Endos Dni - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

Will you ever give your SP?

Probably nope, at least not in public

But this doesn't make we won't be doing SP tours if someone is interested :3

SP is too personal for us, like yeah we like have a lot of things in trusted friends and private, but still of that it's like talking about parts of us that we can't even accept

Adding to that we have a horrible paranoia and tend to split (BPD) a lot that makes us delete our current friends if not so closed, so even if I added you in a bad moment I can delete you, or someone else will do it because they don't know you

Adding adding to that our ex principal host and a very important alter of our sys made all the decoration and things and feels very itchy about someone else looking at his "unfinished job" cofcof @rowlpy cofcof

We would add people if we get to enough confidence with them, if we call you a friend directly and have a good interaction you can ask for it and after some talk probably gonna give it to you, but be aware that deleting can happen without us telling it before

Also our SP is in spaniglish so... XD (A mix of spanish and english)

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7 months ago

Whats otc / Oct endo

Idk where you saw that, I thought I deleted all about that stance lol

Well anyways, oct endo is a stance about your opinion to endos, is very complex but we can just put it as

"I'm not against endo neither I agree with them, I'm in a position where I have opinions and critics to put end to this system fight for endos to have their own separate spaces as I do believe they can experience world as a different way but they're not actual systems, they can feel/be plural but not in the system way, they have to get better and the community is horrible"

Yk it's pretty complex and I have a whole ass thing wrote down that explains this stace but I don't want more of this syscourse shit if it's not with people I'm comfortable at so yeah, it's kinda complex

If you want to know I'm more aligned to the anti-endo part but I don't consider myself as one, I used to be but I simply don't feel like one nor I care about endo syscourse anymore ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

So yeah, hope this shitty answer is kinda useful in some way, I'm totally open in DM to a more in depth explanation about this and a better answering questions but I won't probably be doing more public things about this stance because I don't fucking care anymore about the stupid endo syscourse lol

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7 months ago

Also add a category for "you can but PLEASE be CAUTIOUS"

Talking about alter roles, some super specific alter roles can put you in danger while talking about it, so it's important to have that in mind

The DOs and DON'Ts of your online privacy as a DID/DDNOS system.

Openly being a DID/DDNOS system online can be dangerous, as it may lead to harassment or other risks for your safety. These are some tips for online privacy as a system: for newly discovered systems, younger systems and anyone who might need advice.

❌️ DON'Ts

❌️ DON'T easily give away your Simply Plural/PluralKit/Octocon access. Those system tracking apps/bots are full of sensitive information about you and other people might use them to hurt you, so it's fundamental to set visibility levels on your general system profiles, alter profiles and fields. When setting any kind of visibility level where information is shared with even one other person, ask yourself: "What do we gain by sharing this?" and "Can this piece of information be potentially dangerous for us if shared?" ;

❌️ DON'T share your triggers publicly, even the non-negative ones. People might take advantage of you in the future by purposefully triggering certain alters out. If you want to share triggers with other people as a sort of emergency measure, then carefully choose people you trust such as partners, close friends, guardians, family members or your therapist. No one aside from yourself is entitled to know what's triggering for you, if someone keeps demanding to know then vocalize how it's highly sensitive information and set a clear boundary ;

❌️ DON'T share the body's face online if you are not aware of the risks, especially if you are bodily a minor. Unfortunately some groups of people might harass you to extreme ends just because you're openly a system online: if you show the body's face online you can become their target for bullying and/or they might even try to dox you. Of course this is dangerous for bodily adult systems too, but for minor bodied systems doxxing can be even more risky for a variety of reasons. If you want to post photos of the system's body, don't do it on your system's social media account or on a public discord server: do it on a separate account non-system centered ;

❌️ DON'T share alot of details about your disorder on social media. Publicly highlighting details about your disorder (ex. being a survivor of organized abuse, splitting very easily from stress, having other specific comorbidities, etc...) can gain the attention of ill intentioned people that might potentially try to hurt you by manipulating you. If you want to talk about those things online, save that information for conversations in safe spaces with people you trust. However if you want to spread awareness of some things that affect your experience as part of a system but can also put a target on yourself, then take some extra cautionary measures by not posting too much personal information ;

✅️ DOs

✅️ DO set boundaries on your profile based on whatever feels comfortable. It's your social media page and it's understandable if you feel like certain groups of people should not interact with your content: boundaries are important in everyday life and that should be the same online. Aside from DNI lists, on Tumblr specifically there are many other things you can do to filter content (mainly blocking people and filtering tags) and to prevent harassment (reporting, not allowing anonymous asks, not allowing asks at all or not allowing asks with media attached to them) which can be both quite useful too ;

✅️ DO take breaks from social media when some situations online are starting to take a toll on your mental health. It doesn't matter if it's syscourse related, harassment or just general drama: when it starts to be something heavy for you then take a break to take your mind of things. Learn when enough is enough. It's important to remember that you decide how much time you'll need in order to feel better, you shouldn't be pressured into coming back ;

✅️ DO be careful on the tags you use related to system spaces. Systemblr is extremely divided on many things and misusing a tag can make people accuse you of invading certain spaces, this would probably result in you being a target for harassment. Before using a tag in one of your post, make sure you know what that tag is used for to not cause misunderstandings and/or other issues ;

✅️ DO establish a clear level of privacy with the rest of the system. If possible, try to communicate and discuss how much you collectively want to share with the public about the system (such as names or other information about the system's members) and what is best to keep private. Remember that if another system online does it, it doesn't mean you should do it too: always do whatever feels comfortable and not what someone else does ;

Do add more advice in the comments or reblogs if necessary, systems online deserve to be safe just like anybody else.

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7 months ago

Hi, just to make things clear

If you think is ok to assume people's stances in certain discourses based on their boundaries, or think that boundaries and stances are the same thing

Please, respectfully, get out of my blog

I don't like in any kind of way people who start assuming things about others based on boundaries and then claim that their assumption is true when in fact might not be true, boundaries and stances when discourses might be hand in hand but no always and I hate that people think that


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6 months ago

I just made two emojis and I'm kinda wanting to do a blog for emojis now...

Idk, maybe I'll do it , depends if someone likes the emojis, here's the two ones that I just made

I Just Made Two Emojis And I'm Kinda Wanting To Do A Blog For Emojis Now...
I Just Made Two Emojis And I'm Kinda Wanting To Do A Blog For Emojis Now...

Idk, thanks for voting guys :3

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6 months ago

I was bored a couple days ago so I made a silly little drawing of me, the main host of the system and our systemsona and I feel like sharing it with you guys

I Was Bored A Couple Days Ago So I Made A Silly Little Drawing Of Me, The Main Host Of The System And

I think is insane how much of a difference is between me and the collective avatar we have, it's so fun and silly

This was just a little practice to get use to drawing with my new phone so it's not as detail and well done as I'd like it to be, but is still cute in my opinion lol

Well that's all see ya

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6 months ago

The thing is we have two sysonas, one that represents us like we normally are and one that's an internal joke between close friends, more like a meme sysona

So I was bored and decided to draw the two sysonas meeting, here it is, a random sysonas drawing

The Thing Is We Have Two Sysonas, One That Represents Us Like We Normally Are And One That's An Internal

Yeah I bet you can guess which one is the joke one and which one is the one that represents us always lmao

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5 months ago


Have you ever heard about the famous inktober thing that happens all years? Well I like the idea but not the list, so while I was thinking I decided I'll do my own inktober with a special theme, system!

This is done just for fun, a creative and random activity for all the systems out there that want to join, if you think this is dumb, cringe or something like that well just scroll and don't do it lmao

Although inktober is for artists you don't have to draw to participate, if you want to make collages or write about it go ahead and do it, tho it's true that the challenge is more aligned to drawing

You don't know what systober is? Well it's a challenge consisting on drawing each day of october one thing that will depend of the challenge you choose to do, in this case, would be about your system

Here's the list


If you have a question about what means something you can ask us and we'll happily answer your questions

If you're gonna participate in this it would be highly appreciated if you use one of this two hashtags for your posts #systober #systober 2024

Important note, this challenge is not for endos, endos DNI with us, this post or the systober

That's all I have to say, I hope to see at least one system besides me participating in this activity, see ya and thanks, have a fantastic day/night!

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5 months ago

how do i make custom fields, i only have the basic fields and i wanna make my own custom ones

This question is more appropriate for @syspport so I answered there in a post that dives in all the important info about cystom fields

Here's the link of the post for easy access

Sorry for the long wait lmao

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5 months ago

Our syscourse code

Just to make sure, we're open about asks about this and maybe some debates, but if you're not respectful we're just gonna delete it, and if you feel our stances bad or shit like that you're free to block us and unfollow our sideblogs, we're just doing this because we feel like and so the answers are gonna have some more in depth explantion

This is not meant to be a place for attacks, any kind of comment about that would be deleted and reblogs doing with that kind of thing I will block the account without hessitation

Also, endos DNI, don't care if this is tagged with the syscourse tag, it's just because it has to do not because I want you to interact, I gift free blocks yk?

[Syscourse code link]

Question one - Do you believe in endogenic plurality

🤚(NA) - I believe in it but am against it / 👇(NU) - Other

To dive a bit better I do believe in the possibility of experiencing something similar to plurality without the disorder, does this means it would be the same kind of plurality than systems with CDD? Of course not because they're not the same thing, even some people with the disorder don't consider themselves plurals/systems so saying is an only CDD experience it's kinda wonky

I don't believe there's such a thing like "endo system" because system in the context of plurality has been use to explain the CDDs so using it for another types of internal experience that has nothing to do is straight up ableist

I'm also against the endo community because of the way the present and handle thing

It's more like, shit the non CDD "plurals" ruined themselves LMAO /vneg

Question two - Opinion on tulpas

💛 (TC) - I think it is cultural appropriation, and other terms are better

Like if you practice that for real good use it, but many people that use the term tulpa is straight up appropriation and they can find better terms for that :/

Question three - Do you think endos just don't remember their trauma

📘(NETR) - People sometimes misunderstand their identity, it doesn't mean everyone is misunderstanding / not remembering.

It's a big it depends case yk? Understanding yourself it's hard

Question four - Opinion on shared spaces

🔸(NSP) - Shared spaces are good but there should also be specific spaces for disordered, traumagenic, endogenic, etc spaces.

It's good to have shared spaces even outside the plural things, but it's' also important to have specific spaces for the ones who don't want to be in more general ones or want to be in a more specific side if they need to, just like any other space it's good to have the general one and the specific one and respect each others boundaries

Question five - Do you think endogenic plurality is comparable to transX

🟢(TXU) - Not unless the person themselves considers their plurality transX

I believe that transX or trans-ID as I called them is one of the worst shits and I can't believe it's possible to be "transplural" in any kind of way, so yeah don't compare something that can happen with a shit thing

Question six - Do you think you can have DID/OSDD/UDD without trauma

🌑(DTNO) - No

No need to explain myself lol

Question seven - Do you think introjects from other cultures should be able to use that culture's names if they aren't bodily part of it (eg. Japanese introject using Japanese names, while in a white body)

🟦(CNNU) - Other

It has been brought to my attention that people don't really understand what a closed culture is and it's really annoying me, they're policing something they don't fully understand and most of the time is for moral superiority or social pressure especially in the system community which is fucking toxic and shit

Names that are really closed it's not ok to keep them if not given as their disrespectful to the culture, but even with some cultures being close that doesn't mean the names will be closed

So it's more of depends on the name context rather than "the name is from x culture?"

Question eight - Opinion on researched self diagnosis

🌳(SDXI) - If the person has done extensive research it's okay / ☘️(SDXNU) - Other

I don't believe one can diagnose oneself as the disorders are very complex and has a lot of things going on, specially when a lot of things go an overlap with symptoms and conduct behavior on the individual, not just when talking about complex dissociative disorders but for any kind of mental health disorder

Just like physical things you can't diagnosis with some body sickness, sure you can have your suspicions and recognize you might have something based on what you know about it but you can be correct or incorrect about your suspicions, the same happens here

I don't believe you can diagnosis yourself, I believe you can self recognize to have a complex dissociative disorder but using medical diagnosis names while it's just a suspicions I think is wrong, doing enough research like a very good one that takes you several reading months I see that the recognizement of the symptoms can be explained by the system phenomena, but don't claim a specific type of CDD please, that's something only the professionals can do

Question nine - Sysmed as a term

🗯(IDN) I do not want to have an opinion on this

I'm still forming my opinion on this one and therefore I don't want to be in the opinion discourse about this

Question ten - Traumascum as a term

🥖(TSH) - I think it's harmful / 🥧(TSA) - I am against it

This is harmful and ableist as shit, why do people even think this is ok to use? Wtf 💀

Question eleven - Endogenic systems using the term 'system'

🦎(ESD) - If they are diagnosed / 🐲 (ESO) - I think they should use other terms

If they have the diagnosis of a complex dissociative disorder they can use the term system just for describing the alters, if they're gonna describe another part that isn't dissociated and therefore a symptom of the disorder use another term, just like using two different terms at the same time to be respectful with the disorder, yk what I mean?

Question twelve - Endogenic systems using the term 'alter'

🐛 (EAD) - If they are diagnosed / 🐝 (ESO) - I think they should use other terms

Is the same explanation as the above just change system with alters and that, doesn't have lot of backup explaining outside that

Question thirteen - Xeno-origins

🐬(XEN) - I don't understand their purpose

I genuinely can't understand them

So yea that's all, probably I'll make a blog just for talking about syscourse if I feel like or if I have a lot of asks surrounding this post in my inbox because I don't want this to be a syscourse blog because I'm honestly stressed as fuck when it comes to the stupidity of syscourse talking

That's all byeeee

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5 months ago

As the one who made the list, yeah bro

The systober it's just for fun, if you want to skip a day, don't do it, do it late, just specific days go ahead

The activity is just for fun and not to be seen as an obligation

We're super busy and stressed over irl shit rn but we wanna do systober so badddd

Yall think it'd be okay if we did it late? /genq

-🧟‍♂️ (He/him)

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5 months ago

Just so you know people doing the systober, I actually go through the tags once in a while and like all the posts I see with it, so if I don't like your systober day it's because you didn't use the tag, that simple

Also I don't have a problem being tagged in your days, actually makes my work of liking al systober content easier lmao

Sorry but all the post with the syspunk tag are gonna be ignored xp

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5 months ago

Random thing, I made a systober archive blog so if you wanna follow it so you can see all the cool stuff under the systober tag in a more organized and cool way


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5 months ago

Ask game! >:p


🐎 - how often do your alters think about the Trojan empire?

Idk what this could mean like a metaphor? But some alters do think about that time to time to have random discussion about the trojan empire lmao

🙄- What's the most annoying thing about being a system?

I'll say probably amnesia, forgetting almost all about yesterday every day it's very annoying because my memory it's pretty shitty and if isn't something my brain see as important I will forget it

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5 months ago

🗺 - What is your headspace like? (If you have one)

It's a very complex place and it's huge

It's decided by layers but I only have access to one and knowledge about like 5? I'm not super into that because that's not my role and I don't usually go there

In the main later there is a store and many random places that are more specific for system function and some houses

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5 months ago

💫🧡💗 for the ask game!!!


Ask game here

💫 - what's your headcount (if you know)?

More than 1300 but like 70% of them are fragments lol

🧡 - do you source-identify?

Kind of, it depends on many factors because in some things I do source-identify and in other I don't

💗 - do you dress up the body in a certain way when you front, or do you not mind how it's already dressed?

Normally we dress up in ways that we like but some alters do little modifications in the appearance to be more comfortable

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5 months ago

I'm feeling so fucking bad for a lot of reasons, one of the reasons will probably read this post

Thanks to multiple factors my blogs will be in an undefined hiatus, there's a lot going on in my life and I need to prioritize myself, not leaving Tumblr because I want to but because I don't have the mind to be social and with them seeing my posts I don't even feel comfortable posting like I was before

I will keep posting in three specific blogs that are the userbox, coining and emojis blogs, also I'll be reposting in the systober blog, outside those blogs I won't be posting, even this blog will be on hiatus

Maybe I'll be answering some asks that appear in my inbox of this blog, if I don't see them bad I will answer them because I like Tumblr at the end of the day so feel free to use the inbox here, but don't expect an answer as it will depend on my mood

Mutuals can DM and chat with me but don't expect fast answers as I'm gonna be pretty inactive on Tumblr thanks to fucking paranoia and other personal problems

So yeah this is a bye... Maybe in December or even the next year I'll be fully back(? I'm not sure at this point, I need to feel safe and with social battery first

I'm gonna leave a small post on all my more active blogs about the hiatus so you can expect them to so closing inbox TT

Idk what more to say... See ya

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5 months ago

Hiii!! This might be a kinda weird ask, but we remember your answer to an ask game a while ago where you mentioned having different levels of the fragment->alter scale and we were just really curious and were wondering if you’d be willing to share more in depth abt that?? /nf ofc, just wondering cause it sounds like a really neat form of organization!! :3

-Kinito (it/he/they) 💾 <33

Oh yeah sure, I'm not going to go in super in depth here because personal preference but if you find interesting enough what I say here and you want to know more about you can totally ask in dm

We have two main categories for seeing formation here, we have the persmos and the canvas, I'm gonna explain both categories in a simple way, just that canvas will not have a very good explanation

The persmos are divided on 7 sections that are:

Alter-1A = Formed 90-100%

Alter-1B = Formed 75-90%

Demifragter-2A = Formed 55-75%

Demifragter-2B = Formed 45-55%

Demifragter-2C = Formed 30-45%

Fragment-3A = Formed 20-30%

Fragment-3B = Formed 5-20%

We tend to only recognize this ones as the only important enough to register them in our simply plural or acknowledge their existence, so after that we don't tend to keep a register of the rest

After the persmo category all the ones that have a 5 or less formation are put in the canvas category which have their own specification depending on many factors

For personal comfort we're not gonna dive in depth on how the canvas category works outside that they're fragments that don't even tend to have their own conscious neither being aware they exists and therefore are classified depending on how they help or what they can do for the system function

Hope this answered and sorry for taking so fucking long to answer this lmao

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5 months ago

I didn't expect this but here we go

We actually have multiple front rooms tho we just know good about the main front room as it is... Well the main one lol

It's just a huge room with a super big console, some chairs and other specific rooms like extensions, idk it's very strange to explain it

Idk who to tag, however that wants to do it go ahead 😭

system tag game ! :D

endos do not interact !!

do you have a fronting room ? if so , what does it look like ? how does each headmate feel about the fronting room ?

@rigormortisangel @fangsinyourheart @munebat @sacryficing /nf , and uhhh any other sys mutuals i’m blanking sorry fellas

my fronting room is a giant cardboard box , details are to be figured out i guess ?? i think its really silly /pos , oscar loves it because it likes closed spaces , mordu thinks it’s stupid , i don’t know crash’s opinions , and idk if zephyr’s even been here lol !

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9 months ago



If you don't care idc just dni

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