Midoriya, Todoroki And Bakugo After Doing Something Stupid : How Did You Find Us
Midoriya, todoroki and bakugo after doing something stupid : how did you find us
Aizawa who is tired: I saw a huge explosion and then I thought, “now who could that be?”
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More Posts from Hellolonelytorment
Midoriya: another story I heard about myself. this one happened in high school
Midoriya: there was this teacher from our high school whose son went to our high school
Midoriya: his name was Enji todoroki and his son Shoto Todoroki went to our high school and he was a sophomore, when I was a senior so he was 2 years behind me
Midoriya: now Enjii, was an asshole
Midoriya: and one day he and Rei decided to leave town, which you should never do if you're an asshole.
Midoriya: and Shouto todoroki decided to throw a party at the Todoroki mansion. Hooraaay!
Midoriya: and everyone around town heard about it and got up individually and thought "ok, let's go over there and destroy the place"
Midoriya: I walked into this party, everyone I had ever met was there and everyone was drinking like it was the end of the world. People were drinking like it was the apocalypse and Asui was coming to saw their legs off.
Midoriya: I walked into the basement, they had a pool table in the basement, one kid (Denki) threw his body onto the pool table and broke it in half.
Midoriya: Another kid (Bakugo) found out which room was Enji’s and went upstairs and took a shit on his journal.
Midoriya : So the party's going great. I'm in the basement and I'm holding a red cup (you've seen in movies) and I'm standing there and I'm holding a red cup, and I'm starting to black out. And all of a sudden I hear Tokoyami say "something something police"
Midoriya : and in a brilliant moment of word association, I yelled "FUCK DA POLICE! FUCK DA POLICE!" and everyone else joined in.
Midoriya: a hundred drunk, white children yelling fuck DA police. With the confidence of guys who have already been to jail and arent afraid of it anymore, like I SERVED MY NICKEL YOU COME AND TAKE ME confidence. But white children..
Midoriya: it turns out the reason that Tokoyami said "Something something police" was because the police were there!
Midoriya : and Officer Shota Aizawa looks over a sea of drunk toddlers yelling fuck the police in his face! And he was almost impressed! He was like woooow.... and he leaned into his walkie talkie and went GET THE PATTYWAGON!
Midoriya : and my sister Uraraka , who is now a mother, this woman now has a baby, she grabbed a forty, smashed it on the ground and yelled SCATTER!!!
Midoriya : and then we all ran in different directions. It was like that scene in Ratatouille where the humans come into the kitchen and all the rats run in different directions.
Midoriya: Like I ran into the laundry room and climbed out of a window and into the yard and there was this big chain link fence and I thought "I've never climbed a fence that high before!" And then I woke up at home.
Midoriya : on monday... I went to school, because that's what we did back then.
Midoriya : I walk into school and who do I see but Shouto todoroki . And he was like "Hey, were you at my party on Saturday?"
Midoriya : and I said no. You know, like a liar.
Midoriya : and he said "Things got really out of hand... someone broke the pool table...... someone took a shit on my dad's journal............ but the worst thing is, the worst thing is someone stole these old antique photos of my grandmother, and my parents are freaking out about it...........................
Midoriya: and I had that thought, that only blackout drunks and Steve Urkel can have.
Midoriya: did
Midoriya: did I do that
Midoriya: I figured no....... I wouldn't have done that. But I was never sure.
Midoriya: until, two years later!
Midoriya: I'm playing video games with this kid named Shinsou who also went to our high school, we're playing video games for a few hours and then he says to me "hey c'mere, I wanna show you something."
Midoriya: and then he takes me to his bedroom, then he takes me to a side room off of his bedroom. Never a good thing to have.
Midoriya: and then he shows me a tiny room, that's covered wall to wall in old antique photos from different parties over the years.
Midoriya : and I said why???? Why do you do this???????????
Midoriya: and he said "BECAUSE IT'S THE ONE THING YOU CAN'T REPLACE!!!!!!”
Man... I'm just imagining the sheer fallout of this arc re: Shouto and his relationships among Class 1-A... I feel like they'd be fully supportive of him but can you just like. Imagine the tension. Not to mention the media hounding UA every chance it gets.
I’d like to believe that Class1a will be on Shouto’s side in this. (With the exception of Mineta, who seems to have a thing for kicking into Shouto when he’s down). But yeah - not everyone will know how to express it without sounding like pity (which I don’t think Shouto wants). I kind of trust in Aizawa to be able to create an atmosphere of normalcy even if his whole world turns upside down.
I just really want his closest friends to be there for him the way he was there for them - with unwavering support.
If heroes and hero students are affected more widely, class 1b may be more divided, but I imagine most of them still would empathise with Shouto. If the school suffers broader consequences though, I can imagine student from other courses giving him the stink eye and making remarks.
Dabi getting ready to post a video exposing everything endeavors ever done: I’m about to end this man whole career
some Winn Schott Jr. meta
I found a continuity error in Supergirl (surprise, surprise) that I’m basically just going to fit into some headcanon so it doesn’t bother me anymore. This post also features other Winn!Content with a heavy dash of Meta and Trauma, so be warned:
Okay, so. In the episode “Childish Things”, in Winn’s first confrontation with his father, he says “I watched my dad get dragged off to prison when I was eleven for murder.” <<<pay close attention to the wording of that, as we’re going to revisit it twice.
Howeverrrrr, in the s2 episode “City of Lost Children” he says, in typical Winn fashion, “if somebody had given me action figures when they interrogated me about my dad, when I was ten? I would have sung like a canary.” Ten, folks, not eleven.
Is this merely a continuity error?
Well, it’s highly probable. I’ll save my rant against CW/DC writing for the sake of this post, but let’s just leave it at the fact that continuity errors in even the fairly important (and simple) details are definitely not out of the question.
It could also be, in the Supergirlverse, that the events leading up to Winslow Sr.’s incarceration did not occur in as timely a manner as we immediately assume. We’re quite accustomed to dramas showing us crimes being committed and the perpetrator getting arrested, convicted, and sentenced in the span of 40 minutes. But that’s not how it often works irl, and not the way it necessarily has to go in fiction.
Consider the Toyman. He’s a clever guy, and obviously he was smart enough to spend time planning the attack on his boss, even if it was still ill-conceived and ultimately did not work. But if he played his cards right, it’s entirely possible that the investigating law enforcement did not have enough evidence to convict him right away. Because yeah, the angry employee who got slighted is the first person the feds would seek to convict, but that doesn’t mean they had evidence to do so.
On the surface level this would in the least explain the age difference: a young Winn may very well have been interrogated by police when he was 10 and his father was not ultimately arrested until up to a year later when he was 11.
Now, if this is true, what it means potentially for the character is that there was a period of 1 month to 12 months where an angry and unhinged father who has crossed the line and snapped and actually killed a minimum of 6 people (during that first supervillainy event, although a 7th is later confirmed by Agent Chase and I’m gonna talk about that too), is still living at home, with his wife and kid. Hence the Schott family having to live through that legal and emotional nightmare on top of the crime itself and no wonder his mom just took off.
The idea that Mr. Schott’s arrest and conviction was not immediate would also help explain the fact that the cops had to interrogate a 10 year-old-boy:
Winn doesn’t say "question” or anything that implies this was a chill “we’re here to protect you from your dad and we just need to hear it from you so we’ve crossed all our T’s” kind of conversation. He uses the word “interrogated” very deliberately, and in fact makes this reference to his childhood during a time when his coworkers are being pretty (albeit mostly unintentionally) cold in questioning a young boy, stating as a kid he might have been more inclined to be cooperative if someone had just been kind to him.
On the OTHER hand, it is slightly possible that Winn Schott is like most of us and doesn’t remember childhood events all that well when it comes to the passage of time. (I had years growing up I wasn’t even sure exactly how old I was until I counted but I’m a nincompoop so) However, being as old as he was and the events being as big and traumatic and memorable as they were, this is doubtful.
Going back to that first line (”I watched my dad get dragged off to prison”), because I only realized this when I went back to the episode to check and see if I was right about the inconsistency-
During the raid at the docks, Agent Chase tells Kara they’re not taking any chances (which they’re actually taking like a lot of chances with this terrible plan of action they have, like, wow, they are the worst agents ever, somebody fire them). Why is she so uptight about all this? Because Winslow Sr. “killed an agent the last time we apprehended him.”
Go back and read the lines again.
Read them.
Winn was there.
Winn was heckin there when his heckin dad was hecking getting arrested and being dragged off to prison immediately following an event in which he heck hecking killed an agent, if not literally in front of, in the very near vicinity of, his small son. (!!!)
I am. very calm. writing this now. I was not. calm at all. when I first realized it earlier.
Don’t you talk to me about any of the other characters’ traumas or excuse their behavior because of their childhood or family history - ever again. Appreciate Winn Schott Jr. folks. The purest sunshine child, who constantly overcomes so much, always forgives, automatically seeks the good of others first, is seldom thanked and always called upon to show up, and has so much empathy and caring he’s about as opposite from his dad as he can be. He deserves nothing but to be valued, cared for, and loved.
Traitor theory( warring manga spoilers)
Ok so I know I’m late getting on the band wagon for the traitor theory but this like piped in my head at like 2am so I’m writing it down. I have seen a bunch of theories bouncing around and I’m going to write my own first things first I don’t think the traitor is reporting to Shigarki I think there reporting to All for one. While that’s said I can elite the traitor with this photo

Ok so this photo is when kirishaim and todoroki revel there’s a tracker. Now the tracker plays a big part but first let me tell you who I’m remitting right of the bat.
We saw Kirishima backstory witch is him mostly having confidence issues but that a Problem for another day. Anyways back to the point it Doesn’t make because when would he have time to Join the villains we’re shown he debating his choice on going to U.A until he sees the video of crimson riot. If he was working with the league he would have gone to U.A very quickly because it’s his mission. He also was the one to suggest the idea of rescuing bakugo if he was sort of the rogue it would be a hug no.Hence why I don’t think it’s Kirishima.
Momo is another character who could not be a traitor. One Momo is the one who made the tracker to but on the numuo (did I spell that right?) the league mission is to capture bakugo it wouldn’t make sense for them to try a trap witch doesn’t make sense with kidnapping bakugo its also just two risky to try. Momo also told all night about the tracker witch she could have like not done at all. Second Momo was a part of the bakugo rescue squad she goes with them so I’m emitting her right of the
Midoriya/ Bakugo
I shouldn’t need to explain this he’s the main character it would make like no sense what so ever. Bakugo was kidnapped by the league and he has a very passionient goal of becoming number one he also a big part of the series so doubt he’s the traitor it would also make no sense.
Ahh daddy issues a point of todoroki arc along with mommy issues and now evil dead brothers.
Todoroki seems to really hate his father after everything he was put through (he has a right to) if he really wanted to get back at his father he could become a spy but it doesn’t add up with todoroki arc and we saw glimpses of his backstory witch give him a Motive but he seem like he just wants to suppress his father and he helps save all might from the nomad adding on to that he threatens the thugs on what there plan to do for all might. Why would he do that if he was a traitor? Todoroki was also let of the bakugo rescue mission witch cancels him out.
He was part of the bakugo rescue mission witch elements him as well. Iida also went after stain after hurting his brother it’s said that stain and the league were kinda working together but not really. Why would iida go after someone he supposed to be working with it doesn’t add up. Iida also has A very strong sense of right and wrong and seems to stick by that but sometimes his heart speaks kinder then his head. But I’m eliminating him.
He’s not the traitor. I’m gonna flat out sat that. But I do thing Aoyama has a faint idea who the traitor is. He a loner and he wasn’t in the cafeteria when the press stormed in it even go into leangth that he sits alone and eats alone. So I definitely think Aoyama who sitting and eating lunch might have got a glimpse of the traitor. So i don’t think it Aoyama but I do think he knows who the traitor is. aoyama saved Tokoyami and tried to save bakugo by blasting compress in the face. He could have by all means stayed hidden in the bush and no one would have thought he was there it would have been perfect. But instead he risked it all to save Tokoyami and bakugo so he been eliminated.
He is seen in this photo and he could be a candidate for a traitor but if you have read the manga you would non about his rescue for hawks witch he got like a leg burned badly or something. So I’m crossing him off the list for that incident and also the USJ and the training camp were he lost control of dark shadow.
Yeah no, he more used as comic relief more then anything so I doubt he would be a traitor. It also wouldn’t effect anyone.
She was part of the USJ attack and helped defend the kids and was All most killed by Kurogiri again if she the traitor it wouldn’t make sense for her to be almost killed or try to save the students as she did. She also would know that all might wouldn’t be there She also is a very Minor character her traitor revealed wouldn’t impact the adicance.
I don’t know why I have to explain this but here we go. The dude littelry almost died like he had his elbow decayed away around it and ugh. His quirk was also damaged witch makes it weaker. Like why would you try to kill your spy and damage your quirk. Also did I mention he almost died (manga spoilers he not the traitor)
Same as thirteen she a minor character and if you have read the manga you would know she not doing to hot. Midnight also didn’t know the location of the summer camp. (Manga spoilers in recent arc she mostly kicked the bucket so yeah)
President Mic
Hes a well liked side character and it would be a twist if he was a traitor but to me it doesn’t make any sense he also doesn’t know were the summer camp was I believe. I know because he mentioned the traitor that makes him suspicious but why would he draw supisciom to himself. Also due to vigilantes and what was reviled in that I’m crossing mic out.
All might
The league what the dude dead. Why work for the people who want you dead? It makes no sense
Class 1B
None of them are the traitor I have heard the theory of monamo being the traitor but I don’t think that would be likely.
Ok so now who are possibly here’s who we eliminated so far.

Ok so know I’m going into possibilities but who most likely isn’t and how I’m going to decide this is by recent events in the manga also this photo from above.

This is the moment when the tracker is reviled to the class and what there plan is to rescue bakugo. Right off the bat who do we not see.. jirou, hakgure, Momo. We already eliminated Momo so we’ll go on to who the possibility are but not likely.
I’m grouping these four together for one reason we do t really know anything about them and neither really dose the audience say any of these four were the traitor it would not be a big emotional impact on us so there all eliminated.
I heard a theory going around we’re uraraka could be a traitor and I honestly think it’s a possible and it would make sense.
I don’t think she the traitor for one reason her parents. Ok so here me out Uraraka whole thing is she wants to help her parents live an easy life. She becomes a hero for the money is her reasoning. And I guess you could say uraraka could be bribed with money to go on the villains side but honestly that doesn’t seem like something she would do. Her fight with toga during the training camp also made me think she couldn’t be a traitor. And maybe reasoning for uraraka are weird here but let me explain. Toga took uraraka blood. Witch is weird in my opinion. If there on the same side why would toga take her blood? Simple no reason uraraka would most likely give toga her blood if needed. So I know that’s not sound reasoning but it just stuck out to me. Agina with manga spoilers there was a sense in the manga were it was pretty much just uraraka and toga fighting no one around.
I know people think she could be the traitor but I just don’t see it. Shigarki almost killed her and if Aizawa hadn’t stop his quirk she would be a pile of ashes. Now I mentioned before that the traitor reports to all for one but not Shigarki but I do believe Shigarki has a faint idea on who the traitor is. And Audi seems to be smart enough to to know once he tried to kill her that she would back away from it.
Ok so Mina is in this photo and she knows about this tracker and she close friends with bakugo. We get to know a little bit about her through Kirishima POV when she stoops a bunch of bully’s and saves her friend from a villain. Honestly that’s the only evidence I could find on her there nothing really for or against her.
I personally don’t think he a traitor but there is evidence on both ways. But due to recent manga events (he’s not dead but like savoy injured) I do not think he’s the traitor and it just doesn’t make sense to me why kamianri would be the traitor though we do know very little about him so I guess it possibly but I dont think it him. He might have been the traitor and later quit being the traitor.
She also not in this photo. I know what your going to say she the invisible girl she could sneak around. Ok but here me out the traitor had to know about the tracker. Why? All for one was prepare for the hero’s when they attacked the warehouse and as I mentioned above the traitor report to all for one not Shigarki. Hagkure was also nocked out by mustered gas she could not have know about the tracker.
She was also nocked out by Musters gas so she could not have know about the tracker so she couldn’t be the traitor we also see her parents who are both musicians I belive. So she in the clear
So we narrowed it down so who do we have left???

Ok so here me out I can explain. He’s the one I think is the traitor why? Simple he already serves to be the traitor the guy who wrote bnha mentioned he had a shoji arc planed out. But that’s not enough evidence so here the evidence my sleep deprived brain gather
Makes sure he's not in detention for summer camp so he can make things run smoothly. Funnily EXACTLY in the middle of the class as far as grades, not the best and not the worst. Perfect to stay out of notice.
He wasting seen at the hot springs in this sense could be making a phone call to someone.
Ok so here where it gets tricky he was injured during the summer camp. I don’t think the league members know who the traitor is. Why? In case they get kidnapped they won’t give up the information.
So moon fish could have attacked them without looking suspicious. in regards to dark shadows when Tokoyami lost control he was just standing there until he ran into Midoriya.
Also Think about it, what else was shouji doing? He knew that he could move dark shadow with sound so why wasn't he moving darks shadow away from base camp, we can see from the map that shouji was actually moving dark shadow CLOSER to the epicentre.
Also How the fuck did he not hear Tokoyami and bakugo being kidnapped?? This guy could hear bare feet on give flours up!!
When mr compress loses Tokoyami and backugo, shouji could have grabbed both, he has multiple arms, he could have easily grabbed them both. He only grabbed Tokoyami (who wasn’t even the main focus of the mission) giving him the perfect allaby as someone that tried to save them and managed rescue someone while letting their TRUE objective be taken.Another thing Shoji room is bare in case he needs to get up at a moments notice.
His quirk allows him heightened hearing, can easily overhear light footsteps through multiple walls and floors as show in the training exercise. This means he could easily eavesdrop on teachers and all might from rooms away.
Also what’s under his mask (maybe he’s all for ones secret love child or something and that’s why he wears a mask!!!)
My biggest evidence

This poem is where shojii got his name from its a poem and re read the lines “beware the man you think you know” sounds suspicious huh.
This is my evidence that shoji octopus dude is the UA traitor and before you say the guy who wrote my hero academia forgot the traitor I would like to say this man had literally planned out everything so no.