honey-bell-aint-well - i'm trying so hard to stay sane rn
i'm trying so hard to stay sane rn

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1165 posts

TW For Potentially Disturbing Images! I Wanted To Draw Nightmare And I Wanted To Draw A Spooky Beast,

TW for potentially disturbing images! I wanted to draw Nightmare and I wanted to draw a spooky beast, so I combined the two!

Unblurred version below the cut.

TW For Potentially Disturbing Images! I Wanted To Draw Nightmare And I Wanted To Draw A Spooky Beast,
TW For Potentially Disturbing Images! I Wanted To Draw Nightmare And I Wanted To Draw A Spooky Beast,

'what have I become?'

He looks more horrified by himself than I intended, so I've decided that that's what he's saying ^w^

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More Posts from Honey-bell-aint-well

6 months ago

So with the terrible Minecraft movie trailer dropping,

I've seen a lot of people bringing up better stories in the world of Minecraft, like Story Mode or the books or the SMPs, but may I add another option that would be a way better use of your time and money than the Minecraft movie (esp cuz its free)?

Animation Vs. Minecraft

(Note: contains out of context spoilers for this series to give you a sneak peek of what's waiting for you)

There's a good chance you've seen the first video, since it's one of the most watched minecraft videos on youtube, made by the same guy who did Animation vs Animator.

But did you know that the stick figures pick the game back up and continue the series?

There are now three completed seasons packed with fun episodic content that naturally blossoms into a larger, engrossing story that amounts to /several hours of animated content/. It's got fun characters, gorgeous fight scenes, and even musical numbers, all told with next to no dialogue!

So With The Terrible Minecraft Movie Trailer Dropping,

The whole thing is a love letter to Minecraft, with way more passion and knowledge of the game than WBS.

New episodes would show off the latest updates, like when the main characters explored the ancient cities and lush caves before they were officially released.

So With The Terrible Minecraft Movie Trailer Dropping,
So With The Terrible Minecraft Movie Trailer Dropping,

There are even homages to the Minecraft animation community, such as the episode featuring Monster School (my favorite part of this is the way they purposefully imitate the old janky animation in Herobrine's movements)

So With The Terrible Minecraft Movie Trailer Dropping,

Not a fan of piglins always being villains? While there's certainly some bad piglins in this series (though I'd argue they're under duress), the main cast also befriends some, include this adorable piglin child.

So With The Terrible Minecraft Movie Trailer Dropping,
So With The Terrible Minecraft Movie Trailer Dropping,

Still not over Reuben's death from MSM? Well they've also got a pig (named Reuben by the community), and it both doesn't die, and occasionally does some badassery himself!

So With The Terrible Minecraft Movie Trailer Dropping,
So With The Terrible Minecraft Movie Trailer Dropping,

Speaking of the action, this series doesn't just reference minecraft's world and creatures: it expands on the mechanics and worldbuilding, creating avenues for some truly incredible action that can only be achieved within minecraft. It takes full advantage of the medium and world.

So With The Terrible Minecraft Movie Trailer Dropping,

My personal favorite example of this is the team's expansion on the Lucky Blocks mod, exploring the idea of a "randomizer" power to its fullest extent.

So With The Terrible Minecraft Movie Trailer Dropping,

The action scenes are the kind where you have to watch them five times over because each character is doing something completely unique and fun.

Here is all the episodes of season 1 compiled in one video to get you started, though there are also playlists out there:

All in all, this series is funny, gripping, and adorable, and is worth your attention far better than some corporate schlock.

So With The Terrible Minecraft Movie Trailer Dropping,

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6 months ago

Can I get asks for my blorbos? I'm bored and wanna talk about my Sanses htjrjjfjdjdjjd

Can I Get Asks For My Blorbos? I'm Bored And Wanna Talk About My Sanses Htjrjjfjdjdjjd

(BTW that's fresh!killer, Passion, Plum and Swap)

Id be fine with just bad sanses asks too, they're my favorite guys fr

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6 months ago

i think as viewers we find it easy to sit back and judge each character until their motivations are explained to us in detail like with purple and king and chosen. even with victim its fairly easy to guess a portion of why she is doing this. and that's partially because avam is just made to be like that so all audiences can understand it and why the characters do what they do, and also partially because it's a little difficult to do more subtle storytelling when you can only express character feelings through their body language (and the body language has to be fairly exaggerated so that everyone can understand how the character is feeling).

so then as a result when we see green falling deep into the hole of social media it's easy to scoff and judge and say come on green, do better. we see it as him just getting too cocky again- look at green with his ego and his need to seem cool, he's sucking up to people again so he can get validation. and people understand that, they're even comparing his arc to purple, but they're forgetting to actually see things from his point of view.

like yeah. green was mean to yellow! and that was a kind of assholey thing to do, agreeing with people when they say yellow didn't do much. but like people do stupid shit all the time, especially to get approval. green hearting mean comments wasn't him on his villain arc, he probably barely thought about it. haven't you ever done anything without thinking or made a joke in bad taste. honestly it's a little ironic how quick people were to jump on him when he did something kind of mean, it reminded me of actual cancel culture! fascinating shit. we really are a part of the story.

anyways green started off as the weakest. he tries his best to be good at other things, first building, then music, but for some reason whenever he does well in something his friends get jealous or upset. (he pours himself into that thing and unintentionally ignore s or snaps at his friends--- its a repeating pattern at this point). it's mostly because their competitive spirit, something which is seen in a lighthearted manner but has gotten them killed or hurt on multiple occasions and i feel like they're going to have to address that at some point. whenever green sets boundaries, they're ignored, even if cg think they're just acting in the greater good.

hell, even purple, we've barely seen them interact after s3- who's to say purple wouldn't just scoff at him as well? she's already not very experienced with actual friendships (based on the way they just expected green to brush the betrayal off in parkour, they acted more like it was a small disagreement than a full on issue), so he may just assume this is how friends are.

basically the point of this is to say, no one ever celebrates his success. obviously he's competitive with his friends too, but having been at the bottom of the group from the start, he's visibly very insecure about this stuff, and having people attempt to kick him down during every success he gets (which he works very hard for) will lead to him needing validation from elsewhere. clearly, social media is supposed to give him this.

but like someone in the community pointed out, now he's appealing to hundreds of thousands of people instead of just 5 or 6. the praise is awesome, but seeing that people still have criticism of him just makes him throw himself into his work even more. it also probably functions as a form of escapism for him; he's so busy working, editing, writing, he barely even notices that his friends are avoiding him. it's possible he's purposely using youtube as a way to ignore his gut. anyways, blue's still willing to hang out and record with him, so what's the issue? (it's not as if blue is the least confrontational of the cg lol)

i have. been in this exact position. the moment you make anything, you're looking straight at the numbers. it becomes what you think of in the morning and during the creation process. you're skimming comments for keywords--- good, bad, more, less, etc. you listen even when you don't mean to. yeah maybe the guy was a little mean about one of my friends but ultimately it's just constructive criticism! it's not like she'll see this anyway. it's fine.

and yeah green needs to stop being so obsessive but i think he deserves to break down first. like what ash said--- he expresses his negative emotions the least out of everyone, he barely takes breaks, it's going to come crashing down. and i think when cg confront him about his behaviour he deserves to yell at them for the way he gets treated. it really hurts when all you are is the butt of the joke even when they mean it in a lighthearted way. if the arc just ends with green being knocked down a peg as usual, i will be very fucking upset because he's literally already at the bottom of the ladder, what more do you want?

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6 months ago

Influencer Arc Bad End: Green's channel gets deleted and we all trade stories on how cool it was to be apart of it while being very sad it's gone, never to return. At least it was good while it lasted :(

Influencer Arc Meh End: Green's channel is left up but no new videos are ever posted. It's never mentioned and barely referenced ever again. It's over almost as soon as it began, and we're all are left to reminisce about how fun it used to be like a particularly fond memory from our long-gone childhoods.

Influencer Arc Best End: Green learns his lesson but keeps the channel, often posting funny little in-universe videos that we can all love and enjoy without the fear of it psychologically ruining him. Life is good :)

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