heatg05 - Just Fangirling
Just Fangirling

Keep calm and fangirl... Oh wait, fangirls don't do calm

27 posts

My Reactions To 1x12 And 1x13

My Reactions to 1x12 and 1x13

To 1x12 (better know as the ep. with all the Mash and Frola): 

I mean I get why everyone's acting the way they are and all. I truly do. But do we really have to?

My Reactions To 1x12 And 1x13

To 1x13 (better known as the ep. that made my heart explode):

First, there was a lot of this.

My Reactions To 1x12 And 1x13

And this.

My Reactions To 1x12 And 1x13

Then, it turned into a bucket full of this.

My Reactions To 1x12 And 1x13

Finally, I pulled a Nick Miller and stopped functioning altogether.

My Reactions To 1x12 And 1x13
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    mariahpalmi liked this · 10 years ago
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    there-is-some-madness-in-love liked this · 10 years ago
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    forever-always-daydreaming liked this · 10 years ago
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    youngatheart60 liked this · 10 years ago
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    brooke0297 liked this · 10 years ago
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More Posts from Heatg05

11 years ago

My Reactions to 1x11

For the majority of this episode I was following some whacked out shampoo instructions:

"OMG!" "Holy shit!" Repeat.

My Reactions To 1x11

After it was over though, the one thing that kept running through my head was: 

I can't be the only one who's noticed that every time Mary kisses Bash she looks pretty miserable. Not once has she kissed him and looked happy like she did when she was with Francis. If that doesn't tell you something, then I honestly don't know what will.

My Reactions To 1x11

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11 years ago

Reign season 2 is a go!

I hope you all know what this means… It’s time to CELEBRATE!

So POP your collar!




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10 years ago

Thank God

So glad we don't have to go down the Regina has to prove herself to Emma route again! Three seasons in the show is much more interesting when they work together.

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11 years ago

My Reactions to 1x10

Yay: (1) Bash’s sass, which apparently runs in the family! (2) Love, love, love watching Mary go tete-a-tete queen-style with Catherine! (3) Catherine and Mary’s ladies were just amazing this episode! They were by far my favorite scenes of the night!

My Reactions To 1x10
My Reactions To 1x10

Meh: The Mash scenes didn’t hurt my heart as much as I thought they would. But I think that’s because it’s pretty obvious that Mary doesn’t love Bash. Don’t get me wrong she cares for him and doesn’t want a loveless marriage so she’s going to try, but I just don’t see any evidence that she fully reciprocates Bash’s feelings for her. 

My Reactions To 1x10

Nay: Missed the hell out of Francis (he’s my favorite so it was kind of inevitable). 

My Reactions To 1x10

So to sum up: A good, strong episode… but I miss Francis and Frary, and I really want Bash to be happy too. I’m thinking if you put his sass together with Lola’s badass-ery, you’d have one hell of a fiery couple to contend with.

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11 years ago

'No one really needs me,' he says, and there's no self-pity in his voice. It's true his family doesn't need him. They will mourn him, as will a handful of friends. But they will get on. Even Haymitch, with the help of a lot of white liquor, will get on. I realize only one person will be damaged beyond repair if Peeta dies. Me.

Catching Fire, chapter 24 (via everlarkquotes)

I do. I need you.

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