Paris He/They/It lvl 16 [] Fictiveheavy System [] Hatchetfield hyperfix [] awkward as FUCK look at me go I will socially embarrass EVERYONE [] endos, proshippers go away ^^
657 posts
Here Are My Personal Favorite System Conversations Recently That I Find Funny ^_^
Here are my personal favorite system conversations recently that I find funny ^_^
(They are long images vsjdb)

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More Posts from Hopex4
Here's an AMAZING prompt for everyone cause I am so awesome /sarc
Tinky waving a stick with a bat attached to it via string infront of Blinky- who is thoroughly disappointed and just trying to watch youtube or some shit (a predator to a moth is a bat, and I like making Blinky a moth [he booked it for the bright lights]).
*maladaptive daydreaming: a mental health issue that causes a person to lose themselves in complex daydreams. these daydreams are usually a coping mechanism for other mental health conditions or adverse circumstances.

bonus question: how does maladaptive daydreaming affect your alters/innerworld/system as a whole? have you ever daydreamed *about* your system? - amaranth.

Donna, in the studio: Dan is on the scene now.
Dan, on the streets: Thank you, Donna. Now, I am here with a local resident who's been watching the situation closely. His name is *moves mic towards the resident*
Wiggly, barely disguised as human: Wiggog Y'wrath
Dan: Will McGrath