Yeah So... I Did A Thing
Yeah so... I did a thing
New Blog!
Hi. This is @harukamitsuki speaking.
So... I decided to make a blog specifically for rewriting MHA.
It's been on my mind for a while now, ever since I started ranting a whole lot about My Hero's shortcomings, and since I my post about Kurogiri and Shigaraki abandoning AfO.
I will absolutely tone down any bashing of characters, such as Bakugou, Aizawa, and Shinsou. I will still be critical, but I won't declare them as unredeemable pieces of shits, and all that jazz.
First and foremost: this is not canon compliant. It will change before canon, though not by much. (Basically giving Izuku's dream of being a quirkless hero some ground.)
The timeline will be stretched out further, with the final arc being in Izuku's third year, rather than in the first. It always bothered me how fast everything was happening, to the point that we rarely ever see the characters getting any sort of down time.
There will be no bashing of characters, with the uncertain execption of Endeavour as I'm not sure if I want to redeem him or not.
As for rules for this blog...
1 - Asks regarding opinons of certain characters are not allowed. Instead, please send them to my main blog, @harukamitsuki
2 - Asks should be pertaining to this blog specifically. Any asks not related to the rewrite will be deleted and ignored.
3 - I do not want to see asks demanding that I do this or that. If I see them, they will be promptly ignored and deleted. Asking if I will be doing this or that is perfectly fine.
4 - If I decide to implement romance, it will be my decision, and mine alone. Feel free to interpret different relationships however you want, but if I include any shipping, it will be my decision alone.
5 - This will be going arc by arc, so please don't ask about arcs that come into play much later on. I will be focusing on only one arc, and maybe setting up foreshadowing for later ones.
6 - Bakugou, Aizawa, Shinsou, and Endeavour stans will not enjoy this blog, so if you are any of them, I suggest that you do not read and/or interact. Just keep scrolling man
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More Posts from Harukamitsuki
Here's some maybe controversial takes on My Hero Academia:
Spoilers under the Read More
Horikoshi has this weird thing for trying and failing to redeem abusive characters
Bakugou's character development is shit and that apology was awful
Hori is not focusing enough on Izuku, his main character, and the lack of introspection is appalling
Mineta being Hori's self-insert is disgusting and the SpaceToon version is leagues better
Dabi should not have been given ice powers
Bakugou is getting way too much screen-time and relevance, considering he wasn't even planned to be a major character
Ochako has become stale and lost any flavour after the Sport's Festival arc
Toga is not a good character
Shigaraki is not a good person. He was implied to be when he was younger, but not at the current point of time
Aizawa is a shit teacher and plays favourites with Bakugou and Shinsou
Shinsou is a lazy, quirkist asshole who likes to play Trauma Olympics despite his backstory being incredibly tame and not traumatising in the slightest
Monoma is actually really interesting and I love him
Momo's powers are being undersold majorly and Hori refuses to give her anything
All Might gets bashed way too much
Mic is the best adult around
Izuku should have either always been quirkless throughout the series or never should have given OfA away
Hori has a habit of making gory things happen for shock value and then immediately resolving them
Kaminari's quirk is OP but Hori doesn't want to acknowledge that
Eri is a plot hole and the way the heroes use her is disgusting. She should have just had a minor rewind quirk that was strengthened by Trigger, making it so she literally cannot rewind All Might to his prime, or Aizawa's eye and leg, or dead people
Mirio is amazing and I love him
Kouda is the purest boy but his hero costume is ass
People forget Iida a lot and it's saddening
Mitsuki is not abusive. She's just Asian
Inko is on a weird scale of 'supportive' and 'neglectful'
Hori lets Bakugou get away with way too much
(Just reblogged this at @sapphic-agent's blog, so if this seems familiar, that's why)
"We're Not Friends Kacchan" by Winds Carry Far is a really good Bakugou-Bashing fic, where All Might is depicted as a good teacher, while Aizawa is called out for being a terrible one who enabled Bakugou's behaviour. Highly recommend.
Another fic they made is called "Reality Check", where Shinsou is the one called out. Aizawa is, again, called out for being a terrible teacher, and All Might as being supportive. Another great read.
They both have TvTrope pages, though they're not exactly reliable, considering it calls both Shinsou and Bakugou as OOC even thought they're really not.
"Please Erase Eraserhead's Biases" by Beerus is also a Shinsou-bashing fic, which Aizawa is also called out on and All Might is not. Another good read.
In the "to be better" series by bia95, the first fic, "to be bitter, to be kind", has less bashing and more of a critique on Shinsou. As it's a discussion between Nedzu and Shinsou, Aizawa and All Might are not mentioned. The third fic in the series, "to be angry, to be safe", bashes on Bakugou. It acknowledges that he was raised by a shitty school but he still needs to be punished. The series is only three works in, but it is going really well thus far.
"Abuse of Power" by ACoolUsername85 is another good Shinsou-bashing fic, where Aizawa is portrayed as a shit teacher. It's centred around Ojirou, who was absoultely done dirty by the fandom, who tries to get along with Shinsou, but he's just a raging asshole.
Those are a few fics that I find myself re-reading. Give em a read if you want to see content like this :)
Do you read fanfictions? If so, can you tell me your favourite fics where Bakugou severely faces consequences, Aizawa and Shinsou's BS being called, and Izuku getting the love and support he deserves? Thanks❤️❤️❤️
I do read fanfiction however it's been quite a while since I stumbled into a fic that properly punished aizawa, bakugo and shinsou or at least criticised them while giving Izuku justice.
That being said I think that @anartisicandautisticstararcher rewrite has potential and you should read it when it is released. I have also seen quite a few rewrite MHA blogs around so I think it would be better asking them for fic recommendations.
@mikeellee also has fics criticising bakugo, aizawa and shinsou.
If anyone has fic recommendations do feel free to reblog or comment them down below
Hello there 👋 @islamgazaaccount3 Islam, a physical therapist, 27-year-old, is living in Gaza without any form of shelter or safety for himself and his family of 6 including his 85 years old grandfather who lost a hand from a prior Israeli bombing, and is barely able to perform everyday tasks due to a lack of clean water to wash his hand with. Their home was demolished by a bombing from the Israeli occupation. While shelter is crucial, they also urgently need food and water. All of their necessities were taken away. Islam's blog has been restricted for the third time. He tried sharing a donation link, but with limited followers, it wasn't reaching enough people. Thankfully, he created a GoFundMe account, making it easier for those who want to help, but he is still extremely low on funds. Please consider sharing Islam's story and donating to his GoFundMe. Even a small contribution can make a big difference in their time of need. 🙏❤️ you can find Islam's story here 👉 This fundraiser has been verified by @90-ghost @northgazaupdates2 @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @mushroomjar
we got another one boys
I made an account for my Voltron Rewrite. Check it out below!
It's really funny seeing all those 'ao3 is down' posts because it always happens when I'm fast asleep