Niki X Reader - Tumblr Posts
Super cute🥹

major, minor, and the things in between - nishimura riki
"are we friends, lovers, or whatevers in between?"
pairing ; nishimura riki x fem!reader
genre ; slice of life, enemies to lovers-ish (y/ns mean to riki smh), romance, drama, fluff, small angst, non idol au
warnings ; swearing, drinking, brief mention of blood (someone gets cut), mention of offing yourself but its just niki making a joke
wordcount ; 7.0k
synopsis ; though never quite well acquainted, sim y/n had always felt strongly against nishimura riki, until her brother jake had forced them to get along. but, what was meant to have them get closer turns into something a little more.
note (5/29) - there isnt rlly much mention of jake/nikis actual siblings but for one scene theirs like additional (baby) siblings
note (7/10) - its finally here!! im a little upset it took me 2 months to write 7k since i used to be able to write 4k in 8hrs but summer has been kicking my ass so im glad its out despite being 10 days past release date
taglist 🏷️ ; @stinkoscope @asyleums
read below the cut !
"'when im with you, i.. im so happy. i like you, na bora!' 'i like you. i like you too! i really really like you!'" y/n cried at her computer screen, rewatching 20th century girl for the 2nd time this week, before being so rudely interrupted by her brothers presence, bugging her with the same, repetitive question. the same question hes been asking for years on end now.
"the guys are coming over and of course you know niki is gonna be here as well. i want you to talk to him. why cant you just be friends?"
"id appreciate it a lot if youd leave, this is my space."
"i dont know if you noticed, but this is a small flat with not much room to move around. its not only you living here you know." jake reminded.
of course y/n knew there was limited space, she knew the moment she first realized she had already circled about the unit, trying to escape her brothers nagging.
"if you know theres not enough room for you and me then what makes you think theres room to accommodate an additional 6 other grown ass men. go to your room, im doing homework.'
"you were literally just crying watching 20th century girl milliseconds before i walked in, and im not asking much y/n! all i want is for you to talk to him, even pretend like youre getting along, thats it!" jake remarked, before catching the pillow y/n attempted to throw at his face.
'so damn annoying.' y/n thought, growing more and more annoyed by her brothers constant nagging as each second passed.
"whats so hard about getting along with niki? hes a good kid!" jake complained. since his little sister couldnt get along with one of his best friends, it made even the intimate gatherings.. unpleasantly awkward.
"hes annoying, like you are being right now."
"no, why do you really hate him so much."
"i dont know! he just reminds me of someone i guess? and he always cheated on projects back in middle school. even stole my ideas so he could make it look like im in the wrong."
"thats it? youre holding a grudge over him just being a middle school kid from, what, 5 years ago? cmon, theres gotta be something better then that. not to mention even if there wasnt, that makes you sound hella dumb holding a grudge from the 7th grade when youre graduating next year."
y/n thought to herself. of course there was another reason, but it seemed unnecessary to bring up. and she also just didnt want to share it with jake. or maybe, it wasnt the right reason after all.
"well hes cocky as hell and is still a better dancer, basketball player, volleyball player then i, not to mention ive been playing longer and layla likes him more then she likes me!"
"thats your fault youre never home, laylas just more used to him. and me. i am clearly her favorite between you and i."
"more like his fault hes practically living in my apartment cause hes never at his own home. and how can she be more used to him when ive known her since way before she met riki.."
"tough luck." jake pat y/n on the head on his way out before shutting the door.
the sound of the doorbell awoke y/n from her, well, what was meant to be a quick nap (which later turned into a 4 hour sleep). just as she slowly got out of bed to answer it, she heard jake yell from down the hall, "ive got it! make sure you dont look stupid or anything in front of my friends!"
she rolled her eyes and climbed back into bed, thinking about her outfit. standard pajamas, plaid shorts and a black tee (which probably wasnt even hers). she thought about how the one person out of the 6 she didnt want to see would be out there. truth be told, even she herself didnt know the best explanation as to why she hated riki so much. y/n figured it was because of a little mishap back during freshmen year and she just couldnt bring herself to apologize for everything that had been said during that time, so she forced herself to continue hating him. 'yeah, seems about right.'
the sound of the door opening caught her attention and the next thing she knew, there was a boy in a cream essentials hoodie jumping onto her.
"oh shit, what the f-"
"hi y/nnn!" sunoo smiled, carefully getting off his best friend.
y/n was in joy once she realized who it was, and brought him into a tight hug.
"hey sunoo! god it feels like forever since i last saw you!"
it was really only a week.
"i know right! its been too long!"
she smiled, no matter what mood she was in, sunoo always was the sunshine in the rain.
"so, whos here?"
"oh, you know the usual. sunghoon, heeseung, jake, and jay hyung. niki and jungwon are supposed to be setting up something in the courtyard."
"setting up what?"
"a volleyball net. jake was on nikis ass all week and wanted him to 1v1 you while we all played basketball. jungwon just wanted to help however he could, hes been tired all week from his job and the dance program."
no fucking way.
"youre saying i have to be alone, with nishimura riki? hell no!"
"isnt it great?" "this is a disaster!" they both exclaimed in unison.
"how is that bad?" "how is this good?!"
sunoo signaled for y/n to continue first. "i just cant stand riki. jakes been on my ass to talk to him but i didnt think hed actually talk to him, or that hed even listen either."
"seriously? i always thought you had a thing for him. i mean, you look good together, you both share mainly the same interests, mainly the same circle, not to mention the undeniable love you have when your eyes meet-"
"okay thats enough! you know what, how bout we go outside, im hungry anyway."
sunoo shrugged and went along with y/n down the hall.
he was slightly surprised when he saw niki and jungwon sitting on the couch, having a sip of their drinks.
"back already? i thought you were setting up the nets."
"yeah, but it was easier then expected. and we didnt even need to go to the lobby for the stuff. it was all already in the courtyard." jungwon told the two with a smile, proud of their work.
"y/n." niki looked at her with that stupid grin she had always hated.
"i didnt know youd be here." he observed, ignoring how she had addressed him by his last name instead of niki, or riki.
she scoffed, crossing her arms.
"i live here dipshit. you think id run away just cause i knew you were coming?"
niki got up from his seat and walked closer, and closer, until their faces were mere centimeters away.
"just like you ran from all our problems in freshmen year huh?"
"you realize it was all because of what you did, dont you?"
it took niki a minute to notice how close they were. he looked down at her lips before realizing what sunoo and jungwon were saying in the background. "are they about to kiss?"
"hell no!" y/n and niki both yelled out in unison, quickly pushing away from each other.
"whatever. i need to use the bathroom, i cant stand seeing your face." she remarked to niki.
as soon as y/n closed the bathroom door, she let out a breath she never knew she was holding in, slowly trying to register what had just happened. 'did i really almost kiss him.'
minutes after being stuck in the bathroom for so long, she left and walked into the main living space, only to notice everyone was gone.
well, almost everyone.
"are you serious."
y/n dryly stared at the boy sitting on her couch, in her spot, watching her favorite show.
"i forgot you were still here." niki yawned.
"where is everyone?"
"did you seriously not hear them say theyre gonna get food and that theyll be back in.. three hours or more?"
"three hours or more? it does not take that long to get food, youre fucking with me." y/n walked into hers and jakes individual bedrooms to see if anyone was hiding from her, to her dismay, niki wasnt lying.
"it does if youre getting food from busan."
"why the fuck are they going all the way to busan for food??"
"language! my young ears cant take this!"
"shut up nishimura youre only 11 days younger."
"more like 11 years at heart cause you act like a grumpy old lady all the time.."
"whatd you just call me?"
"so why are they going all the way to busan for food again?" y/n reminded, getting niki back on track.
"cause they got a friend whos house is down there and hes in town for the weekend, they said theyll bring us home our own order."
y/n walked into the kitchen, rummaging for food.
"what are you doing now?"
"looking for food, im gonna die if i see your ugly ass face any longer."
"what are you on about 'ugly'? girls at school love this face."
"and apparently you loved those girls too much in return.."
niki got up from the couch and walked over to the kitchen bar, sitting down. "are you still mad at me about that?"
she stopped what she was doing and looked at niki, not saying anything, hoping it was enough of an answer.
"so you are." 'so he isnt all that dumb'
"look, i didnt know she had bad intentions, and you were right, i shouldve listened to you. but you really have to stop avoiding me. how was i supposed to tell you i didnt realize what she was trying to do if you keep running away?"
"how do you not realize no matter how many times i warned you?"
"i thought you did it because you were jealous."
"i did it because i loved you!"
niki froze, thinking he was crazy, thinking maybe he hadnt heard right.
"you what?"
"past tense. loved, not love. and how could you think so badly of me? we were supposed to trust each other, always tell the truth, and you thought i told you she would end up using you was because you thought i was jealous? how could you?"
he sighed, thinking about what he had done, realizing how badly he had mistreated y/n in the past, realizing there was no reversing it. he walked into the kitchen where y/n was, backing her into the corner as the kitchen was just as small as the apartment itself.
"get away from me!" she yelled, throwing ramen packet after ramen packet at niki.
"no. i know i havent been the best to you-" "more like you know youve been the worst."
niki glared at y/n.
"-and i know theres no reversing it. i realize i cant undo the past, but what i can do, is fix our future. i want to show you i can be better to you then i was then. we can be what we used to be before, us. our spark."
"there is no us, or we, or, our. but maybe just you, caught up in your daydreams." y/n pushed niki out the way, and walked out the kitchen, not noticing she was slowly being followed.
"i loved you too you know. except for the fact that i still do."
"can you just please leave." she turned around, now facing him.
her vision blurred, head dizzy, face stained, all as her glass like tears trickled down her cheeks.
"hey, its okay. dont cry."
"get away from me!"
niki attempted to hug y/n as she fought against him, trying to run from his grasp, struggling to no avail. she eventually fell still in his hold, forgetting its natural warmth and comfort.
"im sorry for everything." was the last thing y/n heard before falling asleep, growing tired and stressed from everything that had just happened.
it was late at night by the time everyone else had come back, 2am to be exact. traffic was unusually heavy though it was a saturday night, not to mention the designated driver and his understudy (heeseung and sunghoon. yikes, scary night) ended up being the most wasted while everyone else was still tipsy. poor jungwon, still tired from a 4 hour nap after being on 2 hours of sleep all day, had to drive everyone through the slow traffic.
jake, who was slightly sobering up, turned on the lights in the dark room and dimmed them as his head was still throbbing. he walked into the living room and saw y/n, fast asleep with her head on nikis shoulder with his arm around her as he finished the rest of avengers endgame.
jake knew his sister well enough to know she had been crying once he focused on her puffy red eyes. but, it was a sweet moment, y/n was passed out, niki was barely conscious, and everyone was painfully drunk or achey. he figured he would just yell at riki for whatever happened in the morning.
sunghoon and heeseung ran into the kitchen (as best they could without tipping over) for water, jungwon had knocked out as soon as he sat down in the chair next to y/n, jay was busy trying to figure out how to use jakes water filter, and sunoo was sitting at the kitchen bar eating a pudding cup.
jay called for jakes help, just as his eyes had fluttered shut. begrudgingly so, jake got up and helped the three boys it the kitchen. "you press the bottom button, not the top button. the top is for ice."
"thanks." "yeah whatever."
"i know youre tired hyung, but so are we. where are we all supposed to sleep?" sunoo quietly asked, putting his hand on jakes shoulder.
he thought, looking at the three sprawled out in the living room, and the three bubbling nonsense in the kitchen. "jay and sunghoon can stay with me, ill move niki and y/n to her room, you can stay in the living room with jungwon and heeseung hyung. but move jungwon to the couch since he drove everyone."
"thanks-" sunoo cut himself off as he heard the sound of jakes receding footsteps.
morning came, and though it wasnt a good one, y/n wanted to remedy that. or, remedy the nasty hangover she knew everyone would be experiencing.
she had woken up with her eyes puffy and red, and even though she didnt want to get up she knew she would have to eventually.
"is that hangover soup i smell?" jake asked tiredly, rubbing his eyes as he walked out his room.
"well i know riki doesnt know how to cook and jungwons still asleep. so who else would be making it?" y/n flashed a tired smile, pouring a serving for jake.
"so, why were you crying last night? and dont say you werent or that you just didnt sleep well. ive lived with you long enough now to tell the difference between your 'i didnt get enough sleep' eyes, and your 'i was crying pretty hard' eyes." he interrogated as he took a big sip of the soup. so good he almost felt better already.
"what did he tell you? or were you watching me?"
"he didnt tell me anything, he was already asleep by the time we came back. i just saw the look on your face and knew."
"just reminiscing on some bad times is all."
jake raised a brow at his sister, taking another sip.
"you dont have to tell me now if you dont want to. but i do want to hear about everything. later. when my head isnt pounding like when i heard mom push you out in the emergency room. after i take a nap. and when youve bought jungwon some coffee."
"me? why do i have to buy him coffee? im not the one who drove him because the designated drivers were too wasted."
"we typically treat him to an iced americano since hes always up taking care of us when were drunk, but we havent gotten this wasted in a while. and he spent so long getting sunghoon out the house, not to mention the long drive to the point he ended up falling asleep as soon as we got back."
y/n thought about it before mumbling a, "tough luck" to jake, patting him on the back before walking into her bedroom.
she was met with the sight of niki making the bed as she walked in. "when did you wake up?" she quietly asked.
"not too long ago, you?"
"about an hour ago. i had to cook for them."
"ah. did you sleep well? i know sleeping upright on the couch mustve been a lot less comfortable then this."
"i guess. i dont remember waking up to walk here though. jake probably carried me."
"he was way wasted, snoring loudly way before i woke up. how else do you think you got here?"
it took a minute for it to click in y/ns mind when she realized it was niki who took her to the room and slept next to her. this whole time, she thought it was her brother who lent his own room to his friends.
"of course not, he just asked me to help or make sure you got to bed safely and that i could stay with you since there was nowhere else."
'that bastard.. ill kill him one of these days. im surprised i havent already.' she spoke to herself in her head.
"so. are we good now?" niki questioned, walking over to the other side of the room.
"how can you ask me such a thing after making me relive one of the worst memories of high school ive ever had?"
"it wasnt my intention. i was just trying to explain-" "theres nothing to explain when i had already given you multiple warnings. thats on you."
y/n threw a pillow at niki and walked away, back outside.
"what was that all about?" sunghoon asked, taking a sip of the coffee he had just made. 'where did he get silk pajamas from. are- are those mine?'
"not to bother, but i mean, you were kind of yelling." heeseung explained to y/n.
she let out a sigh, rubbing her forehead in stress.
"i dont want to talk about it right now. i- actually. you know what? ill be back."
"where are you going?" sunoo asked y/n, following her to her room just as niki walked out.
"somewhere, not sure yet. dont follow me."
"i wont, i know how much you value your alone time but- oh youre changing. hold on ill turn around. but please be safe. when will you be back?"
sunoo turned back around and saw she had changed into beige cargos and a white crop top. realizing he was staring, he looked around the room, before a certain picture caught his eyes. he walked closer to get a better look. it was baby jake feeding yogurt to baby y/n. 'awe, they were always close werent they.' he hadnt even realized y/n was talking to him, and by the time he faced where y/n was standing, she had already left out the front door.
y/n🤨; srry, u were so immersed in that picture of jake and i as kids, but i rlly wanted to leave. i cant handle being around niki. see u l8r
sunoo😴 ; no worries, have fun, stay safe, and dont take any candy from strangers lol
y/n drives to her favorite cafe she always used to visit with her brother, mama han's. she sits down at the bar and scrolls deep into her camera roll, coming across some mundane memories of her and riki back when they were close.
"what can i get you, hun?" the waitress, jiwoo, asked with a small grin. she didnt look to be any younger than 40 something now, compared to the last time she visited the spot. jiwoo was always the waitress here, even served the two frequently in their childhood when they visited from australia.
"just a vanilla shake is all. extra whip please."
"sweetie, arent you lactose? it must be pretty bad if you want extra dairy."
"yeah, it is. but, im not comfortable talking about it at the moment if thats alright."
"of course it is. just hope youre doing okay." jiwoo pat y/n on the shoulder, before reaching down to get the ingredients.
"hows your brother? havent seen either one of you in a while."
"hes well, a little hungover, but hes fine."
jiwoo laughed as she poured milk into the blender. "of course. what more to expect from your brother. well, how are you? i realized i didnt really ask."
"im alright. and, do you remember niki?"
"little niki from when you were kids? the one you used to like- oh dear, dont tell me hes the reason as to why youre so down?"
"long story, but yeah. its fine though, ill deal with it. but what about you, whats going on? did you ever pursue your dream as an actress?"
"no, and i regret not going for it. i didnt get to be in stairway to heaven, but shinhye and taehee did though. which is why you need to go for what you want, otherwise you really will regret it." jiwoo advised, adding the cherry on top of the extra whip prior to sliding the glass over to y/n.
"so i should forgive him?"
"if its what you want. though i dont know the backstory, i do know that as long as its something you want then its worth a shot. the worst he can say is no, you know?"
"yeah.. oh and jiwoo, can i get a chocolate shake to go?"
"no problem, just give me 4 minutes. and- oh dont worry about it, put your card away! its on the house."
y/n heard her phone buzz in the center console as she pulled into an empty parking lot. she turned the engine off the car and pulled out her phone.
sim jaeyun ; Can you come home
Y/n Sim ; can u stop using caps
sim jaeyun ; I don't think it matters but okay
sim jaeyun ; can you stop disappearing whenever you're mad at someone
Y/n Sim ; can you change my name so its not in caps
sim jaeyun ; can you stop changing the topic and just drive back because niki wants to talk to you and i was getting worried
Y/n Sim ; can u change my name
'sim jaeyun' has changed your display name to 'y/n sim'
y/n sim ; i bought u a shake from jiwoos
sim jaeyun ; no you didn't she probably got it to you for free
y/n sim ; cz im her fav sim
sim jaeyun ; im going to tell all the guys about how you pissed yourself at disneyland on splash mountain
y/n sim ; driving home rn
sim jaeyun ; no texting while driving love u
y/n sim ; lyt
she let out a small laugh at her brothers texts. she quickly got out the car, taking some pictures of the sunset for her instagram, and posting it, before driving out as the milkshake was beginning to melt.
niki got the alert y/n had posted and pressed the notification at the top of his screen. he didnt miss how the caption referenced wave to earth as it was always their favorite band to listen to together.

@/05sim_y/nn ; how can my day be bad when im with u? - [9m ago]
liked by @/02sim_ikeuu, @/suniskim, and 99 others - 20 comments
@/rikimura has liked this post ! [now]
after getting back home and taking a relaxing shower (thanks to everyone leaving 2 hours prior), y/n had continued to keep herself up at night for the past week before deciding it was time to talk to riki.
she pushed her feelings aside, waking up on a random wednesday morning at the crack of dawn then randomly told herself 'ive got to do this, for my brothers sake and our friend group.' (or so she unconvincingly tried to convince herself, but thats already another thing she didnt want to get into at the moment) y/n quickly threw on whatever clothes she could gather laying about the floor, then ran to grab her car keys and hurry out the door.
as soon as she swung the big piece of metal open, she was met with the familiar sight of nishimura riki knowing when hes done wrong, his guilty face, with his hand raised and ready to knock.
"what are you doing here at the ass crack of dawn?"
"what are you doing ready to run out your apartment like its the olympics as the ass crack of dawn?" he responded to her question with a question, with the intent of knowing how much she hated it.
"actually, i was about to leave to see you. i think its time we had a talk. you know, after my.. moment, that i had last week."
"yeah. i know. its not your fault i realize now, or, im telling you that but ive realized it since the moment i lost you. i think-"
niki was interrupted by jake shouting from across the flat, "if youre gonna finally have this talk i think you should go somewhere else! can you leave soon? 'cause my girlfriends gonna come over at like 12!"
"i seriously doubt any place is open for us to be going to at 5:41 in the morning." y/n yelled in response.
"you know well mama han's is open now, and jiwoo works day and night, just go there so i can be alone!" "for 7 hours?"
niki laughed in response as he registered what jake and y/n were arguing over.
"what girlfriend?-" "-talking stage, technically, but he says theyre dating because she accidentally kissed his cheek on their first date when reaching to grab something near him."
"i remember her lips on my skin like it was yesterday, meanwhile you have yet to kiss niki." jake scoffed in english, the words flowing smoothly off his tongue with his accent before walking closer towards where y/n was standing.
"gross. if anything her accidentally very barely brushing her lips against your stupid face is the only action youll ever be getting if you keep trying to get rid of your one and only favorite little sister." y/n muttered in response, slightly ignoring niki muttering about how he thinks y/ns accent sounds cute.
and so y/n found herself driving to mama han's cafe with niki after jake called their eldest brother, complaining she should listen to him because shes younger and if she wouldnt listen to jake himself then maybe she would listen to her older-older brother.
"you should listen to your older siblings but jake, if you had someone coming over you shouldve told her in advance. and what are you even gonna do alone for 6 hours??"
after being seated and placing their orders, niki brought back the conversation from earlier that had sort of been killed by jake.
"i get it, youre mad at me, and i shouldve listened to you. i know i fucked up and i know you see it too. i get it if you dont want to forgive me yet, or if you ever even will. but when you decide we could be good, im always here for you."
"why would i be here if i hadnt been prepared to forgive you?"
"i seriously question how dense you are sometimes."
"thanks for believing in me."
"no problem, but seriously. i forgive you. as much as i hate to admit it since i know youll use it against me, but i kinda missed having you around. i mean, you were my first love among other things but you were also one of my first and closest friends. it wont always be the same but im sure if we try enough we can get pretty damn close."
"god have you always been so philosophical?"
the two burst into laughter together, smiling as they took a sip of their milkshakes, reminiscing on the times they had spent together in their earlier high school years. it was moments like these that they has missed the most.
by far the most fun together (said niki), by far the most fun theyve had in a while (said y/n) after having spent the morning together, discussing and going over whats happened in the past few hours before going to pay. "ive got it," niki said, pulling out his card. "its the least i can do."
"thank you for today. i know i was hard on you but i needed this."
"no worries, i think ive owed you for a long time now right?"
"i need to do something in here real quick. you mind waiting in the car?"
"wait are you gonna be okay? i dont wanna leave you here alone."
"im a regular here, i know the people. its fine."
"are you sure?"
"if you go ill let you have the aux."
thats all it took for niki to run straight for the car, rushing to open the door.
y/n laughed as she saw him waving from the passengers seat, before going to talk to jiwoo who was busy wiping down the counters. she took a seat at the bar and felt comfort as jiwoo flashed the same smile she always would throughout y/ns childhood.
"thats a hell of a boy youve got there. special one isnt he?"
"you could say that in the very least. hes definitely special to me though."
"thats the boy you were tellin my sister about? he aint from round here, that right?" an distinct, familiar, voice spoke from the back kitchen.
"auntie jiwon?" y/n questioned in shock.
jiwon is jiwoos sister, she also used to work at the cafe just as much as jiwoo did. had been a favoritre of the customers including the sims themselves before moving to the countryside, only popping up on occasion. jake would call jiwon auntie since she was older and it had also grown on y/n.
"thats my name isnt it?" she chuckled as y/n ran up to hug her.
"wow, i cant believe it. i havent seen you in like, 7 years!"
"been a long time right? well, im just down here for a short while before i gotta go back. just here for a weddin and thought to visit my sister at work."
"thats great auntie, too bad you arent here for longer."
"yeah, well. thats what happens when you get 3 divorces and run out of money, that right jiwoo? but, seriously, whats with that boy of yours? he dont seem to be from here."
"hes not, hes from japan, for the dance academy we all go to."
"that explains a bunch. i always knew youd be a dance. you have quite the physique for it, no?"
jiwoo interrupted jiwon from rambling on the way she always would, quickly seeing y/ns desire to leave as she has other things to tend to.
"alright well, im sure y/n has plenty of things to do as do we, so we all really should be going. its about time for the regulars to start coming in." jiwoo awkwardly laughed as she too seemingly forgot her sisters idiosyncratic personality.
"you dont want to spend time with your auntie jiwon is it? kids nowadays have no sort of respect for their elders. you could drive a preacher to drink!"
y/n awkwardly cleared her throat and put on a smile, frozen in a sort of way as auntie jiwon hadnt seemed to be the same as she was 8 years ago.
"oh im only joking now! go on then, ill just see you in another 8 years." she sighed, overexaggerating the moment.
"its not like youre her real aunt anyway." jiwoo muttered, yet jiwon heard it.
"like your supposed to be? what are you to her anyway?"
"someone whos around of course! i practically raised her and babysitted her on top of running a restaurant with my own children whenever her parents would be in office from dusk till dawn with her brother busy at school with his own life."
"i was there too you know! she would tell me things she never told you."
"she only told you things because you made her! she was scared of you!" jiwoo rolled her eyes at jiwon before quickly gesturing for y/n to go.
"what are you doing- where is she going?" "somewhere where youre not."
as y/n go back into the car, she slightly scared niki in the middle of a game.
"what happened in there? looked kinda tense. never seen the other lady before."
"jiwoos sister. shes kinda crazy and possessive and scary. didnt even know she came back."
"maybe we should go.. shes kinda walking towards the car so i suggest to step on the gas."
"shit- shes what??"
within the next few months, niki and y/n drew closer to one another like they were before.
it was only a matter of time before their unresolved feelings for one another began to surface, yet they continued to push it down with all their might, not wanting to ruin anything like before.
so here y/n was, watching some random kdrama out of boredom, completely uninterested before she received a text from niki.
nishimura ; help
sim ; with what
nishimura ; baysitinf
sim ; the fuck
nishimura ; hold - my brother just took my phone
sim ; babysitting?
nishimura ; yes pls
nishimura ; jake literally js dropped off ur sister here while my brother was having a hyper thingy
nishimura ; hes just very hyper
nishimura ; send a swat team.
sim ; i dont rlly wanna watch sarang tho😐
nishimura ; BUT ITS UR SISTER??
sim ; yea but she’s a headache i have to deal with that like every weekend
sim ; i gave her to jake so i can have a free day just for her to bounce back to me😒 sim ; i hate guys named jake
nishimura ; thats what u get for abandoning a 5 year old
sim ; then im not helping
nishimura ; that lego set i bought you arrived today
sim ; see u in 20
and so here y/n found herself driving towards nikis apartment, reminding herself to lecture her brother once they both get home.
“good thing you came otherwise i mightve actually killed myself.”
“this better be good, i dropped crash landing on you for this.”
with that, niki stepped aside to point at the kids behind him without breaking eye contact with y/n, not wanting to look inside only to furrow his brows as she tilted her head in confusion.
“is this a joke?” she scoffed.
“what are you talking about?” his jaw dropped once he saw sarang and hiro getting along together just fine, completing some puzzle together. “i swear they werent getting along and hiro was just bouncing off the walls, plus sarang was like having a meltdown about ice cream!”
y/n slightly grinned then spoke, “you look fine. they look more then fine. you don’t need my help. did you just want an excuse to see me?”
“no! i- i mean i kinda wanted to see you but that’s not why- i, ughh!”
y/n held back a small laugh at nikis frustration before she heard the two kids watching them giggle adoringly at their older siblings.
“riki has a girlfriend!” “y/n has a boyfriend!” hiro and sarang exclaimed in excitement.
“im going home.”
“absolutely not.” y/n groaned in annoyance while niki pulled her into the house by grabbing onto her shoulder.
“so.” he awkwardly started, rubbing the back of his neck nervously with the palm of his hand.
“about yesterday.”
“what about it.”
“we’re good right?”
“of course we are.” she reassured.
just as niki was able to reply, sarang began to cry loudly, like she saw a monster in her closet or something.
“what happened?”
“i cut myself!” she cried, showing the skin between her fingers. her and hiro had been doing small arts and crafts for the past hour, so she has hurt herself with the scissors.
“just put a bandaid on and ice it.” y/n rolled her eyes, shaking her head while not even bothering to look up from her phone.
“you’re so mean y/n unnie!” sarang pouted before holding her ‘injured’ hand up to nikis face.
“what is this, the school nurse? you gotta be a more helpful sister then that.”
“i am helpful. i asked her what happened then gave her a solution.”
“but you were so mean to her.”
“im teaching her to be tough! our parents were hard on me and my brothers, so we have to be hard on her.”
“but you aren’t your parents. you’re y/n.”
“but what if i don’t want to be just y/n?”
“well, then that’s not something you can control. you’re you whether you like it or not. you gotta learn to accept life as it is. that’s what really being hard on yourself is, and that’s what it does to you.”
niki goes over to sarang to pick her up and carry her over to the kitchen. he sets her on the counter and grabs a pastel flower print bandaid before placing a small kiss onto where he placed the bandaid.
he coos at her lovingly, with him who’d always seen her as his own sister having had watching her grow up since she was born despite her not really remembering much of him.
y/n felt her heart melt as she saw how good he was with her baby sister.
she got up from her seat to go over where they were, wrapping her arms around nikis waist to envelop him with into a warm back hug, pressing her head into the space between his shoulder and neck, letting it rest there.
“mean unnie.” sarang stuck out her tongue at y/n, pushing her face away from niki as she stuck out her tongue back.
“what are you, 5?”
“no but she is.”
niki sighed before pulling away (he really didnt want to but you didnt need to know that) grabbing his car keys, and picking up his brother.
“let’s go for some ice cream.”
so here you were, sitting at the local ice cream parlor together.
niki’s face turned as he watched you absolutely devour those three scoops (scoups) of mint chip.
“i seriously dont see how you could eat that. it tastes like toothpaste.”
“why are you talking when you’re eating plain vanilla.”
“hey, sometimes basic is better!”
“well you don’t have to like mint then. ‘cause me and this kid do!” she jokingly replied, hugging said kid (hiro) while niki and sarang rolled their eyes with their vanilla cones.
“hate to be a bother, but you guys are such a cute little family. youre just like me with my kids when they were still young. and, little girl, you really have your fathers eyes.” an elder women from a table across the parlor smiled, patting y/n and niki on the shoulder as she ignored her husbands remarks “stop disturbing the little couple!”
“do we really look like a family?”
“sort of, if you really think about it.”
“okay but she had to be lying because your eyes look nothing like sarangs.”
“i mean.. if you look closely enough.”
“you aren’t even korean!”
they laughed together, for the first time in a while.
“okay, but on a serious note. what are we? are we friends, lovers, or whatever’s in between?”
“i mean.. I guess for now, in between.”
“please date y/n unnie! shes sooo lonely and boring.” sarang interrupted, tugging on nikis sleeve.
“yeah! and i want more playdates with sarang!” hiro pouted, looking up with puppy eyes at y/n.
niki laughed at the kids’ reactions, before taking y/ns hand into his.
“well, no matter what you decide, let’s see where this takes us. they seem to be up for it anyway.”
“you’re right. alright, fine. but if you fuck this up again, you realize you’re not getting another chance, right?”
“i promise i won’t hurt you again. it already cost me everything last time.”
“glad you’re aware.” she bitterly mumbled.
“so. you will date me then?”
“ill think about it.”
Super cute SMAU for Niki! ❤️ super funny, lighthearted and cute!

; SYNOPSIS - school sucks. especially when everyone's avoiding you like the plague - all because you're the principal's daughter. so it comes as a surprise when a strip of paper falls out of your locker one day, with a corny pick up line written on it. now you only have one question on your mind: who the hell is nishimura riki?

; PAIRING - riki x fem!reader
; STATUS - ongoing!
; TAGS - smau, fluff, crack (more like attempt at humor), high school au, riki is a menace, hyper x calm dynamics?? ; WARNINGS - swearing, dirty jokes/pick up lines (maybe??)
; AUTHOR’S CORNER ! i just love starting something new before finishing my other wips 😍 i've made it so the first part of the pick up line is on the masterlist here, and the punchline is on the title of the actual chapter. this is inspired by this pjo smau on ao3 (LMAO??) + my own experiences bc i also slipped a bunch of pick up lines in random lockers

➼ PROFILES ! losers club ; riki's pr team
PROLOGUE ! all the good pick up lines are taken…
ONE ! i don't need google anymore...
TWO ! i’m so jealous of ur phone…
THREE ! are you fortnite?…
BONUS ! let's play a game of tag...
FOUR ! do you listen to newjeans?…
FIVE ! "nothing is faster than light"...
SIX ! something is wrong with my phone…
SEVEN ! do you play quidditch?...
EIGHT ! this doughnut is pretty sweet…
NINE ! you look familiar, did we share a class?…
TEN ! we should probably social distance…
ELEVEN ! are you 0x1 = lovesong?…
TWELVE ! are you an unfunny meme?…
THIRTEEN ! hey, is it morning yet?…
13.5 ! i can’t hold a conversation…
FOURTEEN ! instead of liking my message…
FIFTEEN ! your hand looks heavy… ↳ written [2.1k] + smau
SIXTEEN ! be careful bumping into others…
SEVENTEEN ! are you a trap?…
EIGHTEEN ! are you the children i keep in my basement?…
NINETEEN ! is it the fire works…
TWENTY ! i’ll give you a kiss… ↳ written [1.5k]
EPILOGUE ! i can’t think of any more pick up lines…

; TAGLIST (open!) perm . @lovelovelovebts @miyseung @babyy-bambii @haechansbbg @gweoriz @maoyueze networks . @kflixnet @k-films @/k-labels . send an ask or comment here to be added!

Loving this mini series with the maknae line!
charms and chasers. | miniseries

PAIRING ▸ enhypen maknae line x reader
GENRE ▸ hogwarts! au, halloween special, romance, fluff, angst, humor
SUMMARY ▸ another year at hogwarts, another year of chaos. that also means another chance at love for the three boys. will they be able to share their hearts or will they end up spending the end-of-year feast alone?
AKA another (not so) typical enhypen hogwarts themed au…
NOTES ▸ oh wow what a surprise i have another miniseries 😭this is a thanks for 400 followers 🥳🥳but unfortunately i only had time to write for enhypen’s maknae line so that’s why this is a halloween special miniseries!!
status ▸ completed (31.10.22)


PAIRING ▸ hufflepuff! sunoo x slytherin! reader
GENRE ▸ hogwarts! au, s2ls, romance, angst, fluff, humor
SUMMARY ▸ you swear your new seatmate in potions gets on your last nerve. everything about him just irks you. you swear kim sunoo will be the death of you, whether you like it or not (and maybe you do).
AKA all’s fair in love and war.

PAIRING ▸ ravenclaw! jungwon x ravenclaw! reader
GENRE ▸ hogwarts! au, fake dating! au, f2ls, romance, angst, fluff, humor
SUMMARY ▸ your house’s prefect, yang jungwon, is the textbook definition of a ravenclaw. as a fellow housemate and friend, you’re certainly willing to help him out when he needs it. but when jungwon asks you to be his date for the yule ball, you don’t expect the trouble that follows.
AKA you and jungwon are the definition of dumb and dumber.
hype boy.

PAIRING ▸ slytherin! niki x gryffindor! reader
GENRE ▸ hogwarts! au, rivalry! au, e2ls, romance, angst, fluff, humor
SUMMARY ▸ you and niki supposedly hate each other’s guts, everyone knows. slytherin vs. gryffindor, green vs. red, no one can break you two apart- except when a night on the quidditch field may prove otherwise.
AKA (un)fortunately for you, niki is indeed your hype boy.

MAIN TAGLIST ▸ @precioussoulofmine @lov3niki @heesterical @coffeewon @rerequire @nvertheless @duolingofanaccount
send an ask/dm to be added to the main/series taglist!
‧₊˚ ⋅ hurt — nishimura riki ‧ ˚₊‧

synopsis you hated niki. he hated you. despite your ongoing rivalry, your recent arm injury seems to have had an unexpected effect on your so-called enemy. rather than making fun of your injury, he's shown a surprising twist of kindness by wanting to draw on your cast instead.
pairing rival!niki x fem!reader genre fluff, e2ls, hs au !
warnings profanity, injury, just niki and reader being a bickering mess !! typical rival things
featuring danielle newjeans jungwon enhypen wc 2303 !
note first enha work !! first time on blr and i think i’m getting a hang of it.. took too much time figuring out everything though 😵💫. i guess this happens when you’re bored (⸝⸝ᵕᴗᵕ⸝⸝) anyhow, i just think niki fits e2ls !! also i think he fits this cute idea i was thinking about so why not combine the two ?? might also create a part 2 to this !!
— read part 2 here !

"Wow, two whole months for it to heal? I’m sure it hurt, didn’t it?" Danielle exclaimed, her expression filled with shock as she glanced from your cast to your face. The two of you were seated next to each other during your first period, giving her a chance to closely examine your injury.
"Yeah," you replied with a touch of sarcasm, a sigh escaping your lips as you gazed at the plain, white cast encasing your arm. "Just the sort of thing that can happen when you take up a part-time job at a convenience store. But, my doctor assured me it's not too serious, so this arm should be back to its usual self soon!" You lightly tapped your arm with your free hand, showing her that you’re completely fine.
"Well, it's still frustrating to have to let it heal for that long," she pouted, receiving a light chuckle from you. Extending your uninjured arm, you gently held her hand, offering her a soft smile. "Don't worry, Danielle. Two months will fly by."
You were truly grateful for a friend like Danielle, who consistently showed concern for your well-being. It made you wonder why your life couldn't be filled with people like her instead of people like him. But no, the universe had different plans and had given you Niki, your classmate, or rather your enemy.
This rivalry with Niki had its roots all the way back to elementary school, and due to both of your stubbornness, it had been brought into your high school years. Poor Danielle found herself caught in this mess, being friends with both of you. You did feel bad for involving her, but the blame fell largely on Niki, who seemed to exist solely to get under your skin.
"Does... you-know-who... know about your injury? You guys walk to and from here together," Danielle hesitated, bringing up him in the conversation cautiously. You shook your head and replied, "No, not as far as I know. I actually left a bit early today—oh no."
Your hand instinctively moved to your forehead, the beginnings of a headache forming from the thought. Danielle let out a small gasp, concern evident in her expression. "What's wrong, YN? Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, I'm fine—wait, no, I'm not!"
"Why? What's the matter?"
"It's Niki! I just remembered that he's probably going to make fun of my injury for the entire two months." You slumped in your chair, already envisioning the scenarios in your mind. "That asshole."
“You actually got me worried!”
"Sorry, but this is something you should be worried about! Niki's constant teasing might be the end of me!"
"YN, you'll handle it. You both argue every day, anyway," Danielle said with a dismissive tone, not fully grasping how serious the issue felt to you. After all, Niki having another reason to mock you during class was far from trivial.
You sighed, realizing that you really wished for your arm to heal as quickly as possible.
In what seemed like no time at all, the second period arrived—a bit faster than usual. You hurried into the classroom, aiming to get into your seat promptly. But there was no use of that if he’s your seatmate! Just why couldn’t it be Danielle? You silently cursed your teacher for arranging the seating this way. More people started filling the classroom, and Niki’s unmistakable blonde hair caught your attention — he was walking your way.
His gaze fixed strangely on your arm as you withdrew it from the desk, letting it hang at your side. You deliberately avoided meeting his eyes, unwilling to deal with his presence at the moment. The scrape of his chair against the floor caught your ear, prompting you to take a deep breath. "Already pissed?" His voice carried a teasing tone, and you could practically feel the smirk in his words, causing you to roll your eyes.
“Aw, you got my routine down already?” You scoffed, placing your notebook on your desk. You were determined to shut out his annoying voice, but of course, life had other plans. "Seems like it. Just call it the Niki effect, I guess."
"Yeah, a real heartwarming effect," you replied monotonously, your attention shifting to the front of the classroom. In the corner of your eye, you could see him take out a notebook as well. You silently hoped he'd simply focus on his work and not pay attention to you, though it seemed he had different intentions.
“What’s up with your arm?” he points at your injured arm with his pencil. Now that made you wish you could snap that pencil in half. Nonetheless, you managed to maintain your composure, or at least tried to, as you responded calmly. "Oh, you know, just your typical arm-breaking experience. Nothing major—just a cozy two-month wait for it to return to normal."
"I didn't need a breakdown of your recovery process, but I suppose thank you for letting me know,” Niki remarked, adjusting his seat position. "Wouldn't expect any less from someone like you."
Holding onto your pencil, the pressure of it snapped its lead, and you clenched your teeth in frustration. "Do you ever know when to just keep your mouth shut?" you retorted, your tone edged with irritation.
"It's one of my finer qualities—maybe you should catch up," he shot back, a hint of amusement evident in his voice.
"Sure thing. Just do me a favor and stay quiet for two months, will you?"
He raised an eyebrow. "And what's in it for me?"
"Me sparing you from my rude remarks—just not like what you're doing right now."
“Can’t make any promises,” He dragged the last word, making you sigh. He smiled slightly, knowing he knew exactly how to piss you off.

The bell rang, and relief washed over you like a wave. Hastily gathering your belongings, you were so focused on getting out of the classroom that you failed to notice Niki's gaze on you. Slinging your bag over your shoulder, you headed toward Danielle. Unknown to you, Niki's attention lingered, a subconscious concern for your well-being flickering in his mind.
"Niki? Niki!" Jungwon tapped him on the shoulder, causing Niki to start slightly. Wait, what was he doing just now? Before he could analyze his actions, Jungwon pulled him from his thoughts. "You seemed out of it for a bit. Are you okay?"
"Huh? Oh yeah, I spaced out for a second. Let's not miss our third period, alright?" Niki hurriedly packed his things, walking alongside Jungwon, his earlier behavior still puzzling him.
Niki's earlier slip-up had him lost in thought, and it continued especially during P.E. class. His eyes were drawn to you, sitting on the bleachers with a bored expression, casually observing the movement of the others. Then, unexpectedly, you excused yourself and headed toward the nurse's office. Niki found himself continuing to watch you, his focus on you more than anything else around.
"Hey, Niki!" A familiar voice brought his attention away from you, just in time to see a ball hurtling his way. He attempted to react, but the ball had already hit his arm. Wincing, he gripped his arm, a small crowd forming around him. Mr. Kim scolded him, and Niki nodded in acknowledgment—it was his fault for not paying attention.
“Take this pass and go get an ice pack,” Mr. Kim said, already finishing up the pass for him. At first, he contemplated declining, but then he remembered that you were in the nurse's office.
This was the fastest he ever grabbed a pass. His movements were swift as he exited the gym and quickly navigated the route to the nurse's office, hoping he could arrive before you left.
He knocked on the door, and a soft voice invited him in. Stepping inside, he found you seated in one of the chairs. Your surprise was evident as you looked at him, his hand resting on his left arm—the same one you had injured. He observed as he grabbed an ice pack before making his way over to where you were sitting.
In the row of chairs, he left a space between you, taking a seat. Your voice broke the silence, teasingly suggesting, "Starting to think you're obsessed with me." Niki couldn't help but scoff lightly as he settled in.
While you weren't exactly off the mark with your comment, admitting such a thing to you was out of the question. He waved off your words with a dismissive tone, "Me? Obsessed with you? Sure, as if."
A quiet pause settled between you both, and subtle glances were exchanged. Breaking the silence, you remarked, "Seems like you're about to join me, huh?"
He looked at you with confusion etched on his face, only to glance down at his arm and yours—both injured in the same spot. Niki couldn't help but chuckle softly, acknowledging that you were right. "Well, not quite as bad as your situation."
"Shut up." Niki's laughter filled the air, and for the first time, you found his laugh endearing—a thought you quickly brushed off. You simply smiled at his boxy grin. Has his smile always been this charming?
Niki realized he had let his guard down, his throat clearing as he subtly corrected himself. He needed to maintain the distance he had always kept between you two—at least for now.
"What are you doing here?" you started to answer, but he interrupted himself, realizing his mistake. "I shouldn't have asked, I mean, look at your arm."
There was the Niki you still had so much hate for. "If I had both arms, I'd strangle you right here."
"But you can't."
"Yeah, thanks for the reminder, idiot—as if I wasn't already aware," you retorted, rising from your seat. He wouldn't be entirely honest if he didn't admit part of him wanted you to leave. It was strange, but he always felt a certain oddness when you weren't nearby. "Can't wait for you to make jokes about my injured arm at every given opportunity."
Your words sparked an idea in him, and as you turned to leave, he was already formulating a plan — his way of getting closer to you than before.

That's exactly what he did. Every chance he got to be near you, he seized it. His motives remained a mystery – was his plan to push you further away? If so, it was definitely working, as he managed to piss you off with every passing moment. Niki couldn't forget the way you clenched your teeth and let out exasperated sighs whenever he was around. He acknowledged he was being a nuisance, but was there really any other choice?
Could he just flip a switch and suddenly be friendly? That would be too suspicious, wouldn't it? Still, there was an inner push for him to say something decent for once.
And now, here he was, sitting beside you, gazing at your plain cast. Two weeks had already gone by – why hadn't anyone doodled on it yet? He hesitated before gently tapping your arm, causing you to look at him, your expression vacant. You were ready for him to bring up your arm again, almost as if you expected him to repeat his hurtful comments again.
“What? I swear if you make fun of my arm–”
"Can I draw on your cast?" He uttered the words, seemingly without a second thought, catching you completely off guard. Why this sudden change? Could he possibly be planning to write something embarrassing? Then again, your cast did look rather dull, almost too depressing to glance at. But, you still had your doubts.
“What? What if you draw something weird–”
“Come on, I’m not that terrible of a person.”
“Literally who do you think you are–”
“I’m your classmate, loser. Think I can’t be nice for once?” His words left you stunned, and you watched him retrieve a sharpie from his bag. He uncapped it, motioning for your arm to move closer to him. However, you found yourself hesitating, which prompted him to raise an eyebrow ever so slightly. "May I?" he asked.
You didn’t know what went through his head, and yours too! Before you knew it, you were extending your arm to him, watching as he concentrated on writing and drawing on your cast. He held it gently, clearly being cautious not to cause you any discomfort. You were undeniably intrigued by his actions, even though his presence was obstructing your view – not that you cared anyways.
Soon, he finished, closing the lid to his marker. The bell rang, almost as if on cue, causing him to hurry out of the classroom. It was as if the roles swapped, he was now the one rushing out quickly. His abrupt exit left you wondering – why was he so nervous? He didn’t know either, maybe he was suddenly being nice with his rival.
As you finally glanced at your cast, your eyes fell on the words he had written: "Hope you heal quickly, loser." Right beside the message was a small drawing of Shin-chan sticking his tongue out. This time you found yourself breaking into a smile, rather than being irritated.
"So you're telling me I could have been writing about your cast this whole time?" Danielle exclaims, her eyes fixed on the doodles now on your cast. She stops, examining the drawings more closely. "Hold on, isn't that Niki's handwriting?" Without giving you a chance to explain, Danielle is already teasing you mercilessly.
You knew you couldn’t argue back with her. After all, how could you explain the decision to let your rival draw on your cast? You gazed at the doodles once more, finding yourself involuntarily breaking into a small smile. Maybe, just maybe, you'd allow him to draw on your cast again.
Yeah, you were totally out of it.

‧₊˚ ⋅ hurt — nishimura riki ‧ ˚₊‧ (PART 2)

synopsis you swore you hated him. he swore he hated you. yet, something changed when your injury brought you together in unexpected ways. as your arm healed, you couldn't ignore how Niki became increasingly attentive and drawn to you. it was a twist you both never saw coming – was it possible that he was developing feelings for the very person he considered his rival?
pairing rival!niki x fem!reader genre fluff, e2ls, hs au !
warnings implies overthinking, jealous niki
featuring danielle newjeans jungwon enhypen gunwook zerobaseone word count 3.6k+ ( 3692 words ) !
note i am so sorry to keep you guys waiting for so long, i’ve just been quite busy 😵💫 ! but, i finally finished part 2 !! tysm for all the love on part one, i really do thank you all !! it was my first written work posted on here, so i’m glad people did enjoy reading it <3 hope you enjoy the second part as well !!
— maybe, read part 1 first ?

“It's painfully obvious that they're into each other!" Danielle whisper-shouts to Jungwon beside her, sneaking a glance in your direction. Jungwon nods in agreement, both of them observing as Niki playfully doodles on your cast while you giggle.
This was far from a usual scene for Danielle and Jungwon, and they couldn't have predicted such a turn of events.
Unbeknownst to both you and Niki, your conversations continued to flow as if you were the only two people in each other's world. "You know, Ki, I have to get this cast off next week," you sigh, observing him pause one of his doodles on your cast. A faint frown appeared on his face, his eyebrows slightly furrowed.
"I was kind of getting used to you being a one-armed wonder," he remarked, earning himself a playful smack on the shoulder that left him rubbing it. "Geez, did all your arm strength go into that smack?"
"Seems like it. But seriously, my doctor says it should be healed by next week."
"I'm going to miss using your cast as my personal canvas."
"You've practically turned my cast into your own art gallery – every doodle is from you, no one else."
"That's why I do it, kind of like practicing, you know? It's become part of my daily routine," he admitted, his words partially true. Yet, there was undoubtedly more to his attachment. It was almost as if these interactions were the only way for both of you to be close. Secretly, he cherished the sight of his drawings everywhere you went.
Sometimes, he couldn't help but wonder if you thought about him when you looked at your cast. But surely, he couldn't be developing feelings for you, right? It’s just a different feeling this time–a feeling he experienced when he was finally on good terms with someone who had once been his enemy.
"I'll miss it too," you respond, your gaze fixed on the cast, appreciating all the doodles adorning it. Your feelings for him have evidently grown deep, and there's no denying that fact anymore. "But, having both arms back will definitely be good. I still need to get back at you for that one time we coincidentally ended up in the nurse's office together."
"Hey!" His chuckle is contagious, causing you to laugh as well. Unbeknownst to both of you, Danielle and Jungwon are eavesdropping, recognizing that something is brewing between you two.
"Yep, they're definitely into each other," Jungwon declares, though he sighs afterward. "But they seem like the type to stubbornly deny it afterward."
“So, how do we make them realize their feelings?”
“We both need to individually talk to them about their feelings.”
“I like the way you think, Jungwon.”
The two had never stared at a clock so intently before. Lunchtime was drawing near, yet time seemed to be crawling by. "Just a little longer," both Danielle and Jungwon thought, their anticipation growing as the hour hand inched closer to 12. When the bell finally rang, they exchanged a quick smile before rejoining their respective friends.
"Now, if you don't mind, Niki, I'll be stealing my best friend away," Danielle announced to Niki, who looked a bit puzzled but eventually nodded. Equally bewildered, you allowed Danielle to take you away, offering a small wave to Niki as you went.
Seizing the moment, Jungwon remarked with a grin, "Looks like you and YN are getting pretty close!" Niki's nod was met with an unusually wide smile from his best friend, a grin that seemed just a tad wider than usual.
"What's with that grin on your face?"
"What do you mean, Niki?"
"Your smile looks a bit strange."
"Oh, it's nothing. I just find it cute how quickly you and YN are hitting it off. Maybe a bit quicker than expected."
"Is that a problem?"
"No, it wouldn't be a problem if you'd just admit your feelings," Jungwon states matter-of-factly.
Niki comes to an abrupt stop, staring at Jungwon as if trying to process whether he actually heard what was just said. "What?"
"Your feelings for YN," Jungwon repeats.
"Come on, Jungwon, this is ridiculous. I don't have any feelings."
"Are you really sure about that?"
"Yes, I'm absolutely sure. I don't understand why you're even suggesting it."
"Fine, fine. Let's just focus on getting some food. Man, I'm starving," Jungwon sighs, sensing that pressing further won't lead anywhere good. Niki nods, his emotions a jumble, but mainly feeling confused. Why was Jungwon bringing this up all of a sudden? But, he quickly shook off these thoughts, thinking it was just another one of those weird questions he’d ask.
Despite Niki's adamant denial, you found yourself quite honest when Danielle swiftly pulled you out of the classroom. Sensing that something was wrong, you confided in her – the one who had always stood by your side. I mean, what good would it do you if you were to hide it from her?
"Yeah, Dani, I think I might actually like him. And it's kind of freaking me out." You leaned your head on her shoulder once you found a table, seeking some comfort. Danielle offered a reassuring pat on your thigh.
"Why would it be freaking you out? There's nothing wrong with it. You're just feeling uneasy because you two used to hate each other," Danielle pointed out.
"True, but it's just... I don't know, it feels strange."
"Just take your time, okay? You can figure out your feelings for him at your own pace. And who knows, maybe he's feeling the same way."
"I doubt that."
"Hey, don't be so quick to dismiss the idea if you're not sure," Danielle reassured you, her words like a comforting embrace. You hummed in response, genuinely grateful for her unwavering support. Exhaustion seemed to be creeping in, and you found yourself drifting into a light doze, the weight of the situation taking its toll. She allowed you to rest your head on her shoulder, her gaze catching Jungwon and Niki entering the room in perfect timing.
Locking eyes with Jungwon, Danielle shared a smile, a silent acknowledgment that things seemed to be progressing positively between you and your feelings. However, her smile faded slightly as she observed Jungwon's expression, suspecting that Niki might have brushed off any discussions about his feelings. While it might take some time, both Danielle and Jungwon were determined to help bring you and Niki closer.
But five days had since passed, and in the classroom, Jungwon and Danielle were discreetly passing notes, sharing their frustrations and plans regarding your future connection with Niki.
"What should we do, Danielle? Our plans haven't been successful," Jungwon scribbles on a piece of paper, passing it to Danielle beside him. He observes her thoughtful expression as she contemplates a response, then watches as she swiftly writes something down and passes the note back to him. Unfolding the paper, he lets out a small sigh as he reads her words.
"I'm not sure..." Jungwon begins to write a reply, but the teacher's voice cuts through their note exchange, startling them slightly. Were they caught? Were they going to be asked to walk to the front? Anxious glances are exchanged, and the two of them look around, only to spot a new student entering the room.
"Everyone, I'd like you to meet our new student, Park Gunwook," the teacher announces. As the shy smile of the newcomer meets the class's greeting, a lightbulb seems to go off in both Danielle and Jungwon's minds. They exchange a knowing glance.
"Let's make Niki jealous."

The universe seemed to be on their side, as the teacher asked Danielle to remind you that you had to tour Gunwook around the school. Not surprised, Danielle sees you with Niki again, distracted in your own conversation with him.
“YN!” Her voice catches your attention, which makes you look her way. Giving her an eyebrow raise, you see her pointing at Gunwook, who had a shy smile on his face. You soon exclaimed, soon realizing what you had to do.
“Oh right! Sorry Niki–I have to help give a tour to the new student.”
“Who?” Niki looked at Danielle’s direction, seeing her and Gunwook together. “Gunwook?”
“Yeah–you weren’t paying attention to what the teacher said to me, did you?”
“Not really,” He pretended to shrug it off. “Why can’t Danielle do it?”
“Well, too late. I already took up the offer. So, see you later?”
“Yeah. See you,” He said as you walked off, watching Gunwook’s smile become wider when you walked by his side. Yeah, Niki did not like that new guy. Not even one bit. Scoffing, Niki reaches for his phone, hoping to distract himself.
“Someone looks mad,” Danielle soon took a seat by his side, soon realizing the change in his behavior.
“Mad about what?”
“Mad about YN leaving with this new guy.”
“It’s just a tour after all.”
“Just a tour,” Danielle couldn’t help but chuckle, but soon stopped by Niki’s sudden glare. “Could be a tour where they get to become friends.”
“What does that have to do with me?” Niki brushes it off, although he wasn’t quite pleased with what Danielle said. “She can do whatever she wants.”
“Sure, Niki. Whatever she wants.”

Walking back from the vending machine with his strawberry milk in hand, Niki's steps faltered as he caught sight of you engaged in a seemingly cheerful conversation with Gunwook. His gaze lingered on the scene for a moment, a mix of emotions swirling within him. A tinge of jealousy gnawed at his chest, but he quickly pushed it aside, reminding himself that he had no right to feel that way.
He took a deep breath and continued walking, forcing himself to focus on his drink and avoid any unnecessary overthinking. Who was he to overthink the situation anyways?
"What's the big deal about him?" Niki's gaze hardened as he observed the two of you, his grip on his strawberry milk tightening. “Surely he can’t be that fun to talk to.” Jungwon couldn't help but let out a chuckle, but his amusement quickly faded when Niki's glare landed on him.
"Feeling a bit jealous, are we?" Jungwon teased.
"Jealous? Don't be ridiculous."
"Then why does it bother you so much? Come on, don't tell me you're clueless about this," Jungwon shot back, taking a casual sip from his drink. "They do seem to have some chemistry, if you ask me."
Niki's frustration was evident as his jaw clenched. He was grappling with emotions he couldn't quite define. The idea of you being with someone else didn't sit well with him, but he wasn't about to admit that openly.
"Whose side are you on, anyway?"
Jungwon flashed a knowing smile. "I'm on the side of the truth. And it's pretty obvious you're feeling something for her."
Jungwon raised an eyebrow at Niki's sudden change in tone. “Yeah, yours, you idiot. Why did you become so attached to YN? Weren’t you two rivals before? What changed?” Jungwon asked, soon shushing Niki with his finger. “Don’t answer that—you have feelings for her. That’s why. Isn’t it obvious?”
Niki huffed, clearly uncomfortable with the direction the conversation was taking. He took a deep sip of his strawberry milk, as if trying to drown out his own thoughts. "You're reading too much into it.”
“That’s all you have to say?” Jungwon's fingers latched onto Niki's ear, causing him to wince in discomfort. Amid his struggle to free himself from Jungwon's grip, Niki abandoned the grip he had on his strawberry milk.
"Jungwon, cut it out! Seriously, I'm not sure if I even... ow! Ow! Fine, fine! I do... ow! Will you let go already?" Niki's voice swung between irritation and a hint of resignation as he massaged his ear once Jungwon finally released it, his scowl directed at his persistent friend.
Jungwon smirked, a triumphant glint in his eyes. "See? Admitting it isn't that bad, is it?"
Niki huffed, his cheeks slightly flushed from a mix of frustration and embarrassment. "Don't get too smug about it. And you better not tell anyone else, got it?"
"You have my word, my secretive friend." Jungwon's grin only grew wider, relishing in the small victory of nudging Niki to confront his feelings, even if it had involved a bit of ear-tugging persuasion.
Now, Jungwon just needed to find a way to convince him to confess his feelings. Texting Danielle immediately, it was time to put part two to the plan in action.

“Why is he here?” Niki whispered softly into Jungwon’s ear, raising his eyebrow at you and Gunwook sitting down together, laughing at each other.
“Cause he is our friend now!” Jungwon said with a big smile, pleased with the frown placed on Niki’s face. Danielle seemed to notice the two before you did, giving a way. Jungwon waved enthusiastically, while Niki gave a small one. Did you not notice him walking into the mall too?
“Hey!” Danielle called out, which finally drew your attention to Jungwon and Niki approaching. You acknowledged them, waving and giving Niki a smile, which brought a hint of color to his cheeks. He guessed that if you were here, then it was okay for Gunwook to join too.
Soon, you and the rest of the group decided to explore random stores in the mall, browsing through clothes, snacks, and everything in between. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, chatting and laughing as they moved from one store to another. At least, that’s what you thought, while Niki felt differently.
Niki could sense that you and Gunwook were growing closer, which bothered him more than he'd like to admit. He couldn't understand why Danielle seemed so unconcerned about the two of you spending more time together, and it baffled him even more that Jungwon wasn't worried. After all, Jungwon had been the one who forced Niki to confess his feelings for you to him, yet he wasn't doing anything or even encouraging him to take action.
However, Niki tried to ignore his thoughts, but he couldn’t shake the twinge of jealousy that tugged at him every time you and Gunwook shared a laugh or whispered to each other. He trailed slightly behind, trying to focus on Jungwon and Danielle's conversation, but his attention kept drifting back to you.
Eventually, you all found a table at the food court, settling down before deciding on what to eat. “Should we just get popcorn chicken? I’m not that hungry,” Danielle suggested, and everyone agreed.
“That sounds good. I can go buy them—just watch over my stuff,” you offered, standing up to make the purchase. Niki noticed Gunwook about to rise from his seat to join you, something he definitely didn't want to happen. Acting on impulse, Niki quickly stood up. “I’ll go with you, Y/N.”
“Huh? Oh—sure!” you replied, a bit surprised. Gunwook also seemed taken aback by Niki’s sudden eagerness, and he slowly sat back down.
As you and Niki walked together toward the food stall, he tried to relax and focus on enjoying your company. “You two seem to have gotten close, huh?” Niki ventured, hoping to find answers to his own thoughts.
“Oh, with Gunwook?” you replied thoughtfully. “He’s been texting me more lately, so I’m more comfortable with him now, even though I don’t hang out with him much during school hours and such.”
“So, you want to hang out with him more during school hours too?” Niki asked, sounding slightly defeated as he jumped to conclusions.
You looked at him, confused, which snapped him out of his thoughts. “I wouldn’t mind it, but I’d prefer spending time with you, Danielle, and Jungwon. After all, we are closer, don’t you think?”
Niki nodded in response, feeling both relieved and uneasy. He would have been more content if you hadn’t mentioned the first part, but he’d take what he could get for now.
It wasn’t long before the two of you returned to the rest of the group, finished up your food, and decided to head to the arcade. Even with your reassuring words, the comfort they gave Niki was fleeting. As soon as you arrived at the arcade, Gunwook seemed to cling to you more than ever, almost as if he was doing it on purpose.
Niki hated being apart from you and found it hard to shake the feeling of jealousy that gnawed at him. It had been a long time since Niki had disliked someone this much.
Much to his dislike, Danielle and Jungwon seemed to catch onto Niki and Gunwook’s behavior. They whispered among themselves and managed to distract Gunwook, leaving you and Niki alone for a moment.
You and Niki were at the claw machines, and you cheered him on as he focused on getting a duck plush. “Come on, Niki, I know you’re good at these!”
“Yeah, I should be better than Gunwook,” he blurted out before panicking internally and trying to concentrate on the prize in front of him.
If he didn’t say anything about it, you’d— “Huh? What about Gunwook?”
Niki laughed it off nervously, saying, “You seem to be having a great time with Gunwook today, so I figured he’d be trying his hand at the claw machines too and showing off his skills, you know.”
“Are you trying to say you’ll be better than Gunwook at this?”
“I am better at this than him—just watch, I’ll impress you,” Niki said, pressing his lips together in concentration. He let out a muffled sound of despair as the plush dropped again.
You watched Niki with growing amusement, starting to connect the pieces. His comments about Gunwook, his sudden eagerness to join you at the food stall, and the way he seemed on edge whenever Gunwook was around—everything pointed to one conclusion. Instead of feeling confused, you felt flustered, realizing that Niki might be jealous of Gunwook.
“Niki,” you said softly, trying to hide your smile, “you don’t have to impress me. I already think you’re amazing.”
Niki paused, glancing at you with a hint of surprise in his eyes. “Really?” he asked, his voice laced with uncertainty.
“Yeah,” you nodded, feeling your cheeks getting warm. “So instead of trying to impress me with a claw machine, why don’t you tell me how you really feel?”
Niki hesitated, looking down at his shoes for a moment before meeting your eyes again. There was a vulnerability in his expression that you hadn’t seen before, a mix of uncertainty and hope.
“I…” He took a deep breath, trying to find the right words. “I guess I’ve been a little jealous today. I didn’t like seeing Gunwook so close to you, and it made me realize how much I care about you.”
You smiled softly, appreciating his honesty. “I kind of thought so,” you admitted. “And for what it’s worth, I really like spending time with you, too.”
A small smile crept onto Niki’s face, relief washing over him. “I’m glad to hear that,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper.
You both stood there for a moment, the noise of the arcade fading into the background.
With the silence hanging between you, Niki cleared his throat, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment. He turned his attention back to the claw machine, his determination renewed as he focused on winning the duck plush.
“I’m going to get this for you,” he declared, a hint of playful defiance in his voice. “Not because I’m trying to impress you, but because I want to.”
You chuckled softly, watching him maneuver the claw with renewed focus. “No pressure, but I have faith in you,” you teased, leaning closer to the machine.
He finally managed to win the duck plush, pulling it from the machine with a triumphant grin. “Well, then,” he said, offering it to you with a shy smile, “this is for you.”
"Thank you, Niki," you smiled, hugging the plush to your chest. Continuing to tease him, you added, "So, I'm taking this as your way of saying 'I like you' indirectly, hm?"
Niki's eyes widened slightly, and he rubbed the back of his neck, his cheeks turning an even deeper shade of red. “Don’t get ahead of yourself…”
“Oh? So, you’re fine with me going back to Gunwook?” you teased, raising an eyebrow playfully.
“Hey, don’t say that,” Niki glared. “Fine, I like you a lot. More than I could’ve imagined.” he admitted with a shy smile. “So, there’s no way I’m letting Gunwook win you over.”
You smiled, “I was just kidding, anyway. I only ever had eyes on you.”
“Really?” he said, sounding both confused and relieved that you felt the same way all along.
“Why do you think I asked you to get me that duck plush, huh?”
“Because it reminds me of you. That’s why I wanted you to get it, so it could mean even more.”
“Really? I look like that duck?” He pointed at the plush in your hand, showing a mock disgusted expression, which made you laugh.
“Of course!” you replied with a playful grin.
“I think we could’ve gotten a better…representation. Maybe something cooler?” Niki pestered.
“Whatever you say, you’ll still forever look like a duck to me,” you shrugged. “The duck is cute, and you’re cute too.
Niki chuckled, shaking his head. “You have a weird way of saying you like me too.”
“Well, if that didn’t come off too clear—I like you more, Niki.”
“Now, if you really liked me, you would totally associate me with a cooler animal, wouldn’t you?” Niki jokes.
“Hmm, I’ll keep that in mind for next time,” you chuckled. “But for now, you definitely suit this adorable duck. Now, come on, let’s go meet up with the rest.” With a playful grin, you grabbed his hand and tugged him along, holding onto the duck plush that now symbolized him in your eyes.
Niki playfully rolled his eyes, but soon a sheepish grin spread across his face. He was willing to go along with whatever you said or wanted; being with you felt perfect, and he hoped moments like these would last forever.

( thank you for joining >< ) @cha3w0n-hearts @k1ttylvr @feitem @honey-bunnysweet
𓏲࣪ ִֶָ ︎ִֶָ BOYFRIEND TEXTS 𖤐 . — nishimura riki
↺ CONTENT: established relationship, idol au, reader is female, reader is not an idol, attempted crack (my type of humor), mentions of heeseung's unseen pc (i need to get them), brief mention of reader being cat-called.
↺ FROM HYE: uh, i have no words so enjoy i guess... @kazuhaiku + @riekiss

𓏲࣪ ִֶָ ︎ִֶָ PRETEND HEARTS 𖤐. — nishimura riki

↺ CONTENT: non idol+university+fake dating au, reader is female, riki and reader are roommates, heeseung and sunghoon are partners in crime, riki is kinda a loser+lover boy here, slight angst, hurt with comfort, faint mentions of insecurities, kissing scene.
↺ FROM HYE: i wanted to try writing fake dating with heeseung but uh, i ended up choosing riki instead... this has NO business being this long though... @kazuhaiku and @riekiss (thanks for proofreading bff mwah)

The moment your ears picked up the dreadful familiar footsteps approaching you was enough to set off the alarm bells in your mind. You did not bother turning around, choosing to busy yourself by scrolling through your phone as you waited for your friends to be dismissed from their class. You did not raise your head even when his shoes appeared in your sight. If anything, you desperately wished for a hole to appear and swallow you whole so you could avoid your current dilemma.
“Hey, how’s it going?” He asked, and you turned a deaf ear to his question. However, it seems like your ignorance only pissed him off.
To your mixture of annoyance and disgust, Yeonjun had the audacity to reach out and grab your chin, forcing you to look at him. Goosebumps form on your skin and your hair shoots up at the skin contact. You boldly met his gaze, arching an eyebrow as you cocked your head to the side. Your seemingly scandalous position earns curious whispers from the students walking past the two of you and thankfully, some have not pulled out their phones yet.
“Oh hello Yeonjun, I didn’t see you there?” You flashed him a smile, a smile that was anything but sweet and friendly.
He scoffed, leaning in slightly but you did not budge, not wanting to show him you were intimidated by him. “Stop playing hard to get, (Name). Or are you doing this because this is the first time someone gives you this much attention?”
You barked out a humorless laugh, eyes flickering to the side before back to him. “Don’t worry, I have plenty of attention and I don’t need it from the likes of you.”
“You’re such a-”
Cough cough.
Yeonjun and you looked over his shoulder to see your roommate; Riki and his friends standing behind him. Riki’s eyes flickered between your faces and furrowed his eyebrows. He was not oblivious to how Yeonjun had been persistent to get you to date him, having witnessed the daily scenes of the boy chasing after you like a desperate dog.
“I believe you were saying something?” Riki asked, taunting him to finish his sentence.
Yeonjun clicked his tongue, moving away from you. “Never mind.”
“I didn’t know your mother raised a coward!” Riki calls out to Yeonjun who was leaving, earning a round of sniggers from his friends. Once he disappeared from your sight, Riki turned to you, doing a quick scan and was relieved to find no physical signs of injuries.
“You alright?” He asked, voice softening and you nodded, adjusting the strap of your bag.
“I’m fine, thanks for stepping in, though I had that handled,” you replied.
Riki shrugged his shoulders, reaching out to ruffle your hair. You squawked, slapping his hand away and patted down your now messy hair. “Sure, (Name). Come on, we should get going to the cafeteria before it’s too late.”
“You know, if he keeps bothering you, how about you do something to stop him from doing that?” Heeseung asked, once everyone had grabbed their food and settled down by their usual table.
Riki plopped down on your right while Jake sat on your left, already reaching his hand out to steal a few of your fries. But you were quick to pull it away from his reach, eliciting a groan of protest from him. You hummed, shoving a mouthful of food into your mouth as you chewed while pondering over what he had just said.
“And what do you have in mind?” You questioned, pointing your fork at him, not catching the secret glimpse shared between him and Sunghoon.
“Well, for starters, you can date Riki,” Sunghoon proposed.
The moment you heard that, you choked on your food and burst into a coughing fit. You thumped your chest while Riki sympathetically rubbed your back, in hopes of calming you down. The others however, burst out laughing at your reaction. You managed to down your water and glared at the culprits seated opposite of you.
“Damn, I didn’t know that you dislike me that much,” your roommate teased, earning a light shove from you.
“To put it specifically, I mean fake dating. All the two of you have to do is to pretend you’re in a romantic relationship and maybe once Yeonjun sees how lovey-dovey you two are, he might leave you alone,” Sunghoon briefly explained.
You purse your lips, risking a glance in Riki’s direction, only to find that he was already looking at you with an expectant look on his face. “Well… when you put it that way, it does make sense but why him?”
“I’m sorry, but is there something wrong about me?” Riki retorted, pointing at himself.
“Yes, especially the part where you refuse to do the dishes,” you retorted and Heeseung stepped in, acting as the meditator before the two of you started squabbling amongst yourselves.
“Both of you are roommates and you’re close with one another. If it were any of us, Yeonjun might not buy it and no offense, but you’re not my type,” Heeseung teased, only to yelp when you kicked him in the knees under the table.
“Don’t worry, the feeling’s mutual. I won’t want to date someone who’s horrible at League,” you cheekily replied, earning an offended gasp from Heeseung and a snort from Riki.
“You take that back!” He demanded.
“Well, she’s speaking the truth,” Sunghoon chips in, giving you a high-five when you wordlessly raise your hand.
“I can’t believe everyone has turned against me…”
The day of back-to-back lectures finally came to an end and you face-planted onto the couch the moment you retreated to the safety of your dorm, not bothering to remove your shoes and bag. Riki on the other hand, sighed as he closed the doors, dumping the keys in the bowl nearby and walked to your direction.
“(Name), at least remove your shoes and bag,” he gently reprimanded you, getting to his knees to help you do it instead.
Your eyes fluttered open when you felt your shoes being removed, making you look over your shoulder before you pushed yourself up to remove your bag. “I can do it myself, you know. I’m not a princess or anything.”
“Well, the way you act is different from what you said,” he replied, earning a huff from you as you leaned back into the couch, head tilted up to the ceiling.
Riki moved to sit beside you, stretching his long limbs and placed his feet on the coffee table placed before the couch. You scrunch your nose, shooting him a disgusted look and he rolled his eyes, making himself comfortable and pulled out his phone.
“And pray tell, how do I act differently then?” You asked, already regretting asking after the words slipped out of your mouth.
Your roommate smirked, shooting you a mischievous smile. “You act like a gangster- Ow, ow, ow! Stop hitting me!”
Poor Riki could barely finish his sentence when you wasted no time in jumping on him, grabbing the nearest pillow and repeatedly whacking him with it. The previously quiet living room was now filled with your laughter. He shielded his face with his hands, phone slipping down from his chest to the couch but none of you paid it any mind. Riki then wasted no time in switching your position with ease. You squeaked when you landed on your back with him pinning you down against the couch.
The last warning you received was the way his eyes twinkled with mischief before he ruthlessly tickled your sides. Your entire body was trembling as you swayed side to side, pushing Riki away but it was obvious that his strength overpowers yours, like it was nothing. Tears were already formed in the corners of your eyes and your stomach was starting to ache, due to how hard and long you were laughing to your heart’s content.
“N-No, enough! Pft, Riki, I-I swear- hahaha!” You barely managed to choke out words when your roommate was persistent with his tickling attack.
“What’s wrong? Cat got your tongue?” He snickered, amused with your current state but he decided to take pity and ceased his attack; much to your relief.
You remained laying on the couch with your legs now dangling off the edge, panting as you catch your breath. Riki sat cross-legged near the edge, with a cushion resting on his lap. You were fully aware of how his eyes remained on your figure.
“I can tell you’re thinking about something. What is it?” You asked, breaking the brief silence that had engulfed you.
Riki averted his eyes, fiddling with the rings adorned on his fingers. The cold metal surfaces proved to be useful in grounding him to reality. “...I was thinking about what you’re planning to do about Yeonjun.”
Humming, you ran a hand through your hair, hissing when your fingers got tangled in a few strands but you slowly untangled them from your hand. “I might actually listen to Sunghoon and Heeseung’s advice.”
“You will?” Riki’s face lit up but he cleared his throat, calming himself. You chuckled at his reaction, finding him adorable.
“At this point I’m desperate to get him off my back and if you think about it, between choosing to be in a fake relationship with you compared to dating him, I’ll rather take the first option,” you replied, oblivious to how your words made Riki feel like he was floating.
“So, is that a yes then? Yes to being my girlfriend and having a relationship with me?” He asked, praying that you will not be able to hear how his heart was practically pounding against his chest.
“Fake girlfriend and fake relationship. And that’s a yes from me, So I hope you’ll take good care of me, Riki,” you pushed yourself up, flashing him a grin.
“Likewise,” he returned your grin, mentally doing somersaults in his mind.
Everyone’s eyes were on you the moment you stepped onto campus. To be more specific, they were looking at you and Riki’s intertwined hands. Due to Riki being a popular student, it was safe to say that his fanclub had discovered something so devastating that you could hear their hearts shattering into tiny pieces. You tried your best to ignore the chorus of whispers and murmurs heading your way, involuntarily tensing your shoulders and even looking down, not wanting to make eye contact with anyone. You were snapped out of your thoughts when Riki gave your hand a reassuring squeeze, making you look at him.
“Don’t worry, we’ll be fine. I got you,” he reassures you.
And for a moment, you wondered if he was a magician for his words seemed to have an immediate cooling effect. His words allow you to straighten your back and you face them head-on, unaware of how a certain student was observing the scene from the sidelines, fists tightly clenched with jealousy gnawing away at his heart and mind. Riki walked you to your class, showing no signs of releasing his hand. He did not care if there were students already taking videos of him. A part of you wonders if he has gotten used to people constantly staring and fawning over him.
Eventually, you arrived at your lecture room and you mentally heaved a sigh of relief when Riki was the one to move away. You were about to enter when he stopped you, hand shooting out to grab your wrist. His action made you look at him, bemused.
“Don’t you think you’re forgetting something?” He smirked.
“What am I forgetting?” You owlishly blinked your eyes.
“You’re forgetting this,” he laughed, tugging you towards him.
You stumbled over your feet, taken aback by the sudden force used. You would have crashed into his chest if Riki did not steadied you in the nick of time. Due to the height difference, you have to tilt your head up towards him. You hated how your heart fluttered when you saw the way he was looking at you. With nothing but pure love and adoration in his eyes.
“What on earth are you do-!?”
Your voice dies in your throat when Riki leans down, gingerly brushing your bangs back with such tenderness that one might mistook it as love. You swore you stopped breathing for a moment when you felt him kiss your forehead. Perhaps you were overthinking, for you swore his lips lingered against your forehead longer than five seconds. He moved away, unable to hold back the laughter at the sight of your flushed ears and cheeks.
“You’re so cute,” he teased, affectionately poking your cheeks with his index finger.
“R-Riki, stop!” You hissed, your ears turning a darker shade of red when you noticed how some students were looking at the both of you.
To them, they might view you as a regular couple who could not keep their hands off one another. But that was not the case. What they did not know was that everything you do was nothing more than an act, a show with you and Riki being the main lead of the performance. Riki sniggered, dropping his hand and pointed at the closed doors behind you.
“You should get going now. Wouldn’t want the best student to be late for her first lecture, do we?” He said.
“And I wonder whose fault is it,” you rolled your eyes, bidding him farewell and entered the lecture room, immediately locating Heeseung and Jake seated at the back.
The two boys were waving their hands in the air, gesturing for you to sit with them and you obliged, plopping down in the empty seat between them. You already knew what they were going to ask the moment you sat down, placing your bag on your lap.
“So, did you actually listen to Heeseung and Sunghoon’s advice?” Jake whispered, although it was barely a whisper considering how the people nearby were able to hear him loud and clear.
You shot him a warning glare and he instinctively lowered his voice. “Yes, I did. Why are the both of you so surprised anyways?”
They shared a glance and this time, Heeseung was the one who replied, adjusting his position when the lecturer had entered the room. “To be honest, none of us thought you would actually do it.”
“What? Did you think I would continue letting Yeonjun follow me around like a lost puppy?” You asked, disbelief written all over your face.
“Maybe, maybe not,” Jake chipped in.
“Putting that aside, we saw the both of you outside. That was hella cringe,” Heeseung teased, playfully nudging his elbow against yours.
Your face turned as red as a tomato when you heard that, already knowing what he was referring to. Instead of responding, you choose to busy yourself by pulling out your laptop when you see the lecturer entering the room.
“Shut up, you and I both know that was merely an act and he doesn’t see me that way,” you replied, unaware of the knowing look Heeseung and Jake shares.
“Sure (Name), whatever makes you happy.”
The next few days passed with you and Riki maintaining the couple's facade. The more you continued, the more things you learnt about your roommate. A prime example would be finding out he has a talent for dancing. It happened when you were heading to campus after making a quick stop at a nearby cafe, only for you to feel your phone vigorously vibrating about in the left pocket of your jeans. You pulled it out and answered it, without even looking at the caller ID.
“Hey (Name), where are you now?”
You moved to the left when a cyclist rode past you, granting them enough space on the pathwalk for them to move past you with ease. ‘I’m heading to campus now. Why?”
You could pick up faint music coming from the other line.
“Uh, I was wondering if you could head back to the dorms to grab my bag? I’ve forgotten to take it before leaving this morning,” Riki sheepishly answered.
“What? And you’re only telling me this now? I’m going to be late for class,” you groaned.
“Pretty please? With a cherry on top?”
You were thankful that Riki was not physically there, for he would not be able see the smile you had on your face, amused with how desperate he was. “Fine, but please don’t say that ever again. You sound like a child.”
“I’m going to let that slide since you’re doing me a huge favor. I’ll text you where to find me, thanks (Name)!”
And just like that, he hung up. Sighing, you make a slight detour back to where the dorm is located. You entered, closing the door behind you and headed to his room without removing your shoes. You pushed the door open and it was at that moment that you were reminded of how you have never been into his room before. The first thing that piqued your interest was the Nintendo Switch resting on his table, followed by the expensive-looking PC setup sitting on his desk.
You stepped closer to the desk, smiling when you saw three framed photographs placed on the left. One of it was with his family, taken when he managed to return home during the school break. Another was with your shared group of friends, when everyone impulsively went for an overseas trip together. The final picture however, took you by surprise. It was a picture of you when everyone was having a picnic together, celebrating the end of their final examinations last year.
You were not sure how he had taken the picture without you knowing but you did not want to waste anymore time, not when Riki was awaiting your arrival. Eventually, you found the item you were looking for: a black bag that had his clothes. Sparing his room one final glance, you closed the door and sped walked back to campus, making a mental note to give him a good scolding once you met up with him.
As always, there were people staring at you when you arrived. You knew they were curious to know about the identity of the bag you were carrying but you paid them no mind. True to his words, Riki had already texted you where to find him. It did not take you long to reach your destination. As you got closer, you could pick up muffled music from the other side of the closed doors. Unsure if they could hear your knocking, you were about to pull out your phone to give Riki a call when the door was opened from inside.
“Oh, (Name)? What are you doing here?” Sunghoon asked, surprised to see you standing there.
“Riki called and asked me to bring him his stuff,” you grudgingly replied, raising the bag.
He laughed, pushing the door wider and gestured for you to enter. You obliged, thanking him and heaved a sigh of relief when a strong and cold gust of air kissed your face. You remained where you were, watching as four figures were moving effortlessly across the floor of the dance studio. Despite how their backs were facing you, you were able to identify your roommate, considering how he was the tallest as compared to everyone else.
Somehow, seeing the way Riki moves with plenty of experience combined with the focused look on his face leaves you in awe. As far as you were aware, you had never seen Riki this focused, until today that is.
“Careful there, one might think you’re actually in love with Riki,” Jake teased, entering the dancing studio after going off for a quick break.
“What are you talking about? I told you we’re only doing this because-”
“Yeah, yeah, we get it. And I heard you loud and clear,” Jake interrupted, already regretting opening his mouth in the first place.
“(Name), you’re here!”
Jake took this chance to slip away as Riki jogged over, his hair flopping up and down reminds you of a puppy. You raised the bag, to which he gratefully accepted it. He unzips it slightly, checking the content and a satisfied smile appears on his face. He walked to the table located on the left, placing his bag down and returned to you, hands shoved in the pockets of his sweatpants.
“So, what do you think?” He asked.
Riki laughed. “I saw you looking at us when we were dancing earlier. You weren’t being slick at all.”
Huffing your cheeks, you crossed your arms. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Anyway, I should get going. I’ll see you guys later.”
“Oh.” Riki’s expression drops for a moment but before you could point it out, he was back to his usual self.
“I’ll see you during lunch, good luck with your class,” he grins and before you could react, he leaned in to press a chaste kiss on your cheek.
“Ew, get a room!” Heeseung called out.
Riki turned, flipping him off and the older man gasped, dramatically resting a hand on his chest. Their interaction made everyone except you burst out laughing. You quietly made your exit, fanning your face once you were out. You leaned against the wall, eyes looking out the window before you and sighed, running a hand through your hair.
What’s happening to me?
“Well well well, look who it is. Today must be my lucky day.”
Groaning, you looked to your right to see Yeonjun approaching you, with his signature infuriating smirk on his face. You made a show of rolling your eyes, ready to walk off but he was faster. Yeonjun reached out his hand, grabbing your wrist and pinned you against the wall. A pained hiss left your lips when your back hits the wall with an audible ‘thud’. Raising your free hand, you wanted to push him off but he beat you to it, also grabbing your wrist and roughly slammed it against the wall. Your face burned in pure humiliation at the scandalous position you found yourself in.
“What are you doing?” You hissed, venom evident in your voice as you glared at him, trying to hide your pounding heart.
He chuckled. “Drop the act, princess. I know you and Riki aren’t a thing.”
Your heart dropped when you heard his response. Your first mistake was to stare at him, disbelief written all over your face. Your second mistake was to remain silent, rendered speechless. Seeing this, Yeonjun smirked and that was when he knew you were in hot soup. He leans in to whisper into your left ear. All you could do was to press yourself further against the wall, hoping you could be swallowed up whole.
“Anyone with eyes can tell Riki isn’t interested in you. I think you should stop acting all high and mighty just because you got the popular kid dating you. Out of everyone, he has to pick you and I pity him for that.”
“What are you saying?” You bit back.
Yeonjun pulled away, allowing you to see the chilling smirk on his face. “I’m saying that he only does this because he pity you.”
“Hey, what the fuck are you doing with my girl?”
Both of you turned to see Riki standing outside of the dancing room. The air around him thickened with an unspoken fury. He clenched his jaw, taking in the scene— the way Yeonjun’s posture loomed over you, and how your body language screamed for space. His voice cut through the air, sharper than he intended and he marched forward, gaze locked onto Yeonjun.
“Back off,” he demanded, the command hanging heavily in the air.
Riki easily stepped in between the two of you, roughly shoving Yeonjun back with one hand as he protectively positioned himself in front of you, his taller figure nearly shielding you from his sight. You internally heaved a sigh of relief, lowering your wrists as you rubbed at your left wrist that were feeling slightly sore as compared to your right wrist.
Yeonjun stumbled back, caught off-guard with the sudden force but managed to steady himself. Surprise flickered in his eyes but the cocky grin did not fade. “What’s the problem, Riki? We’re just having a little fun.”
Riki’s fists tightened at his sides, a storm brewing within him. “That’s not fun for her. You need to get it through your head and I’ll say this once again.”
He paused, stepping forward until he was invading Yeonjun’s personal space. The air crackled with tension with every step he took. Riki’s eyes narrowed, and the warmth that usually defined his demeanor had transformed into an icy glare.
“Stop disturbing my girlfriend,” he said, voice low and steady, but laced with a barely contained threat. “I mean it. Or else…”
Yeonjun’s confident smirk faltered, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his features. “Or else what?” he challenged, though there was a tremor in his voice now, a hint that he might be second-guessing his bravado.
Riki leaned in closer, his tone dropping to a fierce whisper that only Yeonjun could hear. “Or else you’re going to find out exactly how far I’m willing to go to protect her.”
There was a weight in his words, a promise of consequences that hung heavy in the air. The atmosphere shifted palpably, and Riki’s intensity forced Yeonjun to step back slightly, his confidence wavering.
“What, you think this is a joke? You’re making a mistake if you think she’s just another game to play,” he pressed, cocking his head to the side and raising an eyebrow tauntingly.
Yeonjun glanced between Riki and you before scoffing. “Whatever man, have it your way.”
He made sure to roughly shoved his shoulder against Riki’s before leaving, muttering a wonderful string of curses under his breath. None of you said a thing until he made a turn and his figure was completely out of your sight. Only then did your shoulders sagged with complete relief, leaning against the wall as you closed your eyes for a few seconds. Riki turned to you, silently approaching you and stopped, maintaining a respectful distance between the two of you.
“...Are you alright?” He murmurs, looking hesitant on whether he should grab your hands or not.
His eyes trailed down your figure, pausing when he saw how you were rubbing your wrists and the look darkened slightly. You followed where his eyes were looking and when you realized where he was looking, you quickly hid them behind your back. But Riki shook his head, closing the remaining distance and gingerly grabbed your wrists, treating you as if you were a piece of fragile glass.
“Don’t hide from me, please,” he softly pleaded, eyes softening.
You remained silent, allowing him to examine your slightly red wrists. You pointedly ignored looking at him but from the corner of your eyes, you saw how he furrowed his eyebrows and how his lips were pressed in a line. You were tempted to just kiss him right there and then but you stopped yourself, feeling stupid for having such a thought. After all, there is no way your dear roommate will have romantic feelings for you, right?
“... Do you want to head to the nurse’s office to have it checked out? I can accompany you,” he proposed, but you shook your head.
“It’s fine, this isn’t that big of a deal.”
Riki blinked, still holding onto your wrists. “But it is that big of a deal to me. I can’t stand the thought of you being injured.”
The pure sincerity of his voice combined with the words made your breath hitched in your throat. You wanted to savor the moment but the words Yeonjun told you had already planted itself in the depths of your mind. You wordlessly nodded your head, unable to find the will in you to speak. Riki took your silence as agreement and brought you to the nurse’s office. None of you said another word during the walk to the nurse’s office. When she was done, you mumbled a quick excuse and left, ignoring Riki’s piercing gaze on your retreating figure.
The next two to three weeks passed with you trying your best to avoid Riki as much as possible. It was already a difficult task, considering how you are practically living under the same roof as him. You had to take a drastic approach: leaving the dorm earlier than usual, taking a longer and more inconvenient way to campus and back to the dorm, taking a shower before or after him and even eating in your room. Everytime Riki opened his mouth, you were already retreating to the safety of your room, closing the door shut behind you.
You knew your action was hurting him, judging from the pained look on his face but you could not bring yourself to look at him, not when you were already like this. Currently, you are lying on your bed with a pillow tightly hugged against your chest, your back facing the door as you absentmindedly stare at a random spot on the wall.
Knock knock.
“(Name), I know you’re in there. Would you please come out?” Riki’s muffled voice echoed from the other side of the door.
Riki kicked the door open with a loud thud, the sudden impact echoing through the room like a heavy slam. The forceful sound sent a sharp jolt through the air, startling you and you shot up from your bed, heart racing as the door rattled slightly in its frame from the force. You stared at him, rendered speechless with what he had done to your door and you were relieved to see it was not ripped from the hinges. The relief was then replaced with anger and disbelief, shooting him an incredulous look.
“What the fuck was that for!? You would have broken my door!” You exclaimed.
He merely shrugged his shoulders. “I can pay for it, but that’s not the point. I’m worried about you. And it’s not just me, the others are too. Now will you be willing to tell me what’s been happening to you?”
You gulped at the seriousness in Riki’s voice, gripping onto the pillow as if it was your final lifeline. “I’ve told you before; it’s nothing. You don’t have to worry about me.”
He lets out an exasperated sigh, running a hand through his hair. You hated how such a simple action made him more attractive than he already is. “(Name), stop lying to yourself. And why wouldn’t I worry about you? You’re my roommate and friend. Of course I’ll be worried about you.”
You bitterly chuckled; the noise gaining his attention. “Is that it? Am I really just a roommate and friend to you?”
Riki paused, looking remorseful at what he had said. “Wait, I-”
Your frustration boiled over, your voice escalating with every word. “I don’t know what to think anymore! This whole fake dating thing was supposed to be simple: just to get Yeonjun off my back. But now, it’s a mess, and I’m a mess! Because the more time we spend together, the more I realize I’m actually falling for you!”
Your hands flew to your hair, tugging at the roots in frustration. “At first, it was easy. Pretend dates, fake smiles; it was all supposed to be an act. Like, when you kissed my forehead, when you kissed my cheek and when you protected me from Yeonjun, it felt real and it’s messing with me. And then Yeonjun—”
Your voice wavered as you recalled the conversation, a knot forming in your throat. “He said you’re only doing this because you pity me, and it's just—”
You faltered, wrapping your arms around yourself as insecurity crept into your tone. “I feel so stupid for thinking there might be more. Like maybe you actually—”
Before you could finish, Riki closed the distance between you in five long strides. His hands cupped your face, silencing you with a sudden, firm kiss. Your breath hitched, the warmth of his lips erasing your words and leaving your mind blank. When he finally pulled back, his eyes were bright with amusement, and he laughed softly, shaking his head.
“You’re so stupid,” he said, still smiling, his thumb brushing over your cheeks to wipe the tears away.
“W-What?” You stuttered.
“You really don’t get it, do you?” He murmured, eyes locked with yours, sincere and unguarded. “I’ve been in love with you for a long time. This whole fake dating thing? I didn’t do it because I pitied you, I did it because it was you.”
He continued before you had the chance to speak.
“It’s you— your strong personality, the way you never back down. You’re always so real with me. You’re caring and gentle. You’re yourself, and you don’t care about impressing anyone, least of all me. And I fell for you because of that.”
His hand moved to brush a strand of hair behind your ear, his gaze softening even further. “I fell for your cheerfulness, the way you light up a room without even trying. But more than anything, I fell for the way you’re just you around me. No games, no pretending. Just you. And that’s all I’ve ever wanted.”
Riki let out a breath, as if releasing something he’d held onto for too long. “So stop thinking this was ever about pity, because it’s not. It’s always been about you.”
You stood frozen, Riki’s words sinking in like waves crashing over you, overwhelming and impossible to ignore. You had spent so long convincing herself that this was all just an act, that he couldn’t possibly feel the same way. Yet here he was, laying it all bare in front of you.
“But... why didn’t you say anything before?” You finally whispered, your voice shaky. “Why go along with this whole fake dating thing?”
Riki let out a small sigh, his hand trailing down your arm, gently taking your hand. “Because I didn’t think you’d ever feel the same way,” he admitted, a hint of vulnerability flickering in his eyes.
“I figured if I could be close to you, even if it wasn’t real, it was better than nothing. I thought I could handle it, just pretending. But being with you, even in this fake setup… it made me fall even harder.” His thumb brushed over your knuckles, almost absentmindedly, as if seeking comfort in the touch.
“And then you started feeling things too,” he continued, his gaze locking with yours again. “I saw it—the way you’d look at me, like you were afraid it was becoming too real. And I realized I couldn’t keep pretending anymore. I didn’t want to.”
Tears welled in your eyes as you looked at him, your heart pounding. “But Yeonjun—what he said… it made me doubt everything,” you whispered, your voice breaking slightly.
Riki’s expression hardened for a moment, his grip on your hand tightening protectively. “Yeonjun doesn’t know a damn thing about how I feel. I don’t care what he told you. He can say whatever he wants, but that’s not the truth. I’m here because I want to be, because I love you. Not out of pity, not out of obligation. Just because it’s you.”
The raw sincerity in his voice cracked something open inside you. The room felt smaller, quieter, like it was only the two of you.
Riki smiled softly, brushing a thumb over your cheek again, wiping away a tear you hadn’t even realized had fallen. “You’re the only one who’s ever made me feel like this, you know?” His voice was soft but firm. “And I don’t want to fake it anymore.”
The silence hung between them for a moment, charged and heavy with unspoken feelings. Then, with your heart in your throat, you leaned into him, closing the space between you once more.
“I don’t want to fake it anymore either,” you whispered, your lips brushing against his as you spoke.
Riki’s breath hitched, and then he kissed you—soft, but full of all the unspoken emotions that had been bottled up for so long. It was real, and it felt like everything was finally falling into place.
hiii can I request a hurt w comfort exes to lovers oneshot/2shot of riki??
yess!! in honor of riki’s birthday (happy birthday twin😋) here you go!! thank you for the request my love <33
keep you like an oath. / nishimura riki

synopsis: miscommunication got in the way.
includes : 1.3k words | cursing
extra : man it’s the way i imagined riki actually crying made me 1000x sad | haerin appearance! | school rumors suck :// | extra crying lol | yn is trying man :/ | im sorry if it doesn’t sound good :( i was rushing because i wanted to post on riki’s day :D | happy birthday riki <3
likes, comments and reposts are very much appreciated <3
[below the cut]
tired is all you can describe this heart-wrenching feeling.
your 7 month relationship had to come to an end with riki because of a miscommunication.
you’re tired of arguing with your boyfriend every time you’re with him. the innocent-puppy relationship during the beginning of your relationship had turn into nothing but toxicity and lost.
there was a rumor that riki had been cheating on you by kang haerin, another popular girl in your school. riki and haerin have art class together, seated next to each other and people in that class always have shipped them together because of how much joy they look like talking to each other. a good looking person and another good looking person together made you insecure. everyone loves haerin, more than they love you but that’s irrelevant.
both of them would talk, giggle, crack jokes, etc. everyday. people might actually mistake them two for dating.
the rumors that was kept only inside the art classroom have spread to the whole school.
the first time you confronted riki about it, he dismisses it.
“she’s just a friend babe.”
he distracted you with kisses which didn’t fully satisfied you but you let it go. you warned him as he nodded carelessly. riki took you out on an after-school date. to your favorite cafe and even paid for your favorite drink.
that day which made you forget the whole situation.
the second time, “did you see how close haerin was to riki together? if she scooted closer to you, their bodies are literally compressed.”
you turned to riki again with an upset attitude. riki defended himself saying that, “the teacher chose us to be models for today’s class. it was for reference, i wasn’t even touching her.”
that broken feeling still lingers from that day when you stared at him with angry, teared eyes. you couldn’t believe whether or not that you expected to hear more reassurance
or just plainly believe him.
riki didn’t look confident in that answer, he just wanted to say something so you can change the topic. you did change the topic, giving up. you didn’t want to bicker. riki walked you home from school, pretending nothing happened as you held holds together.
as days passed, it got worse. the rumors got worse, saying that they deserve to date each other — to say that riki should break up with you. haerin will be the better girlfriend.
you couldn’t handle that. you didn’t want to continue hearing rumors about riki with another girl. if he wanted to be with another girl, he could’ve broken up with you first so you wouldn’t be cheated on.
you didn’t get it, were you good enough?
you remembered being in the parking lot at night with riki, creating awkward distance between each other. riki stood there, looking down at his feet and hands in his pocket. the wind was making his hair messy as his expression felt empty. the lights reflected a sad expression on his face, making your heart heavy.
you took a glimpse at him, having an overwhelming emotion on your chest. you didn’t want to do this- you didn’t imagine this would occur but this was for the best.
“let’s break up.”
riki’s ears perked up at your words. staring at you with disbelief, utterly speechless. you didn’t look at him, feeling ashamed with yourself. you can’t look at him. you just can’t.
riki’s heart was beating fast, his thoughts spurred all over the place. he didn’t know what to say but all he can hear is his heart crack.
then anger took over. “is it about haerin?”
it was your turn to be speechless at him. you saw that riki’s eyes were piercing at yours with a cold-hearted expression. his jaw clenched and you scoffed at that.
“i never mentioned haerin.” you tried to maintain eye contact with riki who snickered.
“well why else would you break with me?” riki’s jaw soften when he started to see your teary eyes. you didn’t want to cry. you wanted to call it off and leave. you didn’t want to show your vulnerability for your scared that riki would dismissed it and pretended like nothing happened.
“i-i just can’t handle it. i just feel like our relationship isn’t sincere.”
riki’s head hung low, secretly agreeing with you. you covered your mouth with your sleeve as you look away from him, tears finally spilling. you wanted to scream and sob but you prevented yourself from doing so.
riki noticed it too. the amount of times you pass by him in the hallways without finding him and lack of conversations with him, he felt it too. but he didn’t want to say anything. he didn’t want to believe that your relationship was changing. he didn’t want to let you go.
riki can’t imagine being with someone else. you being with someone else. he can just feel the connection both of you have.
does he now?
it’s been a week since that happened. you hadn’t appeared in school. you didn’t want to face riki in the hallways or in your classes. also you wanted to stop hearing “haerin x riki kissing in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g” every time you walk out of your class. you would become angrier at those childish remarks.
you lost weight, lost appetite, lost motivation to continue with your life. call you dramatic but you believed that riki changed you into a better person. the times where he would look for you in a room, you would hold his pinky finger in crowds so you won’t lose him, his body leaning to you whenever he laughs and you sharing your desserts with him after school. it was genuine. you knew how genuine both of you were in the relationship. commitment.
it just lost its spark.
is this what it meant: right person, wrong time?
you decided to visit the park both of you always visited whenever he dropped you home from school. already tears were spilling when you suddenly recalled the both of you sitting in a bench together under a tree. you can still hear your laughters combined together.
you exhaled shakily, walking slowly to the bench. you sat down and it instantly feels colder - more emptier. you looked to your side, riki’s seat. you wish he was here with you, comforting you.
you can’t move on from him. not yet.
your ears perked and your head immediately looked up to see a surprised riki in front of you, coming back from school.
you immediately picked yourself up. you were not looking at him as you were trying to leave him but riki beat you to it when he lightly gripped your wrist.
his touch immediately made you pause. you missed his touch, the feeling of him. he noticed that you stopped so he loosened his grip.
you turned around and see his doe-like eyes looking at yours. it was nothing but sadness and exhaustion. you felt crying on the spot to see riki like that.
there was nothing but silence. tension increased as you both of you kept staring at each other. unspoken words being exchanged.
“i’m sorry.” riki spoke first. you were still silent, thinking of what to say but riki continue, fixing his posture. “i’m sorry y/n, i-i was such a jerk to you. i was being inconsiderate of your feelings. i was stressed about shit that i took the anger out on you. i don’t even like haerin, god haerin isn’t my fucking type. you’re my type, it’s you- i think of you when i wake up and when i go to sleep- i can’t stop thinking of you, i-i just miss you so fucking much it’s-“
riki kept rambling, not caring if it made sense or not. every second that he looks at you, he kept pouring his feelings to you. you were in front of him so he took the chance to apologize to you and let him spill his true feelings about you.
you stopped him, rubbing his wrists with your thumbs. you were smiling at his words as riki was captivated by your beauty. “slow down…” you reminded him. riki then realized that his chest hurt from speaking too fast.
god he misses your voice. he almost cries at the sound of your voice.
“i’m so sorry y/n, i really don’t deserve you.” riki’s tears were also visible, his voice whining as he tried intertwining his hands to yours. your eyes looked at the way his hands tried to go for yours. it looked perfect. a perfect puzzle piece.
“you’re all i want.”
those were the words that you wanted to hear from riki. you took a step forward to him. you realized how much of mess he is, just like you. you tippy toed as your arms moved around his neck as your head was buried to the crook of his neck.
riki immediately hugged you back. his arms moved to your waist, almost crushing you as his head moved to your neck, inhaling your scent. he closed his eyes, in a state of relaxation and comfort when he’s in your arms again.
delicate | nishimura riki

౨ৎ ## love so delicate like yours, synopsis: you've realized how far you've gotten with your boyfriend now that both of you are adults.
includes: 1.9k words | soft fluff | yn is anxious asf but riki comforts them | we love reassurance | movie notebook reference 😎 | yn got a tattoo and it makes riki fall in love with them more 🙆♀️🙆♀️ | coming of age¿?
extra: at this point, all of the members are taylor swift coded | soft love is the best love | yn is me because im also 18 and i dont wanna pay taxes D:
likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated! <3
[below the cut]
you sighed as you laid yourself flat against the blankets. you smiled in delight as if your troubles and worries left you.
“school’s over.” you said, feeling your chest heavy. you recalled the school memories that you’ve experienced; both happy and sad, now that you’re taking the next chapter of your life; college.
it’s leaving a bittersweet feeling on your whole body.
“it is.” you looked over your shoulder, to see your boyfriend, riki fiddling with his yearbook. his fingers spotted towards the back of the book, heartfelt messages and inspiring words that his friends wrote for him.
you’re in riki’s backyard, inside of a treehouse both of you built since children with the help of your parents. you’re so lucky your dad is a constructor.
riki is sitting, one leg sticking out and one knee bent as he leans into the wooden walls. this position allows you to admire him from below as the sunlight flashes on his beautiful features.
he’s reading every single message with sincerity and care, from his senior friends that he will probably never see again and his younger juniors that he can’t annoy anymore as he pleases. despite hating waking up early every morning and him dealing with tiring lectures, he has to admit he made memories and friends that’s worth a life time.
“i can’t believe we’re gonna be college students now. where we have to pay off debts, start our career paths, those people who are gonna be closer to 20 than 16 - it’s just,” you took in a breath. “surreal. surreal that we are growing up.”
you had always had a fear of growing up. not wanting to achieve the things and goals you’ve planned on time. you felt like you’re rushing to do everything at once before it becomes too late. you always wanna stay 16 forever; forever naive to understand the real world. how you’re closest friends will separate from you. how everything you’re experiencing right now will be just a memory.
riki glanced down on you where you’re staring off of space. he can sense the anxiety in your tone.
he closes the book after he was staring at a picture. a picture titled, “best couple” and it’s a picture of the both of you standing next to each other, smiling widely. he smiled at how adorable you looked next to him.
he scooted closer to you, making himself comfortable once he lays down next to you. his back lays flat, mimicking your position.
“are you scared?” riki likes to question the obvious, but it helps you reflect on your feelings; how fear is just a feeling and to understand your emotions a bit better.
“just a little anxious just all,” you confessed, looking at riki whose eyes never left yours. “i’m sure it will disappear soon. i mean, everyone experiences this.” you reassure yourself and riki sense it, enjoying your honesty.
“mhm,” riki mumbles. “it’s okay to feel anxious, the future is scary.” he looks down. “it’s only a matter of time how you’re gonna handle it. you create your own future.”
his words ring in your head. he’s right.
riki took your silence as a way that you agree with him.
he then glanced down towards your arm, a black-inked drawing that attracted him. riki scooted closer, his body turned to yours. he propped himself up with his elbow.
no matter how close the proximity is between the both of you, it still makes you nervous til this day. especially with how much older and mature-looking your boyfriend of 6 years is.
“your parents aren’t mad about this?” riki gently poked on your arm, eyes analyzing the art in your arm. it’s only been a week since you decided to get your first tattoo.
it’s beautiful, he thinks.
“not anymore, i’m 18 now.” you huffed out. you remembered the horror on your parents’ faces but a sigh of defeat when they realized you’re now responsible of yourself. it makes you chuckle about their panicked expressions, slowly making themselves aware that you’re not gonna be their little 4 year old reckless daughter anymore.
“i can imagine your mom shrieking.” riki giggled which made you scoffed because he wasn’t wrong.
“your birth flower?” riki asked, his fingertips gently tracing the traces of your birth flower.
your eyes widened a bit at his sudden touch then you looked down at how focused riki was. his eyes were staring at it as if your tattoo was a museum.
your heart beat quickened at the sight.
“the flower that i drew for you in your math notebook in 6th grade.” riki smiled, realizing how much time flies since you guys called it official since middle school. you’ve remembered the nervousness riki’s hands were, fiddling the bouquet of origami flowers. flowers he made for each that day that he fell in love with you. you thought it was silly. riki has always been caring and kind to you so it was natural for you to reprociate the feelings back. and so, without any pressure or doubts, you guys called it official.
“i thought you threw your old notebooks away..” his voice still remains soft and delicate, still smiling at your tattoo. he started to reminisce the times he would doodle on your notebook without you noticing. like a surprise.
“i ripped the page and kept it since.” when you were going into your freshman self, you looked back into the notebooks to reminsince your middle school memories. you’ve came across a drawing — no other than riki’s in one of your notebooks. you ripped it out and hid it in a safe spot until you get a tattoo of it ever since.
some people thought you guys weren’t gonna make it past middle school — even you too, but since both of you got in the same highschool, it remained strong. a strong string holding your relationship tight.
yes, with hormones acting up and puberty getting in the way, there were times where you guys had fought and argued together to the point it was nearing breaking apart but both of you shouldn’t let it slide. not when it has reached this far. and how much you love each other.
although your boyfriend has grown up, there are occasionally times where he teases you and becomes childish around you, it makes you soft-hearted at how he still has a soul of his 12-year old self. especially moments where he look similar to a duck, which made you think about how much duck plushies you have on your bed because it reminds you of riki.
you’re happy that you’re growing up with him.
“what are you thinking about pretty girl?”
you gasped lightly, realizing that you’re spacing out. you looked at him and you see a small smirk implemented on his face, curious of what your pretty head is thinking about.
your face relaxes, trying to calm yourself. you’re nervous over nothing.
you looked down at your hands, then glance at riki’s hand comfortably resting, then back to your hands. your fingers slowly creep upon riki’s fingers, slowly rubbing them with yours. you smiled at the sight.
“it’s insane to think about how much we’ve grown.” you paused. “together.”
riki’s eyes looked at the sight, his heart beat echoing and growing louder. no matter what you do, you always make him think irrational. he then glances at you smiling when you’re playing with his fingers. “not many people believed in us lasting this long, not even me. i was worried if one of us lost feelings, found someone else better, or get something in our way, but im glad that we didn’t give up.” you looked at riki where his attention was diverted to you. he raised an eyebrow to indicate that he was listening.
“i’m happy that i’m dating you, i can’t express how much i adore you, how much you mean to me, i’ve never felt love this strong before — you’re just everything to me. i can’t imagine laughing harder than with anyone else, smile so much with anyone else. with you, it’s different. thank you for loving me.”
you’re cringing on the inside at how much you confessed in such a short amount of time. you’re met with silence from your boyfriend who seem atonished from your words. you’re embarrassed, pulling back your fingers to cover your blushing cheeks in front of your boyfriend.
riki’s lips twitched, happy for you to express your feelings more comfortably now compared to the past situations. (one of the reasons that you’ve guys argued before) his chest felt light, his grin becoming bigger when you’re hiding from him.
you hear the blankets rustling, you felt riki’s arm slowly snake around your wrist to lightly remove your hand from your face. you removed your embarrassed hands and your eyes followed his hand clasping onto yours. the sight of his veiny hands makes you silent.
you admire the two of you holding hands. your stomach was feeling butterflies just as it was the first time riki confessed his feelings to you. riki twists your wrist, allowing you to see the sight from all angles. it looks so perfect. your hand perfectly structured to hold his.
“you’re just as perfect as to what i am seeing right now.” riki spoke with a soft tone, chuckling when he kept twisting and turning your wrist. “you have a place in my heart no one else could ever have. my heart is so full of you i can hardly call it my own. i choose you. and i’ll choose you over and over. without a pause, without a doubt, in a heartbeat, i’ll keep choosing you. as long as i’m alive, you will always be loved.”
you’re speechless at your boyfriend’s words to the point you feel like crying. riki still kept smiling at you, giggling. you saw the crescents formed in his eyes whenever he smiled at you and it never fails to make yourself love him more.
riki took this opportunity to lift himself up, hovering above you. he pecked your forehead. you felt his warm lips touching your skin and the goosebumps always forms whenever he makes you flustered.
you looked up at him, surprised. he looked down at you with his head tilted and a scrunched nose like a puppy, as if he was proud to do that.
nothing but an exchange of loud heart beats matching with one another and genuine giggles back and forth.
riki then leaned in towards you. you closed your eyes at the expected action. his lips touching with yours. electricity flows when he rubs his fingers on your hands. it always make you feel all tingly on the inside.
riki then pulls back, “cute.” he teases you, making your cheeks grow hotter. “shut up.” you rolled eyes, earning a little laugh from him.
riki still doesn’t let go of your intertwined hands as he returns to his original position where you’re laying flat on the ground, shoulder to shoulder.
“so your summer plans?” riki asked casually. he lifted his head as his arm was under his head to act as support.
you then touched your bangs, realizing that you still have that caramel-like highlights since march. you were starting to get bored of it.
you pursed your lips. “maybe dye my hair next week back to black.”
riki’s eyes shined. “match with me.” he spoke without thinking. you turned your head to him, realizing that his hair is black now.
your boyfriend likes it alot when both of you match.
“if you bleach it next month to some color then what?” you pointed out because sometimes your boyfriend makes impulsive decisions on his hair whenever he sees a cool hairstyles. you’re not angry whenever he does this because he’s good looking with whatever hair color he has.
“i won’t bleach it, i promise. i’ll follow you.” riki spoke and it makes you chuckle that he probably doesn’t realize the importance of his words. “red? blue? silver, i’ll do it for you.” you froze at his sudden deep voice erupting from him. your heart beat also freezes when his lips touches the location of your tattoo. you looked down and see his lips pushed forward. your heart flutters once again.
“you’re dumb.” you spoke, eyes softening at what you were hearing.
gosh, you really love this man.
riki smiles against your skin, looking up and your heart twists at an umfamiliar sight. “i can be that.” he whispers like it was a promise.

Listen to it when you read this :)
For princess Y/N being there was just so bored. She was only smiling to random people, who came here for a royal ball her kingdom made this year. Then, from nowhere, seven young men stood in front of her
“Do you mind dancing your highness?”one of them asked, bowing and pointing his hand towards princess Y/N as the other six. She took a look at her parents, waiting for their reaction. Her father nodded, so princess accepted the stranger's invitation and grabbed his hand - she did her’s first mistake. The stranger led her to the center of the ballroom, and moments later they began to move. The dance was delicate, but mysterious at the same time. Before princess Y/N could ask her partner for his name or from what kingdom he came from, he melted like a mist, and another appeared at his place. The tall brunet bowed slightly to the princess and then grabbed her hand, lightly touching her skin with his lips. After a short dance with the him, the blonde appeared, who took the place of the predecessor, after the blonde, another boy appeared, then another, and yet another, until it was time for the last one. The dark-haired young man grabbed princess's hand, and it was only at that moment that she realized how cold their hands were. When the stranger’s hand touched her waist, she shivered. Princess Y/N for the first time this evening looked in the eyes of one of her partners- his eyes were empty and dark as a winter night. After breaking that short eye contact with young man, Y/N started scanning his face- single black hair fell on his forehead and his nose on which she found a little mole. When the princess was about to ask for his name, the boy, like the rest of them, vanished in between all of tonight’s guests. Something in her wanted to stay, inside she felt that something was going to happen, but her body didn’t listen, and she moved forward, pushing through people. She saw one of mysterious boys with the corner of her eye, so she ran towards him, then she saw another one, so the she headed towards his direction. Y/N followed his footsteps, she left the room and entered one of the corridors, only to see the big castle doors open widely. She ran out of the palace and her eyes saw one of the strangers enter the garden maze- she followed him and it was her second mistake. Going through the dark labyrinth alleys, princess Y/N didn’t knew if it was her mind playing with her or was it really happening, but she heard murmurs or footsteps behind her, which made her shiver from fear and cold. Finally, she stopped looking for the missing boys, at that point, her priority was to find a way out. The footsteps and whispers grew louder and Y/N quickened her pace “Hello!? Is anyone there?!” she screamed, stopping in one place for a moment - it was her third and last mistake. The noises around began to intensify, and princess no longer wasted any time and began to run away. She knew that whoever was there had no good intentions, and she is really easy pray to catch. The sound of steps she heard were already loud enough for her to hear them clearly. She could easily say that someone was following her and knew her location. Y/N, in fear, turned off the first corner she could find, prying to god for help with getting out of here. She hoped that she will find a way out, but instead ended up in a dead end. And then she felt that she was no longer alone, it was obvious that whoever had chased her before was now standing behind her. Before she could turn around, someone leaned over her ear and whispered "You will finally be one of us" and after these words she felt an unimaginable pain in her neck. Now, she will be dancing with them for all eternity

It's so sweet
Pairing-bf!Niki x afab!reader
The raindrops started hitting the window of your train cabin. Hot ramen on the table, your favourite book in your hands and you wrapped in your boyfriend's arms going for a little trip. Niki was listening to music while you were sitting on his lap, turning the pages of your book. Suddenly he pecked your temple and squeezed you a bit . It made you look at him and he kissed you. You smiled as he broke the kiss. He took off his headphones and you put your book next to the ramen that already got colder. You turned to him and wrapped your arms around his neck as he wrapped his around your waist and kissed you once again. The rain got heavier and you placed your head on his chest as he caressed your hair. He left another faint kiss on your head and let out a sigh. " It's so sweet. " You mumbled in his chest. He hummed and hugged you tighter. "Knowing that you love me" he continued and earned a smile from you.

Pairing: bf!enha!maknae line x afab!reader
Genre: flufffffff
Warnings: kisses( pecks ig), fluffy fluff
- ice cream date
He took you to ice cream date cause both of you like it. He chose mint choco ice cream and you chose vanilla (or your fav flavour).
When you were eating you had ice cream stain on your lips and he found it adorable. After eating ice cream you went to the park and walked there a bit.
- Y/N-ie you have food stain on your lips- he said smiling at you
Jungwon 🌼🌾🧺
- picnic date
He found a place where he'd like to have date. So he decided to take you there for picnic date. He picked you up from your place and you went to store to buy food and stuff. Then you went to that place and set everything up. The breeze hit your hair which made Jungwon smile.
- I love you so much Y/N
Niki 🎮🕹️🗡️
- arcade date
Ofc arcade cause we're talking abt NISHIMURA RIKI
He knew that you like games and arcade so he took you there
You two spent your whole day
You saw cute teddy bear at claw machine and asked him to win it for you.
He tried for 8 times and finally gave up
He was sad that couldn't win it for you
- Y/N, sorry I couldn't get gift for you- he said as you chuckled
- it's ok, you are my gift
First snow, hot choco

Pairing: non.idol!Niki × non.idol!reader
Genre: fluff
Oh it was cold. It was a snowy storm. White nothing was the only thing seen out of the classroom window.
- We have physics class today, right?- she asked turning to him.
- nope- he said not even looking in her eyes. Obviously it was something he did. How could they randomly cancel the class.
- we do actually- a guy from the back answered.
- why are you lying? - she asked with the gaze of a murderer.
- I'm not. WE I mean me and you. We're not going to that class toda- and that's when she interrupted him
- what do you mean? You never asked me if I wanted to skip the class? Is thi- she was stopped by him smashing his lips on hers
- can you shut up and listen for once?- he said pulling off- I talked to the teacher. We're going somewhere better.
Soon she was dragged out of the building. The cold air hitting her soft cheeks making them even more red. They walked to somewhere she didn't know.
- where are you taking me?- she said trying to move her hair away from her face
- I'm taking to a basement so no one can hear you while I chop your head off- he said with a loving smile and moved that strand of hair behind her ear.
- finally- she murmured
- I'm joking, let's go to the rooftop again
-Don't mind him okay? -he assured her while cupping her rosy cold cheeks
- yeah, it would be great if we got to the rooftop- she sighed remembering how an old man scolded both of them- it's really cold tho- she complained again rubbing her hands together with the hope of getting a little warmer. Well it started to snow unexpectedly. And they weren't prepared.
- you know what?- he said after looking at his shoes for a while- let's get hot chocolate. How does that sound?
- I like it- she said smiling
- well then, catch me if you can Mrs. Shortie- he said and started running away From her
-and I'm in love with him- she mumbled to herself and started chasing him
Soon after they were at the cafe waiting for their order
- here, this is yours- he said handing her the paper cup. The smell had filled their lungs ( just like the love their hearts)
- let's go outside
She sipped her chocolate as he watched her with loving eyes. A little bit of chocolate was left on her upper lip. "Cute" he thought to himself. He didn't even tell her about that. He liked how messy she could be with him. He looked at her soft hair that now had tiny snowflakes. And that's when it hit him. It's the first snow if the year. That means they'll last forever.
- it's still cold- she started complaining again, not liking the sudden change of weather at all.
- let's go to the store while I catch you a taxi
- you really don't have to
- come onnn. Let me do my job- that was the moment when she realised he's her man. Her one and only. Only hers and no one elses. Those thoughts made her smile unconsciously.
- it's almost here. Now my treat- he said looking up from his phone
- what? - she made her iconic confused face. Oh how much he loved her small cute face that was able to show the emotions she'd never talk about.
- my treat
- you want... A kiss?
- yes please and faster the driver is waiting- he said as she tiptoed to connect their lips.
- now go- he slightly pushed he to the car. As the Gentleman he is he payed for her drive and now was waiting for her text
You: I hate you
Niki: what's wrong pretty
You: there is a big choco stain on my upper lip, and you didn't even say a thing
Niki: you were too cute
You: you're no help you know?
Niki: but you still love me
You: thank you for today
Niki: of course, it was the first snow
You: I hate the snow
Niki: and I love you too

genre: fluff, established relationship
word count: 1.9k
a/n: guys it's 2am but i finally finished editing this... whatever that is. it's been a while since i posted this type of a fic so i hope you like it just as much as the previous ones!! 🤍

"I'll be right back, baby. Just give me ten minutes, okay?"
These were the words your boyfriend said to you twenty minutes ago as you patiently sat on the wooden bench in the empty locker room. His basketball team just won their first game of the season and now you wait for him to finally finish showering, so that the two of you can go back to his place and catch up on the much needed sleep. Much needed as he's the one who has deprived the both of you of it last night when he made you watch him practice nearly until morning.
So it's no surprise that as another minute goes by, you find your eyes growing heavy. Leaning your head back on the cool locker, you start dozing off when familiar footsteps finally approach your tired figure.
"Aww, sorry I kept you waiting, baby. I'm ready to go now, though," he says softly as his hand goes to swipe some hair away from your face. He grins as you blink slowly at him before slinging his bag over his shoulder and kneeling down in front of you. You don't have enough strength to question his behavior when he turns around and wiggles his fingers at you and looks over his shoulder. "C'mon, hop on. I'll carry you."
You manage to somehow climb onto his back and when your hands wrap around his neck securely, he hooks his arms under your thighs and lifts the both of you off the ground.
"Up you go," he grunts quietly, adjusting you in his arms before making his way out of the locker room. "Let's finally get my sleepy baby home, shall we?"

Throwing his bag on the ground, Jay tosses the keys to the cupboard and feels his shoulders relaxing at the thought of seeing you after such a long day. Even though it's late at night, he knows you'll be stubbornly waiting for him like you always do, so instead of heading to the bedroom, he directs his steps to the living room.
And he was right – there you are, slumped over the arm rest of the couch, mouth slightly ajar because of the palm you're holding up your face with.
Jay snorts quietly, mind running back to all the times you've denied the possibility of ever falling asleep while waiting for your beloved boyfriend to come back home. He takes a mental note to remember that and tease you in the morning.
With a sigh, he crouches down in front of the couch and reaches his hand out to brush your cheek gently. The feeling of his cool fingers against your skin almost instantly wakes you up and you jerk underneath his touch, eyes blinking rapidly to adjust to the dim lighting. When your eyes meet Jay's, you straighten your back and send him a guilty smile as if you've been caught committing a crime.
"Oh, you're back," you mutter tiredly, letting his fingers run over your eyes to wipe the sleep away from them. "I was so not sleeping, you're just tweaking."
Jay chuckles before standing up and pressing his lips to your forehead. You wrap your arms around his neck and close your eyes back again, feeling content now that he's finally back. Sighing, you softly kiss the crook of his neck before nuzzling your face into it.
Jay's hand is caressing your hair gently. "Let's get you to bed now, hm?"

"Well, aren't you just cute?" Jake huffs under his nose as the first thing he comes across of is you laying on the couch, face buried in one of the green cushions you bought on your last Ikea trip. He giggles quietly, heart feeling full as he looks at you with such lovesick eyes, you'd definitely be left blushing if you ever caught him like this.
He decides on not waking you up, realizing how tired you must've been if you actually fell asleep while waiting on him. So instead, he slips underneath the blanket right next to you. He turns to his side so that you're laying face to face and he smiles at the way your lips are slightly pouted. He leans forward and presses his forehead to yours, draping an arm around your waist as you subconsciously curl up to his body, seeking for his warmth even in your sleep.
Jake softly presses his lips right above your eyebrow when your eyelids slowly flutter open. You look at him with your foggy eyes before wrapping your arm around his neck and wordlessly pulling him even closer to yourself. You bury your face in his chest instead of the cushion now and slowly start dozing off again when his hand sneaks underneath your sweater and caresses your side gently.
"I'm glad you're home," you mumble into his skin, nudging his neck with your nose before leaving a butterfly kiss on the same exact spot. "Been waiting for you."
Jake feels his stomach tickle funny at your sleepy affection and he buries his smile in your hair. "Yeah, I know. You can go to sleep now. I'm not going anywhere."

"How many times do I have to tell you not to wait for me this late, you idiot," Sunghoon scolds you as he adjusts your half-asleep body in his arms and carries on up the stairs.
You mumble an incoherent answer with mouth muffled by the warm skin of his neck. You hold him tighly, arms slung around his shoulders as you hang onto him like a baby monkey. Sunghoon has to bite his lip to prevent himself from snickering right then and there.
"What was that?" He asks, leaning his face a little closer to hear you better.
"You're so warm. Makes me even more sleepy."
Sunghoon can't help the chuckle that leaves his mouth anymore and he opens the door to your bedroom with his foot. He carries you straight to bed and places you on the soft mattress, only to quickly change into a pair of sweatpants and slip underneath the covers right next to you.
Your body moves almost automatically as you shift closely to your boyfriend and cling onto him once your arms make contact with his skin. You shuffle and twist in your place, somehow unable to find a comfortable position, because no matter how close you get to him – it's just simply not close enough tonight.
So you climb on top of his body and use him as a mattress instead, burying your face in the crook of his shoulder.
"I wanna get inside your skin. Lemme," you mumble tiredly and feel his chest vibrate with laughter.
His hand makes its way to your hair. "Some of the things you say when you're sleepy are quite concerning, sweetheart."

Sunoo is greeted by the view of you and Riki chilling on the couch in their dorm. More precisely – Riki playing some videogame on playstation and you sprawled out by his side, the white controller laying on the carpet below you as you sleep soundly.
"What time did she get here?" Sunoo asks as he drops his training bag somwehere on the floor and approaches the two of you. He crouches down in front of you and picks up the long forgotten controller.
"Two hours ago maybe," Riki responds, eyes glued to the TV screen. "She wanted to wait for you but she fell asleep like half an hour ago. Made me lose my damn game."
The older one only sends him a glare paired with a scoff before turning his attention back to you.
"Y/N, wake up."
You peak one of your eyes open as another tap lands on your shoulder. When the first thing your met with is your boyfriend's pretty face, a smile spreads on your slightly chapped lips and you lift yourself up in your seat.
"You're back," you croak out, rubbing your eyes quickly before nuzzling your face in his chest. "Sorry for dropping by without giving you a warning. Jus' thought you'd be home."
Sunoo presses his lips to the crown of your head. "Don't apologize for things like that. You know I always like having you around."
You nod slowly, reaching your hands up until they're circling his neck. Turning your head to the side, you place a small kiss to the side of his jawline. "Can we go cuddle now?"
"How can I say no when you're this cute, huh?"

Jungwon tries, he really tries to be quiet. It's really not his fault that his clumsy nature made him bump his hip into the cupboard and cause the keys to topple down to the ground with a clank that probably could wake up a hundred year old half-deaf granny.
You open your eyes and lift yourself from the table you've been laying on top of, startled, head spinning from the sudden movement.
"Shit, I'm so sorry, angel. I didn't mean to wake you up," Jungwon apologizes as he rushes over to you from the other side of the kitchen.
You watch as he crosses the space quickly and plops down on the chair next to you, then wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you to his lap instead.
"No, it's okay," you say quietly as you clear your throat, lifting your head up to smile at him softly. "Was waiting for you anyways. I made you dinner. Just kinda fell asleep after cooking."
Jungwon giggles at the dissatisfied scrunch of your nose. He leans down to press a small kiss to the tip of it.
"Thanks for waiting for me, baby. And for cooking for me. That's really sweet of you, you didn't have to," he mutters, lowering his tone to match yours as he rubs your noses together. "Well, now that I'm finally here, how about I try some of it, huh?"
"Yeah, that's a good idea I suppose." You smile at him and bring your hand up to stroke the short hair at the back of his head. "Can we stay here a little longer, though? I missed you today. Wanna cuddle you."
He chuckles warmly at your words before leaning down and laying a kiss on your forehead. "Of course. We've got all the time in the world, angel."

Still nothing. The only thing Riki can hear is your slowed down breathing, slightly muffled by the fuzzy blanket you've pulled right above your nose.
Now that finally wakes you up and you blink your eyes to adjust to the dim lighting of your living room. You lift your gaze to look at Riki standing in front of the couch you're laying on, a small smile playing on his lips.
"There you are," he huffs, slightly amused. "C'mon, let's get you to bed."
A grunt leaves your throat as you bury yourself even further into the back rest of the couch. You open your arms and lift the blanket a little as an invitation.
"C'mere. 'm too comfy to leave," you mumble groggily, barely managing to keep your eyes open.
With one more pleading look of your foggy eyes, Riki sighs and shakes his head at your stubborness.
"Tsch, fine." He clicks his tongue before standing up and laying down on the tight space right next to you. You don't waste a single second and wrap all of your limbs around his tall body, snuggling up to him with a content sigh.
"Perfect," you whisper as you press your face into his warmth and fall back asleep the moment that his arms wrap around your waist and pull you closer to his chest.

permanent taglist @bambisgirl @arizejkt19 @luvmura @milisabunny @cathy-1997 @satoruskitchenrag @ramenoil @jenjnk @jaylaxies @yoongspi @nichoswag @s00buwu @dazzlingligth
© heeliopheelia 2023 // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. DO NOT copy, translate or repost any of my works on any other social platforms.
Can you do any Fandom of your choice react to y/n as a vampire:3 pls
Mcyt react to Ancient!Vampire!Reader
ft- C!Technoblade, C!Lmanburg!NTT!Brutus/Orpheus, Platonic!C!Philza, Platonic C!Bench trio, C!Niki
(Im going for a old school type vampire who loves their tea-cups)
(e/c) - eye color

You and Technoblade met wayyyy back before the dream smp. This was when Techno still had millions of followers.
You both eventually fell in love and ruled his empire together.
Techno noticed your odd diet and tendencies long before you both started dating so he wasnt surprised when you told him you're a vampire.
He is actually quite happy about it since hes the blood god after all.
He loves the blood filled rubys that you give him, even though your already dating.
he also likes how your eyes can change from red to (e/c)
By the time the dream smp comes around you both are married so he is more protective then when you were dating, He makes sure no-one finds out what you are.
He loves how you are so fancy even after millions of years and he laughs when you complain about Tommy touching your ancient and fragile tea cups or when you ripped your favorite dress/suit.
He doesnt mind the blood at all, Just make sure to not spill it. Blood is hard to get rid of. (he loves your sharp teeth)
He may even try to convince you to turn him. hes thought about it.
Now during the beginning of L'manburg he had no idea, He was too busy building and doing is president duties.
But during the wars it became more visible, Orpheus noticed your eyes flashing red from time to time due to you not having time to get your fill.
After the first war had calmed down a bit he finally asked you if you not human. You explained and he was a bit scared but he brushed it off and asked a bunch of questions.
He loves your aesthetic and thinks its funny how you hate when people touch your tea cups. he does get a bit queasy when you drink your fill in front of him.
He tries to think of it as wine when you drink from your tea cups but the iron smell gets to him sometimes. (he did try to convince you to turn him once though.)
He got a blood filled ruby from you and was confused before he figured out you were trying to court him
He was so flustered and flattered
Platonic C!Philza
He is such a papa bear when it comes to you I swear.
He met you one day during his adventures when you were still a fledgling and he never let you go.
He always makes sure you get your fill, he once tried to give you animal blood and it did not go well
He does like your aesthetic though, he has his own set of ancient tea cups you gave him as a gift.
He has them locked up in a display case and only takes them out when you guys have tea time. The rest of sbi know not to touch them. (they figured that out the hard way)
He isnt really fond of seeing your glowing red eyes in the dark but he still thinks they are pretty cool.
He wasnt fond of the teething when you were a fledgling and still has scars.
Platonic C!Bench trio
Now Tommy knew from the start. He caught you drinking from your tea-cup and knew immediately. He grew up with Orpheus and techno for gods sake.
He was not shocked nor scared, he sees you as a big-sister/big-brother figure so he is glad you can protect yourself and him if needed.
He once tried to steal your cup and it did not go well.
Tubbo thought it was cool when he found out.
He asked to be turned one time but you talked him out of it.
He likes that you have superspeed and asks for piggy back rides all the time lol.
He doesnt mind the blood at all. Hes seen many things.
Ranboo found out from tommy and tubbo so he was a bit calm about it but he was still scared.
He tried to get over it but he just gets the hebejebes
He still hangs out with you but please keep the blood to a minimum.
he does like your teacups though, he thinks the glass ones are pretty.
Niki didnt know until you told her
She was to busy baking and trying to kill Tommy with Jack manifold.
When she found out she was honestly terrified. Shes heard rumors of vampires before and how they were violent and crazy.
But when she realized you were nothing like that she was chill.
She tried to get you to help her kill tommy a couple of times but you always refused.
She loves your dresses/suits so much.
If you ever ask her to become a vampire she will turn you down so fast. she wants to stay mortal thank you.
Drinking your fill around her is fine but dont spill any blood.
she has her own limited edition tea cups, just not nearly as ancient.
I’m bwalling I lob this concept

PAIRING idols riki x fem reader
WARNINGS profanity, + more to be added
GENRE fluff, humor, mild angst, workplace romance
SYNOPSIS fans always point out the chemistry between you and riki, and it only continues to grow after you become mc’s together on music bank. but as your feelings rise, so does the tension. and people begin to notice, so you try not to let riki know how you feel. but unbeknownst to you, he feels entirely the same way.
STATUS august 10 2024 - tba
taglist is open <3
PROFILES hypen not hyphen | bunnygirls
TRACK 001 : the left side
TRACK 002 : inconveniently convenient
TRACK 003 : my nervous babies
TRACK 004 : loveyloveyloveydoveydoveydovey
TRACK 005 : big balls and lots of courage
+ more to be added
a/n this smau will be kinda short, maybe only 15-20 episodes. also there will be a lot of written parts
RANDOM BF TEXTS W HEE & NI-KI ; feat. filipina gf

pairings | idolbf!heeseung x filipinagf!reader • bf!riki x filipinagf!reader
note | erm completely self indulgent
genre | fluff, crack
tw | colonization joke?? • attempted humour

2:24 am ― nishimura riki

synopsis | you dip your fries in soft serve ice cream, your boyfriend ni-ki seems to have a problem with it.
wc | 0.3k
pairings | ni-ki x fem!reader
genre | timestamp, fluff, established relationship
tw | annoying bf niki
note | a repost from something i wrote in 2021. if anyone recognizes this its cuz i posted it on my old blog. also i jus noticed he's 16 in this fic cuz that was his age when i wrote it :(

“what the hell are you doing?!” riki screamed as you dipped your french fry into your ice cream.
“eating this?” you answered, confused as to why your boyfriend seemed so bothered.
“no. absolutely not.” he said, shaking his head and making a fake puking sound.
you and riki were bored and energetic teenagers who had nothing to do, so what else would you do rather than show up at your local 24/7 fast food joint?
that’s exactly what you did.
you were broke 16 yr olds so naturally, you stole coupons from riki’s dads car glove compartment. with the limited options of free food, you guys decided on fries and ice cream.
“thats so gross who would dip fries in ice cream?” he looked at you disappointed.
“it’s salty and sweet dumbass. it’s like chicken and waffles or salted caramel.” you rolled your eyes, happily munching on your ice cream covered fry.
your boyfriend flicked your forehead and laughed. “y’know i might have to break up with you since u like such a horrid food combo.”
“too bad you love me too much.” you stated.
“unfortunately.” he mumbled and you hit his arm playfully.
“hey! says the weirdo who microwaves his strawberries.” you said dipping another fry in your cup.
“hey! they’re good warm!” he fought back.
“no. absolutely not.” you said, shoving the dipped fry in his face. he cringed and leaned away from you.
“just try it! i promise it’s good.” you said giving him a sweet smile.
he looked at you and then the fry and couldn’t resist your adorable smile. after all, he loved you so much.
but not enough to try that atrocious food combo.
“no!” he covered his eyes. “stop being cute i’m trying to save my taste buds!”
you laughed and popped the fry in your mouth.
“fine your loss.”

© @24-2-25 est. 2024

War: insults, cursing, flirting, mentions of violence, gaslightling, goofy, slight insecurity.
Incl: mentions of jungwon
Safe for minors!!

Niki smau
Random bf texts