Irondad - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

tony: guys, we have a problem

peter: is it the fire?

tony: no— THERE’S A FIRE?

harley: oh, forget it, this sounds more interesting

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2 years ago

airport attendant: no fluids allowed

peter: okay *chugs shampoo*

airport attendant:

tony: i am so sorry you had to witness that

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2 years ago

*peter and harley sitting in jail together*

harley: …so who should we call?

peter: i’d call mr. stark but i feel safer in jail

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2 years ago

peter: but if someone from our

gen z population doesn't open a cube-themed food restaurant chain called dinecraft then what's really the point

tony: do you take constructive criticism?

peter: only in villager noises

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2 years ago

tony: i haven’t eaten anything since eleven, i’m starving

peter: damn, how old are you now?


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2 years ago

tony: peter! engage your enemy!

peter: on it!

peter, getting down on one knee: will you—


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2 years ago

peter: hard boiled eggs are disgusting. i almost died eating one. the crunchy-soft mix is absolutely gross, it's like eating a ravioli covered in chips


tony: you’re supposed to remove the shell

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2 years ago

pepper: why is morgan crying?

tony: because we have wooden floors all over this house and she runs around in cotton socks like there aren't going to be any consequences

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2 years ago

tony: i have to leave for a while on avengers business. i've left you all with notes of instruction for while i'm away

peter: uh, i think you’ve made a mistake, mine just says, “peter, no”

tony: you can apply that to any situation

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2 years ago

morgan: *screams*

peter: *screams louder to establish dominance*

pepper: …should we do something?

tony: no, i wanna see who wins this

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2 years ago

peter: if you step on a person's foot they open their mouth, just like trash cans


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2 years ago

peter: you’re not coming with me?

tony: i'm not your dad, pete

tony: [hands him a lunchbox] here are your sandwiches. i'll pick you up at five

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2 years ago


peter: *voice message*

tony: i’m busy. is this urgent?

peter: don’t worry, you can listen to it later


tony: *presses play*

peter’s voice message: THERE’S A FIRE—

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2 years ago

peter: i want to preface this by saying that nothing happened. nothing is actually on fire. this is simply for future reference


peter: do we have a fire extinguisher?

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2 years ago

tony, talking about his dad: you know where he was on most of my birthdays?

tony: a little place that rhymes with “not there”


peter: …times square?

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2 years ago

peter: i hate how you’re just born out of nowhere, and you’re forced to go to school and get an education so you can get a job. what if i wanted to be a duck? nobody asked me if i wanted to be a duck


tony: do you want to be a duck?

peter, tearing up: yeah

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2 years ago

peter, in a high voice, holding barbie: hey ken! i was thinking about going back to school and starting a career!

morgan, in a deep voice, holding ken: nonsense, barbie. you’re staying home and having my kids

tony: what the hell are you guys doing

peter: playing systematic oppression

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