Hatchetverse - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

“Pete and Ted can never be together in the same room now :(“ Joey Richter did not play like 8 roles in one song for this

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6 months ago

So I know the 'fuck Clivesdale' attitude is pretty universal in Hatchetfield but...

So I Know The 'fuck Clivesdale' Attitude Is Pretty Universal In Hatchetfield But...
So I Know The 'fuck Clivesdale' Attitude Is Pretty Universal In Hatchetfield But...
So I Know The 'fuck Clivesdale' Attitude Is Pretty Universal In Hatchetfield But...
So I Know The 'fuck Clivesdale' Attitude Is Pretty Universal In Hatchetfield But...

...Richie gets this phrase from his Uncle Paul

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6 months ago
a digital drawing of Grace Chasity from Nerdy Prudes Must Die, recreating the poster for 1976's Carrie. on a black background are two pictures of Grace in her homecoming dress; on the left, she is smiling sweetly, looking to the side, and holding a bouquet. on the right, she is kubrick-staring with a stoic expression, lit from below in harsh red with dramatic shadows. text above and below reads "if you've got a taste for terror... invite Grace to Homecoming. "CHASTITY"[:] if only they knew she had the power." then, below that; "A fake poster by angstyArtist based on the musical by Starkid Productions[,] the book by Stephen King and the movie by Paul Monash"

and G-d made Eve to bear the curse of blood

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6 months ago

I’m thinking about Hatchet Field and cycles, especially in NPMD because holy shit there’s so much of it. Like

Every time we see Hatchet Field the world ends. And then we see it end all over again- it all restarts

Nobody ever dies in Waylon house

When Max dies the school is allowed to move on, to “evolve”- but then he comes back. Things return to how they once were

“People go missing in Hatchet Field every day”

The lyrical motif of “I’m not a loser” is not just an assertion of worth, it’s a claim to safety and power. Peter doesn’t dress like that because he’s a nerd, he dresses like that to avoid attention, to not be a loser.

When Max is destroyed, Grace replaces him.

Suddenly Grace is singing about how the ‘nerds’ will rise up and kill. The threat shifts but is never gone

“I’m not a loser” is absolution, it says “I am not worthy of death” in a very literal sense. Character beg for their lives with it. The final song, where Grace becomes the new apocalypse? The background is still “I’m not a loser”. Because it was never about nerds versus jocks. It was always about escaping death.

But people go missing in Hatchet Field every day

And nobody ever dies in the Waylon house

So we go around and around and around

The same two people flirt at a coffee shop, the same cops run the same dirty beat, the same rich fucks call the same lawyer, over and over and over

What the fuck

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6 months ago
Did I Post This One Yet

Did I post this one yet

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6 months ago


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6 months ago
Stop Light Shenanigans
Stop Light Shenanigans
Stop Light Shenanigans
Stop Light Shenanigans

Stop light shenanigans


Stop Light Shenanigans

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6 months ago


Commissions Open!

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5 months ago
Several digital doodles of Grace Chasity and Richie Lipschitz from Nerdy Prudes Must Die. There are two small doodles from the musical in the corner. One is from bully the bully with Grace patting Richie's shoulder while he says "What's our budget?!", and the other is from bury the bully with a manic Grace holding on to a frightened Richie. In another, Grace is seen holding on to a confused Richie from the front, while smugly saying "Ha! Richie's the only one who can't possibly have sexual thoughts about me!". Richie then replies "You don't know that (mischievous cat face)" as Grace gasps. Next to that doodle are small flags labeled as Richie and Grace head canons respectively. Richie's include aroace and gay, while Grace's include sapphic and demiromantic. In another doodle They stand next to each other with their backbacks on looking disgruntled and blushing slightly. Richie says "Stupid baka (in Japanese hiragana) Max Jägerman..." and Grace replies "Yeah... baka (in english)". In the last doodle they have their backpacks again and are having a conversation. Richie says "So Ruth really wants us to support her on opening night of her new play but Steph and Pete have a date that night and I really don't want to go to a musical alone... so... would you want to go with me?" looking nervous. Grace smiles and agrees saying "Sure!". Richie excitedly exclaims "Really?", and Grace says "Yeah, as long as it's not about hookers". In most of the doodles Richie is colored in a light blue, while Grace is colored in Pink.

I love both of these nerds so much, they are unhinged sillies. I feel like they have a love/hate friendship.

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5 months ago

Hi my name is Wiggog Y'rath Consumerism Wiggly Cross and I have long wiggly tentacles (that’s how I got my name) with green fur all over my body and wide yellow eyes like big spotlights and a lot of people tell me I look like Jon Matteson (AN: if u don’t know who he is get da hell out of here!). I’m not related to Wilbur Cross but I wish I was because he’s a major fucking hottie. I’m an eldritch horror but my teeth are straight and white. I have pale green skin. I’m also a Lord in Black, and I live in the Black and White with my four brothers and my stupid bitch sister (I’m the oldest). I’m a god (in case you couldn’t tell) and I wear mostly green. I love Hatchetfield and I get all my disciples from there. For example today in my human form I was wearing a green Letterman jacket with the letter W on it and some black pins, shiny green pants and a gold crown on my head. I was wearing a green dress shirt, a green tie, and a green backpack with a doll version of me on it. I was walking outside Hatchetfield High. There had been some dead bodies showing up recently so everyone was accusing each other of murder, which I was very happy about. A lot of PEIP agents stared at me. I put up my middle finger at them.

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5 months ago
a venn diagram between generation loss, gravity falls, and the hatchetfield saga. between generation loss and gravity falls it says "cipher text". between gravity falls and the hatchetfield saga it says "kids contact eldritch entities". between the hatchetfield saga and generation loss it says "the timeloop". in the middle of all three circles, it says "players on a stage + comedic relief hardcutting to the most horrific thing you've ever seen".

hello alternative horror tumblr. do you hear me

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5 months ago

Hello, tumblr user. Before you is a tumblr post asking you to name a female fictional character. You have unlimited time to tag a female character, NOT a male one.


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1 year ago

If Nerdy Prudes Must Die got a muppet adaption I think Max should be the only human because it would be so funny to see a guy enact terrible violence on a bunch of puppets like the level of cartoon violence you could get to would be insane and also it would make Literal Monster really funny bc not only is Max acting like a monster, but beside the rest of the cast, who are all muppets, he'd kind of look like a monster as well

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1 year ago

Thanks for todays Jon! :^D

Hes So Normal

he’s so normal

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11 months ago
Got Bored And Made A Nerdy Prudes Must Die Poster

Got bored and made a Nerdy Prudes Must Die poster

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11 months ago

i'd like to imagine that in a tgwdlm movie, the audience would be able to tell who is a part of the hivemind because the infected would be aware of the camera. this could imitate the feel of being an audience for a musical performance, with the added bonus of an extra layer of creepiness.

during numbers like "la dee dah dah day" the singers would be making direct eye contact with the audience for the vast majority of the song. there could be a scene where greenpeace girl is looking at the audience while paul confusedly tries to figure out what she's seeing, and as the camera pans, her eyes follow it, while paul's stay looking where the camera originally was. in "not your seed" the singers' awareness of the fourth wall would be less pronounced, since the lyrics are directed at bill, but it would still be noticeable. paul's involuntary dance moves in "let it out" could be accompanied by him looking at the audience and then blinking and shaking his head as though trying to stop seeing it. in "inevitable", the illusion of a happy ending is maintained until, when paul begins singing, there is a shot aimed at emma's back and, as paul hugs her, he looks into the camera.

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11 months ago

This moment was pivotal in my development I think

I'm Authorizing You To Use My Firearm.
I'm Authorizing You To Use My Firearm.
I'm Authorizing You To Use My Firearm.
I'm Authorizing You To Use My Firearm.
I'm Authorizing You To Use My Firearm.

I'm authorizing you to use my firearm.

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11 months ago

I know this guy.

GIVE COREY DORRIS A LEAD ROLE I BEG🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ sorry i'm thinking abt him a lot lately

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