hopelessly-devoted-to-shuu - Multi-fandom imagines and headcanons 20
Multi-fandom imagines and headcanons 20

An imagines blog for all your favorite fandoms! if one of your obsessions isn't on my list, then feel free to ask! Requests: OPEN

36 posts

P, V, X, And Y For Yomo And Uta? Thank You!

P, v, x, and y for Yomo and uta? Thank you!


((I actually have a lot of requests for them so I might just start combining asks)


P- Uta is really rough. Depending on who he’s doing it with depends on if he would be willing to take it down a notch, but he is inhumanly fast. The first time his s/o and him fucked, they couldn’t walk the rest of the week.(since then he calmed down though)

v-Uta’s moans are fairly quiet for the most part, but when he does moan it will be right by his partner’s ear while rubbing against them and making sure they hear every last one.

x- He’s not very thick, but he is a little longer than average, but he’s pretty happy with it since it gets the job done.

Y- His yearning is bellow average. He likes it, but isn’t completely sex-crazed and due to his role currently, he finds it difficult for the perfect time, but when he does he goes hard because neither of them know when it’s gonna happen again.


P- Yomo contrasts Uta in many ways (with this being one of them) so with that being said he takes his time to take everything in; just kissing and touching his partner feeling every sensation.

V- He only really lets out grunts here and there with the occasional moan.

x- He’s longer than average with average thickness.

Y-  His desire is average. He loves this time set aside just for the two of them. Even with these chaotic times, he likes to have this time to distress and be alone with his s/o. The best feeling

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More Posts from Hopelessly-devoted-to-shuu

ok nishio deserves more love so like can you do headcanons or a scenario whatever u want where nishio is dating kanekis younger sister(say that she is around 18-20) and she is also human and how would everyone react about this,, thanks if u do this!

((No problem anon!))

At first, NISHIKI had no idea that his S/O was Kaneki’s sister.(only that she was human) It wasn’t until she decided to visit anteiku and talk to her brother is when he found out. “Hey babe came to see me? Oh what the hell? You two are siblings?!” He had to get used to it for a few, but Kaneki was on board seeing how Nishio was a good person, but that doesnt mean he was any less protective.


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 When he left the room after he claimed his prize which had previously belonged to investigator Hanzo, he had mixed feelings about everything he has known thus far. There was no way they could have eaten him, right? After all they had plenty of chances, but never did. They protected him till their death although that doesn’t say anything as far as how many people they killed previously. It did shed a new light on ghouls that his lessons have trained him to think otherwise. That ghouls have emotions. I mean why else would the Quinque choose the one person the ghoul loved and trusted most if ghouls aren’t supposed to have feelings besides hunger. Perhaps ghouls and humans really are not that different after all.     In order to get his thoughts sorted out he walked to the roof top to be alone with his thoughts. He activated the Quinque and just touched it. Feeling and grabbing for whatever was left of his s/o, just wanting to be close. After a while of doing this he decided to talk to the one other person he trusted, Shinohara.    “Hey Mr. Shinohara! Can I ask you something?” He happily obliged, “You’re back! Of course, Juuzou ask away.” “Do ghouls have feelings?”  Shinohara gave a surprised look and then said,” Juuzou you know this. They don’t have emotions and only desire to feast on flesh you experienced it first-hand. They are a danger to mankind.” He sounded so sure of himself. As Juuzou was listening, Shinohara had faded away and was replaced with a ringing that only got louder and louder.   He didn’t know whose words to trust anymore, so a click of a button sealed his fate forever. Shinohara died from multiple stab wounds that day and Juuzou was to be treated as a ghoul if the CCG ever saw him again so he decided to join Aogiri tree and eventually join up with Kaneki Ken. 


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The Tsukiyama audios I posted from this video were pretty popular, so I decided to translate the entire thing. I might do part 2 (Hlter Skelter) later, but we’ll see…

Please listen to the audio while you’re reading it, since Tsukiyama is such an excellent (and dramatic) storyteller, and the audio makes it 1000x better XD Also, anything in these [ ] brackets are add-ons from me, to explain some of the dialogue that’s ambiguous or confusing. And if there’s something I mistranslated, please let me know!!

Update (June 4, 2016): I fixed up the translation, since it’s been over a year and I realized just how awful my translation was then. It should be a lot better now…


Part 1: 6th ward, Kaneki’s Hideout

Kaneki: As she slowly lifted her head… Kaneki: The pale woman laughed devilishly and said… Kaneki: IT’S YOU!! (Ahh!! Ahhhhh!) Kaneki: The end. Banjou: That was scary…you went too far!! Jiro: Banjou-san, you think you’ll be able to go to the bathroom now, ha ha?! Hinami: Onii-chan, you’re so mean!! Kaneki: Ahaha, sorry about that… Kaneki: Well then, next is… (Someone knocks on the door.) Hinami: Waa (startled)! Tsukiyama: Monsieur and mademoiselle, may I ask what are you doing right now? [Yes, I know it should be “messieurs et and mesdemoiselles” but that’s how Tsukiyama is pronouncing it.] Kaneki: Ah, Tsukiyama-san. Hinami: We’re having a scary story competition. Tsukiyama: Hmm? Horror show…if that’s the case, then may I tell a precious scary story of mine as well? Kaneki: Tsukiyama-san, are you sure you can tell scary stories? Tsukiyama: OF COURSE! Please, take a seat. (Creepy music starts playing.) Tsukiyama: This was when I was only “eleven” years old… Tsukiyama: While I was sleeping, I felt a presence near my feet so I immediately opened my eyes. It was “ushi three time” on the dot… Banjou: “Ushi three time”? Kaneki: Don’t you mean “three in the morning”? [Kaneki says “ushimitsudoki” or 丑三つ時. “Mitsu” means “three”, and “doki” means “time”, so Tsukiyama is saying the kanji’s literal meaning in English.] Tsukiyama: Getting out of bed, I gazed at the presence in the darkness, and just four metres away from the edge of the bed was… Kaneki: Wait a second. Four metres away from the edge of the bed? Tsukiyama-san, where were you sleeping? Tsukiyama: Uh…”where”? Where I usually sleep, of course…but…can I continue my story? [Tsukiyama’s room is gigantic, that bastard.] Tsukiyama: In my line of sight, at the edge of the bed…an old lady with messy hair gave me a wide grin…my young self called for the servant immediately and told her that there was a degenerate. Banjou: Servant? Tsukiyama: Matsumae! Matsumaeeee! (Door opens.) Matsumae: What happened, Shuu-sama!? Tsukiyama: But even though we looked everywhere, there was no sign of the old woman…but a few days after that “lunatic” night… Tsukiyama: I felt the presence again. I opened my eyes in the middle of the night. Turning my gaze to the edge of the bed, this time there were two old ladies…! Jiro: They multiplied. Kaneki: They definitely did. Tsukiyama: I was now feeling “crazy and psycho”, so that night I decided to try and calm myself by playing Chopin… (Tsukiyama starts playing the piano.) Tsukiyama: WAAAAAAAAAA!!! AHHHH, AHHHH, AHHHHHHHHH!!! Matsumae: Shuu-sama!? Tsukiyama: After that, the old lady didn’t visit for a while, but…a few months later, I felt a strange air around me, so I opened my eyes. Tsukiyama: I’d never had a “so bad feeling” until now, “oily sweat” dripping down my forehead… Kaneki: Do you mean “greasy” sweat? [Tsukiyama says “oily sweat” in English, while Kaneki says the same thing in Japanese.] Tsukiyama: My mouth is “shake me”, slowly I “open my eyes”…at which point… (Door crashes open.) Tsukiyama: IT’S A MONSTER PARADE!! SCARY WHAT’S A HORROR SHOW…!!! (Jiro: Eh!?) (Banjou: What!?) Tsukiyama: FANATIC CRISIS!! (Kaneki: Tsukiyama-san!?) (Jiro: I’m so confused!) Tsukiyama: CRAZY CRAZY MEEEEEEE!!! Hinami: I don’t understand any of this!! (Wind blowing.) Tsukiyama: …there were a hundred old ladies, squirming around, crowded in my seventy square metre room!! Tsukiyama: IT’S…IT’S…~~!! Tsukiyama: The next day, I heard from my papa that there was a period of time in the Tsukiyama residence in which meat from old ladies were being moved. It seemed that those old ladies’ lost souls arrived in my room. Tsukiyama: So how was it? Was it scary? … Kaneki: In the end, the scariest thing of all might be ghouls…

Can I have D, e, n, v, w, y for Naki please?

my bby  (◡‿◡✿)

warnings: NSFW


Dirty Secret-  It’s not really dirty, but he has a collection of pictures with his s/o doing various things. He likes to carry some on him because he loves them to pieces.

Experience- He is not very experienced so he relies on books and Tsukiyama to tell him what to do. His partner will most likely have to coach him a bit too.

No- he would not do anything that would hurt his s/o for the life of him; no matter how much he wanted to be like his big bro.

Volume- He mainly whimpers and tries to dirty talk, but fails miserably most of the time and it ends with laughter and lots of joking around. (much to Naki’s distaste)

W- I can really see Naki as someone who is really uncomfortable with the idea with sex unless he knows and trusts his partner really well.

Y- He actually doesn’t care for it that much, but he does see it as an opportunity to have some alone time with his s/o so he just waits for them to get into the mood.

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Father, There Is Something I Have To Tell You.

“Father, there is something I have to tell you.”

Mirumo watched his son closely, listening to

every word intently while wearing an unreadable expression. “Shuu…” This is not what he wanted for his child. Hell. He never even imagined something like this happening.

“You do know what this will mean for you both if you choose to keep it, right?” Shuu sighed, “ Yes, I have consulted someone well trusted on the matter and (__) still wishes to go through with this as well.” Shuu took a seat next to his father and was waiting for a reaction. “ If this is what you have decided then I am happy for you. Although I don’t think I have had the pleasure of meeting this lucky lady so we should arrange a day for us to meet.” Mirumo realized that he just wanted his son to be happy after all. It was a warm yet sudden feeling.

Shuu smiled and sighed with relief. “Also I would make it a point to tell the rest of the household too so they will be aware of any humans wandering around.” He nodded and went towards the door pushing it open slightly. “Shuu one more thing.” He turned his head to look over, “i’m happy for you from one father to another.”

“Merci beaucoup, papa.”  With a newfound pride shuu fully opened the door and saw almost everyone of his servants outside just listening. This was very unusual to the ghoul, but shuu was acting stranger than usual today so there was room for concern. “Ah. So you heard. Well yes! I am having a child with a human and it is très bien!!!” The servants seemed quite appalled and there were whispers of concern and there were actually some who were quite happy. Matsume was asking questions due to her worry and he gladly answered them all, but something wasn’t right. Kanae was missing, he tried looking for them and found no trace of them in the household. Soon a large wave of panic took over Tsukiyama as he excused himself.

Father, There Is Something I Have To Tell You.

((I tried))

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