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More Posts from Hoonven

genres! fluff, established relationship, song fic
word count! 280
warnings! slightly suggestive
playlist! melting by Kali Uchis

Lee Heeseung was heaven’s incarnate, you were sure of it. His divine aura had bewitched you from the very moment you laid eyes on him, his potency enshrouding all your senses every time he was near.
He melted you like ice cream basking in the warmth of the sun, like your favorite flavor of the soft frozen treat you craved the taste of his soft lips, like taking a bite from the crisp cone you desired the harsh pinch of his pearly whites on the skin of the space between your neck and shoulder, like layering your preferred toppings on the sweetened and flavored cream you lusted for the weight of his body on top of yours.
Heeseung was nothing short of a daydream, he was extraordinarily ethereal, you’d never met anyone who had been so blessed by the goddess well known for her love and beauty, he must’ve been Aphrodite’s favorite. His doe eyes the color of loamy soil, his plump lips a tinge of peony, his olive skin pure like he only ever bathed in the waters of a holy river, and wisps of feathery blond hair that framed his face like a renaissance painting exhibited in a museum, a place reserved for items of only the most incalculable value.
Your infatuation for this man was boundless, surely he had you under a love spell, the way his smile infallibly set your heart ablaze like a flame to a candle, blood rushing and insides turning inverted at his every saccharine utterance or touch, his laugh comparable to the melodies sung by the angels up above.
He was your deity, and you, his devout votary.

© 2023 hoonven, all rights reserved. i do not give permission to alter, repost, translate, or plagiarize my works on any platform.

genres! fluff, 90s au, high school au, strangers to lovers
word count! 1173
warning! minor profanity
synopsis! in which jaeyun is tired of the universal notion of romance but one look in your eyes changes everything he once thought he was so sure of

august, 1995
Sim Jaeyun was tired of love songs, love letters, love poems, love confessions in the school hallways, love-themed novels and movies, that dreadful day reserved for celebrating love otherwise known as Valentine’s Day.
He was tired of always hearing his friends fawn over their significant others or crushes, his extended family members asking if he had a girlfriend yet at every family gathering, his parents constantly introducing him to “nice girls” his age at church, just about anything to do with love, in general, had the moody teenager rolling his eyes at the overrated notion.
That is until he met you, replaying that fateful moment in his head incessantly, that sweet smile you gave him as you asked if the seat next to him on the Ferris wheel was empty and the way he made a complete fool of himself by not uttering a single word instead his puppy-like eyes staring at you in incredulity, he had never seen anyone prettier.
Jaeyun swore he was dreaming, the bright yellow glow of the sun in the afternoon of a cool summer day adorning you in a soft lambency, and the way you laughed as you sat beside him sounded like a melody he could play on repeat all day, the floral scent of your perfume filling his lungs and he could feel flowers blooming inside his chest in a garden of your face.
The tingle in his hand as he shook yours for the first time while you introduced yourself, explaining that you were new to the city and looking to make some friends to which he instantly volunteered himself, and as if he couldn’t get any luckier it turned out you would be attending his high school come Monday morning.
Needless to say the weekend was over fairly quickly but for the first time in years Jaeyun didn’t mind, in fact he was looking forward to it. It seemed as though upon meeting you the boy had abandoned all ideology of romance being insufferable.
“My bad, man.” Sunghoon pats Jaeyun’s shoulder. “Didn’t mean to dip out at the fair but if it makes you feel any better I got her number.” His best friend offers a light apology in regards to ditching him for a random girl he immediately crushed on when spotting her in line for the Ferris wheel.
He wasn't sure how Sunghoon getting a girl’s number would apply to him, but he simply brushed it off. Besides, he had other things on his mind, specifically you.
Normally Jaeyun would be sulking and going off on a tangent about the triviality of crush culture but something else appeared to be preoccupying the chocolate-haired boy’s mind as he simply brushed off his friend with a brief nod and hum in agreement, his eyes never once halting from scanning the faces in the sea of students in search of yours.
This caused Sunghoon to raise an eyebrow in wonder at what could’ve possibly been eating away at his friend to the point he didn’t take an opportunity to shit on romance; something he was notoriously known for.
“Yo, you good?” Sunghoon questions.
Jaeyun is silent for a moment, not sure if he wants to confess, but Sunghoon is his best friend in the whole world, so he caves.
“I met this girl… and, uhh, I think I like her.”
Sunghoon blinks, “What?”
Jaeyun rolls his eyes with an exasperated sigh, “Dude, I have a crush on someone.”
The raven-haired boy’s eyes widen, mouth falling open in disbelief at the words that just came out of his friend’s mouth, unable to comprehend it, the Sim Jaeyun finally had a romantic interest in someone since his crush moved away in fifth grade. It had been so long that he almost forgot Jaeyun was capable of liking anyone in a non-platonic manner.
However, Sunghoon quickly recovered from the shock, not wanting to make a big deal about the situation knowing how sensitive his friend could be, “When you gonna ask her out?”
“Umm, never,” Jaeyun quips with an approving nod of his own self-sabotaging decision, resulting in Sunghoon to facepalm.
“Dude, no,” he says, “you’re trippin’ just chill out and stop overthinking.”
“God, I feel so stupid. I don’t know how you do this. It’s the first day of senior year, I should be worrying about graduation, not some girl-“
“Jaeyun!” The boy is suddenly interrupted by your call of his name causing both boys to turn their heads in your direction and he can’t help the way his heartbeat speeds up at the sight of you, especially when your calling his name and smiling like that.
“Is that her?”
“Yeah but could you do me a favor?”
“What’s up?”
“Go away.”
Sunghoon blinked, turning his attention to his two-timing friend, he couldn’t believe he was ditching him for a girl he’d just met after years of loyal brotherhood.
“Whatever bro,” Sunghoon gives in, wandering off to go find their third counterpart, Jay.
Weeks passed and meeting up in the hallway first thing in the morning became a routine for you and Jaeyun, soon after your friendship blossomed outside of school hours, hanging out every day after school and even on the weekends, calling each other as soon as you got home only to be up almost all night laughing and talking about anything and everything.
It was a late Saturday night when things finally started to take a turn for the better between you and Jaeyun, you two had practically spent the whole day together, waking up early to go get breakfast together at your local diner despite the fact it was the weekend meaning you could sleep in but you found you’d rather be in each others company, playing at the arcade for a few hours and then resting at the park where he bought you both ice cream and you sat on the bench people watching and now as he walked you home from your visit to the movie theater.
“I had fun today.” You smiled as you and Jaeyun stood on the porch of your house. “I always have fun with you.”
He chuckles nervously, scratching at the back of his neck and you find it endearing, “Yeah, me too. I really like spending time with you.”
Your heart flutters at his saccharine words, your cheeks spreading in a wide grin in spite of the aching from smiling all day, you nod, looking down at your shoes as if to end the conversation but it’s clear neither of you are quite ready to say your goodbyes.
Jaeyun’s eyes never leave your face, he never looked away when you smiled, wanting the sight forever etched into his mind.
Some powerful force in the cosmos must’ve possessed him that night because he finds himself unable to hold back anymore.
He gently places his index finger under your chin, tilting it up so your eyes meet, thumb softly caressing your jawline, his gaze warm and intense, “Can I kiss you?”
The moment you nod Jaeyun doesn’t waste a second, hands still gentle as he cups your cheeks, holding your face as if it were delicate porcelain before his soft lips press against yours, kissing you with tender passion.
Sim Jaeyun may have been tired of love songs but he could never be tired of you.

© 2023 hoonven, all rights reserved. i do not give permission to alter, repost, translate, or plagiarize my works on any platform.

genres! fluff, high school au, implied enemies to lovers, bad boy x good girl
word count! 1387
warnings! minor profanity
synopsis! in which you end up in detention with the school’s most infamous bad boy

“I hope you’re enjoying this as much as I am.” Niki teases, flicking a small paper ball at your back from his seat behind you, there were plenty of other desks available and the fact that he chose to sit so close to you made your blood boil.
You clench your jaw in annoyance at his childish antics, the sound of his voice only aggravating you further, you shut your eyes for a quick moment to compose yourself before turning around in your chair to face him. You were class president after all, you had to maintain your diplomatic reputation, “What is your problem with me?”
Niki leans forward in his chair, hands shoved in the pockets of his black slacks, “That’s funny, I was just about to ask the same thing.”
Your mind temporarily focuses on the fact that he’s closer in proximity now, not too close but close enough you could smell the musky scent of cologne wafting from his lean figure. You quickly snap back to reality when Niki chuckles at your lack of response, the little moment clearly giving him an ego boost.
You turn back around with a roll of your eyes, not wanting to give him anymore satisfaction,“I’m pretty sure you’re the reason I got detention.”
Niki scoffs in disbelief. “More like you’re the reason I got detention, you snitch.” He retorts.
Your mouth falls open at his insult, going against your better judgement you quickly whip back around to face him once again, eyes narrowing at the brunet boy, “I’m not a snitch! If you weren’t vandalizing school property like the delinquent you are we wouldn’t be stuck here!”
Niki’s eyes are narrowed back at you, hands still remain in his pockets though this time he’s leaned back in his chair. “You’re the psycho that attacked me! If you would’ve just let me run away like any other normal person we wouldn’t be stuck here!” He uses your own words against you and you swear no one has ever gotten under your skin quite like Riki Nishimura.
“Not only is vandalism against school policy, it’s also against the law, you lowlife criminal.”
“Well,” Niki begins sarcastically with a dramatic roll of his eyes, “Lock me up and throw away the key.”
“I hate you.”
“Yeah, take a number and get in line.”
Eventually thirty agonizing minutes passed by without another word from you or Niki, there was only ten minutes left of detention now and you had planned on spending the remainder of it finishing your game of Tetris on your old flip phone you snuck in prior to detention since the principal had taken away your smartphones.
You had gotten so immersed in your game you were oblivious to the boy behind you beginning to stir awake, he might’ve stayed in his deep slumber if it wasn’t for the harsh clicks of your fingers against the buttons of the phone and your whispered curses anytime you didn’t land a block exactly the way you intended but nonetheless nothing seemed to be going your way since you met Niki.
“I thought you were supposed to be a goody two-shoes.” He rests his chin on top of your head, larger frame towering over yours. His deep voice is slightly raspy from his previous nap making it all the more attractive and it causes a shiver to go down your spine.
You’re not sure what to say being caught red handed by none other than the devil himself, you knew he would never let you live this down. So you opt for swiftly attempting to shove the phone into the desk, but his nimble fingers snatch it.
“Hey, give it back!” You simultaneously jump out from your seat as Niki does.
He laughs, holding the phone away from your reach as you attempt to get it back, grabbing onto his arms though it does nothing, he’s able to easily overpower you by simply breaking free from your grip.
“Sneaking a phone into detention?” He tsks at you, “That’s against school rules. Looks like you’re a total hypocrite, miss president.”
“Why do you always have to be such an asshole?!” You huff, shoving his broad shoulders which barely had any effect on the boy as he continues to laugh but you won’t give up so easily.
Before Niki knows it, you pounce on him, causing you both to tumble down on the ground.
Much to your dismay you land right on top of him, your palms harshly smacking onto the wooden floor on either side of his head, your outstretched arms thankfully stopping your face from crashing directly into his, preventing what would’ve been a very awkward kiss.
You know you should get up and pretend nothing happened, you know it’s wrong to be staying in this position with him longer than necessary but for some reason you can’t bring yourself to pull away from him.
The way he’s looking at you right now has you in a daze, the constellations of tiny moles scattered across his face and neck takes you to outer space, his dark eyes like black holes, drawing you in with great force and you can’t escape. The multiple small silver hoops that adorned his ears like planetary rings, and the way his flawless ivory skin glowed like the pale moonlight is enough to have you feeling like a supernova just exploded inside your chest.
Despite the throbbing pain in the back of his head Niki smirks up at you, “You little pervert. Was this your agenda all along?”
Of course he had to say something stupid to ruin the moment and even though you should feel relieved a small part of you can’t help but also feel slightly disappointed.
You scoff at his accusation, “Fuck off, Nishimura.” Using his shoulder as leverage for pushing yourself off him, “I wouldn’t kiss you if you were the last man on earth-“ Your little rant is cut short when Niki suddenly lifts himself up, his long slender fingers wrapping around the wrist of your hand that once held his shoulder, tugging it towards his chest, his grip rough but gentle while forcing you closer to him.
“Go ahead,” The tip of his nose caresses yours, his plump lips lingering millimeters from your own, his thigh trapped between your knees as you kneel so you’re just barely hovering above him, “What were you saying?”
You’re absolutely mortified by the position you’ve let yourself be put in by Niki and even more ashamed at the warm sensation that runs through your entire body.
It’s wrong, and yet the way his other hand is resting on your waist feels right.
He chuckles at your silence, before finally letting you go allowing you both to break apart and stand up. “Detention should be over by now.” You say, clearing your throat, hands straightening out the black fabric of your skirt, deciding to ignore the whole ordeal that just unfolded between you and Niki.
However, Niki seems to disagree with your decision, eyes scanning you up and down, a smirk still plastered on his face as he watches you adjust your school uniform, knowing it’s just nervous fiddling.
“Jake’s throwing a party friday night, you should come.” He offers, his intense gaze unwavering.
You avoid his eyes, but still manage to speak confidently, “I don’t go to parties.”
“Because you don’t get invited?” He teases once more, knowing exactly how to push your buttons.
You stomp your foot, giving the boy a pointed look as you meet his gaze.
He lazily raises his hands up in surrender, his silver chain bracelets clinking together on his wrist as he lets out a light laugh and you hate the way you chuckle along with him.
“You don’t get detention either but that didn’t turn out so bad, did it?”
“Says who?” You retort, crossing your arms over your chest, an eyebrow raised in question.
“Just think about it.” Niki shrugs before grabbing his backpack from his desk, flinging it over his shoulder, and leaving you alone in the classroom for your own thoughts to consume you.
This was only your second encounter with Riki Nishimura and as much as you hoped it would be your last you couldn’t shake the inevitable feeling that this was just the beginning.

link! pt. 2 to koi no yokan (the premonition of love)
© 2023 hoonven, all rights reserved. i do not give permission to alter, repost, translate, or plagiarize my works on any platform.