Paul Mathews - Tumblr Posts
I was listening to Made In America cause I do NOT like the Black Friday music and Im trying to like it (which is successful), and when Jon yells "Enough!" And the president says he fucked up or something Wiggly says "y o u >:[" and its really funny 😭

I have never drawn Jon before, forgive me

Its so stupid I love it
So I have 6 voice actors who have auditioned so far
I'm not going to be picking official voice actors until I have everything story boarded ^_^
Currently I have like 10 seconds story boarded, and it's actually around 25 seconds long ( honestly, that's better for me, I have so much school and college stuff to be doing AHAJBDMA SBMAN)
So to the silly fella's (gender neutral) who have auditioned THANK YOU SO MUCH <333
(again, if you wanna audition again my disc is hopex4, so friend me and then you can send the audition thingy ^_^ for people who cannot friend, just comment your user and I'll friend you)
Here's some Paul for my appreciation for everyone gajdbamndn

Ft. A convo my prod teacher had with the drawing
I feel like Paul is underated
That or I'm not reaching the Paul fans

My teachers absolutely adore all the Hatchetfield characters
Also I'm infecting the Mama Mia cast with this fandom LMAO
My friend and I are dressing as Ted and Paul to go to my schools production of Mama Mia and I keep imagining our convos as them and then I remembered I can edit images

More of my friend and I causing havoc with our names and pfps <33


I went as Paul, one of my friends was Emma and the other was Ted!
Very fun
Little rant ↓
The actors were amazing (one of them was AWOOGA HOLY SHIT- he played Same and -chefs kiss- fine man right there TEEHEE [respectful]). The nightmare scene was so cool and terrifying- the stage had glow in the dark paint on it AND HOLS SHIT IT WAS AMAZING??? And during Money Money Money, everyone except for Donna and I think her two friends were wearing black suits with red ties- HELLO???? AMAZING
Goodnight Hatchetfield
Platonic Paulkotho cause Theater Nerd x Theater Phobia but one of them doesn't know shit about humans is funny

Pspspppspspss Paul is the drama mask pspspsps

I'm slow and excited I'm sorry
Guys guess who my favorite LIB is, you'll never know

Paul Headcanons cause I have an obsession
• Paul is an only child. He just acts like one, idk what to tell you (I am an only child)
• He's the type of guy to carry a breath spray with him everywhere because he's so paranoid about his breathing smelling like coffee (he also has altoids in his purse 24/7)
• Paul has a purse that he refuses to call a purse. He puts extra stuff in it and carries it when he goes on walks
• He doesn't like listening to music anymore, but when he did his favorite songs were California Girls and Wrecking Ball (I will NOT explain)
• He owns a DS and still plays games on it (once when Emma was over she found it when looking for something she misplaced and laughed at him as like a "lmao this is silly," way and Paul hides it in his room under his pillow when Emma comes over to prevent that from happening again)
Forgot to post these <\3

Been giggling over this man for like 15 minutes

Why does he
Why /pos
Really random things I have noticed cause I listen to all the Hatchetfield songs on repeat dear lord help me It's all Hatchetfield, ITS ALSLS HATCENAT
Ahem people probably know these already just let me go insane <\3
•In let it out, Prof. Hidgens says "and I know it's a singular voice, Paul," which is also Pokey's title- The Singular Voice.
•What Do You Want Paul can be considered a really bad summary I think. Paul doesn't know what he wants, so he becomes apart of the hive. He's unsure when he tells Bill he'll go with him to save Alice and overall after What Do You Want Paul whenever he has to make a decision he's just unsure (excluding before America Is Great Again and after Show Stoppin' Number)
•In Show Me Your Hands one of the cops says 'Her cat is dead' which I find funny cause 1. Charolette wears a cat sweater and later dies 2. Hey, Melissa reference before it came out I'm gonna sob
•I find it so funny it's called The Guy Who DIDN'T Like Musicals. I remember when I first watched it I said "This implies he starts liking them," and that's exactly what happened-
•BACK TO WHAT DO YOU WANT PAUL- In Let It Out, HE FUCKING- HE SAYS "It doesn't matter what I want," FURTHER PROVING THAT BECAUSE PAUL DOESN'T HAVE A SET GOAL HE DIES- and even MORE he gets a whole like 30 seconds singing about what he might want. "Am I crazy," for hating musicals "I don't think so- maybe I've always been," crazy for not liking them (read that as one sentence without the thingys [""] and the without the words not in them- then together if that makes sense <\3)
•In Let It Out and Inevitable there is a very audible difference between the hives voice and Paul's voice
•In Tied Up My Heart, Sam tells Charlotte to 'break him open' and that's what Sam does to Charlotte. Yes he says "Now I'm gonna free up your heart, Charlotte," but I'm pretty sure the human heart isn't located in the stomach <3
•Also in Tied Up My Heart- Sam says "I don't wanna die alone," and he doesn't. He dies with Charlotte <3 relationship goals frfr
•"Do you wanna save the planet? Of course you wanna save the planet, well there's just one way you can do it by singing a song," and that's what he does, thank you Lah Dee Dah Dah Day.
If you know where these are from we are getting smoothies together

Friend and I were casually reading the TGWDLM script as one does and I can't stop thinking about the beginning 'cut' lines and details

"he leaves Bill to wallow in misery"
"Ted slides into his path on an office rolling-chair. Ted wears a bluetooth headset"

Kind of

"Maybe we could make a night of it. Do mini-golf or somethin'"
Charlotte no-

would you perhaps draw Paul meeting human form Wiggly and questioning the implications of this eldritch god having his face…

care for a chat, mister matthews?
Look I'm just saying IF Paul were a theater kid he would so play Billy Flynn in Chicago-
Hear me out.
It just makes sense for because I said so.
Idk who this is but I like them

It was supposed to be Paul but I don't think that's Paul