[GRAVEYARD CHECK PINNED] | Fem | Pan | Hellspawn | Lotus | I draw Cats and Horses |
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Im working on the next scene and i have sent a good friend of mine into a spiral of my steange addiction after ralking about kevin
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Ive dragged my friend inti cat hell now we gonna suffer together also i got a few adoptables up on my da rn https://lotusclaw.deviantart.com/art/Cat-Adoptables-1-OPEN-2-3-749466883 so like look through there and have a damned fun time i guess idk
Wieifjjfjks my ears are ringing rlly bad rn help
Asks are open! Send in requests and questions!
Requests are open right now so send me some stuff to draw!
Takin a break from cats to draw horse awe yeh! Working on snazzy jazz son rn
Commissions are open on my DA! Take a look around and maybe commission me ;)?