to be trained. His confidence was built up and broken down within such a short amount of time.

As one of the only men that believed in him and cared for him up until that point, Qui-gon’s death must have been heartbreaking to Anakin.

The only reason Yoda agreed to let Anakin into the Order was because Obi-wan basically threatened to leave the Order and take Anakin with him and train him without the council’s supervision (and because he trusted Qui-gon’s judgement).

Anakin was raised by Obi-wan for the next 10 years, but probably in a very by-the-book way because Obi-wan was dedicated the the Jedi Code.

During this time, he was probably judged by everyone else in the Order. Everyone expected him to be the Chosen One. What do you think happened when Anakin failed at something? Made a mistake? He was probably held to such high expectations the rest of his childhood.

When he was 19, he saw force visions of his mother dying. He went back to Tatooine to find her just in time for her to die in his arms. He killed the entire village of Tusken Raiders out of rage, probably because he never had a place to vent his anger before. Jedi are taught not to let emotions control their actions, but for the first ~10 years of his life, he was raised differently. He probably had strong emotions but had to hide them to avoid further disappointment from his peers.

It is implied that Anakin was knighted because the Jedi Order didn’t have enough Jedi knights to serve as generals in the Clone War. They admitted that he hadn’t passed all of the trials but knighted him anyways. One of the most important achievements in any Jedi’s life was falsified in Anakin’s case for the council’s gain.

When the council entrusts him to train Ahsoka, and after he warms up to the idea of that responsibility, he grows very attached to Ahsoka. So when Cad Bane almost threw her out an airlock, she was almost killed by the Blue Shadow Virus, she was possessed (and killed¿) by the Brother, she was kidnapped by Trandoshans, she was framed for murder, she was expelled from the Order, and when she left the Order and Anakin behind...Anakin felt responsible, heartbroken, and maybe even betrayed. He missed her and resented the council for her deciding to leave.

Not to mention when the council decided to have Obi-wan fake his death and go undercover to prevent Eval from kidnapping Palpatine. Anakin genuinely thought his master, the man who raised him, “the closest thing [he had] to a father,” was dead. They had a funeral that Obi-wan’s closest friends and peers attended under the impression that it was real. After the mission’s success, Anakin finds out that the council lied to him in such a horrible and kind of unnecessary way.

Anakin also saw force visions of Padmé dying. Not only was padmé his wife and the love of his life, but she was also the mother of his unborn children. He wasn’t just trying to save her, he was also trying to save the twins from dying. He had three lives at risk that he was desperate to save.

When Anakin is inducted into the Jedi Council, he isn’t given the rank of master. This is the first time in the Jedi Order’s history that a member of the council was not ranked as a master. If Anakin wasn’t ready to be a master, he shouldn’t have been accepted onto the council. Later, Windu tells Anakin that if his intel is correct then he will have “gained [his] trust” meaning that Windu never truly trusted him before that.

So when Palpatine promises to help Anakin save Padmé, supports Anakin’s decisions throughout the war, and seems to want to help him, Anakin grows close to him. Anakin depended on him.

In the end, he was deceived. Padmé was dead (he probably assumed his children were dead by extension), the Jedi were dead, he believed his former padawan was dead (probably at the hands of Rex, who he also probably thought was dead), his master had left him to die, his life was basically ruined, and all he had was a man that engineered his suit to constantly cause him pain to ensure that he would never overthrow him.

Anakin’s story is a tragedy, and it’s shown beautifully if you pay enough attention.

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3 years ago

hera syndulla survived a bad crash landing, multiple shootouts, capture and prolonged torture, an exploding fuel depot, the loss of her lover, and the entire battle for Lothal while pregnant. i need to sit down and think about this

3 years ago

Despite Star Wars: Clone Wars (2003) not being considered canon anymore for obvious reasons, there are a few gems in there.

Here are some of the things you’re missing out on if you haven’t watched it:

Severely 2-D Cartoon Network animation style

General Grievous’, Ventress’, and Cody’s first appearances

Commander Skywalker

A squad of badass ARC troopers not belonging to any battalion in particular

The Mon Cala arc but very condensed (starring shirtless Kit Fisto ofc)

Medieval jousting droids (?)

Obi-wan wearing clone trooper armor and his Jedi robes

How Ventress became Dooku’s apprentice and got her red lightsabers


Anakin and Ventress’ first fight, on Yavin 4, in the rain

Ki-adi Mundi’s padawan literally being Shaggy from Scooby Doo

Anakin being knighted by Yoda and Padme keeping his padawan braid

Anakin eating live bugs

Anakin getting tribal tattoos from leeches

Wat Tambor walking like a normal person instead of rolling around

Wat Tambor experimenting on Nelvaan warriors and turning them into giant cyborg rat people

Anakin getting his second prosthetic arm

Grievous kidnapping Palpatine and Windu crushing his chest during their escape, causing his coughing problem

Ending with the Battle of Coruscant

Overall, pretty cool

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3 years ago

Parallel in The Bad Batch 1x03

Crosshair in The Clone Wars: “If your plans are so good, why did Commander Cody have to call us in?”

Parallel In The Bad Batch 1x03

ES-01 in The Bad Batch: “If [clones] are so efficient, how come the Empire’s scouting soldiers like us?”

Parallel In The Bad Batch 1x03

And then Crosshair gets pissed, like yes, you were this big of a dick too😭

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