im literally shaking && the green hair punk singer what even is that 🌚

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No one has such a tight grip on me like Park Jimin does. I am legit scared of what he can unleash. Please... set me free Jimin.

I'm calling it.
Bonus live clip for Muse will be a vid directed by JK.
How did I get here?
Lemme drag you into my pit.

Streets are saying (the voices in my head 😃) that the pictures from the preview all feature Summer activities.

WHAT IF MINKOOKIE TRAVEL VLOG MUKBANG BUDDY COP SHOW is 3 or 4 episodes filmed across several seasons. Spring in Jeju. Summer in Connecticut. Fall in Busan. Winter in Tokyo. 🤔🤔🤔 I'm iffy on the timeline as I am not a walking encyclopedia Parktannica, and we have no confirmation that the Jeju trip is even a part of the travel vlog, so just indulge me here.
For all we know the whole travel vlog could be a twenty minute bangtanb and the remainder of my hopes and dreams stored in a rust can hanging on to the back of a motorbike by a string, dragged along a dusty bumpy road. WHO KNOWS. NOT ME.
But! From the little we have seen, it does seem like a very 'buddy buddy' go traveling together, having fun before enlistment type of vibe. From the little that we saw.

What really surprised me was the timing. If it's dropping on the 8th of August, it'll be the closing coda of Jimin’s MUSE promo. NO BIG DEAL. NO NEED TO FREAK OR ANYTHING. Why would a travel (show, clip, video, ten episode series, saga) where two bro's travel to beautiful natural (romantic??) destinations, shown right after a second album about rising like a Phoenix after having endured a tough time while a special someone is supporting you, waiting for you, leading you to blooming and who makes you act bold. Longing to share your love for said muse, featuring lyrics like:

why should that be a big deal AT ALL??
Nope. It's just jikook jikooking after all. They are the masters of framing their work around the other. They make sure to include the other in nuanced ways that leave one seriously questioning ones sanity.
That's why I think Muse and the travel vlog overlapping/butting up against one another (no pun intended) is VERY much in Jimin’s wheelhouse. He is the master of revealing nothing while suggesting everything.
So, if it turns out the live clip is a live rendition of a song from MUSE, filmed by or with JK. Done conveniently while the two were traveling to a beautiful destination together?? Details never or rarely to be mentioned again? Classic Jikook.
If it turns out that none of the above is correct, I'm sure it'll be something equally as crazy. Something my mind is yet to conjure up.
I'm glad at least that we're finally counting down to this thing. 😃😌🤡
It's a seasaw game.
I am actually screaming at how they are trying and sometimes failing at balancing the act of 'bro's' and 'lovers' here. Leaning into it, maybe dismissing it as 'Korean skinship' and 'familial bonds developed over time during bts' to the US audience, but those with broader views of relationships and especially the tannies, will see that there is more at play here.
We all know most ARMY don't like talking about jikook as a ship bcs they are too real. They transcend the confines of a ship because their bond is real. Regardless of whether it's romantic or not. This trip however is them making this bond explicit. The whole plot is centered around how this bond makes taking a risk worth it.
The 'as long as I'm with you' is implied here, HEAVILY. romantic...
The amount of press this is getting……

I look forward to seeing the locals reaction to Jikook’s “chemistry”. The cat might be out of the bag….👀
I'll be hanging on to 'first dancing snowflake of winter' for a long time. Jimin really is that special. I hope he knows the true power of his charm. May it not overwhelm him, but give him strength. He's only human, after all.
Look at this man
Jimin just out-Jiminned himself
"Oh you think that was cute?" He grins, "Hold my beer,"

I am helplessly besotted.
Hes so adorable and beautiful and cute and lovely (and sexy, but its not about that today)
I can barely stand it.
My face hurts from smiling at him
The feel good vibes he radiates are throwing my carefully manicured moodiness into disarray
Maybe a blocked drain or a bowl of burned soup will help restore some balance to my life.
But this is not about me,
It's about Park Jimin
At least it was about Park Jimin ... until i noticed Loco practically writhing with glee on his sofa as he watches Jimin outdo every newborn animal or gurgling baby in the cuteness stakes.
Yes, let's consider Loco's reaction.
He is after all, right in the firing line of Jimin's radiance. He is defenceless against this barrage of cuteness-sexy-loveliness.
Loco is trying SO HARD to look at least somewhat impartial but it seems he is just as tickled by jimin as everyone else is.

Like everyone else, the man cannot stop smiling.

Well he can, but only if he bites down on his lips to stop them from cracking into a wide grin.

Probably easier to just not look at him ...

I wonder how many takes they did, and how many times he had to endure this outrageous display of charm.
Maybe Loco also needs a blocked drain or burned soup because his cheeks must be aching.

Seriously though, you know what this tells me?
It tells me
Jimin is just as delightful and gorgeous and sweet as we suppose him to be.
It tells me we see the real Jimin.
This is him.
He really IS the glittering star that brightens our dull lives.
He's the first dancing snowflake of winter.
He's a ray of warm sunshine in spring.
He's the pearly moonbeam lighting up your dark night.
He's a flicker of hope in your heart when everything else seems lost.
He's the pot of gold AND the rainbow.
It's a brave thing he's doing. Let's not forget that, despie the buoyant mood, he's taking a huge risk.
If i had a god I'd pray that they keep Jimin safe from hurt and harm, but i don't. I just have to have faith in the universe, that this beautiful and charming and funny young man will have the happiness he deserves.
#thank you universe fir the gift that is park jimin
(Here's the whole clip in case you want to smile till your cheeks hurt)