halliwellsims4 - HalliwellSims4

A TV show that run from 90's to 2000 and charmed us all, adults and children alike🥰We loved them so much that most of us recreate them in TS4, with their house and their dedicated CC. Charmed is in the heart of all of us! In this blog I will publish some of the mini stories of the Power of Three🥰🪄

237 posts

Brain Drain

Brain Drain


Paige: Anything?

Leo: I can't sense Piper anywhere.

Paige: Does that mean that?

Phoebe: No. He wouldn't have taken her if he wanted her dead. Cole? Oh my god.


Cole: I'm all right. I just found out that Piper's in the underworld, I think the Source has her.

Phoebe: The Source? A-are you sure? How do you know?

Cole: From another chameleon demon. I kinda 'squeezed' it out of him.

Phoebe: Well, we gotta find her. There's gotta be a spell in here somewhere.


Cole: Phoebe?

Phoebe: I saw the Source stealing the book and killing us, with our powers.


Paige: Our powers? How can he get our powers?

Cole: Maybe he's figured how to get them from Piper. Explains why he's keeping her alive.

Phoebe: No, but she can't give them up by herself.

Leo: Well, she can using the relinquishing spell in the book.

Phoebe: But we burned that spell three years ago, it doesn't exist anymore.


Leo: It does in her mind.

Phoebe: That's crazy. She'd never say it, she'd never give up her powers.

Paige: Even though she was kinda willing to this morning? I'm just saying.


Phoebe: Look, I know what you're saying but you don't know what you're talking about. I'm sorry.

Paige: Forget it.

Leo: Maybe you and I should go down there, see if I can sense her.

Cole: Follow me.


Phoebe: Okay, there's a bunch or summoning spells we can try. Come on.


Paige: I thought you said I wasn't good enough for your little coven.

Piper: Paige, you are under a spell, you don't know what you're talking about.

Paige: I tried to be your friend, I even tried to play your stupid witchy games, but all you could do was complain about me and my stuff and how we didn't compare to your beloved Prue.

Piper: I've never said that.

Paige: Hmm, you don't have to. It's obvious the way you treat me. You don't even like me.

Piper: Paige, that's ridiculous, we're sisters.


Alaster: You don't have any sisters, you're an only child, Piper, you know that.

Piper: I'm gonna be so happy when I vanquish your sorry ass.

Alaster: You use it to explain things you can't accept. Just like your best friend did before she got well. Prue?

Piper: Don't you dare talk about Prue.

Paige: Here we go again. Saint Prue.

Alaster: You've never forgiven her from finally accepting that she wasn't a witch. You've convinced yourself that she's dead.

Piper: She is dead.

Alaster: No, she's not. We released her three months ago. She's recovered, she's free. Just like you could be if you'd stop fighting it. Accept the reality.


Piper: Let me out of these restraints, I'll show you some reality.

Alaster: I'm afraid you'd just hurt yourself again. I'm truly sorry.


Piper: Leo! Leo!

Paige: Ugh, will you stop with the Leo, Leo. You're driving me crazier than I already am.

Piper: Ughh! (Phoebe skips in, eating a cookie.) Phoebe, Phoebe, untie me, hurry, hurry.

Phoebe: All right, all right, stop obsessing.

Piper: I'm not obsessing. What are you eating?

Phoebe: Chocolate chip cookie. Not your best.

Paige: Got milk? Ooh, don't think so.

Piper: Just get me out of these things, we need to reverse this damn spell. (Phoebe gasps.) What is it? What did you see?

Phoebe: I saw the back of my eyelids, what do you think I saw?


Piper: Oh, no, Phoebe, not you too.

Paige: Hurry up, Looney Tunes, get me outta here.

Piper: All right, I don't know what the hell is going on here, but we've gotta get to the Book of Shadows, and since evil can't touch it, it's still gotta be in the attic. Right, right, right? Let's go.


Piper: All right, the first thing we gotta do is... Where's Phoebe?

Paige: Who cares?

Phoebe: Sorry, had to grab my broom.

Piper: For what?

Phoebe: Well, for flying, silly. Uh-oh, another innocent to save.

Piper: No, Phoebe, wait!


Cole: You can't hurt me. I'm the mighty Belthazor.

Phoebe: Stop it, he's not evil anymore, he's good!


Paige: Mmm, well, he sure flew.

Piper: Hi, stop that. Has anybody seen the Book?


Phoebe: I know where it is. I hid it so the doctors... I mean the demons wouldn't find it.

Piper: What? What is this? Oh god. You are nuts. Okay, I don't understand how a demon could take the book out of the house. Unless this isn't the house. Okay, I gotta get you two outta here, maybe that'll break the spell.

Paige: How come the spell didn't work on you? Hehehe.

Phoebe: Don't question the rules.

Piper: Come on, we'll go down the trellis.


Phoebe: What about Cole? I never get to spend any time with him.

Piper: Uh, we'll come back for him later. Come on, come on. It'll be fun. Hurry, hurry. Faster.


Alaster: Piper, Don't.


Phoebe: I think we lost him.

Piper: Wait a minute, everything looks normal. But this, this is wrong. We should go back and try to get the demon to talk.

Paige: I'm thinking he's not gonna be so eager to spill his guts.


Piper: Hey!

Paige: Piper!


Alaster/The Source: I believe she's just learned her lesson.


Phoebe, Paige: "Power of the witches rise, course unseen across the skies, come to us who call you near, come to us and settle here. Blood to blood I summon thee, blood to blood return to me."


Paige: Any other spells you can think of?

Phoebe: No. I don't know what else to do. If Leo and Cole can't find her...  What is it?

Paige: Something that Leo said about the power-relinquishing spell being in Piper's mind.

Phoebe: I told you, she'd never say it. Paige, you don't know her as well as I do.


Paige: No, but I am getting to know the Source. He likes to play tricks on people's minds. I mean, god knows, he did with mine. He almost had me kill a guy, remember?

Phoebe: Yeah, go on.


Paige: Well, maybe that's what he's trying to do to Piper, get into her mind somehow. I mean, if that's where the spell is.

Phoebe: Then that's probably where he's looking for it. And if he can get into her mind, then why can't we?


Alaster: Easy, easy. You've had a terrible accident.

Piper: What did you do to me?

Alaster: You got hit by a car. The driver said you didn't even try to get out of the way. Piper, this delusion that you somehow have magical powers is going to get you killed some day.

Piper: Shove it. Where are my sisters?

Alaster: You mean your roommates. They're safe downstairs. Piper, how can I save you if you won't save yourself? You have to want to. You have to will it. Otherwise you just remain lost in this fantasy world of yours.

Piper: It's real, and you're just trying to confuse me.

Alaster: No, no, I'm trying to help you. Piper, your psychosis is based on the fervent belief that you're magical. But you know that's just an escape.

Piper: Escape? What escape?

Alaster: From some deep-seated pain, some terrible loss. Most likely the death of your grandmother. Which is, after all, when these series of episodes began. End your pain. You can do it. In one of our sessions you mentioned a poem... a spell, you called it. One that relinquishes the magical powers you think you have.

Piper: No. Go away.

Alaster: Say the spell, Piper. It'll free you, I promise you. It'll release you from all the, the crippling delusions you have.

Piper: Get out. Get away from me, get out!

Alaster: You have the power to give yourself the life you've always wanted. (He walks to the door.) All you have to do is stop putting the illusion of being a witch in front of it.

Piper: Leo. Leo, where are you?


Cole:  Leo.

Leo: She's hurt.

Cole: Where is she?

Leo: I don't know, I can't get an exact reading.

Cole: Try harder.

Leo: I can't. The Source must have learned from last time, he's blocking Piper's signal.

Cole: Well, we have to find the Source.

Leo: How are we gonna do that?

Cole: There's only one way.

Leo: Cole.


Leo: Hey.

Piper: Leo. Heal me, please.

Leo: This ought to help.

Piper: No, not with that, with your powers.

Leo: If I had powers, honey, I would use them. You know that I would.

Leo: It kills me to see you like this. What?

Piper: White lights. I see white lights all around you.

Leo: That's the painkiller.

Piper: No, you're my Whitelighter.

Leo: Dr. Alaster says there's a way for you to get better. Is that true?


Piper: I-I don't...

Leo: If it were then we can be together. We wouldn't have to keep sneaking around, breaking the rules.

Piper: Rules? But we're married.

Leo: No, only in your fantasy world. But it doesn't have to be that way. If you were to get better, then we could be married for real. And have that little girl that you've been dreaming about in the future. Come on, I wanna show you something.


Oracle: What are you doing here? Leave now.

Bounty #1: I don't think so.

Bounty #2: Tell the Source we've captured Belthazor.

Oracle: Leave him. I'll make sure you get the credit.

Bounty #2: We're not going without our bounty.

Oracle: Then you'll wait.


Alaster/The Source: I have a surprise for you, Piper.


Alaster: One that I think will help you.

Leo: You see, there's magic in the real world too.

Alaster: Your friends have come to visit you.

Becca: Piper, how are you?


Piper: Becca?


Becca: It's so good to see you again, we've missed you.

Wendy: We've got so much to catch up on.

Piper: Wendy, when did you have your baby?

Wendy: Just after the shower. Don't you remember? Do you wanna hold her? Here.  Isn't the outfit you bought her just adorable?

Becca: What's the matter, honey? Why are you crying?


Alaster: I think it's probably best if you all go now.

Becca: But we just got here. And everyone's so excited to finally see her again.

Alaster: I'm sorry. You understand.


Leo: You can have this life, Piper. We can have it together. You already know how to get it for us. It's the only way you'll ever get out of here. To free yourself once and for all, to free us.

Piper: The spell.

Leo: Yes. The spell.  Try to remember it. Exactly.


Paige: Are we sure we wanna do this?

Phoebe: This was your idea, remember?

Paige: Well, in the abstract, yeah, but, uh, I have enough trouble being in my head let alone someone else's.

Phoebe: Well, our minds won't actually be in Piper's body, just our consciousness. Kinda like astral projection.

Paige: Okay, so the spell gets us into her head. What about after that?

Phoebe: We use the reversal spell to get us out. Are you ready? I'm not about to lose another sister. And neither are you.


Phoebe, Paige: "Life to life and mind to mind, our spirits now will intertwine; We meld our souls and journey to, the one whose thoughts we wish we knew."


Phoebe: I think it worked.

Paige: Either that or we're in Mary Poppins' head.


Phoebe: Piper. Piper. We're gonna get you outta here. Okay, I have the spell.

Piper: No, no more spells.

Phoebe: Piper, honey, it's us, it's your sisters.

Piper: I don't have any sisters. Go away, leave me alone!


Alaster: You're too late. Her nightmare's about to end.


Alaster: Keep 'em here. I want them to witness this. They're no threat. Their powers don't work here.

Paige: Oh, yeah? Spell!  Ow!

Alaster: Pain, however, you do feel. And will, after she recites the spell thrice. Once for each of your powers.


Phoebe: Leo. Help Piper, get her outta here.

Alaster: Yes, Leo, by all means.

Leo: It's okay. Piper, honey, just say the words and everything will be all right.

Paige: No!

Piper: "From whence they came return them now..."

Phoebe: Piper, don't! Please, Piper, don't.

Piper: "Vanish the words, vanish our powers..."

Paige: Don't trust them, they're trying to steal our powers!

Alaster: Don't listen to them.

Leo: They're still delusional.

Alaster: You're not.

Leo: Not anymore.

Alaster: Just two more times.

Alaster: You'll set yourself free. Say the spell, Piper. You know you want to.


Leo: Come on, Cole, wake up. How you doing? Cole, hurry up, wake up.


Oracle:Finish this, you're in danger.


Leo: Piper.


Piper: "Vanish our powers."

Alaster: One last time.


Phoebe: Now!


Oracle: Break the connection or he'll kill you!


Alaster: I told you, you're too late.


Oracle: No!


Phoebe: Piper, please, don't do this. Our magic is a gift. You can't just throw it away.

Piper: "From whence they came, return them now."


Leo: Piper, don't. (He goes over to her.) Listen to your sisters, trust them. Trust me, don't say the spell, don't relinquish your powers.

Piper:  Are you really my husband?

Leo: Yes.

Piper: And that would make you two really my sisters.

Phoebe: Whether you like it or not.

Piper: And so that demon is gone? Thank god, because that guy was freaking me out.

Paige: Whattaya say we, uh, click our heals and get out of this crazy joint? Uh, no offense.

Piper: That's okay.  My life has always been a little crazy.


Phoebe: Is something wrong?

Piper: No, everything is just right.

Paige: Except for my chair.

Piper: Yeah, which, um, I'll actually pay to replace.

Paige: Oh, god, no, it's not your fault. Or is it?

Piper: Actually, yeah, it was. I was just upset that there was yet another demon in our house and in our lives. And I know I should stop fighting it and just accept it but...

Paige: Nah, it wasn't my favourite chair anyway. Besides, it's actually kinda good to know that I'm not the only one who struggles with the idea of being a witch.

Phoebe: No, believe me, you're in good company.

Leo: Well, the good news is you won't have to deal with the Source any time soon because Cole... hurt him pretty bad.

Cole: Not bad enough though, he'll be back.

Phoebe: So, he's gone for now isn't he? First time in a long time. I think we should take advantage of that.

Cole: Why, Ms. Halliwell, are you trying to seduce me?

Phoebe: Always.

Piper: Eww


Paige: Okay, and I'm just gonna... go to the store, get some milk, or something.

Leo: Sure you're okay?

Piper: Yeah. You know, I-I'm never gonna stop wanting a normal life, but you know what? I think that's the one thing that actually keeps me sane.

Leo: Well, you deserve a normal life, Piper. We both do. And maybe we'll get that when we vanquish the Source once and for all.

Piper: And who knows. Maybe some day I can have a baby shower of my own. What do you think?

Leo: Well, in that case.. We need to practice a little.

Piper: Leo!


Pose by @anasimmer28​

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