Aspenstar - Tumblr Posts

Willowdew Rank: Medicine Cat, MossClan Siblings: Fireclaw, Talonwhisper Parents: (deceased)Wispfur, (deceased)Splashtail Mate: None Kits: None
Aspenstar Rank: (Ex)Leader, RangeClan Residence: StarClan Siblings: Toadbelly, (deceased)Snapfoot, (deceased)Rootpaw Parents: Driftfur, Skyeye Mate: (deceased)Snowtip Kits: Flowerfoot, (deceased)Rockpaw, (deceased) Swallowpaw
Cliffstar Rank: Leader, RangeClan Siblings: (deceased)Orangekit, Stormpaw, Leap-paw Parents: Burntail, Stonefoot Mate: (deceased)Brokenear Kits: Leapordpaw, Cloverpaw
Timberstar Rank: Leader, MossClan Siblings: (deceased)Oakleap Parents: Brackenfall, Hollytoe Mate: None Kits: None ~~~ I have a day of tests and essays tomorrow so lets design and plan out four new characters _○_ but i like these guys lemme know if anyone wants me to post the original page in my sketchbook with them.

Riverpaw stepped along beside Hawkflame their pelts brushing,"Y'know this will probably be yer last gathering an 'paw?" She tilted her head to him catching his soft toothy grin. Riverpaw couldn't help feel the grin on her muzzleand pushed hard against him,"I dunno.. it's up to the mentor and leader." She spared a glance up at Jaggedstar just a few steps ahead of them and quieted her voice,"Does he even let apprentices before warriors?" She spoke in hushed tones a giggle rumbling from her chest only to be cuffed by the gentle deputy he himself rumbling.
The young white she-cat dipped under the brush into the chattering clearing, Hawkflame brushed past her brushing his tail along Riverpaw's shoulders as he headed towards Badgerheart at the base of the rock crouched under Timberstar. Applepaw tapped up beside Riverpaw nudging her away,"Lets go find a seat yeah!" She purred her chipper attitude never dulling even when in the presence of hostilify of other Clans,"RangeClan should be here in a bit and StarClan knows they will take all the seats!" Riverpaw allowed herself to be guided by her friend. Finding a spot wasn't difficult and the two she-cats plotted themselves down in the between of the rock and the medicine cat's shade.
"Riverpaw! Look RangeClan is here!" Applepaw's eyes glimmered with pure excitement as the large thick furred cats appeared at the edge of the island Cliffrunner led her Clan her head high and fur ruffled few tail lengths behind Aspenstar walked his chest heavy as he leaned against his son, Flowerfoot talked quietly to the old tom who quietly would chuckle as he walked. The clearing quieted as they walked."Aspenstar was effected by Greencough too wasn't he?" The quiet mew of Emberpaw sturred her focus and she turned to look at the white and orange tom just enough to see Flamejaw thump the back of his apprentices head.
Aspenstar wove quickly through the joined Clans and lept upward his body tensing as he heaved himself upward with slight difficulty, Flowerfoot stood at the base observing his father before sitting his large tail sweeping the ground as the leaders alligned in order to begin the gathering.
The loud yowl of Jaggedstar the youngest of fhe leaders,"The time of peace has arrived and we will gather beneath our ancestors in order to share as one for one night!" His pelt gleamed like fire in the bands of moonlight,"I shall begin," with the approval of the more elder leaders he began to speak,"StormClan has been graced by StarClan and have been given prey filled hunting grounds and warmth in our nests, We are joined by our new apprentice, Emberpaw who is mentored by Flamejaw, StormClan has none else to share." He sat as the handfull of Clan cats called the young apprentice's name. Riverpaw turned ans chuckled to see the pride radiating off of the white and orange tabby tom.
Riverpaw missed the typical anouncements of Timberstar but took notice of the sad ripple that ran off of Aspenstar as he began to speak, he cleared his throat and spoke his voice raspy and croaky though the gentle tom smiled,"RangeClan has been delt the difficult hand of the mountains chill and and delt with fair sickness, though with the help of Brackentail and Violetberry along with helpful herbs from MossClan which we thank fully, we have healed back to our strongest." He smiled darkness clouding his vision his eyes glassy and pained as he finished and sat. The quiet from the leaders allowed for the Clans to speak once more.
Riverpaw noticed Hawkflame as the brown sleek tom wove forward remeeting with the two she-cat apprentices,"Is Aspenstar alright?" She mumbled with Applepaw nodding alongside her Hawkflame sighed and shook his head,"I donno, Cliffrunner is as hostile as ever but I can tell for sure he has been effected with the typical illness ya get from the cold." He butted Riverpaw on the shoulder and tapped Applepaw with his paw. Before lifting his head up to watch the moon,"Ya both go mingle, Jaggedstar will call us up in a bit." Applepaw thumped abruptly against Riverpaw's side,"C'mon c'mon c'mon! I wanna go see-"
"StormClan! To camp!" A loud yowl interupted the brownish she-cat who frowned grumpily.
Applepaw huffed,"Fine! Lets go home!"
"Aww come on Applepaw I'll catch you a thrush if it will make you feel better~." The brown she-cat jolted to look at Riverpaw her green eyes sparkling wirh excitement. I guess that's a yes.

Riverpaw stepped along beside Hawkflame their pelts brushing,“Y'know this will probably be yer last gathering an ‘paw?” She tilted her head to him catching his soft toothy grin. Riverpaw couldn’t help feel the grin on her muzzleand pushed hard against him,“I dunno.. it’s up to the mentor and leader.” She spared a glance up at Jaggedstar just a few steps ahead of them and quieted her voice,“Does he even let apprentices before warriors?” She spoke in hushed tones a giggle rumbling from her chest only to be cuffed by the gentle deputy he himself rumbling.
The young white she-cat dipped under the brush into the chattering clearing, Hawkflame brushed past her brushing his tail along Riverpaw’s shoulders as he headed towards Badgerheart at the base of the rock crouched under Timberstar. Applepaw tapped up beside Riverpaw nudging her away,“Lets go find a seat yeah!” She purred her chipper attitude never dulling even when in the presence of hostilify of other Clans,“RangeClan should be here in a bit and StarClan knows they will take all the seats!” Riverpaw allowed herself to be guided by her friend. Finding a spot wasn’t difficult and the two she-cats plotted themselves down in the between of the rock and the medicine cat’s shade.
“Riverpaw! Look RangeClan is here!” Applepaw’s eyes glimmered with pure excitement as the large thick furred cats appeared at the edge of the island Cliffrunner led her Clan her head high and fur ruffled few tail lengths behind Aspenstar walked his chest heavy as he leaned against his son, Flowerfoot talked quietly to the old tom who quietly would chuckle as he walked. The clearing quieted as they walked.“Aspenstar was effected by Greencough too wasn’t he?” The quiet mew of Emberpaw sturred her focus and she turned to look at the white and orange tom just enough to see Flamejaw thump the back of his apprentices head.
Aspenstar wove quickly through the joined Clans and lept upward his body tensing as he heaved himself upward with slight difficulty, Flowerfoot stood at the base observing his father before sitting his large tail sweeping the ground as the leaders alligned in order to begin the gathering.
The loud yowl of Jaggedstar the youngest of fhe leaders,“The time of peace has arrived and we will gather beneath our ancestors in order to share as one for one night!” His pelt gleamed like fire in the bands of moonlight,“I shall begin,” with the approval of the more elder leaders he began to speak,“StormClan has been graced by StarClan and have been given prey filled hunting grounds and warmth in our nests, We are joined by our new apprentice, Emberpaw who is mentored by Flamejaw, StormClan has none else to share.” He sat as the handfull of Clan cats called the young apprentice’s name. Riverpaw turned ans chuckled to see the pride radiating off of the white and orange tabby tom.
Riverpaw missed the typical anouncements of Timberstar but took notice of the sad ripple that ran off of Aspenstar as he began to speak, he cleared his throat and spoke his voice raspy and croaky though the gentle tom smiled,“RangeClan has been delt the difficult hand of the mountains chill and and delt with fair sickness, though with the help of Brackentail and Violetberry along with helpful herbs from MossClan which we thank fully, we have healed back to our strongest.” He smiled darkness clouding his vision his eyes glassy and pained as he finished and sat. The quiet from the leaders allowed for the Clans to speak once more.
Riverpaw noticed Hawkflame as the brown sleek tom wove forward remeeting with the two she-cat apprentices,“Is Aspenstar alright?” She mumbled with Applepaw nodding alongside her Hawkflame sighed and shook his head,“I donno, Cliffrunner is as hostile as ever but I can tell for sure he has been effected with the typical illness ya get from the cold.” He butted Riverpaw on the shoulder and tapped Applepaw with his paw. Before lifting his head up to watch the moon,“Ya both go mingle, Jaggedstar will call us up in a bit.” Applepaw thumped abruptly against Riverpaw’s side,“C'mon c'mon c'mon! I wanna go see-”
“StormClan! To camp!” A loud yowl interupted the brownish she-cat who frowned grumpily.
Applepaw huffed,“Fine! Lets go home!”
“Aww come on Applepaw I’ll catch you a thrush if it will make you feel better~.” The brown she-cat jolted to look at Riverpaw her green eyes sparkling wirh excitement. I guess that’s a yes.

Flowerfoot paused at his fathers side studying Aspenstar's inconsistent breaths. He pressed against him only stirring when the soft steps of Brackentail sounded at the entrance,"I can handel this for now... go on ahead, Shatterfang is practicing with Cloverpaw and Leapordpaw right now." The old tabby tom turned and rested his eyes worryingly on his leader.
Flowerfoot paused and touched his nose to his fathers pelt before stepping out onto the ledge, he let out a soft sigh as he looked around the camp before carefully making his way down the slope into the open space. A battle scarred tom sat begrudgingly watching the two apprentices scuffle his stumpy tail twitching as the brothers rolled. Flowerfoot watched his young apprentice, Cloverpaw looked battered and worn as he held down Leapordpaw. The momentary glimpse of joy fluttered on the dark tabbies face before large paws wrapped around his neck and he was dragged downward his muzzle clashing painfully with a loud thump into Leapordpaw's. He stumbled his eyes welling before they widened in shock as his stomach was battered and he was heaved off thumping into the stones.
"Gotta be quicker Cloverpaw. You aren't gonna get win like that." The rumble of Shatterfang rose as he stepped up and nudged Leapordpaw as he rose. Flowerfoot lept down worried as his apprentice staggered up panting,"We will be taking a break."
"What?" The upset crack of Leapordpaw sounded behind him.
"Yeah it was gonna be fine, we where just starting Flowerfoot." Shatterfang added the irritation rough in his voice.
Flowerfoot nudged the smaller brown tabby up and shot a look through narrowed hazel eyes at the two toms behind him,"Fine, you can continue alone, he is my apprentice and I choose when he trains." He lifted himself and flicked his tail dismissing Cloverpaw.
Shatterfang grunted and shoved past him,"Fine, Leapordpaw show me your attack."
The gray tabby sighed and shook out his thick pelt glancing around for Cloverpaw and recignizing his smaller form by The Stream and plodded over. He set himself beside him and bent down to drink.
"Flowerfoot I'm sorry."
He froze the water lapping at his nose and he straitened up,"What?" He quieted himself as he tried to look at the young tom though he faced away.
"I'm sorry." Cloverpaw's voice hitched and his body began to shake,"I'm sorry you're stuck with me as an apprentice, I'm weak... I-I can't do anything, we go out to hunt and I scare even the deafest of mice away... we train and I lose.. I'm sorry I'm not like Cliffrunner or Leapordpaw..."
The painful hick in his voice clung to Flowerfoot's heart as he wrapped his tail around his smaller frame,"Cloverpaw.." he paused thinking,"Let me see your paw." He said softly.
"Trust me," Cloverpaw hesitated before lifting his paw and sniffling, Flowerfoot did the same,"What do you notice?" He asked softly.
Cloverpaw narrowed his eyes thinking as tears rolled down his cheeks confusion glittering in his sad emerald eyes,"Your paw is.... bigger...?" He looked up nervously.
Flowerfoot nodded,"Yes, that's because I'm still moons older than you, I have had more training than you, I've had to learn and grow the same as you." He looked down at their paws his larger gray paw looked huge in comparison to Cloverpaw's younger smaller brown and cream paw," You've only just become an apprentice... I don't expect you to know how to hunt or fight after a few sunrises of walking the length of our territory. You are right about not being your brother..." Cloverpaw's eyes darkened,"He thinks strength makes a warrior great... your heart is strong Cloverpaw, and it wills you to work hard and I know you will, your blood and your claws don't make you a great warrior, your mind and heart do." He pressed his nose into his forehead and felt Cloverpaw press back against him.
"What use am I to a Clan if I can't protect it.." He whimpered sadly.
Flowerfoot smiled,"Thats why you are an apprentice so I can teach you how!" He lifted a paw and tapped Cloverpaws head and chuckled,"Like I said I don't expect you to be StarClan's Leader just off of milk!" He smiled at he sound of Cloverpaw laughing.
Flowerfoot's gaze softened,"You know... you remind me of Brokenear." The memories of his old friend flashed through his mind as Cloverpaw looked up his green eyes matching his fathers hope flittering his gaze as he brightened. Flowerfoot shook the memories away and smiled standing his tail still drapped across his shoulders,"C'mon we can go see if the geese have flown back in." Cloverpaw stood a smile growning on his muzzle as he walked along beside his Mentor,"That sounds nice."
Flowerfoot looked up meeting the gaze of Aspenstar as he smiled, he watched his father roll over onto his back happily. Flowerfoot grinned back and walked along the excited Cloverpaw to The Caves entrance.