helpyourselfwithcherrywine - down bad, don't judge
down bad, don't judge

Cherry is here. 22 NSFW 18+ blog!!! Chicana. Brown Pride🇲🇽🇺🇸 What's a girl to do?

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Made A Meme

Made A Meme

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More Posts from Helpyourselfwithcherrywine

This!!!☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️ Like they say, " A girls first bully is sometimes their mother"

toxic mothers are wild they'll really be like "I never said that" like ma'am yes you did cause it's been ingrained in my head since I was twelve

Flufftober - Day 15

15 - Silly Traditions

Pairing: Loki x GN!reader

Written for @flufftober2021 's event.

Tags: Tony being a little too much (like always). Some Crimson Peak references because *chef's kiss*. I swear this is funny.

Warnings: Loki might or might not die, if that could trigger you please don’t read. This is pretty fluffy, though.

Word count: 1,1K

Flufftober - Day 15

If the Avengers expected to be greeted to the compound’s common room by any way, it wouldn’t be like this.

"I want that woman out of my house!", you yelled to a teary Loki, who held his hands up to reach you from afar.

Tony and Steve looked at each other without much clue of what to do. You and Loki never fought, much less with… was that a knife in your hand? And Loki was... covered in blood?

“My love, I can explain”, he tried walking to you, but you walked back. You were bursted out in tears. “She’s…”.

“Don’t! You! Dare! Lying! To me!”, you growled, hatred consuming you, accentuating each word with a step towards him, and this time around, he took some steps back in fear you’d actually stab him out of anger. “You lying scum piece of shit! You’ve been cheating on me, haven’t you?”.

“I…”, Loki stuttered, now his back almost against the wall. Bruce seemed to be the only one who actually cared for Loki not to get stabbed, instead of appearing to be in need of popcorn, like the rest of the team.

“Say you didn’t, you’ll get yourself killed, idiot”, whispered Nat, as who whispers to the TV.

“Who are they talking about?”, whispered Bucky, rubbing his hands in expectation. “Sounds fun”.

“You lied to me!”, you yelled in between tears.

“I did”, he cried in desperation, desiring to grab your wrists to stop the knife from puncturing his throat.

“You poisoned me!”.

“I did”.

“He did what?!”, intervened Tony, but none of you paid any mind to him.

“You said you love me!”.

“I do”, he said. “I love you, you need to listen to me”.

“You cheated on me, what could you possibly say that…?”.

“I have. I’m sorry”, he admitted, and you froze in place. “Please, forgive me. She meant nothing to me… we were… I…”, he kept stuttering, some tears escaping his puffy eyes.

“You’re still lying, I can tell”, you said, throwing the knife to the floor and laying on the couch in defeat. “Do you love her?”.

“I do. I’m in love with her, always have been”, he muttered, and every single one of the Avengers gasped. Tony was ready to put his suit on, not so amused to hear his kid was being heartbroken by that bastard. Steve held him in place.

“If there’s a woman in the room, you’d want to get her out first”, he suggested in a whisper, as to not harm anyone involved except Loki.

“Were you ever going to tell me?”, you asked with a thin voice, looking him directly in the eyes. He sat by your side and grabbed your hands firmly, as if it were the last time he’d ever get to touch your delicate fingers.

“I wasn’t…”, he admitted, lies he could no longer hold, coming out like a torrent. “I only wanted you to use you. It benefitted me to date one of the Avenger’s kids and you were the easiest one to charm, because…”, he laughed through a sob, “because you’re so easy”.

“Alright, that’s it”, said Tony, putting his suit on and walking towards Loki, grabbing him by the neck and throwing him violently against the wall. The wall cracked and Loki let out a whine in protest. You yelled again, asking him to stop.

“It’s okay, I… I deserve it!”, said Loki dramatically. “They’ve been too good with me… I… tell her…”, he choked in between gasps as Tony closed his fist harder against his neck, “tell Adelaine that I love her”.

After saying that, he passed out. You ran up to him, still crying, and Tony backed up bewildered. Everyone ran towards him and scolded him, or yelled at him for having killed Loki.

“I barely pressed his neck! He’s not dead, come on!”, he defended himself. “JARVIS, take Loki’s vitals”.

“I’m afraid Loki Laufeyson is not presenting any vitals, Sir. It is too late to call the ambulance, but would you like me to call anyway? Or would you rather I call the morgue instead?”.

“WHAT?!”, it was his turn to panic now.

“Why would you do this, dad?! He was wrong, but I still loved him! You can’t just kill people for being bad!”, you sobbed uncontrollably, and Nat and Bucky hugged you and comforted you, while Bruce tried to take Loki’s vitals, just in case. He soon found out the truth.

“Uh… guys?”, he tried to say over the chaos that was reigning the compound, but Thor interrupted him by walking in and laughing.

“Come on, friends. Again?”, he asked while grabbing a box of Poptarts.

Everyone stared at him perplexed, as if asking are you not seeing your dead brother in here? Tony rushed to him and kneeled in front of him, pleading,

“Please, please forgive me, Thor. I’ve… I’ve killed Loki”.

Thor rolled his eyes and smirked, patting him on the shoulder a couple of times.

“You’re forgiven, Stark. You’re forgiven”, he said, and couldn’t avoid chuckling.

You changed your face as if pulling off a mask, and smiled with a pouty lip out, touching your heart.

“Aw, you’ve played along!”, you said, and everyone except Tony and Steve chuckled, realizing what happened. Loki got up from the floor and scoffed.

“We were doing so well, why did you break it?”.

“Sorry, I couldn’t help it. It was fun though”, you helped him up with your hand. “Thanks JARVIS”, you added. Bucky and Natasha clapped with a grin tattooed to their faces. You and Loki did a little reverence.

“What? Did you two just…?”, said Tony, more confused than angered.

“Ah, have they not done this in front of you already?” asked Thor. “They have this silly little tradition of doing some theatrical impression in front of people as a prank. Apparently they’ve managed to make JARVIS help, too”.

“Well, that would actually explain the weird clothing”, said Steve. Bucky and Natasha were still laughing, grabbing their stomachs, not being able to stop.

“You two are morons, you know that, right?”, sighed Tony, taking his suit off. “Scaring your weak-on-the-heart old man, I thought you’d do better”, he scolded at you sarcastically. “Anyway. Would you guys want to have chinese or pizza for dinner?”.

(Taglist: @lucywrites02 , @louieboo87 @the-departed-potato , @jesuswasnotawhiteman , @idontknow296 , @beksib , @spythoschei , @geekwritersworld , @whatafuckingdumbass , @mysticunicorn7 @shadowolf993 , @joscelyn02 , @t00-pi , @selfship-mishaps , @sallymagnoliaposts , @deadgirl88 , @theonewiththenerds , @vicmc624 , @spiderlaufeyson @theaudacitytowrite @bi-andready-tocry @alorev @justasmisunderstoodasloki @i-beg-your-pardon-laufeyson @theetoastyghosty @lokiprompts )

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Loki: *bursts into the main entrance of a hospital*

Loki: *sprints down the nearest hallway* No no no no no please no

Loki: *runs headfirst into Thor*

Thor: Loki, you’re here-

Loki: *vigourously shakes Thor* WHICH ROOM? TELL ME NOW!

Thor: Fifth floor, fourth door on the left, but, Loki, the healers aren’t sure when she’ll wake-

Loki: *shoves Thor aside and keeps running*

Loki: *slows to a stop in front of your open door* Y/n?

Loki, slowly approaching you: *sees you asleep on your bed*

Loki: *stares at the multiple wires attached to you* What have they done to you?

Loki: *sinks into a chair*

Loki: *leans closer* Y/n?

Loki, blinking rapidly: Y/n, I’ve returned to you...

Loki: *softly* I’m here.

Loki: *places his hand next to yours* Come on now...wake up, I’m right HERE.

Loki, choking back tears: Please, y/n... I need to hear your voice...see your smile...just WAKE UP.

Loki: *lowers his head* I know you wanted to come with me to Asgard...but I knew it would be dangerous and I thought...

Loki, aggressively wiping his cheeks: ...I THOUGHT you’d be safer if I left you behind...

Loki: *hesitantly takes your hand* I was mistaken...

Loki: I promised to keep you safe...and I...

Loki: *voice cracking* I’m sorry... I’m so, so sorry.

Loki: *looks down at his feet*

Loki: *squeezes your hand* You were going to show me that new movie you love when I came back...

Loki: *frowns* I can’t remember the name now...

Loki: *angrily laughs* Why can’t I REMEMBER...

Loki: *looks up* ...and you promised to take me on a Ferris wheel.

Loki: There’s so much you still have to show me...

Loki: *gently strokes your palm* I don’t want to do it all alone.

Loki: I was alone for so long...

Loki, searching your face: Please don’t make me go back. I can’t go back. Not yet...

Loki, dropping his head onto the hospital bed: We’re supposed to go on the Ferris wheel, y/n...

Loki, closing his eyes: *whispers* ...and it’s my fault that we can’t go...


Thor, peeking his head into your room a few hours later: *sees Loki with his head bent and his hand resting against yours*

Thor: should rest.

Loki: *slowly raises his head to look at Thor* No... I promised that I would keep her safe...

Loki: I can’t break that promise...

Loki: *turns back to you* ...not again.



Back with the requests! Thank you to the lovely anon who sent this one (hope you like it ❤). Let me know all of you what do you think about this one! It’s my first time writing a threesome lmao ok this is unexpected. How did it turn out? Also, thank you again for being here with me, I love you all T_T  ❤  ❤



Characters: Loki, Bucky and Reader(Y/N)

Chapters: 1/1

Warnings: smut, threesome

Words: 3k

“So this is a device which if it’s pressed it will let me know immediately that you need help and an Iron Man suit will be sent to yo,”

“Tony, can you chill?” You raise an eyebrow at the man you have been dealing with since 5 years ago.

“Y/N, look, we have agreed to do this only if you’re aware of,”

“All the danger yea, I got it. Trust me, there’s no one more horrifying to consult than you,” you place on the table the files of your new two pacients.

You have been Tony’s psychologist for 5 years and you’re one of the few persons he could trust blindly. You’ve been dealing with his problems for a long time now so you are not unfamiliar with the Avengers and all the things they’ve been doing. He first chose you because you were freshly graduated therefore he could prove to Pepper that he is getting help, and on the other hand, he thought he could have gotten rid of you easily since you were new. But much to his displeasure, your young age and inexperience made you more stubborn and that’s how you became the only person he opened to for professional help. You have dealt with his nightmares about Thanos, the truth about his parents’ death, the fight with Cap and so on. That doesn’t mean, of course, that everything always works smooth. Actually, most of the time you are arguing with him to listen to your advice and you’re always faced with his sarcastic attitude, but somehow, you’ve managed to improve his mental health and he is recently making progress.

And now, you were his only choice to help with this matter. Tony came two days ago in your office, not for a consultation, but with a proposal. He made sure you knew everything you were getting into, with lots of papers and safety procedures. Short explanation, he needed someone whom he could trust and in the same time someone who’s in the psychology field to help the new two “messed up” additions to their team, Bucky Barnes aka the Winter Soldier and Loki aka The God of Mischief. Now, you first laughed in his face because he was actually thinking that those two would accept Tony’s offer to get help from a psychologist but as you saw his serious look you took it granted. You did understand Bucky’s situation, in the end, he was a human before being tortured and manipulated by Hydra, but Loki? A God? To a psychologist? If it wasn’t for Thor who gave you more details in order to understand that Loki is actually emotionally unstable, you would have thought that there must be some tricks behind Loki’s reasons. But then you also found out that he was forced by Thor and Tony in order to stay on Earth to restore Asgard so he barely had any choice to this matter. As for Bucky, he did and did not want to get help. Yes, they’ll be surely a pain in the ass, both of them. Now you got three problematic men with no wish to get better. A great career you’ve got.

“Very funny, Y/N,” Tony rolls his eyes and sits on the sofa in front of you. “I might be annoying but I would never hurt you in any way.”

“Tony, c’mon. I am a psychologist, I am taking a lot of risks with every pacient.”

“I’m sure it’s something trivial for you… to have killers as pacients,”


“I mean, they are killers if you consider from every point of view,”

“Ok. Bring me those two big bad wolves tomorrow and just let me do my job.”

“Are you sure about this? You can change your mind if you,”

“Yes, I am. Now, anything else you would like to share?”

“See you tomorrow then,” he sits up and before looking worriedly in your direction, he leaves the room.

That’s how you’ve started to work with Bucky and Loki. The first sessions were very awkward and silent. Bucky was barely talking with you and Loki, besides his first three sessions when he did not show up, he was continuously making unnecessary remarks. You’ve then decided to have two sessions per month when you would meet with both of them in the same time, trying to keep them up-to-date with everything trending and “human” (for Loki). You also had the role to make their lives easier since everything around them is new and unknown.

So today, you had to explain to them some slang and “interests” that people have about relationships, including kinky content. You’ve been organizing this session for a long time because you didn’t want to make them feel insulted but you were also flustered especially when you by yourself weren’t very satisfied recently. And you couldn’t deny that these two men are gorgeous. You have never looked at your pacients in that way, but there was something about this two. Are you also idiotically falling for bad boys like the girls you wanted to talk about today? You shudder at the thought, how old are you, Y/N? What the hell are you thinking about? You kept thinking about this and last night had a worrying dream from which you woke up extremely unsatisfied. It was you between two strong lean bodies.


“Today’s meeting is going to be interesting,” Loki sits next to Bucky who is looking confused at him.

“There’s something about how humans interact with each other…sexually,” Loki accentuates the last word and Bucky furrows his eyebrows.

“So?” He finally answers.

“I paid her a visit last night and it seems she has another type of lesson in mind for us. Or should I say she wants to practice it?” he wiggles his eyebrows.

“Whatever, creeper,” Bucky still tries to analyze Loki’s words.

“Yea, well you aren’t exactly the most normal person out of us,” Loki mutters. “Let me show you,” before Bucky protested Loki’s hand landed on his forehead, showing him the dream he had caught you having last night.

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gotta be the equivalent to this


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