Elder Scrolls V - Tumblr Posts
Screenshots from Helgen. You spend so little in-game time here, but there are so many interesting little details and dramas going on all around you.
(Alduin is modded, by the way.)
My favorite draugr screenshot.
(I already shared this to reddit, but thought it belonged here.)
Somehow, Erik the Slayer followed me to Apocrypha. (Teldryn and Erandur stayed behind, big babies!) You could chalk this up to a glitch, but I like to think Erik is just that dedicated as a fighter. (Though, in all fairness, Teldryn followed me to Apocrypha on my last PC save, so maybe he just doesn’t want to smell like rotten seafood again.)
Teldryn Sero, the only Dunmer to ever set foot in Sovngarde.
(A glitch caused by a follower mod. Made the last battle way more meaningful having my followers with me!)
Skyrim is gorgeous in sepia tones.