Omg This Makes Me Feel So Awkward But I Can't Stop Reading
Omg this makes me feel so awkward but I can't stop reading
anonymous part fourteen - l.hs 18+
anonymous masterlist

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More Posts from Heebambilee
anonymous part thirteen - l.hs 18+
anonymous masterlist

anonymous part twenty eight - l.hs 18+
anonymous masterlist

Your head was killing you as you stayed at home, phone in hand whilst you paced the living room. You’d texted Jungwon almost one hundred times now, not one of them had been read or responded to.
You kept up to date with the boys too, but nothing had come up yet, the sun was starting to set and you were increasingly worried. Because Jungwon was an adult now, the police wouldn’t do anything until at least twenty four hours have passed. You knew that as soon as it hit that time, you would be ringing the police station over and over until they did something.
A buzzing from your phone brought you out of your thoughts, Heeseung’s name popped up on your screen and you didn’t even hesitate to pick up the call. If you actually sat and thought about it, you and Heeseung had come a long way and all it took was a missing person’s case to do so. Fucking hell.
“Heeseung,” you said as soon as you picked up the phone. “Is everything ok?”
He didn’t respond for a few seconds, you could hear cars driving by outside and occasional sniffs through the speaker. He took a few deep breaths before talking.
“I can’t find him anywhere Y/N,” he mumbled, voice breaking at the end of your name. “I’ve driven around the whole fucking city, I’ve got no idea where he is.”
You could tell Heeseung was crying now, his words were muffled as he tried to compose himself.
“Hey, Hee don’t cry ok?” You knew your words were futile, “we’ll find him. The boys are still out looking, why don’t you come home for a bit and rest for a while?”
“I can’t do that, I won’t be able to until I know where he is,” you could hear him shut the door of his car and the background noise got quieter. “I’m just going to sit here for a while and then drive around again, I need a moment to calm down.”
“Don’t drive until you’re ok, yeah?” You worried the skin on your bottom lip, as much as you were concerned about Jungwon, you were equally as concerned about Heeseung. You couldn’t deny how much you had already started to care for the two boys in such a short amount of time.
“I’ll wait for a while, my hands are shaking a bit,” he sighed loudly. “What did the police say?”
“They can’t do anything until twenty four hours after he was last seen, so I can call them in the morning if we need to,” you could hear Heeseung get more irritated as he huffed out in annoyance. “I’m sorry Hee, we’re doing as much as we can do now.”
“I’m not mad at you, I just hate how useless the police are. Waiting that long is just going to make it harder for them to find him,” he replied, voice softer than before.
“We’ll find him Heeseung,” you stopped, pulling the phone away from your ear for a second as you heard some shuffling outside the front door. You heard Heeseung call your name a few times so you bought your phone back towards you, “hold on Hee, I can hear someone outside, let me check.”
“Be careful, don’t hang up, ok?” He said, worried that it could be someone coming after you too. He couldn’t be more careful now, especially after Jungwon.
“I’m here,” you said, reassuring him. A thump sounded on the door and you jumped a little, grabbing the handle tight. You opened the door slowly, peaking your head out until you could make out the figure of someone slumped against the door.
You gasped loudly, “Jungwon?”
Clutching his stomach and holding onto the doorframe for dear life was Jungwon, clothes dirty and face bruised. But he was here and he was alive. You could hear Heeseung but you needed to help Jungwon first, you grabbed the younger boy and wrapped his arm around your shoulders to help him hobble inside your apartment, shutting the door behind you.
“Y/N, what’s going on?” Heeseung’s voice was urgent over the phone, you felt bad for leaving him in suspense for a few seconds.
“Jungwon’s here,” you huffed out as you tried to pull the boy over to the sofa. “He’s home Hee, come back, ok? He looks pretty beat up, but I’ll do my best to patch him up until you get here.”
“Fuck, oh my god,” Heeseung almost cried in relief. “I’m on my way now, I’ll be home soon. Give me ten minutes.”
“Drive safely Heeseung, I can manage until you’re here,” you leant Jungwon up against the sofa so he was sitting up properly. “I’m hanging up now, be safe.”
You sent a quick text to the boys, telling them Jungwon was home and you would update them all later. You knew they would be worried but for now you needed to turn your attention to the boy in front of you who was clutching his stomach in pain. You cupped his cheek, noticing how one eye was swollen closed and a few cuts and bruises littered his cheeks.
“Won? Can you talk to me?” You asked softly, brushing his hair gently from his face. Some blood had caked the strands but you could clean that later.
“Mhm, hurts Y/N,” he whined, blinking up at you with the one eye that wasn’t swollen.
“What hurts the most Won?” You grabbed a tissue from the box on your coffee table, dabbing at the blood that was trickling from a cut on his forehead.
“My stomach, they hit me there a lot,” he gestured to where he was clutching himself tightly around his abdomen. “My head too, feels like it’s full of cotton.”
“Can I have a look? I’ll be gentle,” you asked, Jungwon nodded and removed his hand from his stomach. You slowly lifted the fabric, gasping when you saw the deep purple colour that covered the area already. You dropped the material of his hoodie, you’d seen enough. His ribs were probably bruised beyond belief and the rest of his body was bruised and scratched up.
“Is it bad?” He asked, a small pout on his face.
“It’s not good,” you replied with a small laugh. “But you’ll live, let’s get your cleaned up before Hee gets home.”
Jungwon nodded, too tired to say anything yet. He let you apply antiseptic to his cuts and bandage up the ones that were still bleeding, you applied cream to his bruises that would help them fade a bit quicker but he would be bed bound for a while until he was better.
Once he was all cleaned up you went to grab him some water, bustling around in the kitchen when you heard Heeseung burst through the front door.
“Oh my god Jungwon,” he breathed out in relief. You came back through to the living room, just observing the two of them. “I’m so sorry Won, are you ok?”
Jungwon nodded gently, smiling up at his older brother. You came over with the water, helping him take a few sips, “I’ve given him painkillers and cleaned him up, he doesn’t need to go to the hospital but he should probably rest for a few days.”
You turned to look at Heeseung, noticing how his eyes were wide and glossy like they got when he was talking to you. You hated that you thought he looked pretty at a time like this.
“Hey,” you mumbled, placing a hand on Heeseung’s shoulder gently. “He’s going to be fine.”
Heeseung nodded, trying to crack a small smile as he brushed his fingers through Jungwon’s hair. Seeing his younger brother like this was painful, knowing it was because of him and his stupid decisions was even worse.
“Seungie?” Jungwon mumbled after drinking the whole glass of water, “the people who found me, they were asking about you.”
Heeseung’s eyes widened, worried that they had spilled his secret to Jungwon. It was bad enough him being dragged into this, but finding out about his job would be even worse.
“What did they say Won?” He asked hesitantly, his hand reaching towards you. You noticed this and took his hand in yours, locking your fingers together and giving him a reassuring squeeze.
“Not much, they just kept asking where you were and that you owed them money or something,” he closed his eyes and leant his head back on the sofa. “I told them I didn’t know anything, that’s why they kept hurting me. They left me there for ages Hee, I was so scared.”
Heeseung nodded, tears staining his cheeks as he realised just how dangerous these people were. He hated himself, Jungwon was hurt because of him. Heeseung would do anything to take away Jungwon’s pain.
“It’s ok Wonnie,” you said. “We’ll make sure you’re safe from now on, we can sort it. For now, I think we need to get you to bed so you can sleep for a while.”
Jungwon nodded gently, not having the energy to reply to you yet. You glanced at Heeseung and tugged on his hand, signalling him to help you hold Jungwon as you took him to the bedroom. Heeseung helped him change into comfortable clothes as you grabbed a new glass of water and some more medicine in case he needed more in the night. By the time you returned, he was tucked into the bed and Heeseung was running his fingers through his hair softly.
“Here,” you handed Heeseung his own bottle of water. “He’d going to be ok Hee, we’ll figure this out.”
You were whispering now as you perched on the side of the bed next to Heeseung, the older boy took his eyes off his brother for a while to look at you.
“Thanks Y/N, I honestly don’t know what I’d have done without you today,” he said, turning to face you fully. “I’m so sorry you had to deal with all this, I promise I’ll sort things out, you don’t need to worry about it.”
“No Heeseung, I’m not letting you deal with this alone,” you reached up a hand to brush his hair from his eyes but paused halfway, were you at that point yet? You dropped your hand. “At least now we know what they want, so if we find out how much money it’ll take to pay them off then we can sort it.”
“I don’t know if I could afford that Y/N, they’re going to want a lot if they’ve gone to all this trouble already,” Heeseung rubbed his eyes, tears threatening to spill.
“I’ll cover it,” you replied. “I’m sure the money Ethan sent me over the last few months could easily pay for it.”
Heeseung whipped his head towards you, eyes wide and expecting you to be mad or disgusted at him. But a wide smile was on your face.
“How can you even joke about that now,” he whined. Whenever he thought about Ethan he wanted to curl up and cry, it made him feel sick.
“It’s in the past Hee, we’re over it now,” this time you let yourself brush his hair out of his face, lingering your touch on his cheek. “You look tired, you need to sleep as well.”
“I don’t want to sleep whilst Jungwon’s this badly hurt, what if he wakes up in the night and needs something?” He replied, reaching up and taking your hand in his. It felt natural to hold him now, it felt familiar.
“I can stay as well, I’ll stay up for a while and we can take turns if you want? But if we’re both asleep, I’m a light sleeper so he can wake me up for medicine or water.” You said, you also didn’t really want to leave Jungwon. But mostly you didn’t want to leave Heeseung, he looked so fragile like this, you didn’t want him alone.
“Are you sure?” He asked softly, glancing down at his sleeping brother. Jungwon had passed out almost immediate and you could hear gentle snores leaving his lips.
“I’m sure, I’ll go on the other side of him,” you replied. Squeezing his hand one last time, you let go and went around to the other side of the bed and got yourself comfortable on top of the covers. “It’s a good thing I got a king sized bed, huh?”
“You don’t have to do this Y/N,” Heeseung said, mirroring your position and lying down next to Jungwon. “I’ll be fine staying here with him.”
“I want to stay, I’d feel better knowing we’re both here to look after him,” you took out your phone, seeing the boys consistently asking for updates. “Get some sleep Hee, I’ll be here when you wake up.”
Heeseung nodded, shuffling himself down and facing Jungwon. He closed his eyes, sleep almost immediately occurring due to the exhaustion that overtook him. He felt safe knowing you were there and was able to settle into a peaceful rest. It didn’t take long before you were nodding off yourself, hand resting over Jungwon’s waist gently as if by instinct.
When Heeseung awoke a few hours later, grabbing some water for Jungwon who had woken up briefly, he noticed you sleeping softly next to them. Jungwon settled again quickly, snoring away between the two of you whilst your arm remained over him. Heeseung reached for your hand, gently tracing the skin with his fingertips, his heart beating fast as he looked over at you. And maybe his heart jumped out of his chest when you reached over further to lock your fingers with his again in your sleep, but he would never tell you that.
anonymous part ten - l.hs 18+
anonymous masterlist

anonymous part eighteen - l.hs 18+
anonymous masterlist

anonymous part thirty - l.hs 18+
anonymous masterlist