honestscribe - HonestScribe

Fanfic writer and all around nerd. I post writing prompts, screenshots, and fandom thoughts. You can read my fics on AO3, DeviantArt & FFN.

347 posts

Scenario Prompt #4

Scenario Prompt #4

It is not leaves falling from the trees, but something else...

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More Posts from Honestscribe

3 years ago

Character Idea #6

Write from the perspective of a non-human character who also perceives the world far differently than a human can. (For example, did you know plants have photoreceptors in their leaves which control cycles such as flowering, meaning they can “see” the sun? Or that when they are injured, they release chemical “screams,” jumpstarting their neighbors’ immune systems? Or if plants are too intimidating, how about the mantis shrimp, whose punch can boil water and whose eyes can see in a wider light spectrum?) Avoid the temptation to anthropomorphize (i.e. making them understand human speech and motives, or creating tribal cultures and religions).

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3 years ago
Teldryn Sero, The Only Dunmer To Ever Set Foot In Sovngarde.

Teldryn Sero, the only Dunmer to ever set foot in Sovngarde.

(A glitch caused by a follower mod. Made the last battle way more meaningful having my followers with me!)

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3 years ago

Blog Update

Hey gang! First off, I would like to thank everyone who follows this blog. (I’m up to 45 followers at the time of posting. I never thought I’d actually have more than 10!) 

While I know the daily video game screenshots and fandom musings do well, I am going to temporarily stop posting them daily and post them more sporadically. This is simply due to the fact that I’m spending too much time gaming at the expense of my other interests, and at the moment I’d prefer to focus on my actual writing and ASMR video recording, instead.

I will continue to post writing prompts Monday-Saturday as usual, as I believe one of the best ways to inspire yourself is to inspire others. Sundays will be a link to my latest ASMR video, or whatever else I have cooked up on Youtube.

Don’t worry, the gaming and fandom posts aren’t going away; they’re just no longer going to be daily.

TL:DR- Posting video game/fandom content will be more sporadic so I can focus on writing and Youtube. Writing prompts will still be posted Monday-Saturday.

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3 years ago

Story Starter #39

Relationships should come with warning labels; “Caution: High Maintenance,” maybe, or “Handle with care.”

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3 years ago

Character Prompt #7

Write about a vigilante who focuses on a crime or social injustice you feel strongly about. Avoid giving them superpowers, as these can very easily take center stage, and make sure they are a rounded character instead of a mere mouthpiece for your cause.

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